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Content s. V. Shevtsova the intermediate modern english course. First year

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Exercise 34 p.20 Compare the following according to the model.
Model: the Don, the Dnieper, the Volga: long, short

1. The Don, the Dnieper and the Volga are long rivers.

2. The Dnieper is longer than the Don but shorter than the Volga.

3. The Volga is the longest of the three, and the Don is the shortest.
1. the Urals, the Pennines, the Alps: high, low; old, young, 2. the climate of Karelia, the Central Asia Republics, Siberia: damp, dry; cold, hot. 3. the Azov Sea, the White Sea, the Caspian Sea: deep, shallow; cold, warm. 4. the Behring Strait, the English Channel, the Gibraltar Strait: narrow, wide. 5. the four seasons of the year: spring, summer, autumn, winter; cold, warm; beautiful.
Exercise 35 p. 20 Use the following patterns in sentences of your own.
1. The weather today is better (worse) than it was yesterday.

2. This book is as interesting as that one.

3. The Thames is not so (as) long as the Dnieper.

4. He is twice as old as I am.

5. His library is much richer than mine.

6. She is two years younger than I (am).
Exercise 36 p. 21 Translate the following sentences.
1. Какой из шести континентов самый большой? 2. Какой самый короткий месяц в году? 3. Днем на улицах города гораздо больше транспорта, чем вечером. 4. Новые здания гостиниц более современные и они гораздо выше, чем старые. 5. Моя библиотека не столь интересна и богата, как библиотека моего друга. 6. Николай самый молодой из моих друзей. Ему столько же лет, сколько и моей младшей сестре. 7. Кто у них в семье самый старший из детей? 8. Летом у нас больше свободного времени, чем зимой. 9. В конце года у них в отделе вдвое больше работы, чем обычно. 10. Мой брат на три с половиной года старше меня.
Exercise 37 p. 21 Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the adjective given in the brackets. Use the article where necessary.
3. Moscow, the capital of the Russian Federation, is one of its — towns (old). It is — than St. Petersburg. (old). 4. Red Square is — place in Moscow (beautiful). In old days it was — place in Moscow (busy). 5. The Hermitage in St. Petersburg is one of — of the world's art museums (fine). There are — than two and a half million works of art of different ages, countries and peoples (many). 6. St. Petersburg, like Moscow, is one of — industrial centres in our country (important). 7. The British Museum in London is famous for its library, which has one of — collections of books in the world (rich). 8. The English Channel, at its — part, the Strait of Dover, is 32 kilometres wide (narrow). 9. Among the world's — countries are the Vatican, in Rome, and Monaco, which is situated in the South of France (small). 10. The Sears Tower in Chicago is the world's — all-electric building (tall). It is __ than the Empire State building (tall).
Degrees of Comparison of Adverbs

Exercise 45 p.68 Study the following chart.

Positive degree

Comparative degree

Superlative degree







exactly beautifully

more exactly

more beautifully

most exactly

most beautifully


oftener/more often

oftenest/most often


quicker/more quickly

quickest/most quickly



more slowly


most slowly













Exercise 46 p.69 Make up sentences, using the adverbs given in the chart according to the following model.
Model: Nick speaks French well, Ann speaks French better than Nick,

and Peter speaks French best (of all).
Exercise 47 p. 69 Translate the following sentences, using 'much', 'far', 'a great deal', 'still' with the adverbs in comparative degree.
1. Мой брат говорит по-французски намного лучше, чем по-английски. 2. Некоторым людям гораздо больше нравится путешествовать зимой, чем летом. 3. По воскресеньям я встаю намного позднее обычного. 4. Перед экзаменами студенты, как правило, значительно больше и усерднее занимаются. 5. Моя сестра гораздо чаще меня ходит в театр. 6. Вчера наши спортсмены играли еще быстрее. 7. Со словарем вы переведете статью намного точнее. 8. Сегодня солнце светит гораздо ярче, чем вчера.
The Article

Exercise. 38 p. 21 Study the following patterns:

A. Give me a book. (any book)

Give me the book. (the book in your bag)

В. There is an article in today's paper.

