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  • Почему ты решил устроиться в нашу АК

  • На каких ВС ты летал I have mastered 2 types. The first one was Cessna-172 and the second was L-410. Cessna172

  • Какие приборы/оборудование были в самолёте на котором ты летал

  • The primary function of the PFD

  • The longitudinal axis

  • The lateral axis

  • этапы отбора и ответы. Этапы отбора и ответы. REV2. Этапы отбора в Аэрофлот

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    Скорость вызова на МКК больше всего зависит, судя по всему, от среднего балла диплома, баллов профотбора (ниже 20 баллов - шансов на вызов почти нет) и баллов Гусева (60-65 нормально, 66-75 хорошо, >75 очень хорошо).

    1. Профотбор

    Профотбор примерно похож на тот, который проходят при поступлении. Шкалы, компасы, КБ таблица, 15 секунд, тест на интеллектуальную лабильность, тест КОТ и т.п. Готовиться особо смысла нет, гораздо важнее выспаться.


    1. Гусев

    Экзамен состоит из Grammar test, Listening, Reading и небольшой беседы. Первые 3 части взяты из TOEFL.

    Беседа - элементарные вопросы (что закончил, где живешь, где учил английский, как сюда доехал, на чем летал и т.п.).

    Ссылка на программу для подготовки к тесту (запускать от имени администратора):


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    1. Ярченко

    1. Introducdion

    My full name is Istomin Vladislav Igorevich. I’m a 29 years old. I graduated from Sasovo flight school in 2015 october and security service academy in 2008.I was born in Aktubinsk. My small homeland is Pyatigorsk. Currently I live in Zelenograd. I have followed my father footsteps. I had been serving in the Air Forces, anti-air-defend branch since June of 2014 until June of 2015.

    Почему ты решил устроиться в нашу АК?

    I decided to apply for Aeroflot because it is biggest airline company in Russian market which provides high employee standards, stability, and ability for everyone to be promoted in higher position in future. By the way, it is social or employee oriented company. More over this company will allow me constantly increase my professional skills and knowledges, and in a long run to be high professional pilot.

    На каких ВС ты летал?

    I have mastered 2 types. The first one was Cessna-172 and the second was L-410. Cessna172 Is a small, single engine, four seat, high wing, fixed wing aircraft. Equipped with Lycoming four cylinder horizontally opposed air cooled engine produces 180 hp and G1000 avionics package.

    Какие приборы/оборудование были в самолёте на котором ты летал?

    The Yak-18 was poorly equipped, but it was a perfect fit for initial flight practice. The whole navigation instrumentation had insufficient design, e.g. heading gyroscope had significant deviations due to lack of electrical power. The most useful device was Garmin GNS-420. Also, there were backup instruments such as redundant airspeed indicator, altimeter, attitude indicator, and magnetic compass.

    1. Garmin G1000

    The Garmin G1000 is an integrated flight instrument typically composed of two display units, one serving as a primary flight display, and one as a multi-function display.

    The primary function of the PFD is to provide attitude, heading, air data, navigation, and alerting information to the pilot. The PFD can also be used for entering and activating flight plans.

    The primary function of the MFD is to provide engine information, mapping, terrain information, autopilot operation, and for flight planning. The multi-function display typically shows a moving map on the right side, and engine instrumentation on the left.
    1. Tree axes

    The longitudinal axis passes through the CG from nose to tail. A moment about this axis is a rolling moment, a roll to the right is a positive rolling moment.

    The normal (vertical) axis passes vertically through the CG at 90° to the longitudinal axis. A moment about the normal axis is a yawing moment, and a positive yawing moment would yaw the aircraft to the right.

    The lateral axis is a line passing through the CG, parallel to a line passing through the wing tips. A moment about the lateral axis is a pitching moment, and a positive pitching moment is nose up.
    1. 4 forces

    The motion of the airplane through the air depends on the relative strength and direction of the forces. If the forces are balanced, the aircraft cruises at constant velocity. If the forces are unbalanced, the aircraft accelerates in the direction of the largest force.

    Weight — the combined load of the aircraft itself, the crew, the fuel, and the cargo or baggage. Weight pulls the aircraft downward because of the force of gravity. It opposes lift, and acts vertically downward through the aircraft’s center of gravity (CG). In flight, the airplane rotates about the center of gravity.

    Flying encompasses two major problems: overcoming the weight of an object by some opposing force, and controlling the object in flight. Both of these problems are related to the object's weight and the location of the center of gravity. During a flight, an airplane's weight constantly changes as the aircraft consumes fuel. The distribution of the weight and the center of gravity also changes. So the pilot must constantly adjust the controls to keep the airplane balanced, or trimmed.

    Lift — opposes the downward force of weight, is produced by the dynamic effect of the air acting on the airfoil, and acts perpendicular to the flightpath through the center of lift (pressure). The aerodynamic force of lift results from the pressure differential between the top and bottom surfaces of the wing. The magnitude of the lift depends on several factors including the shape, size, and velocity of the aircraft. As with weight, each part of the aircraft contributes to the aircraft lift force. Most of the lift is generated by the wings.

    Lift equal lift coff times one second density of air times speed of airflow squared times wing area.

    Drag — is the force which resists the forward motion of the aircraft. Drag acts parallel to and in the same direction as the relative airflow (in the opposite direction to the flight path).

    Like lift, there are many factors that affect the magnitude of the drag force including the shape of the aircraft, the "stickiness" of the air, and the velocity of the aircraft. And like lift, drag acts through the aircraft center of pressure.

    Drag — rearward force caused by disruption of airflow by the wing, fuselage, and other parts of aircraft.

    Thrust — the forward force produced by the powerplant/propeller or rotor. It opposes or overcomes the force of drag. The direction of the thrust force depends on how the engines are attached to the aircraft. As a general rule, it acts parallel to the longitudinal axis.

    The magnitude of the thrust depends on many factors associated with the propulsion system including the type of engine, the number of engines, and the throttle setting. For jet engines, it is often confusing to remember that aircraft thrust is a reaction to the hot gas rushing out of the nozzle. The hot gas goes out the back, but the thrust pushes towards the front. Action <--> reaction is explained by Newton's Third Law of Motion.

    As a general rule, when engine thrust is higher than drag, the aircraft can use this excess thrust to accelerate and/or climb. On the other hand, when the thrust is insufficient to compensate for drag, the aircraft is forced to decelerate and/or descend.
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