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  • Test 6

  • Pronouns Test 1.

  • Test 5

  • Numerals Test 1

  • Test 3.

  • Елена Музланова, Елена Кисунько Английский язык Экспрессрепетитор для подготовки к егэ Грамматика и лексика

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    НазваниеЕлена Музланова, Елена Кисунько Английский язык Экспрессрепетитор для подготовки к егэ Грамматика и лексика
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    1   ...   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15

    Test 1. 1. churches; 2. difficulties; 3. mice; 4. months; 5. children; 6. roofs; 7. boys; 8. women; 9. deer; 10. leaves; 11. geese; 12. potatoes; 13. feet; 14. dresses; 15. radios; 16. oxen; 17. fish/fishes; 18. wolves; 19. countries; 20. teeth; 21. curricula
    Test 2. 1. nannies; 2. fathers-in-law; 3. headaches; 4. dictionaries; 5. pincushions; 6. hold-ups; 7. hoofs/hooves; 8. radios; 9. train robberies; 10. painkillers; 11. bushes; 12. pen-friends; 13. videos; 14. pillowcases; 15. violins; 16. wives; 17. media; 18. mice; 19. godfathers; 20. wishes; 21. phenomena

    Test 3. 1. deer; 2. ladies; 3. roofs; 4. chiefs; 5. studios; 6. zoos; 7. buses; 8. sheep; 9. species; 10. days; 11. families; 12. dishes; 13. paws; 14. forks; 15. data; 16. Eskimos; 17. leaves; 18. lives; 19. zeroes/zeros; 20. buffaloes/buffalos; 21. criteria

    Test 4. 1. trout; 2. composers; 3. insects; 4. oases; 5. analyses; 6. bacteria; 7. waiters; 8. babies; 9. handkerchiefs; 10. churches; 11. memos; 12. ball games; 13. passers-by; 14. letdowns; 15. vowels; 16. buzzes; 17. glasses; 18. men; 19. geese; 20. feet; 21. volcanoes

    Test 5. 1. benches; 2. celebrities; 3. lice; 4. baths; 5. women; 6. cliffs; 7. plays; 8. scarves; 9. beliefs; 10. sheep; 11. halves; 12. tomatoes; 13. means; 14. photos; 15. fruit/fruits; 16. swine; 17. activities; 18. thieves; 19. kilos; 20. parties; 21. appendices/appendixes

    Test 6. 1. are; 2. are; 3. is; 4. is; 5. are; 6. is; 7. is; 8. are; 9. is; 10. is; 11. is; 12. is; 13. is; 14. are; 15. is; 16. are; 17. is; 18. is; 19. are; 20. is

    Test 7. 1. are; 2. are; 3. is; 4. is; 5. are; 6. is; 7. is; 8. is; 9. are; 10. is; 11. is; 12. is; 13. is; 14. are; 15. is; 16. are; 17. is; 18. is; 19. are; 20. are

    Test 8. 1. is; 2. don’t; 3. want; 4. was; 5. aren’t; 6. wasn’t; 7. does/ do; 8. isn’t; 9. they are; 10. are; 11. do; 12. is; 13. are; 14. was; 15. is; 16. is; 17. is; 18. are; 19. is; 20. needs

    Test 9. 1. were; 2. is; 3. does; 4. makes; 5. enjoy; 6. is; 7. are looking; 8. get; 9. is passing; 10. is; 11. is, is; 12. were (each member of the audience individually); 13. is; 14. was; 15. are; 16. gives; 17. were; 18. was; 19. is; 20. is


    Test 1. 1. her; 2. them; 3. she, me; 4. he, us; 5. she, him; 6. you; 7. she; 8. them; 9. him; 10. it, it, me; 11. him; 12. it; 13. it; 14. it, it; 15. it; 16. you; 17. it; 18. it, it; 19. it; 20. it
    Test 2. 1. her; 2. him; 3. me; 4. them; 5. it; 6. them; 7. us; 8. them; 9. him; 10. them; 11. them, me; 12. it, them; 13. it, him; 14. it; 15. I, them; 16. they; 17. him; 18. us; 19. he, me; 20. them

