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Content s. V. Shevtsova the intermediate modern english course. First year

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Exercise 43 p. 148 Make up sentences of your own on the chart with the nouns 'mouth’, 'eye', 'ear', 'foot'.
Exercise 44 p. 148 Fill in the blanks with the definite article or a possessive pronoun.
1. The old man put — hand on — shoulder of his grandson and they slowly walked away. 2. The doctor took the sick man by — hand and felt __ pulse. 3. Take the child by — hand when crossing the street. 4. I was watching — face of the man, — face was red with anger. 5. The boatman pulled the man out of the water by — hair. 6. — hair is golden, like her mother's. 7. I looked at the man sitting in front of me. __ neck was strong, it was — neck of a boxer. 8. She liked —face; it was — face of a man who knew his mind. 9. He gave the door a hard push with — shoulder. 10. The singer was famous not only for __ voice, he was a fine actor as well. 11. — voice behind the closed door asked us what we wanted. 12. He put — foot in the door and it wouldn't close.
(h) with proper names
Exercise 48 p. 173 Watch the use of the article with proper names. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1. Mr Brown called while you were out. 2. The local museum has a Cezanne and several Van Goghs. 3. There are two Marys in the family, mother and daughter. 4. The Browns are our next-door neighbours now. 5. Who is the Lobachevsky of our times? 6. He is no longer the argumentative John he used to be. 7. He drives a Bentley. 8. This writer has the style of a Dickens.
Exercise 49 p. 173 Insert articles.
1. He felt like — Columbus on his way to an unknown land. 2. I don't know anybody who could afford to buy — Repin. 3. The young writer has the humour of — J. K. Jerome. 4. Are you — Anne Bolton whose picture is in today's paper? 5. She is not exactly — Cleopatra, yet a very beautiful girl. 6. He had just enough money to buy — second-hand Ford. 7. I know as much about him as you do; he is — Mr. Kingsley. 8. Now she no longer looks like — Jane you used to go to school with. 9. This promising scientist is — Lomonosov of our times.
Exercise 50 p. 173 Translate the following into English.
1. У них “Волга”. 2. Тебя спрашивал какой-то Иванов. 3. О нем много говорят, как о новом Чайковском. 4. Интересно, сколько сейчас стоит картина Пикассо? 5. Москва сегодня сильно отличается от Москвы, какой она была даже 30 лет тому назад. 6. Мне надо навестить Петровых, пока они не уехали на дачу. 7. Вы упомянули какого-то Степанова. Это не тот Степанов, который собирается присоединиться к нашей туристской группе? 8. У него прекрасный стиль, он, можно сказать, современный Тургенев. 9. Кого из наших поэтов вы назовете Маяковским наших дней?
(i) in close and loose apposition
Exercise 37, p. 197: Study the chart.

Close apposition



Meet Professor Jones (Captain Smith, etc).

The writer (worker, student, composer, etc) Smirnov lives next door.

Loose apposition



Speak to Ivanov, head of the expedition.

Yesterday I met Pavlov, a student of group 3.

Exercise 38 p. 197 Insert the article where necessary.
1. Fomin, — scientist, is known for his Arctic expeditions. 2. I'd like to speak to Matveyev, — engineer at your plant. 3. — Professor Mikhailov hopes he will get your paper before — conference starts. 4. I can recommend — very good doctor, — Doctor Vetrova. — doctor called on me every day when I was down with pneumonia. 5. — composer Petrov is well-known to — cinema-goers for his music to many films. 6. Meet — Captain Trent, he is our new colleague. 8. — writer Gardner will always remember — day he walked into — publishing house with his first manuscript under his arm.
(j) with nouns used predicatively
Exercise 39 p. 198 Study the patterns:

She was chairman at the meeting.

