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  • 14. Укажите, являются ли эти предложения верными (

  • 15. Переведите на английский язык.

  • 16. Выберите правильный вариант.

  • 17. A man – men – men’s

  • 18. A woman – women – women’s

  • (The Imperative) 1. Прочтите и переведите следующие предложения.

  • 3. Соотнесите колонку чисел с колонкой букв по смыслу.

  • . Измените предложения на отрицательные, заменяя выделенные слова объектными местоимениями.

  • 6. Составьте предложения из таблицы.

  • 7. Преобразуйте предложения, используя вместо подчеркнутых слов соответствующие местоимения.

  • 8. Отрицайте данные предложения.

  • 9. Используйте нужную форму повелительного наклонения ( Do, Don’t Let’s ) и одно из данных слов по смыслу.

  • 10. Знаете ли вы эти выражения Проверьте себя по словарю и запомните их. Употребите их в предложениях по смыслу.

  • 1.9. Have (Got) 1. Прочтите и переведите на русский язык.

  • 2. Употребите правильную форму глагола to have .

  • 3. Составьте предложения из данных слов.

  • 4. Напишите согласно примеру.

  • 5. Согласитесь с данными утверждениями или опровергните их.

  • 6. Вставьте have got (‘ve got), has got (‘s got), haven’t got or hasn’t got.

  • 8. Задайте вопросы к подчеркнутым словам.

  • 9. Составьте вопросительные () или отрицательные (-) предложения с have .

  • 11. Прочитайте три истории и расскажите о себе (своем друге, маме, папе и т.д.).

  • Англ.Куклина А.И. Киреева Л.В. Английский язык. Английский язык

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    13. Закончите рассказ, используя (-’s) или (-s’).

    The two girls disappeared from 1) their grandmother … garden in Ilkley yesterday evening.

    Josie and Cara Sharp, aged 7 and 9, were staying at 2) their grandparents … house for a week. They were in Ilkley for a 3) children … theatre course. The police have asked the course teachers for 4) the other hildren … names and addresses, and they have also put 5) Josie and Cara photos on local television. 6) The two girls … mother, Mrs Jenna Sharp, has appeared on TV as well. A shopkeeper thinks she saw Josie and Cara getting into 7)a man … car; police officers have asked for 8) the shopkeeper … help with a photofit picture of the man. The police have also got 9) local people … help in looking for the girls near the town.

    14. Укажите, являются ли эти предложения верными (right) или неверными (wrong). Найдите и исправьте ошибки.

    1. The people of this village were going to celebrate an important festival in a few day’s time.

    2. He put his opponent name on the card with the wine.

    3. At nine o’clock every day the manager’s secretary drew a red line in the register book to show that those who put their names below the line were late.

    4. Carol and Susan were in the same class at school and they often visited each other home at weekends.

    5. In the US gifts by a company or a person to charity which is approved by the government can be used to reduce the company’s or the person’s tax.

    6. The waiter seeing that the young man face got pale thought that he might be going to faint. So he emptied a cold water’s glass on the young man head. Then he included the cost of water in the bill.

    7. The farmer had tied his table’s napkin round his neck.

    8. It was one of those weighing –machines that gave cards on which one fortune is printed as well as one weight.

    9. He was worried because he couldn’t pay his tailor’ bills.

    10. I’m that men’s tailor.

    15. Переведите на английский язык.

    1. Муж моей сестры архитектор.

    2. Где сумочки этих женщин?

    3. Глаза кошки зеленые.

    4. Игрушки детей в большом ящике.

    5. День рождения моего отца в мае.

    6. Как зовут того молодого человека?

    7. Дайте мне тетради ваших учеников.

    8. Отец моего друга – инженер, мать моего друга – преподаватель.

    9. Чья это сумка? – Это сумка Ани.

    10. Чьи это словари? – Это словари студентов.

    11. Это бабушкино кресло.

