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  • Task 5. Read and translate the passages about the services of three logistic providers. ( GFT Global Carrier

  • Home Tex International

  • Cargo Express

  • 4. Cargo transportation by sea

  • Task 2. Read and translate the text The port of Rotterdam

  • 6. Transport within Europe

  • Transport by trailer

  • Rail freight

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    Task 4.

    Translate the following into Russian
    1. We need more information about warehousing.

    2. Our manufactures are looking for a higher level of services.

    3. The demand for services is increasing now.

    4. The problem of logistic management has become more complex.

    5. Due to competition in the market, specialists predict that only big players will work profitably.

    Task 5.

    Read and translate the passages about the services of three logistic providers.

    1. (GFT Global Carrier) We are one of the world’s leading transport companies with a freight volume of 6000,000 containers per year. As a major non-vessel operating common carrier, we can offer our customers competitive rates with all major shipping lines as well as flexible solutions for different sea freight requirements. We specialize in solutions for full container loads. We also provide our customers with servicers such as web-based tracking for cargo in transit.

    2. (Home Tex International) As a specialist in home textiles, we can offer our clients customized services to meet their needs. With more than 25 years’ experience in the industry and a modern fleet of vehicles, we can ensure fast, safe delivery of your consignments. Our services include order picking, packing, distribution and handling of all transport documentation. Our team will be happy to assist you in all matters regarding your order,

    3. (Cargo Express) Cargo Express is Asia’s leading provider of air freight forwarding, we can provide you with tailor-made solutions for your air transport requirements. We work closely with air carriers around the world and can offer our customers a wide range of flexible and cost-effective services. These include collection, consolidation, customs clearance, distribution, and online tracking of all cargo movements.

    Vocabulary notes.

    non-vessel operating common carrier - несудоходная транспортная компания общего назначения

    competitive rates -конкурентные ставки

    customized services -индивидуальные услуги

    consignment -партия груза

    tailor-made solutions - нестандартные решения

    handling -обработка(груза),транспортная обработка груза

    customs clearance -таможенный досмотр
    4. Cargo transportation by sea

    Transport by sea is comparatively slow, but it is also comparatively cheap. A typical ship’s speed is about 25 knots (less than 30 miles per hour), so it can take about six days for a cargo ship to cross the Atlantic Ocean. One of the problems associated with carriage by sea is that the cargoes can be landed only in ports, so trains and/or trucks may be required only as support transport. This adds to both the cost and the time taken.

    The great advantage of sea transport is that tens and even hundreds of thousands of tones can be carried at one time. Bulk oil tankers can deliver three of four thousand tons in a single journey. There are considerable economies of scale in this, for the amount of the fuel required by the vessel and the size of the crew does not increase in proportion to the capacity of the ship.

    One of the original defects of long sea voyages was that cargoes could be harmed. For example, meat carcasses deteriorated when ships had to cross the tropics. Modern refrigeration has changed that. Containerization has also helped in that it reduces the damage likely to be caused in the process of loading and unloading.

    Of course, ships of all kinds can run into a gale at sea. Many ships still sink with their cargoes every year and insurance against loss is covered by Lloyd’s of London, the traditional market for marine insurance. In the 17th century Edward Lloyd ran a coffee house near the London docks. It became a popular meeting place for ships’ masters and merchants to meet. There they obtained insurance for trading voyage, for both ships and cargoes. To encourage business Lloyd began to provide shipping information from around the world, and this eventually became the famous Lloyd’s newssheet, giving the whereabouts of virtually all the ships in the world.
    Vocabulary notes

    bulk oil tanker -нефтеналивной танкер

    capacity -емкость, вместимость

    to harm - причинять ущерб, наносить вред

    to run into a gale -попасть в шторм

    insurance - страхование

    whereabouts - местонахождение, пребывание

    virtually - фактически, практически
    Task 1.

    Find English equivalents in the above text

    три тонны груза были доставлены за один рейс;

    потребовалось несколько дней, чтобы пересечь океан;

    груз мог быть поврежден во время перевозки;

    контейнеризация снизила повреждения груза во время погрузки и выгрузки;

    Task 2.

