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  • Г.В. Ушакова

  • СОДЕРЖАНИЕ UNIT 1.Introductory text

  • UNIT 2. Language work

  • UNIT 1. Introductory text

  • Intercargo E-Shipping

  • Also you can receive quotation for worldwide shipments and place orders. With a mouse click you can also download

  • 3. Freight Transport Logistics in Europe – the key to sustainable mobility

  • Recent trends in 3PL (third-party logistics*)

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    Федеральное агентство морского и речного транспорта

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    имени адмирала С.О. МАКАРОВА


    Кафедра иностранных языков

    Сборник текстов и учебных заданий

    Рекомендовано Редакционно-издательским советом

    Государственного университета имени адмирала С.О. Макарова


    Издательство ГУМРФ имени адмирала С.О. Макарова



    доцент Государственного университета

    морского и речного флота имени адмирала С. О. Макарова

    Т.М. Николаева

    Г.В. Ушакова English for transport logistic Сборник текстов и учебных заданий/ Г.В. Ушакова –– СПб.: Изд-во ГУМРФ им. адмирала С. О. Макарова, 2017. – 51 с.
    Сборник текстов и учебных заданий состоит из трех разделов. Первый раздел включает тексты для изучающего и ознакомительного чтения, задания и упражнения, направленные на развитие навыков чтения профессионально-ориентированной литературы, устной речи. Во втором разделе размещены лексические и грамматические упражнения. Третий раздел включает тексты, содержащие дополнительную информацию по разным аспектам деятельности в сфере логистики.

    Пособие предназначено для студентов 2-го курса направления подготовки 26.03.01 «Управление водным транспортом и гидрографическое обеспечение судоходства», может быть использовано для аудиторной и самостоятельной работы студентов всех форм обучения.

    ©ФГБОУ ВО «ГУМРФ имени адмирала С. О. Макарова», 2017

    © Г.В. Ушакова 2017


    UNIT 1.Introductory text....................................................................4

    Exporting……………………………………………………………….. 5


    Freight Transport Logistics in Europe – the key to sustainable mobility.9

    Cargo transportation by sea……………………………………………….13

    Sea Transport ……………………………………………………………..16

    Transport within Europe………………………………………………….19

    Packing……………………………………………………………………. 24

    Freight Forwarders………………………………………………………... 27

    The role of some logistic managers……………………………………….29

    Warehousing today………………………………………………………..34

    Container services…………………………………………………………39
    UNIT 2. Language work…………………………………………………41
    UNIT 3.Texts for Reading and Translation……………………………44

    Questions and answers of the export manager for Jonston Cosmetics……44

    Handling financial risk in international trade …………………………….45

    Role of transportation in the supply chain………………………………..46

    What does a Logistician do?......................................................................47

    Some instructions which US customs brokers handling international

    trade, provide on their website…………………………………………..48

    A list of documents used in foreign trade………………………………48

    UNIT 1. Introductory text
    Logistics is one of business terms which market economy brought into the Russian language. The word ‘logistics’ was used in ancient Greek, Roman and Byzantine empires to denote the military’s need to supply themselves with arms, ammunition and rations as they moved from their base to a forward position.

    With increasing development of trade and economy, it started to be used in business too. Moving raw materials to manufactures and then finished goods to customers used to be a simple job for men with strong backs and little education. Today senior management of a firm is concerned about improving transportation management and logistics as transportation represents a major expense item and freight transportation accounts for about 6 per cent of gross domestic product of a country.

    The goal of transportation is to ensure that all raw material arrive at the factory at the proper time and in good condition. To achieve that it is necessary to focus on improvements of operation that lead to a better service at the lower cost. They quote freight rates for salespeople, suggest quantity discounts, select carriers and routes for reliable delivery of products.

    The meaning of logistics is expanding. Now we speak about inbound, internal, outbound logistics, transport logistics, strategic logistics, warehousing logistics etc. Logistics is that part of the supply chain process that plans, implements and controls the efficient, effective forward and reverse flow and storage of goods, services and related information between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet customers’ requirements.

    1. Exporting

    When a country exports goods there are many problems it must consider, e.g. packaging, transportation, insurance and payment. First of all the goods must be packed carefully in containers to protect them from damage. The containers label show where they are going, also the label may show what the containers contain.

    Goods can be transported by sea or by air, by a shipping or by an airline. If the goods are shipped, then transit must be arranged from the factory to the docks (or quay). The shipment must be insured against loss or damage in transit. If the goods are damaged in transit the company is covered by the insurance.