    12. Комната моего брата большая и светлая.

    13. Новый клуб архитекторов находится в современном здании.

    14. Вчерашняя газета очень интересная.

    15. Чьи это деньги? – Это деньги моего друга.

    16. Где находится дом твоей сестры?

    17. Какого цвета новые брюки твоего отца? – Они темно-синие.

    18. Советы моей мамы всегда полезны.

    19. Его нет на работе сейчас. Он в двухнедельном отпуске.

    16. Выберите правильный вариант.

    1. … are green.

    A The eyes of Helen B Helen’s eyes C Helens’ eyes

    2. … is old.

    A My father’s car B My fathers’ car C The car of my father

    3. I don’t remember ….

    A the book’s title B the title of the book C the title’s book

    4. Write your name at ….

    A the top’s page B the tops’ page C the top of the page

    5. Is this …?

    A Melanies’ house B Melanie’s house C the house of Melanie

    6. … is Pippin.

    A My cat’s name B My cats’ name C My cats name

    7. … are red.

    A The trees leaves B The tree’s leaves C The leaves of the tree

    8. That is the ….

    A last month’s magazine B last months magazine C last’s month magazine

    9. The girl shook … hand.

    A the man’s B the mans’ C the mans’

    10. Have you ever met my … husband?

    A my sister’s-in law B my sisters’-in-law C my sister-in-law’s

    11. I look after … children.

    A James’ and Karen B James and Karen’s C James’s and Karen

    12. … bicycles are being repaired.

    A Sarah and David’s B Sarah’s and David C Sarah’s and David’s

    17. A man – men – men’s?

    1. … has an easier time dressing than a woman.

    2. … always wear pants.

    3. … clothes tend to be conservative.

    4. … may express themselves by having a bright tie.

    5. … casual clothes may have designer’s names or logos.

    18. A woman – women – women’s?

    1. … sometimes wear dresses , sometimes pants.

    2. So … may have a hard time deciding what to wear.

    3. … clothes tell a lot about her.

    4. They say if … doesn’t wear bright colours she is shy.

    5. But … clothes are more colourful than men’s in general.

    1.8. Повелительное наклонение

    (The Imperative)
    1. Прочтите и переведите следующие предложения.

    1. Give her some water, please.

    2. Don’t show him your design.

    3. Read the new words, please.

    4. Let students write reports about space.

    5. Let’s discuss this problem at the conference.

    6. Don’t help him to solve the problem. Let him do it himself.

    7. Let’s tell them about our work.

    8. Let’s open the window. It’s hot here.

    9. Don’t ask me so many questions.

    10. Let them clean the classroom. It’s very dirty.

    11. Let her call me tonight.

    12. Don’t let the children go out. Let them stay at home. It’s very cold and windy today.

    13. Be at home at 5. I’ll call on you.

    14. Don’t be late for lessons. You must be on time.

    2. Поставьте глагол в повелительное наклонение.

    Пример: Tell him to close the door. – Close the door, please.

    1. Tell him to tell you the time.

    2. Ask him to send a telegram.

    3. Ask him to write a letter.

    4. Tell him to come to the meeting on time.

    5. Ask him to be at home in the evening.

    6. Ask him to repeat his telephone number again.

    7. Ask him to come here tomorrow.

    8. Tell him to take these books.

    9. Ask her to go to the park now.

    3. Соотнесите колонку чисел с колонкой букв по смыслу.

    1. Wake a. at her! She’s beautiful.

    2. Look b. to Liz. It’s hers.

    3. Help c. to your room!

    4. Give this d. up You’re late!

    5. Do e. me! I can’t move.

    6. Go f. your homework now!

    4. Измените предложения на отрицательные, заменяя выделенные слова объектными местоимениями.