    Read and translate the text

    The port of Rotterdam

    The port of Rotterdam has now become the most important container main port in Europe. About 60% of the containers delivered to or shipped from Rotterdam are handled by Europe Combined Terminal (ECT), one of the leading container transshipment companies in the world. The restricting process in the port started 25 years ago. The terminals were specially equipped for handling automobiles, timber and general cargo. ECT designed new types of quay cranes, terminal trucks which were like a train with pneumatic tyres that can shift 10 containers in one go, straddle carrier equipped with automatic spreaders and other equipment.

    In 1993 ECT signed a 2- year contract with sea land whose Delta terminal uses a large number of up-to-date equipment developed by ECT, for example a robot crane and vehicles for horizontal transport and container storage.

    The Rotterdam Municipal Port Management together with ECT are working on a new project of further development of the port which includes the construction of a number of ultramodern terminals, extensive central rail-and-inland shipping terminals and distribution centers where the whole process of handling a container is computerized.
    Vocabulary notes

    transshipment -перегрузка, перевалка (груза)

    straddle carrier - портальный автопогрузчик

    automatic spreaders -автоматический распределитель, раскладчик

    5. Sea Transport

    Sea transport has been the largest carrier of freight throughout recorded history. Main maritime routes include oceans, coasts, seas, lakes, rivers and channels. Water transport uses ships and large commercial vessels that carry billions of tons of cargo every year. Sea, lake or river transport is particularly effective for significantly large quantities of goods that are non-perishable in nature and for cities or states that have water access. Moreover, transport via water is considerably less expensive than other logistics methods, which makes it one of the most widely used choices of transport for merchandise.

    International navigation holds the biggest share of about 90% of the cargo carriage. After World War II, when the world economy began to boom and cargo transport increased greatly, specialized ships were built that could carry different types of goods and decrease transport costs. They were container ships, Ro-Ro vessels, barge carriers and general cargo vessels.

    The capacity of the general cargo ship ranges from 5,000 to 13,000 DWT. It has four or five holds (space for cargo stowage below deck), usually one or two tween decks and many derricks (ship’s cranes) arranged in such a way that each hold can be served by at least two derricks.

    The introduction of container ships has been a breakthrough in the reduction of the turnaround time of the merchant ship. The use of containers also reduces damage and pilferage of cargo and packing costs.

    Ro-Ro ferries have transformed the transport links between the UK and the rest of Europe. Before the existence of the ferry, goods were taken to the docks and loaded aboard conventional vessels which sailed across the Channel and North Sea to the Continent. Here goods were discharged and then delivered to the consignees by road or rail. The principle of the Ro-Ro ferry is summed up by the term “Ro-Ro” which means “roll-on, roll-off”. The trailer drives on to the ferry and drives off again just like motorists who travel to the Continent on holiday. The goods remain loaded on the trailer throughout the sea crossing. All trailers travel to and from the UK on Ro-Ro ferries, and the main port is Dover which handles more than 1000 trailers a day to and from the Continent.

    Normally, the choice of route will be left to the trailer operator or freight forwarder, and the decision will be taken in the light of operational requirements, the price of the ferry crossing and other factors. The variety of routes means that freight forwarders have a wide choice of options. New cervices start up and other close down at regular intervals and the forwarders have to keep up to date with developments.
    Vocabulary Notes

    share - доля

    boom - бум, быстрый подъем

    capacity - вместимость

    decrease -уменьшать, снижать (снижение)

    hold - трюм

    stowage - размещение груза в трюме, укладка

    stow - укладывать, складировать

    deck - палуба

    tweendeck - твиндек (межпалубное пространство)

    derrick - деррик, грузовая стрела

    breakthrough - прорыв

    turnaround time - время на оборот судна в порту

    damage - ущерб, вред, повреждение

    pilferage - мелкая кража

    freight forwarder -экспедитор

    Ro-Ro - судно с бескрановой (накатной) погрузкой

    ferry - паром

    conventional vessel - (зд.) обычное судно

    to load aboard -грузить на борт

    to discharge - разгружать

    to deliver - доставлять, передавать, вручать

    to handle -обрабатывать (документы, груз), грузить, выгружать

    to leave - (зд.) предоставлять (выбор)

    operational requirements - эксплуатационные требования

    to keep up to date developments – не отставать от современных разработок
    Task 1.

