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  • Warehouse Logistics Manager

  • 11. Container services

  • UNIT 2. LANGUAGE WORK 1. Complete the sentences with words from the box.

  • 2. Choose the correct words to complete these sentences.

  • 3. Complete the sentences with

  • 5. Match the beginnings of the sentences (1-6) with the endings (a-f). Translate the sentences.

  • 6. Replace the underlined words with verbs from the box that have the same meaning. Use the correct verb forms.

  • 7. Put the words in the right order.

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    10. Warehousing today

    In the past, a warehouse was only seen as a place to store things. It often took up a lot of ground space and goods were usually picked by hand or using a fork-lift truck.

    During last few years, however, the role and the design of the warehouse have radically changed. The warehouse is now considered a critical link between a manufacturing plant and the external world with a strong impact on the performance of the entire manufacturing and logistics system.

    Warehouse automation and complex technologies are now used in order to produce effective operations. Many warehouses today are equipped with warehouse management systems (WMS), which automate the product flow throughout the warehouse and maximize the use of warehouse space through effective picking methods, location consolidation and cross docking.

    Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems (AS/RS) have been introduced in many warehouses. These systems involves high-racking storage with a machine operating within the isles, serving both sides of the isle. These systems can pick, replenish, and perform inventory checks without a human operator.

    In fully automated systems, conveyor belts are very important as they link the different areas of the warehouse and carry the goods to where they are required: for example between the receiving areas and reserve storage, or between the picking and loading areas.

    The warehouse today would be unthinkable without the barcode. The barcode label on each item provides specific information about the product, which can be transferred to a computer system. This makes it possible to locate the item’s position in the warehouse and find it again. By using automated technology, such as barcode scanners and RFID (radio frequency identification), warehouse inventory and product flow can be effectively managed. Combined with modern IT systems, barcodes enable warehouse staff to track and trace all items in the warehouse at any given time and usually in real time.

    Vocabulary notes

    fork-lift truck -вилочный автопогрузчик

    manufacturing plant -промышленное предприятие

    picking - сортировка, комплектование, сбор заказа

    location -местоположение, размещение

    consolidation - объединение, укрупнение

    crossdocking - сквозная система

    складирования (кросс-докинг)

    high-racking storage - высокостеллажный способ хранения

    replenish - пополнять, обновлять (запасы, ресурсы)

    reserve storage -запасный склад
    Task 1.

    Complete the following table (use your dictionary if necessary)























    Task 2.

    Translate into English.

    1. Оборудование товарных складов существенно изменилось за последние годы.

    2. С помощью автоматизации и внедрения сложных технологий все зоны склада были объединены в единую систему.

    3. Система конвейеров связывает все зоны товарного склада.

    4. Штрих-код дает полную информацию о товаре и позволяет определить местоположение и проследить перемещение товара.

    Task 3.

    Complete the passage below with the words from the box below, translate the passage.

    safety profession goods overtime

    managers skills duties office

    Warehouse Logistics Manager
    A warehouse manager has many 1) _________. He/she is responsible for the following operations:

    Processing orders

    Organizing the dispatch and delivery of 2) ___________

    Ensuring goods are stored safely

    Keeping staff fully trained

    Maintaining health and 3) ___________ standards

    Keeping accurate records

    Managing timesheets, etc.

    Warehouses are often open 24 hours a day, seven days a week so shift work is very common in this 4) ______________ and managers may work some weekends and evenings. Hours are usually 37 hours per week but there’s often the opportunity for 5) ___________.

    Managers will spend some of their time in the 6) _________ and some of their time out on the shop floor overseeing staff. They must be in touch with other 7) ___________ in the production chain to ensure the management of goods is well coordinated. They manage a team of people, so good communication and leadership 8) ___________are necessary for this job.
    Task 4.

    a) Read the dialogue about the work of integrated packing location system.
    P. This is how the system works. It’s actually quite simple. After the goods have arrived at the packing location the first step is to scan in the barcode of the shipping box. After that you enter the packing location dialogue.

    M. What is the next step?

    P. Well, following that you can see and access all positions in the picking container.

    M. I see.

    P. If you see this function, you can form one or several packages and once the package is complete, the system will automatically calculate the weight using a data interface between the scales and the system.

    M. Sounds good. What about the shipping labels?

    P. This is actually the next step. The system will print the shipping label after you have selected the means of transport. And now we come to the last stage of this process. After the order has been completed, the delivery note is printed automatically.
    Vocabulary notes

    integrated system - единая система

    barcode - штрих-код

    delivery note - товарная накладная, извещение о доставке
    b) Put the steps in this integrated packing location system in the correct order (1 - 8)

    • You scan the barcode of the shipping label.

    • The system calculates the weight of the package.

    • You enter the system.

    • You choose means of transport.

    • You can put together packages.

    • The shipping labels are printed. You can see and access all positions in the container.

    • The order is complete – the system prints delivery note.

    Task 5.