    Test 3. 1. my; 2. his, his; 3. its; 4. her; 5. his; 6. theirs; 7. my; 8. their; 9. its; 10. their; 11. my; 12. its 13. his; 14. your, mine; 15. theirs; 16. mine; 17. yours; 18. your; 19. their; 20. her

    Test 4. 1. their; 2. his; 3. his; 4. your; 5. their; 6. your; 7. our; 8. her; 9. hers; 10. our; 11. mine; 12. his; 13. their; 14. her; 15. our; 16. its; 17. my; 18. its; 19. her; 20. their

    Test 5. 1. your; 2. your; 3. my; 4. my; 5. her; 6. his; 7. our; 8. our; 9. our; 10. our; 11. her; 12. your

    Test 6. 1. yourself; 2. themselves; 3. ourselves; 4. myself; 5. himself; 6. myself; 7. herself; 8.itself; 9. himself; 10.himself; 11. herself; 12. itself; 13. himself; 14. themselves; 15. herself; 16. herself; 17. herself; 18. yourself; 19. yourself; 20. himself

    Test 7. 1. herself; 2. himself/herself; 3. herself; 4. itself; 5. themselves; 6. herself; 7. herself; 8. himself; 9. himself; 10. themselves; 11. ourselves; 12. itself; 13. herself; 14. yourselves; 15. myself; 16. herself; 17. ourselves; 18. herself; 19. ourselves; 20. myself

    Test 8. 1. these, those; 2. this; 3. this, that; 4. these, those; 5. that; 6. this; 7. that; 8. that; 9. these; 10. these; 11. this, that; 12. that; 13. that; 14. that; 15. that; 16. that; 17. that; 18. that; 19. this; 20. this

    Test 9. 1. that; 2. this; 3. those; 4. this; 5. that; 6. this; 7. this/that; 8. that; 9. those; 10. those; 11. this; 12. these; 13. these; 14. those; 15. those; 16. this, that; 17. that; 18. this; 19. this; 20. that

    Test 10. 1. some, any; 2. any, some; 3. no; 4. any; 5. some, any; 6. any, some; 7. no; 8. some; 9. every; 10. no; 11. every; 12. any; 13. no/ some; 14. some; 15. some; 16. any; 17. some; 18. every; 19. any; 20. any/ every

    Test 11. 1. any; 2. any; 3. some; 4. any; 5. something; 6. anything; 7. nothing; 8. anybody/anyone; 9. some, any; 10. anybody/anyone; 11. somebody/someone, anywhere; 12. any; 13. something/somebody; 14. somebody/someone; 15. nobody/no one; 16. somebody/someone; 17. anybody/anyone/anything; 18. every; 19. anything, nothing; 20. every

    Test 12. 1. no; 2. some, any; 3. any; 4. anyone/anybody; 5. some, any; 6. some; 7. somewhere; 8. any; 9. no; 10. anyone/anybody; 11. everywhere, anywhere; 12. anything; 13. any; 14. some, any; 15. someone; 16. everyone/everybody; 17. no; 18. anything; 19. nobody; 20. something

    Test 13. 1. any; 2. some, any; 3. no; 4. any; 5. some; 6. every; 7. some, any; 8. anyone/anybody; 9. anything; 10. anyone/anybody, nobody/no one; 11. anyone/anybody; 12. somewhere; 13. anything; 14. anywhere; 15. nothing; 16. anywhere; 17. anything; 18. nobody/no one, nothing; 19. everyone/everybody; 20. somewhere/anywhere