Ivanov was a president of this Association. He was president since 1980 to 1982.
Exercise 40 p.198 Insert the article where necessary.
1. George Washington was — president of the USA; he was — president from 1789 to 1797. 2. He studied nights to become — algebra teacher and finally rose to be — headmaster of a high school. 3. She is — head librarian at our local public library. 4. — Doctor Smith is president of — Medical Association. 5. "Who will be — chairman of Monday’s conference?" "— student Stepanov agreed to be — chairman."
Exercise 41 p.198 Translate the following.
1. О. Ю. Шмидт был руководителем экспедиции на легендарном “Челюскине”. 2. И. Д. Папанин был начальником первой экспедиции на Северный полюс. 3. Отец Д. И. Менделеева был директором гимназии в Тобольске. 4. Авраам Линкольн был президентом США с 1861 по 1865 год. 5. Вы когда-нибудь слышали о новом методе профессора Николаева? 6. Смирнов, староста нашего факультета просил передать вам, что конференция состоится в среду. 7. Вам может помочь мой друг Кузьмин, студент института иностранных языков. 8. Где я могу найти инженера Петрова? 9. Форд, капитан корабля, был на мостике, когда пароход входил в порт. 10. За доктором Крюковым уже послали, он будет через полчаса.
(k) with names of sciences
Exercise 30 pp. 220-221 Insert the articles where necessary.
1. We shall have lectures on — English literature this term. 2. Poets write about stars so often, but it doesn't mean that they are interested in — astronomy. 3. He will take up — Law when he leaves school. 4. — phonetics is the science of sounds. 5. Everybody is equal before — law. 6. He is an expert on — History of the Middle Ages. 7. — ancient history takes up events up to 476 (when the Roman Empire was destroyed), — medieval history up to 1453 (the fall of Constantinople), and — modern history since 1453. 8. What books can you recommend on — history of Scotland? 9. When at school, she read a lot, especially in — modern literature. 10. When a boy he didn’t take great interest in any subject in particular; now he is one of our leading scientists in — biology.
(l) uncountable (abstract) nouns
Exercise 39, p.258: Fill in the blanks with the words given in brackets with an appropriate article (where necessary).
1. (i) "One morning I woke up to find myself famous," Lord Byron said. Do you know what brought him —? (ii) I hope — hasn't spoiled him. (fame). 2. Romeo and Juliet's was — people like to speak about. (love) 3. (i) — and hate are bad qualities. (ii) This canvas is — of all her friends. (envy) 4. (i) You must learn to take — seriously at your age. (ii) "I hope you will be happy in — you have chosen," the headmaster said to the school-leavers. (life) 5. (i) There used to be — when I found books of adventure very exciting. (ii) — passes quickly if one is busy. (iii) Remember our skiing outings? Those were happy —! (time) 6. (i) Nobody took the trouble to tell us about — we were going to meet on our way. (ii) The nurse said the man was out of —. (danger) 7. (i) His face expressed only surprise, no — at the news. (ii) With him — comes first, (pleasure). 8. (i) He was making — not to show how angry he was. (ii) The work wasn't worth—. (iii) — brought good results. (effort) 9. (i) She never saw — of the situation, she has no sense of humour. (ii) The whole trip was —. (fun) 10. What you need is —, a lot of it. (exercise) 11. (i) I had __ with him. (ii) The weather is a safe topic for —. (conversation)
Exercise 40, p. 259: Translate the following into English.
1.Конечно, есть определенная опасность, что он не сможет разработать этот план, но пусть попытается. 2. Жизнь — это движение. 3. — Вы дали им знать о своем приезде? — Нет, я хочу, чтобы для них это было сюрпризом. 4. Мы долгое время не виделись, и нам обоим эта встреча доставила истинное удовольствие. 5. — Не хотели бы вы пойти со мной сегодня в театр? У меня есть два билета. — С удовольствием. 6. Она с удивлением посмотрела на вошедшего. 7. Он сделал над собой усилие и спокойно ответил на все вопросы экзаменатора. 8. Писатель прожил долгую и интересную жизнь.
Exercise.40, p. 286: Insert articles where necessary:
1. In __ heart of New York, __ few minutes away from __ skyscrapers, he had discovered __ little city within __ city. It was Greenwich Village. It was almost __ provincial town with inhabitants, who, it seemed, didn’t notice __ metropolis around them. (After G. Simenon)