    1. Give John the ball! Don’t give him the ball!

    2. Look at Julie! …

    3. Eat the ice-cream! …

    4. Tell Susan the news! …

    5. Look at the cat! …

    6. Listen to Anna and Mark! …

    7. Give the money to Helen and me! …

    8. Open the window! …

    9. Look at the children! …

    10. Make a sandwich for Sam! …

    5. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на употребление повелительного наклонения.

    1. Let’s hurry home.

    2. Let’s tell him about our plan.

    3. Let her tell us the news.

    4. Let him bring us a little juice.

    5. Let me show you some nice pictures.

    6. Let’s do these exercises.

    7. Let him speak English, Mr. Douglas doesn’t understand him.

    8. Let me tell you something interesting.

    9. Let them read this letter.

    10. Let the students go home.

    6. Составьте предложения из таблицы.


    tell the architect about your new project

    begin the work

    show our design to the boss

    ask him some questions

    do this work now

    thank Mr. Crowford for his help

    put the documents into the safe

    sit down here

    learn some new words

    telephone the parents as soon as possible

    give this student a little time

    Пусть она

    Пусть он

    Пусть они

    Разрешите мне

    7. Преобразуйте предложения, используя вместо подчеркнутых слов соответствующие местоимения.

    Пример: Let his brother open the window. – Let him open the window.

    1. Let Ann do it.

    2. Let ourparents buy us a new car.

    3. Let Jim park the car.

    4. Let thatgentleman come in.

    5. Let thepeople wait a little.

    6. Let mymother make coffee.

    7. Let Tom phone me in the evening

    8. Let thesecretary type this document at once.

    9. Let thesestudents come to the meeting.

    8. Отрицайте данные предложения.

    1. Let your child go out alone.

    2. Let my mother speak to the professor.

    3. Let your cat sit on the table.

    4. Call me so late.

    5. Watch TV so long.

    6. Let this boy speak so loud.

    7. Be angry.

    8. Let him be afraid.

    9. Let our lessons be over.

    10. Let him ask stupid questions.

    9. Используйте нужную форму повелительного наклонения (Do, Don’t Let’s) и одно из данных слов по смыслу.

    wake, break, wash, turn on, play, move, open, close, be, have.

    1. I’m bored. … a game.

    2. Always … your hands before you sit at the table.

    3. The baby is sleeping. … her.

    4. It’s our anniversary next week. … a party.

    5. … late. Your father will be angry.

    6. … ! There’s a spider on your head.

    7. That vase is expensive. … it.

    8. … the oven door and put the meat inside.

    9. It’s getting dark. … the light, please.

    10. I’m cold. … the windows, please.

    10. Знаете ли вы эти выражения? Проверьте себя по словарю и запомните их. Употребите их в предложениях по смыслу.

    1-5: Be careful! Have a good journey / holiday Help! Hurry up! Look out! Sleep well.

    6-11: Come in. Don’t forget …. Don’t worry. Follow me. Have some (more) …. Make yourself at home. Sit down. Wait for me. … Look out!

    There’s a child crossing the road in front of you.

    1. …. We’re going to be late.

    2. …. There’s ice on the steps.

    3. …. I can’t swim.

    4. “….” “Thanks. I’ll send you a postcard.”

    5. “I’m going to bed.” “Goodnight. ….“

    6. “I’ll be home late tonight.” “OK. … your keys.”

    7. …. I can’t walk as fast as you!”

    8. “… coffee.” “No thanks. If I drink any more I won’t be able to sleep.”

    9. “I’d like to speak to the manager, please.” “ Of course, sir. …, please.”

    10. “Jill’s gone into hospital.” …. She’ll be all right.”

    11. “Hello. … in and … down. Please ….”

    11. Переведите на английский язык, обратите внимание на разные формы повелительного наклонения.

    1. Принеси учебники и начинай учить! Не смотри телевизор!

    2. Иди в институт!

    3. Пусть он придет завтра!

    4. Пусть они возьмут эти книги в библиотеке.

    5. Давайте спать! Давайте не будем болтать!