The article is on modern architecture.

It's an interesting article.

Exercise 39 p.21-22 Make up situations, explaining the use of the article in the following pairs of sentences.
1. (i) This is a house. (ii) This is the house. 2. (i) You can have a new bag. (ii) You can have the new bag. 3. (i) May I have an English dictionary? (ii) May I have the English dictionary? 4. (i) This is a famous picture. (ii) This is the famous picture. 5. (i) You had a copy of my report. (ii) You had the copy of my report. 6. (i) She is a doctor. (ii) She is the doctor.
Exercise 40 p.22 Fill in the blanks with articles.
1. This is — very difficult sentence for me. — sentence has too many unknown words in it. 2. Ours is — noisy street. — street is in the centre of the city. It is — street with very heavy traffic during the day. 3. "Is there — theatre in your town?" "Yes, we have one. — theatre is in the town's central square." 4. You have — mistake in the second form of the verb. — mistake is bad, it is not — spelling but — grammar mistake. 5. He has — interesting collection of butterflies. — collection is the second best in our country. 6. He has — elder brother. — brother is away the greater part of the year. He is — sailor.
Exercise 41 p. 22 Fill in the blanks with articles. Retell the passage.
I like Elsom. It is — seaside resort in — South of England. — town is not very far from Brighton and it has the charm of — old town. ___ Town was never fashionable. In winter Elsom was usually — quiet place and the Dolphin — very comfortable inn. In — hall of — inn there still is a framed letter from Mr Thackeray, — famous writer. In August and September — town is full of holiday-makers and is for two months __ noisy place.

(After "The Round Dozen" by W. S. Maugham)
(a) with the names of meals
Exercise 43 p. 44 Study the following patterns:
It's time for dinner.

What a good dinner! You are a fine cook.

The dinner she gave us was well-cooked.

After dinner we shall have coffee.
Exercise 44, p.44 Insert the article where necessary.
1. — supper will be served at nine. 2. Father usually reads his morning paper at — breakfast. 3. She had — breakfast of toast with butter which she washed down with a cup of coffee. 4. He left house soon after __ breakfast and promised to be back some time before — lunch. 5. We shall have — light supper because we had — good dinner. 6. Do we have time to watch the film on TV before — supper? 7. She invited us to stay for — dinner, and — dinner, I must say, was very good. 8. There will be nobody to — dinner except the family.
Exercise 45 p.44 Translate the following.
1. Что у нас сегодня на ужин? 2. В кафе напротив всегда можно получить горячий завтрак. 3. По воскресеньям у нас обычно кто-нибудь бывает к обеду. 4. У вас достаточно времени для небольшой прогулки перед завтраком. 5. Твоя сестра угостила нас прекрасным обедом. 6. Мы позавтракаем на террасе, хорошо? 7. Врачи рекомендуют ранний и легкий ужин. 8. Купить что-нибудь на обед? 9. Закажи, пожалуйста, обед из трех блюд на меня тоже. 10. Я больше всего люблю кашу на завтрак.
(b) with names of materials
Exercise 46 p. 45 Study the following patterns.
This country exports coffee.

The coffee is of high quality.

Have a cup of hot coffee.
Exercise 47 p. 45 Explain the use of the article. Translate the sentences.