2. After __ supper was over, and he had helped to dry the dishes, Paul nervously asked his father if he could go to __ Carters to get some help in __ geometry from Jim. Jim was at __ top of __ at __ school. Still more nervously Paul asked for car fare. He had to repeat __ request two times, as his father did not like to hear request for __ money, whether much or little. He asked Paul whether he could not go to ___ boy who lived nearer; but gave him dime.1 (after Willa Cather)

3. Stevenson’s book “Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde” is about __ man who lived ___ double life. Dr. Jekyll made __ interesting discovery in his laboratory work. He found __ medicine which could give him __ different appearance. When he took __ medicine he became a deformed, ugly man, for whom people felt nothing but __ dislike and hate. As Mr Hyde he could live __ life full of __ pleasure. Yet he enjoyed ___ complete safety, because when his actions became too horrible he could change into ___ honest Dr. Jekyll again, for whom his friends felt __ respect and love.

But with __ time __ medicine no longer worked the way Dr Jekyll had planned. Sometimes he went to ___ bed as Dr. Jekyll and woke up as Mr Hyde. He had to make ___ choice: either to remain Dr. Jekyll and die to all ___ pleasures Mr Hyde enjoyed or choose the part of Mr Hyde and die to __ thousand interests Dr. Jekyll enjoyed.
Exercise 21 p. 35 Test translation:


1.Утром я встаю около семи часов, делаю зарядку и через несколько минут сажусь завтракать. За завтраком я успеваю просмотреть газету. 2. Я ухожу из дома в восемь часов. В университет я еду автобусом. 3. Мы занимается каждый день кроме воскресенья. Занятия начинаются в девять утра и кончаются в три часа дня. 4. У нас читаются лекции по различным предметам. Мой любимый предмет – история. 5. На уроке английского языка мы разговариваем по-английски, задаем друг другу вопросы и отвечаем на них. Закончив чтение текста, мы обсуждаем его. 6. Я часто остаюсь в институте заниматься. У нас хороший читальный зал и богатая библиотека, где можно получить любую книгу. В течение дня читальный зал обычно заполнен студентами. 7. Все наши студенты любят спорт. Одни увлекаются лыжами и коньками, другие волейболом и теннисом. Многие студенты любят играть в шахматы. Однако самый любимый вид спорта большинства студентов – это футбол или хоккей.


2. – Где вы обычно питаетесь? – Завтракаю и ужинаю я дома, а обедаю в институте. 2. В воскресенье мы часто обедаем в кафе напротив. У них всегда разнообразный выбор блюд: мясных, овощных, рыбных. 3. — Что у нас сегодня на обед? — На первое суп, на второе мясное блюдо с овощами и на третье что-нибудь сладкое. 4. — Какое ваше любимое блюдо? — Я люблю все кроме рыбы. 5. Скажите детям, чтобы они не забывали мыть руки перед едой. 6. Скорее садитесь в поезд, он отправляется через две минуты. 7. — Скажите, пожалуйста, как мне доехать отсюда до центра? — Любой автобус довезет вас туда. Автобусная остановка напротив. 8. Он поехал туда автобусом, так как у него не хватило денег на такси. 9. Они уехали на юг вчера и пробудут там до конца отпуска. 10. Я его недостаточно хорошо знаю, чтобы обсуждать с ним такие вопросы. 11. Попросите Николая описать картины, которые он видел вчера в музее. Он сделает это лучше меня. Он даже сделает это лучше любого из нас. 12. Я недостаточно хорошо понял вчера ваше объяснение. Повторите, пожалуйста, еще раз. 13. Игра была настолько интересной, что я остался смотреть ее до конца. 14. Больше всего моему сыну нравятся книги, в которых описываются исторические события.
The Indefinite Tense forms (Present, Past and Future)
Exercise 22 p. 36 Study the following patterns:


1. I usually go to work by bus.

2. They live in the country.

3. We don't know his address.

4. Does she speak English?

5. The book describes the museums of our town.

6. The earth moves round the sun.


1. She lived in Smolensk before the war (in 1940, three years ago, etc).

2. He caught a big fish just now (yesterday, last week).

3. When he came, she told him everything.

4. When did you see him last?

5. He got to the station in time, bought a ticket and went out on the platform.


1. I shall(‘ll) finish this work tomorrow (in two days, next week, etc).

2. We shall not (shan't) have a meeting on Monday.

3. She will ('11) be busy in the evening.

4. They will not (won't) come here next year.

Exercise 23 p. 37 Practice the 3rd person singular, Present Indefinite Tense.