    6. Давайте смотреть фильм!

    7. Будьте друзьями!

    8. Давайте не будем злиться!

    9. Пусть они выучат английский!

    10. Пусть он не приходит вечером!

    11. Дай мне подумать!

    12. Давайте подождем!

    13. Пусть они не переводят этот текст сами!

    14. Пусть она спросит у директора!

    15. Пусть он откроет окно.

    16. Не забудь документы дома.

    17. Разрешите мне представить моего друга.

    1.9. Have (Got)

    1. Прочтите и переведите на русский язык.

    1. I have a father.

    2. She has two sisters.

    3. We have one English class today.

    4. My brother has a good flat.

    5. They have three rooms in this flat.

    6. These students have very few friends in this city.

    7. We have a lot of free time.

    8. I have a lot of work to do today.

    9. She usually has a good time during her holidays.

    10. We have tea at 5 o’clock.

    11. I’m tired. Let’s have a rest.

    12. If you have a toothache, go to a dentist.

    2. Употребите правильную форму глагола to have.

    1. My father … four brothers.

    2. We … many teachers.

    3. My sister … a large room in this flat.

    4. He … good chalk.

    5. Our classroom … six windows.

    6. They … many English books.

    7. I … a new bag.

    8. My friends … many lessons today.

    9. Her mother and she … new coats.

    10. This table … four legs.

    11. Her cat … blue eyes.

    3. Составьте предложения из данных слов.

    1. she’s / hair / blonde /got.

    2. a /got / Mary’s / red / ball.

    3. goldfish / seven / got / he’s.

    4. a / got / they’ve / car / new.

    5. a / it’s / kite / yellow.

    6. big / a / it’s / house.

    4. Напишите согласно примеру.

    Пример: a) I haven’t got a pen. (a pencil)

    I haven’t got a pen. I’ve got a pencil.

    1. She hasn’t got a new computer. (an old one)

    2. I haven’t got a postcard. (an envelope)

    3. He hasn’t got a car. (a bicycle)

    4. She hasn’t got a grandfather. (a grandmother)

    5. I haven’t got a sister. (a brother)

    6. He hasn’t got a flat. (a room)

    7. They haven’t got a swimming pool. (a garden)

    Пример: b) I’ve got a black jacket. (a brown jacket)

    I haven’t got a brown jacket.

    1. He’s got a cousin. (a nephew)

    2. She’s got a cassette. (a video cassette)

    3. The girl has got an apple. (an orange)

    4. The Browns have got an old house. (a new one)

    5. We’ve got brown bread. (white bread)

    6. The child has got a new teddy bear. (a new car)

    7. My mother has got a brown bag. (a white bag)

    5. Согласитесь с данными утверждениями или опровергните их.

    1. You have a big family.

    2. Your father has 2 brothers.

    3. Your grandparents have a car.

    4. We have new English textbooks.

    5. Our classroom has one window.

    6. Your mother has blue eyes.

    7. Your flat has 2 rooms.

    8. The students of your group have 4 lessons every day.

    9. Students have a good time during their holidays.

    10. When you have a lot of work, you have a headache..

    11. Every summer you have a rest in the south.

    6. Вставьтеhave got (‘ve got), has got (‘s got), haven’t got or hasn’t got.

    1. Sarah hasn’t got a car. She goes everywhere by bicycle.

    2. They like animals. They ‘ve got three dogs and two cats.

    3. Charles isn’t happy. He … a lot of problems.

    4. They don’t read much. They … many books.

    5. “What’s wrong?” “I … something in my eye.”

    6. “Where’s my pen?” “I don’t know. I … it.”

    7. Julia wants to go to the concert but she … a ticket.

    7. Допишите предложения. Используйте have (has got) или haven’t (hasn’t got) и одно из следующих словосочетаний: a lot of friends, four wheels, six legs, a headache, a toothache, a key, much time, a garden.