    Find the English equivalents to the following:
    вместимость судна; транспортные связи (сообщения); снизить транспортные расходы; грузить (выгружать) трейлеры; принимать решение; выбор маршрута (пути); стоимость паромной переправы;
    Task 2 .

    Read and translate the following words:

    a)penalty, b)freight forwarder, c)consignee,

    d) bank, e)customs, f)shipper

    Match the above words with the following definitions:

    1. A person or an organization that sends goods to their destination.

    2. A person or an organization intended to receive goods sent.

    3. An organization that holds money and lends money at interest.

    4. A sum of money to be paid by a person who breaks the contract.

    5. A person or an organization that arranges for goods to be sent by sea or air.

    6. A government department responsible for collecting payments on certain imports or exports.

    Task 3.

    Match these words with their definitions
    carrier, exporter, agent, party,
    1. A person or an organization that is appointed to act on behalf of a principal, that provides a particular service, buys or sells goods for someone else.

    2. A person, an organization or a country that sends goods or services to other countries for sale.

    3. A person or business that transports goods for commercial purposes.

    4. A person or group of people who take part in a legal agreement or dispute.

    6. Transport within Europe

    Businesses of all sizes are involved in transporting goods to and from other parts of Europe. Even before the UK became a member of the European Community (EC), trade with its future partners had been growing rapidly and this trend has continued to the present day. The mainland of Europe is the UK’s most important export market, and traders are more likely to buy or sell goods there than in any other part of the world. Groups of countries within Europe include Scandinavia and Benelux countries (Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg). Of particular importance are the trading blocks which now dominate Europe. The largest is the European Community (EC) and the next is the European Free Trade Association (EFTA). All modes of transport are used to move cargo between the UK and other parts of Europe – air, container, rail and road. The dominant method of transport is the road trailer, which has increased popularity since the advent of the Roll on/Roll off (Ro-Ro) ferry.

    Air freight

    Within Europe air freight has lost many of its attraction in recent years, yet air freight cannot be discounted entirely, particularly for the more distant countries.

    The development of express road carriers has resulted in a loss of airlines of a great deal of traffic. The loss has been particularly severe over shorter distances – to Belgium, the Ruhr area of Germany, Luxembourg, Northern France and the Netherlands. Road operators guarantee anything from 24- to a 72-hour service to these destinations. This is often a great deal more reliable than air freight. Although the airport-to-airport transit time is rapid, shippers are more interested in the door-to-door transit time, and road operators can achieve a similar or faster door-to-door transit time than airlines.

    For normal overnight or two-day delivery services, the choice is between air freight or road, and in most instances the goods will in any case travel by road. For the more distant countries within Europe, such as Finland, Greece, Italy or Spain, air freight is still quicker.

    While air freight cannot normally be recommended for shorter journeys, emergency shipments should be sent by air. This is the only way of ensuring a same-day delivery to, foe example, Paris or Frankfurt. Special arrangements to handle such a shipment will have to be made with a freight forwarder as many passenger flights do not accept freights.

    Some of the European airlines now market a door-to-door delivery service which means that they will collect the consignment, arrange all the documentation, dispatch the goods and deliver them to the customer overseas in accordance with a predetermined timetable. These services from the airlines can be expected to develop.
    Vocabulary Notes

    to involve - включать

    advent - прибытие, приход

    airfreight - воздушные перевозки

    to discount - (зд.) не принимать в расчет

    to result in - кончаться, иметь результатом

    emergency shipment - срочная отправка (отгрузка) товаров

    freight forwarder - экспедитор

    predetermined timetable -подготовленное расписание

    reliable - надежный

    transit time - время транспортировки

    to market - продавать или покупать на рынке

    to collect - взимать, взыскивать, собирать деньги
    Task 1.