    Obviously someone has to pay for all these things. While goods are in transit they are called freight (or cargo), so the company pays freight rates (or shipping costs) to the shipping company. The cargo is loaded at the dock and for this the company pays handling charges. Also the company must pay packaging charges.

    Exporting brings foreign currency into the country, so governments encourage export trade by giving assistance to exporters. Often companies borrow money from banks to finance exporting. This money is called export credit. Another form of government assistance is tax relief or tax advantage.
    Vocabulary notes.

    insurance -страхование

    handling -обработка грузов, данных

    tax relief -льготы по уплате налогов, налоговая скидка

    freight rates - транспортные тарифы, плата за перевозку

    handling charges -плата за погрузочно-разгрузочные работы; плата за обработку грузов

    encourage -поощрять, поддерживать
    Task 1.

    Answer the following question.

    1. What are the main problems in exporting?

    2. How is the shipment insured against loss or damage in transit?

    3. What kind of charges must an exporting company pay?

    4. What are the forms of assistance for exporting companies?
    Task 2.

    Match the English expressions with their Russian equivalents.

    1. to protect from damage a. оказать помощь

    2. to pay packing charges b. застраховать от потерь

    3. to give assistance c. оплатить расходы на упаковку

    4. to arrange transit d. защитить от повреждения

    5. to insure against loss e. организовать перевозку
    Task 3.

    Read the following information, enumerate services the Company

    Intercargo E-Shipping’ offers.
    Before reading translate the following verbs:

    book, offer, simplify, register, obtain, place, download.

    Intercargo E-Shipping
    Our web-based booking system offers you an extensive range of services

    to simplify your shipping requirements.

    After registering with E-Shipping, you can make price requests, schedule transport and obtain real-time shipment information.

    Also you can receive quotation for worldwide shipments and place orders. With a mouse click you can also download commercial documents in pdf format.

    Task 4.

    Translate into English.

    1. Мы можем предложить услуги по перевозке вашей продукции.

    2. У нас есть график движения транспорта на месяц.

    3. Нам необходимо разместить заказ на транспортировку и застраховать груз от потерь.

    4. Расходы на упаковку груза будут оплачены через неделю.

    5. Стоимость обработки груза в этом порту слишком велика.

    Task 5.

    Choose the correct variant to complete the sentences.

    1. The logistic sector of the country ____________ by 10 per cent in 2013.

    a) increased b) changed c) arranged

    2. In future the government wants __________ and extend the railway network.

    a) to change b) to improve c) to correct

    3. The goods must be _________carefully to protect them from damage.

    a) covered b) protected c) packed

    4) The company pays handling charges for___________ the cargo at the dock.

    a) packing b) loading c) arriving

    5) This booking system offers __________ to obtain real-time information

    a) requirements b) services c) documents

    6) The cargo must be ____________ against loss or damage in transit.

    a) protected b) covered c)ensured
    2. Logistics

    The interest in logistics is immense now. The market demand for logistics managers is great. Transport logistics is the art of organizing the transfer of cargo from origin to destination.

    Marine engineering companies, port authorities and manufactures have joined shipping companies, freight forwarders and logistics operators in providing a service which is referred to as LOGISTICS. Logistic operators provide freight forwarding, warehousing, inventory management, stuffing and unstuffing of containers, palletizing, packaging and product configuration.

    The logistics industry is changing fast. Western logistics companies have begun offering new services to new markets: Eastern Europe, Russia and Asia. New transport routs by air, rail, road and sea are constantly turning up. Service chains are more comprehensive than ever before.

    An up-to-date logistic operator is a company which has a big warehouse and their own fleet of trucks shuttling containers back and forth between ports, railway hubs or airports and a logistic park. The company will offer consolidation, deconsolidation, customs clearance and other logistics services such as packing, palletizing and relabeling of goods.

    Normally in logistics if you can be the first, you have a large chance of taking the whole market.
    Vocabulary notes.

    transfer -перемещение, транспортирование

    freight forwarder -экспедитор

    warehouse -товарный склад

    stuffing - загрузка груза в контейнер

    («стафировка» груза), заполнение

    consolidation - консолидация груза

    customs clearance -таможенный досмотр

    palletizing - укладка (штабелирование) груза на поддоны,

    Task 1.

    Fill in the gaps with the words given bellow (use your dictionary)

    packaging, packed, containers, damage, crates, labelled, label, container

    When a company exports goods abroad, there are many problems it must consider, e, g._______, transportation, insurance, payment. First of all the goods must be ________ carefully to protect them from ________. The containers or ____must be _______ clearly to show where they are going. The _______ may also show what the ______ contain.
    Task 2.