    1. I’m not feeling very well. I ‘ve got a headache.

    2. It’s a nice house but it hasn’t got a garden.

    3. Most cars ….

    4. Everybody likes Tom. He ….

    5. I’m going to the dentist this morning. I ….

    6. He can’t open the door. He….

    7. An insect ….

    8. We must hurry. We ….

    8. Задайте вопросы к подчеркнутым словам.

    1. She has a small family.

    2. They have two English classes today.

    3. My grandparents have a house in the country-side.

    4. He has many friends.

    5. We have many lessons on Monday.

    6. I have a textbook in my bag.

    7. They have a comfortable flat.

    8. He has many problems, because he is lazy.

    9. We have tea at 5 o’clock.

    10. She usually has dinner at work.

    9. Составьте вопросительные (?) или отрицательные (-) предложения с have.

    1. What time … on Sundays? (you / lunch)

    2. The hotel bathroom is very dirty, so I …. (a shower)

    3. My brother usually gets up late and …. (breakfast)

    4. … before she goes to bed? (she / coffee)

    5. What … for breakfast? (you)

    6. Would you like to …? (a drink)

    7. My boss … (tea). He has strong coffee.

    8. When …? (students / holidays)

    10. Составьте вопросы.

    1. (you / an umbrella?)

    2. (you / a password?)

    3. (you father / a car?)

    4. (Carol / many friends?)

    5. (you / any brothers or sisters?)

    6. (how much money / we?)

    7. (what / kind of car / Julia?)

    11. Прочитайте три истории и расскажите о себе (своем друге, маме, папе и т.д.).

    1. Hi! My name’s Gloria Gusto. I’m an actress. I’m from London. I’ve got a flat in London and a house in Hollywood, with a swimming pool. I’ve got a new Rolls-Royce and a lot of money in the bank, I’ve got a husband and three wonderful children in Hollywood. Life’s great! I’ve got everything.

    2. Hello, my name’s Tom Atkins. I’m from London, too. I’m broke. I haven’t got any money. I haven’t got a job, or a house, or a car. I haven’t got a wife, and I haven’t got any children. Life’s terrible. I haven’t got anything.

    3. Look at this man. His name’s Terry Archer. He isn’t from London. He’s from Oxford. He’s a factory worker. He’s got a good job. He’s got a car. He hasn’t got a big house, he’s got a flat. He’s got a wife, but he hasn’t got any children. Life’s all right.

    4. Mr. Austin is a businessman. He is 45 years old. He is American. He is tall and slim with short dark hair and brown eyes. He is married and has got two children. Mr. Austin is very rich. He has got a big garden and a swimming-pool. Mr. Austin has got a big expensive fast car. In his free time he likes swimming and skiing. He can ski very well.

    12. Переведите.

    1. Когда вы обычно завтракаете? – Я завтракаю в 7 или в 7:30.

    2. У вашей мамы часто болит голова? – Нет, у нее бывают головные боли, только когда у нее слишком много работы.

    3. Не сиди дома. Сходи погуляй. – У меня нет времени. У меня очень много домашней работы.

    4. Почему вы ужинаете так поздно?

    5. Сколько лекций у него сегодня? – Если я не ошибаюсь, у него нет лекций.

    6. У нее есть английские книги дома? – Да, у нее несколько английских книг.

    7. У нас нет вопросов.

    8. Сколько у вас братьев и сестер? – У меня одна сестра.

    9. У меня нет компьютера дома.

    10. У него много друзей? – Нет, у него мало друзей.

    11. У вашего друга есть машина? – Да. – Какая у него машина? – Жигули.

    12. Какая у них квартира? – У них большая квартира в центре города.

    13. У нее сейчас очень мало денег.

    14. Какого цвета их новая машина? – Белая. – И сколько у них машин? – Две.

    15. Сколько у вашей сестры кошек? – У нее нет кошек. У нее две собаки.
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