Model 1: Does Ann study at the Institute for Foreign Languages?

No, she doesn't. She studies at the Institute for International Relations.
1. Does he teach at school? (at the Institute) 2. Does it often rain here in summer? (in autumn) 3. Does she work in a factory? (at an office) 4. Does he live in Kiev? (in Moscow) 5. Does he get up at 7 o'clock? (at 8 o'clock) 6. Does he go to his office by bus? (by the underground) 7. Does she sleep in the open air during the summer? (in the house) 8. Does he smoke before lunch? (after lunch)
Model 2: You speak English and Mary speaks French.
1. They like to dance and she — to sing. 2. Her parents live in the country and she — in town. 3. I go to bed at 11 o'clock but the child __to bed at nine o'clock. 4. We have tea at five o'clock and Mary — milk at five o'clock. 5. They watch TV in the evening and their son — it in the afternoon. 6. You read English books and your brother — French books. 7. I hear well and my grandmother — badly.
Exercise 24 p. 37 Open the brackets, using the Present Indefinite tense form, and retell the story.


Have your ever heard of "elevenses"?

At eleven o'clock a lot of people (stop working) and (have) a cup of tea or coffee, or, if they (be) at school, a bottle of milk. This mid-morning snack (be) called "elevenses".

"Elevenses" also (mean), of course, time for a chat and there (be) always a lot to talk about. Ladies (talk) about the weather and the latest fashion. Men (discuss) politics, business and the latest news. Mike and Jane (work) at an office. They usually (have) their "elevenses" right in the office room. It (not take) them much time, fifteen minutes all in all. Mike (like) his tea rather sweet and strong. Jane usually (have) a cup of coffee with one lump of sugar.
Exercise 25 p. 37 Complete the following sentences, using the Past Indefinite Tense.
Model: Now he lives in Moscow but a few years ago he lived in Kiev.
1. Now he studies English but at school —. 2. Now he often sleeps in the daytime but he never — before. 3. Now she knows something about the life of these people but before she came to live here she — nothing about them. 4. Now I play tennis well but when I was eighteen —. 5. I am a student now and have my lunch at the Institute but when I was a schoolboy, I —. 6. He leaves home at 8 in the morning but when he lived in the country he —. 7. He doesn't smoke now but only a few months ago —. 8. She seldom writes to me now but there was a time when she __. 9. This year we stayed at our friend’s when we came to Minsk but last year we __ at the hotel.
Exercise 26 p. 38 Give questions to the following answers.

1. Yes, we all often watch TV in the evening. 2. No, he didn't. /He didn't. /He didn't know her address. 3. Yes, it is the third meal of the day. 4. Pete's father did. He helped us a lot with our work. 5. Yes, the smaller shops close for lunch from one to two. 6. No, they don't. They both have lunch at the restaurant across the street. 7. My sister did. She studied at Moscow University.
Exercise 27 p. 38 Ask questions indicated in the brackets.

1. An Englishman's day begins when he sits down to breakfast with his morning newspaper. (when?) 2. They don't go to work on Sunday. (why?) 3. Englishmen are fond of good plain food. (who?) 4. Most of the time he lived in the country. (where?) 5. There are usually two courses in the mid-day meal. (how many?) 6. Most offices and shops сlose for an hour from one to two. (why?) 7. They went to work by bus last year. (how?) 8. At mid-day everything stops for lunch. (when?) 9. It took him half an hour to get to the Institute when he lived in the center. (how long?) 10. They met during the mid-day meal. (when?)
1   2   3   4   5   6

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