1. Waiter, a coffee and two teas, please. 2. I met him at a dinner at Smith's house. 3. "Essentuky" is a mineral water. 4. Of all the teas I like the green tea most; it's a nice drink on a hot day. 5. A hot coal fell from the fire on the carpet. 6. Have an ice-cream. 7. Hungary is famous for its wines. 8. This is a light Caucasian wine.
Exercise 48 p. 45 Insert the article where necessary.
1. He usually has a glass of — water with his dinner. 2. There are places where — water is as precious as gold. 3. — water in the lake is so clear that you can see every single stone. 4. After a hard day's work I like — hot milk. 5. Come quickly, — milk is getting cold. 6. Don't sit on — sand, it's damp after the rain. 7. My shoes are full of — sand. 8. There are people who will eat — ice-cream in the street even in winter. 9. Why is — coal better for heating than wood? 10. ___ coal of Newcastle is rich in carbon. 11. Put the bottle into the ice-box to cool — wine for dinner.
Exercise 50 p. 70 Translate the following.
1. Густой туман окутал весь город. 2. Давай подождем, дождь скоро прекратится. 3. Ветер с запада обычно приносит дождь. 4. Как используется сила ветра? 5. Ветер был сильным, и идти было трудно. 6. Сильный мороз погубил фруктовые деревья. 7. Вчера вечером шел сильный снег, выпало много снега. 8. Посмотри, снег около фабрики совсем черный. 9. Он выглянул в окно — везде лежал снег: на деревьях, дорожках сада, клумбах (flower beds).
(c) with parts of the day and seasons
Exercise 51 p. 70 Study the patterns:
It is early/late morning (evening, etc.).

It was a bright Sunday morning of early/late autumn (spring, etc).

They came in the morning (afternoon, etc); in (the) autumn (winter, etc).

It was a rainy morning (night, etc); a rainy autumn (spring, etc).

I met him on the morning of the exam; in the autumn of 1980.

He is here since Friday morning (autumn, etc).
Exercise 52 p.70 Fill in the blanks with articles where necessary.
1. — autumn has come and early in — morning sheets of — ice cover the puddles on the road. 2. — rain never stopped in — night and — morning started with — dull rain typical of — late autumn 3. We had — cold winter last year with a lot of — snow. — frost didn’t let go even during — day. 4. The champion said he would always remember — winter of 1980 when he went mountain-skiing for the first time. 5. All through — winter the old hunter is alone in the taiga, the first tourists come only in — summer. 6. You can get to Yakutsk only by plane but in — bad weather there may be no flights and the passengers have to wait in the airport all through — night hoping that — weather may change for the better in —morning and they will be able to catch a plane some time during — day. I have been waiting here since Monday noon. 7. It was — late afternoon on — foggy September day when we left the town in our car. 8. We are expecting them in — evening, some time after seven.
(d) with the nouns “school”, “town”, “table, “bed”, “hospital”, “train”
Exercise 43 p. 95 Study the patterns:
Kislovodsk is a town in the Caucasus. The town is a well-known resort.

They stayed in town last summer.

If you go to town bring me today's newspapers.
Ex 44 p. 95 Fill in the blanks with the words given in brackets with an appropriate article (where necessary).
1. (i) At lunch-time you can always find him at — in the corner. (ii) I told the waiter I wanted — all to myself. (iii) There were three of us at — that night. (table) 2. (i) — is too small for the child. (ii) I went upstairs; there was — ready for me. (iii) On Sundays, after the show, the actress seldom went to — before midnight and usually had her breakfast in — on Monday mornings. (bed) 3. (i) — for Saratov leaves in a quarter of an hour. (ii) If you don't catch this train, there is — at 5:27. (iii) Will you go to Odessa by — or plane? (train) 4. (i) Cambridge is 70 miles away from London, — is on the river Cam. (ii) I saw him in — not a week ago. (iii) His family has moved to — somewhere in the South. (town) 5. (i) After lunch the doctor was off to — again. (ii) There used to be — in this building once, now it is a museum of the History of Medicine. (iii) How long have you been in —? (hospital) 6. (i) — has a good football ground. (ii) Next year he'll be old enough to go to —. (iii) We used to learn such things at —. (school)
Exercise 45 pp. 95-96 Translate into English.
1. — Он уже встал? — Нет, еще в постели. 2. Иди спать! 3. Врач подошел к кровати у двери. 4. Он болен уже с месяц: он в больнице, разве ты не знал? 5. Автобус 57 довезет вас до больницы. 6. Ваши дети учатся? 7. Этой осенью у них в деревне откроется новая школа. 8. В школе прекрасная библиотека. 9. Когда отходит поезд? 10. Есть ли какой-нибудь поезд в город около 7? 11. – Как туда добраться? – Поездом или автобусом. 12. В этом году городу исполняется 800 лет. 13. Мы все прошлое лето провели в городе. 14. Мы обычно обедаем впятером. 15. Подвинь стол к окну, там значительно светлее.
(e) with uncountable nouns
Exercise 53 p.121 Study the patterns. See how the following nouns 'weather', 'advice', 'news', 'information', 'progress', 'money', 'work’ are used.
1. What good weather (news, advice, progress, work, information)!