    Test 1. 1. eight; 2. ten; 3. eleven; 4. seventeen; 5. twelve; 6. sixteen; 7. twenty; 8. thirteen; 9. nineteen; 10. fourteen; 11. forty; 12. eighty; 13. one hundred and twenty; 14. ninety; 15. four hundred; 16. sixty; 17. zero; 18. three; 19. one/a hundred; 20. seventy; 21. thirty; 22. thirty-seven; 23. fifty; 24. fifty-six; 25. sixty-one; 26. seventy-four; 27. ninety-one; 28. ninety-seven; 29. one/a hundred; 30. sixty

    Test 2. 1. three – third; 2. four – fourth; 3. nine – ninth; 4. eleven – eleventh; 5. nineteen – nineteenth; 6. thirty – thirtieth; 7. forty-one – forty-first; 8. forty-two – forty-second; 9. seventy-four – seventy-fourth; 10. eighty-five – eighty-fifth; 11. ninety-nine – ninety-ninth; 12. one hundred – one hundredth; 13. five hundred and ten – five hundred and tenth; 14. nine hundred – nine hundredth; 15. nine hundred and ninety-nine – nine hundred and ninety-ninth; 16. one thousand – one thousandth; 17. two thousand five hundred and thirty-seven – two thousand five hundred and thirty-seventh; 18. five thousand two hundred – five thousand two hundredth; 19. ten thousand – ten thousandth; 20. one million – one millionth

    Test 3. 1. first; 2. fifth; 3. tenth; 4. twentieth; 5. second; 6. ninth; 7. twenty-first; 8. eleventh; 9. eighth; 10. one hundred and first.

    Adjectives and Adverbs

    Test 1. 1. colder, the coldest; 2. bigger, the biggest; 3. more wonderful, the most wonderful; 4. happier, the happiest; 5. better, the best; 6. more comfortable, the most comfortable; 7. easier, the easiest; 8. fatter, the fattest; 9. worse, the worst; 10. nicer, the nicest; 11. newer, the newest; 12. more expensive, the most expensive; 13. hungrier, the hungriest; 14. hotter, the hottest; 15. less, the least

    Test 2. 1. cheaper, the cheapest; 2. farther/further, the farthest/the furthest; 3. hotter, the hottest; 4. more cheerful, the most cheerful; 5. prettier, the prettiest; 6. redder, the reddest; 7. noisier, the noisiest; 8. more terrible, the most terrible; 9. later/the latter, the latest/the last; 10. worse, the worst; 11. more difficult, the most difficult; 12. fewer,the fewest; 13. older/elder, the oldest/the eldest; 14. sleepier, the sleepiest; 15. thinner, the thinnest

    Test 3. 1. better; 2. worst; 3. more correct; 4. younger; 5. fattest; 6. tastiest; 7. prettier; 8. most beautiful; 9. younger; 10. highest; 11. worst; 12. best; 13. taller; 14. fastest; 15. smaller

    Test 4. 1. better, better; 2. most famous; 3. less; 4. eldest/oldest; 5. fewer; 6. white; 7. funnier; 8. best; 9. worst; 10. older; 11. nervous; 12. busiest; 13. bigger; 14. farthest/furthest; 15. more difficult; 16. greatest; 17. healthier; 18. slimmest; 19. shortest; 20. latest
    Test 5. 1. best; 2. happier; 3. more exciting; 4. further; 5. oldest; 6. worse; 7. fattest; 8. most attractive; 9. bigger; 10. fast; 11. more; 12. worst; 13. more comfortable; 14. light; 15. most reserved; 16. harder, harder; 17. driest; 18. sooner, better; 19. cheaper; 20. older

    Test 6. 1. more difficult/difficult; 2. warmer; 3. cleverest/most clever; 4. hottest; 5. cheaper; 6. interesting; 7. healthier; 8. happiest; 9. more comfortable; 10. most exciting; 11. better; 12. youngest; 13. farther/further; 14. quicker, sooner; 15. worst; 16. louder; 17. best; 18. most boring; 19. worse; 20. bad