    Answer these questions, basing your answers on the text.
    1. What kind of traffic is the most popular within Europe?

    2. What is the best way of ensuring a same-day delivery?

    Task 2.

    Change the listed adjectives into adverbs (-ly or -ally), translate them.

    EXAMPLE: great – greatly
    like entire rapid recent

    particular similar dominant popular

    severe normal special
    Task 3.

    Read and translate the headwords, their definitions and examples of different uses of the headwords.

    Head word



    Discount (noun)

    1.(commerce) a reduction of the selling price of something

    1. They get a 10% discount for paying cash.

    2. Our company offers a discount to customers buying large quantities.

    Loss (noun)

    Make a loss

    1.(accounting/finance) money lost in business deal

    1. The travel company reported a loss of $4.4 million.

    2.a person or a thing lost;

    the act of losing something

    2. The factory closed down with a loss of 500 jobs.

    3.(insurance) damaged or stolen property for which the cost replacing it paid by an insurance company

    3. The marine insurance covers loss or damage due to storms or collision.

    4. to lose money rather than make a profit

    4. If I reduce the price any more, I’ll make a loss.



    1. a person or organization that arranges for goods to be sent by sea or air

    1. The shipper must sign the bill of lading.

    Transport by trailer

    With the development of the motorway system throughout Europe, the road trailer has become the most favoured method of moving goods. The advantage of the trailer, compared with other forms of transport, is that goods can be loaded on to a unit in one place and unloaded from the same trailer at their destination. This means that handling en route is avoided and thus the risk of damaging goods is also reduced. In addition, virtually every factory or warehouse in Europe is situated on a road so trailers can collect and deliver goods anywhere.

    No other form of transport has such versatility. To send goods by air or by rail, you must move them to the airport or railway station unless you have the good fortune to have a factory or warehouse which is rail-connected.
    Vocabulary Notes

    Motorway system - система автомобильных дорог

    favoured method - предпочтительный способ

    destination - место назначения, пункт назначения

    en route - по пути, по дороге

    to avoid - избегать

    damage - повреждение, порча, ущерб

    virtually - фактически

    to deliver - доставлять, подвозить

    versatility - (зд.) разнообразные возможности

    warehouse - товарный склад

    good fortune - везение, удача, счастливый случай

    Rail freight

    Rail freight within Europe should only be used in special circumstances and for most types of cargo, rail freight is an inappropriate method of transport. British Rail will naturally demur at this conclusion, but rail freight is only suitable for large quantities of heavy or bulky goods

    Commodities which move by rail include coal, steel, bulk chemicals and other heavy items. The advantage of rail freight is that the weight restrictions imposed on road vehicles do not exist, and there are specialized goods wagons now available which can carry up to 63 tones of freight.

    Small shippers, however, are unlikely to have such vast quantities of goods to move at the same time. For small individual packages, British Rail does offer an international service, but in terms of transit time it cannot compete with the road groupage operators.

    The other requirement for freight is the existence of a private siding, preferably at both ends of the journey. If the UK private sidings are not very common, except with large regular shippers, although on the Continent, particularly in Germany and Switzerland, private sidings are more widespread. The existence of private sidings allows the wagon to go from door to door, avoiding delays and expensive handling charges at goods depots. Companies which are likely to be moving large quantities of goods can obtain a grant towards the building of a private siding.
    Vocabulary Notes

    inappropriate - неподходящий, неуместный

    to demur - возражать, сомневаться

    bulky - громоздкий, объемистый

    weight restrictions - ограничения веса (груза)

    to impose - налагать (ограничения, обязательства)

    vast - обширный, многочисленный

    to compete (with) - конкурировать

    groupage - оформление нескольких видов наименований груза (принадлежащего различным владельцам) в один пункт назначения одним документом

    siding - подъездной путь, железнодорожная ветка

    widespread - широко распространенный

    handling charges - плата за грузовые операции,

    расходы на обработку груза
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