2. Where is the money (news, advice, work, information) from? It is from Nick.

3. I've got a piece (two pieces) of news (information, advice).

4. There is much (little) work (money, news, information, progress).
Exercise 54 p. 12: Translate the following.
1. (i) Советы давать легко, но очень трудно следовать им. (ii) Позвольте мне дать вам совет. (iii) Обратитесь к нему, он, как правило, дает хорошие советы. 2. (i) Что нового? (ii) Это старые новости, я их уже давно слышал. (iii) Какая прекрасная новость; дома обрадуются, когда услышат ее. 3. (i) — Где деньги? — Они на столе. (ii) Я не могу дать тебе много денег. Двести рублей устроят тебя (достаточно)? 4. (i) Эта книга содержит все сведения о последней экспедиции Беринга. (ii) Новые сведения еще не поступили; мы ждем их с минуты на минуту. 5. (i) Он ищет работу. (ii) Это очень трудная работа. Она не сможет сделать ее самостоятельно. (iii) Я хочу быть откровенен с вами. Мне не нравится, как вы сделали эту работу. (iiii) Он не собирается менять место работы. Здесь ему и работа по душе, и коллектив. 6. (i) — Вы хорошо отдохнули за городом? — Да, была чудесная погода и мы большую часть времени были на воздухе. (ii) В этом году с погодой происходит что-то странное. У нас раньше никогда не было дождливой погоды в декабре. (iii) Я надеюсь, погода не изменится к худшему; я оставила плащ и зонт дома. 7. Он сделал большие успехи за последнее время. Я знаю, что его преподаватель очень доволен им.

(f) with numerals

Ехercise 55 p. 121 Translate the following.

  1. Hall Two is on the second floor.

  2. Take Bus Five, get off at the fourth stop.

1. — Где сейчас четырнадцатая группа? — У них обычно в это время лекция по истории во втором зале. 2. — Где будет завтра собрание? – В 405-й аудитории. 3. – На какой странице третий урок? – На пятьдесят восьмой. 4. – Скажите, пожалуйста, где находятся картины Репина? – В пятом зале, на втором этаже. – Спасибо. 5. На нашем курсе около десяти групп; самая маленькая – восьмая, в ней только три студента. 6. Вот десятый автобус, ваша остановка пятая (отсюда). 7. Дом номер девять – четвертый от угла.
(g) with parts of the body
Exercise 41 p. 147 Study the patterns.
She has a weak heart.

The heart of the patient needs an operation.

When the heart stops, the man dies.

Don't take the news close to heart.
Exercise 42 p.147-148 Fill in the blanks with the words given in brackets with an appropriate article (where necessary).
1. (i) You can hear — of this announcer every day on the radio. (ii) She speaks in — pleasant — with a slight accent. (voice) 2. (i) The student must always keep a dictionary close at — . (ii) We shook —. __ she gave me was dry and cold. It was — small — for an athletic-looking person. (hand) 3. (i) — of the woman looks familiar to me. (ii) A boy with — sunburnt — , a rucksack on his back, stood in front of me. (face) 4. (i) The child had big blue eyes and — turned up — . (ii) __ of the elephant is called the trunk. (nose) 5. (i) He had __ of a thinker (ii). The boy has __ good ___ on his shoulders. (iii) Who is at __ of the expedition? (head) 6. (i) You don’t have to learn the text by __, just retell it in your own words. (ii) She has __ good __ for a woman her age. (heart)
1   2   3   4   5   6

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