    Test 7. 1. most boring; 2. higher, further/farther; 3. richer; 4. cheap; 5. bigger; 6. largest; 7. happier; 8. hotter; 9. best, worse; 10. youngest; 11. elder/older; 12. funniest; 13. more interested; 14. most expensive; 15. Better; 16. nearest; 17. worst; 18. long; 19. noisier; 20. biggest
    Test 8. 1. interested; 2. depressed; 3. exciting; 4. tired; 5. exhausting; 6. surprising; 7. annoyed; 8. fascinating; 9. bored; 10. amusing
    Test 9. 1. interesting; 2. exciting; 3. worried; 4. bored; 5. surprising; 6. disappointed; 7. boring; 8. amusing; 9. interested; 10. surprised
    Test 10. 1. quickly; 2. badly; 3. late; 4. angrily; 5. well; 6. carefully; 7. nicely; 8. correctly; 9. fast; 10. easily; 11. hard; 12. slowly; 13. happily; 14. early; 15. beautifully
    Test 11. 1. carefully; 2. angry; 3. clearly; 4. dangerously; 5. slow; 6. hard; 7. suddenly; 8. useful; 9. easily; 10. perfectly; 11. expensive; 12. late; 13. well; 14. regularly; 15. nicely
    Test 12. 1. quietly; 2. heavily; 3. careful; 4. perfect; 5. recently; 6. slow; 7. well; 8. nice; 9. near; 10. late; 11. lately; 12. hard; 13. hardly; 14. widely; 15. pretty
    Test 13. 1. comfortably; 2. easy; 3. strange; 4. politely, beautifully; 5. sweet; 6. happy; 7. seriously; 8. well; 9. perfect, correctly; 10. upset; 11. fast; 12. great; 13. heavily; 14. Quietly; 15. nice
    Test 14. 1. beautifully, good; 2. short, quickly; 3. beautiful, nice; 4. completely; 5. happily; 6. quietly; 7. smart, great; 8. brightly; 9. difficult, nervous; 10 well
    Test 15. 1. largest; 2. biggest; 3. most important; 4. oldest; 5. highest; 6. smallest; 7. most expensive; 8. more residential; 9. biggest; 10. more; 11. greatest; 12. largest; 13. heaviest; 14. most famous; 15. best
    Test 16. 1. most fashionable; 2. latest; 3. wider; 4. longer; 5. widest; 6. prettier; 7. more relaxed; 8. freer; 9. shorter; 10. long; 11. wide; 12. brighter; 13. least; 14. aggressive; 15. less