    Complete the passage below with the prepositions: in (2), at, of (2), through, with (2), for, to.

    Translate the passage into Russian.
    The term “production logistics” is used 1) _______ describing logistic processes within an industry. The purpose 2) _______ production logistics is to ensure that each machine is being fed 3) ________ the right product in the right quantity and quality 4) ________ the right point in time. The issue is not the transportation itself, but to control the flow 5) ________ the value adding processes and to eliminate non-value adding ones. Production logistics can be applied 6) ______ existing as well as new plants. Manufacturing 7) ________ an existing plant is a constantly changing process. Machines are exchanged and new ones are added, which gives the opportunity to improve the production logistics system accordingly. Production logistics is getting more and more important 8) ________ the decreasing batch sizes. Track and tracing are an essential part 9) ________ production logistics – due 10) _______ product safety and product reliability issues.
    3. Freight Transport Logistics in Europe – the key to sustainable mobility
    Europe’s transport policy has been characterized by liberalization and harmonization over the years. This has slowly shaped the transport system into what it is today. The fast growth of freight transport – driven to a large extent by economic decisions – contributes to growth and employment but also causes congestion, accidents, noise and pollution, increase reliance on imported fossil fuels, and energy loss. Infrastructure resources are limited and any disruption in the supply chain has necessarily a negative impact on the UN economy. Without adequate measures, the situation will continue worsening and increasingly undermine Europe’s competitiveness and the environment that we all live in.

    To overcome such problems, Europe’s transport system needs to be optimized by means of advanced logistics solutions. Logistics can increase the efficiency of individual modes of transport and their combinations. As a result, fewer units of transport, such as vehicles, wagons, and vessels should carry more freight. Impact on the environment will decrease accordingly. Rail and inland waterways need to be modernized. Air freight should be more closely integrated in the system. The positive development of short sea shipping should be accelerated. Deep-sea shipping and its hinterland connections need to be enhanced.

    At the same time each transport mode must be optimized. All modes must become more environmentally friendly, safer, and more energy efficient.

    shape (v) - формировать, создавать

    contribute (v) - содействовать, делать вклад

    congestion - загромождение

    fossil fuel - ископаемое, природное топливо

    undermine - разрушать, негативно сказываться

    disruption - разрыв, повреждение

    hinterland -прилегающая территория

    short sea shipping -каботажное судоходство

    enhance - улучшать, активизировать, совершенствовать

    Task 1.


    формировать транспортную систему; способствовать росту занятости; оказывать отрицательное воздействие; преодолевать трудности; увеличить эффективность транспорта; уменьшить влияние на окружающую среду; модернизировать внутренние водные пути; ускорить развитие каботажного судоходства;
    Task 2.

    Look through the text and find the information to answer the following questions:
    1. What are the negative consequences of the fast growth of freight transport?

    2. What should be done to overcome the problems of transport system?

    Task 3.

    Read the following text from a logistic company magazine about new trends in third-party logistics. Then label the paragraphs with the correct headings from the list.

    Recent trends in 3PL (third-party logistics*)

    * Выполнение логистических операций третьим

    лицом (комплексная сторонняя логистика)

    • Today’s role of major providers

    • Changing logistics requirements for manufactures

    • 3PL in the past

    • New challenges for 3PL

    • Change in logistic concepts

    1. ________________

    Until a few years ago, companies used to outsource only parts of their logistics operations to providers specializing in services such as distribution or warehousing. A single company sometimes had several third-party logistics providers.


    The globalization of trade and increasing demand for services has led to a drastic shift in logistic concept and management with an impact on producers and logistic providers.

    3. _____________

    For manufactures logistic management has become more complex. Many of them have learned that outsourcing single segments to different providers has not made their logistic operations more efficient. That is why they are looking for providers who can provide a higher level of service.

    4. ____________

    For 3PLs requirements are growing because customers are asking for a wider range of logistics solutions. Besides, logistics providers today are facing highly competitive market. In recent years, growing pressure on prices has led to a decrease in profit margins. In order to compensate for this, many third-party logistic providers offer new services for their customers. Due to competition in the 3PL market, experts predict that only the big international players will be able to work profitably in the future.

    5. ______________

    The big global players, also called super-3PLs, can provide their customers with end-to-end solutions*. These cervices usually include forwarding, transportation, consolidation, customs brokerage, warehousing and distribution.


    * end-to-end solution – комплексное решение
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