    Test 1. 1. was, is, will be; 2. Were; 3. Will you be; 4. was; 5. will be; 6. is; 7. won’t be; 8. am; 9. Were; 10. will be; 11. am; 12. won’t be; 13. was; 14. are; 15. Will the soup be, will be
    Test 2. 1. are; 2. is; 3. was; 4. was; 5. were; 6. were; 7. are; 8. is; 9. is; 10. is; 11. is; 12. is; 13. were; 14. is; 15. are
    Test 3. 1. is; 2. aren’t; 3. has (got); 4. isn’t; 5. has (got); 6. Is; 7. are; 8. have; 9. has (got); 10. are/aren’t
    Test 4. 1. has; 2. was; 3. Have; 4. are; 5. were; 6. have; 7. is; 8. was; 9. has; 10. Is
    Test 5. 1. plays; 2. is listening; 3. fly; 4. don’t smoke; 5. Is Mr Black using; 6. goes; 7. is helping; 8. Is it raining; 9. see; 10. Are you wearing; 11. has; 12. gets up; 13. am washing up; 14. Are you going; 15. have; 16. paints; 17. doesn’t play; 18. is cooking; 19. Do you always wear; 20. is watching
    Test 6. 1. want; 2. is having; 3. tastes; 4. look; 5. is washing; 6. don’t like; 7. go; 8. am thinking; 9. Are you studying; 10. Do you see; 11. am listening; 12. thinks; 13. meet; 14. belongs; 15. am making; 16. don’t enjoy; 17. rains; 18. prefer; 19. Do you know; 20. have.
    Test 7. 1. is ringing; 2. am watching; 3. does he usually have; 4. are looking, don’t want; 5. take; 6. are you smiling, have; 7. do you go; 8. wear, am wearing; 9. are you doing, am cleaning; 10. lives, phones, isn’t; 11. are you going, go; 12. isn’t working; 13. want; 14. does she speak, speaks; 15. don’t think, likes; 16. is standing; 17. works, is writing; 18. is having; 19. doesn’t get; 20. tastes
    Test 8. 1. is waiting; 2. Are you watching; 3. do you usually do; 4. flows; 5. am going; 6. leaves; 7. am using; 8. does he want; 9. are you thinking; 10. don’t remember; 11. doesn’t drink; 12. is doing; 13. am looking, Do you know; 14. tells, don’t believe; 15. Does Tom usually help, doesn’t; 16. isn’t sleeping; 17. do your children usually get; 18. is that man looking, Do you recognize; 19. am learning, is teaching; 20. are they speaking
    Test 9. 1. is; 2. doesn’t pay; 3. will/shall phone; 4. Will you help; 5. go; 6. don’t pay; 7. arrives; 8. will you say; 9. will/shall call; 10. won’t/ shan’t wait; 11. misses; 12. is; 13. won’t/shan’t be; 14. am; 15. goes; 16. rings; 17. will be; 18. feels; 19. doesn’t come; 20. goes
    Test 10. 1. speaks, will say; 2. will talk, leaves; 3. won’t/shan’t go, isn’t; 4. will/shall have, finish; 5. arrive, will give; 6. will feel, gets; 7. will be, starts; 8. won’t/shan’t go, improves; 9. sees, will give; 10. will you do, don’t get; 11. won’t know, arrives; 12. wants, grows; 13. start; 14. am; 15. will come; 16. will phone, arrives; 17. doesn’t pass; 18. will come; 19. comes, has; 20. finishes, will enter
    Test 11. 1. will phone, gets; 2. am, are you doing; 3. isn’t, works; 4. do you go; 5. will/shall go; 6. will/shall come, finish; 7. are working; 8. does he usually do, plays; 9. am reading; 10. has; 11. Are you hungry, Do you want; 12. come; will be; 13. is having; 14. Do you see; 15. is dancing, dances; 16. does it usually take; 17. won’t go, comes; 18. Do you understand; 19. don’t smoke; 20. isn’t raining
    Test 12. 1. does he get, gets; 2. aren’t drinking, think, are watching; 3. returns, will call; 4. go; 5. is playing; 6. does your brother usually drink; 7. are having; 8. is speaking, am listening, hear; 9. doesn’t rain, won’t/ shan’t stay; 10. is raining/will rain, will get, don’t take; 11. want; 12. have, am having; 13. is your sister, is doing; 14. will she come; 15. are you doing, see, aren’t sleeping; 16. starts, will visit; 17. knows; 18. do your lessons begin; 19. will go, finishes; 20. will you be, will/shall be
    Test 13. 1. hasn’t met; 2. lived; 3. have lost; 4. has broken; 5. did Shakespeare write; 6. has given up; 7. Have you seen; 8. Have you washed; 9. worked; 10. have never met; 11. did you write; 12. was; 13. has gone; 14. Have you seen; 15. have cut; 16. were you; 17. got; 18. wrote; 19. haven’t eaten; 20. forgot
    Test 14. 1. hasn’t snowed; 2. Did you see; 3. left; 4. Have you seen; 5. have lost; 6. visited; 7. has gone; 8. did the last train leave; 9. have just had; 10. Was the weather, were; 11. haven’t seen; 12. have ever read; 13. has drunk; 14. did you do; 15. hasn’t eaten; 16. didn’t go; 17. have you known; 18. has always wanted; 19. Have you heard; 20. lived
    Test 15. 1. Has he ever been, has; 2. have won; 3. did you speak, met; 4. hasn’t called; 5. have you been; 6. saw; 7. have known; 8. Were you happy when you were; 9. have always travelled; 10. Have you seen; 11. have ever seen; 12. started; 13. hasn’t called, arrived; 14. didn’t go; 15. have had; 16. did you do; 17. wrote; 18. have lost; 19. Did you go; 20. Have you met
    Test 16. 1. went; 2. met; 3. was; 4. Have you been; 5. haven’t; 6. Have you seen; 7. saw; 8. have just climbed; 9. was; 10. have you visited; 11. haven’t found; 12. took; 13. spent; 14. left; 15. enjoyed
    Test 17. 1. was listening, rang; 2. broke, was skiing; 3. were listening, became; 4. was playing, was painting; 5. saw, were waiting; 6. was working, opened, ran; 7. was preparing, cut; 8. met, were living; 9. did they visit, were travelling; 10. Were you working, came; 11. walked, was wearing; 12. Didn’t you meet, were working; 13. saw, were sitting; 14. were living, met; 15. was listening, was doing; 16. were you writing, crashed; 17. was passing/passed, knocked; 18. didn’t they visit, were staying; 19. was driving, saw; 20. arrived, were having
    Test 18. 1. were you doing, rang, was watching; 2. was studying; 3. did Tom come, came, was having; 4. didn’t go; 5. were you driving, stopped, wasn’t driving; 6. Did your team win, didn’t play; 7. did you break the window, were playing, hit; 8. Did you see, was wearing; 9. were you doing, was still sleeping; 10. lost, did you get
    Test 19. 1. got; 2. walked; 3. didn’t want; 4. was shining; 5. were singing; 6. was walking; 7. saw; 8. passed; 9. was singing; 10. continued; 11. met; 12. stopped; 13. turned; 14. saw; 15. was standing; 16. (was) waiting; 17. told; 18. were; 19. came; 20. got
    Test 20. 1. enjoyed, had seen; 2. arrived, had already left; 3. phoned, had gone; 4. had met, saw; 5. had lived, decided; 6. bought, had already read; 7. knew, had met; 8. opened, had already begun; 9. had painted, came; 10. hadn’t finished, rang; 11. met, had just returned; 12. heard, ran; 13. tried, had already left; 14. hadn’t cleaned, came; 15. finished; 16. had written; 17. understood, hadn’t done; 18. returned, went; 19. told, had never played; 20. had been, became
    Test 21. 1. saw; 2. noticed; 3. was wearing; 4. wondered; 5. was; 6. didn’t see; 7. began; 8. stopped; 9. got; 10. was; 11. noticed; 12. had watched; 13. decided; 14. arrived; 15. had gone.
    Test 22. 1. b; 2. c; 3. c; 4. a; 5. a; 6. b; 7. a; 8. b; 9. c; 10. a; 11. b; 12. b; 13. a; 14. b; 15. c; 16. b; 17. a; 18. b; 19. c; 20. b
    Test 23. 1. take; 2. will have; 3. arrive; 4. will feel; 5. are; 6. stay/are staying; 7. will/shall do; 8. runs; 9. don’t get; 10. has; 11. want; 12. will be; 13. want; 14. will/shall be; 15. will have already planned/will already be planning
    Test 24. 1. spent; 2. is your brother doing; 3. won’t have written; 4. washes; 5. Will you go; 6. rang, was still learning; 7. don’t help, won’t/ shan’t have done; 8. went, had done; 9. won’t/shan’t go, will/shall be watching; 10. had already left; 11. won’t/shan’t grow; 12. Have you ever been; 13. did you buy; 14. doesn’t rain, we won’t/shan’t stay; 15. comes, will be still doing; 16. are playing; 17. hasn’t read; 18. Will you have written, comes; 19. Does Lena usually do, doesn’t; 20. were you doing
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