    Read and translate the text describing warehouse areas.
    First of all, there is the receiving area. That’s where all incoming goods arrive and documentation is checked and recorded. Goods are often unpacked here to make their format more suitable for warehouse handling.
    The back-up storage area holds most of our warehouse inventory.
    In the order picking area the goods are selected in the right quantities, that means the quantities required by the customer. Here we also break bulk. That means, for example after receiving goods in large quantities (E.G. pallets), we need to pack them in smaller separate units for the customer.
    In the sortation area we deal with smaller order sizes. Sometimes several orders have been batched together to simplify the picking process and now need to be sorted down to individual orders.
    After picking the goods are consolidated and made ready for dispatch. Depending on the customer’s requirements the goods may be packed into cartons or cases or they are wrapped. Some warehouses also provide special services such as labelling. This part of warehouse is called collation and value added services .
    The final stage in warehouse operations is the marshalling and dispatch area. The goods are brought together to form vehicle loads and are then loaded onto vehicles for dispatch.
    Vocabulary notes

    sortation -сортировка

    marshalling and dispatch - сортировка и отправка

    receiving - получен

    collation and value-added services - систематизация и услуги,

    создающие добавочную


    back-up storage - резервное хранилище

    order picking - формирование заказа,

    отбор изделий по заказу

    handling - обработка груза

    breakbulk - разбивать крупную

    партию груза на мелкие

    vehicles -транспортные средства

    11. Container services

    Containers are large steel boxes, 20 to 40 feet in length, can hold most cargoes including liquids, and are transported by lorries or trains to ports where they are loaded on to container vessels and shipped. Because of their sealing to prevent pilfering they are safe, and goods are also protected against constant handling. They are versatile, loading top, front, or side, and can cut a ship’s laytime (waiting time) down by 60-70 per cent. Small parcels from different shippers can be grouped together (consolidation) at a depot if they are for the same destination, and special groupage rates are offered to consignees.

    Most ports in the world have facilities for loading and unloading containers, and if they do not have them, the container can be delivered to a port with facilities, then loaded on to trucks and taken to the customer.
    Vocabulary notes

    ship (v) -отправлять, отгружать

    shipper - отправитель

    seal (v) -опечатывать, опломбировать

    lay time -сталийное время, стояночное время

    consignee -грузополучатель
    Task 1.

    Read a presentation of a transport company employee. He presents some container options to a potential customer.
    First of all, we offer the general purpose container for any general dry cargo. It comes with timber floor has various lashing devices to secure the load. These lashing points are located horizontally at floor level and vertically next to door corner posts.

    Our refrigerated container, called “reefer”, can be used for delicate cargo and perishables. It is temperature controlled and is particularly suitable for cargo that needs regulated or cool temperatures. With our reefer your cargo reaches its destination in perfect condition. If you want to ship liquids, for example, foodstuffs or chemicals, we can produce you with our “tanktainer”. This is a standard container frame with a tank fitted inside. As an extra, we also offer tank containers with electric plugs in case the cargo needs cooling of heating during transport.

    For bulky cargo we recommend the open-top container. It comes with PVC tarpaulin cover instead of a roof panel to allow loading from the top. The doors can be removed to make loading easier.
    Vocabulary notes

    lash -закреплять, крепить

    perishables -скоропортящиеся товары

    PVC -поливинилхлорид (покрытие)

    tarpaulin - чехол, брезент

    bulky cargo - навалочный груз

    frame - каркас, структура

    Task 2.

    Complete the following sentences. Use the verbs in the box in Passive.

    Translate the sentences.

    seal load transport employ deliver accept

    1. The agent ______ by the exporter to provide all services.

    2. The document ______ by the bank next week.

    3. Containers ______ by lorries to the port where they ______ on to a ship.

    4. These containers ______ to a port and are ready for shipment.

    5. The containers ______ to prevent pilferage.

    1. Complete the sentences with words from the box.

    so because although due as a result

    despite because in spite of

    1. Our customer wants to ship valuable freight, _________ we need to think about insurance.

    2. A part of the shipment seems to be damaged _________ of rough handling.

    3. _______________ the customer needed them urgently, the goods couldn’t be delivered at the weekend.

    4. The flight was cancelled _________ bad weather.

    5 The driver had the wrong address. _________, it took him three hours to deliver the pallets.

    6. The consignment arrived on time ________ all customs formalities at the border.

    7. We were unable to ship today __________ we’ve had problems with our dispatch.

    8. __________ being well secured, the load was damaged on arrival.

    2. Choose the correct words to complete these sentences.
    1. The documents stated the wrong qualities. As a reason/ result/ cause/, the shipment was not accepted at the warehouse.

    2. The delay was found/ noticed /caused/ by an accident on the motorway.

    3. When I spoke to the logistics manager, it noticed/ saw/ turned out that they had used different packing material.

    4. Unfortunately, we are unable to deliver the consignment due to/ because/ so technical problems in our warehouse.

    5. Although/ in spite of/ but/ the delay, the delivery will still arrive in time.

    6. What is the cause/ reason/ result/ for this delay?
    3. Complete the sentences with by or until.
    1. I’ll make sure that documents arrive _______ the end of the week.

    2. We have to arrange shipment __________ August 4th.

    3. I’m afraid there will be delays ________ the beginning of July.

    4. They said we would receive the consignment _________ Monday.

    5. Call me if there are any problems. I’ll be in my office _____ 6.30 today.

    6. We require the goods _________ March 15th.
    4. Complete the sentences using the correct active or passive form of the verbs in brackets.
    1. After the unit load _______________(check), it goes into automated storage.

    2. As soon as an appropriate location_______________ (identify) by the warehouse management system, a put away instruction _____________ ( must, issue).

    3. After the vehicle driver__________ (report) to the gatehouse, the vehicle documentation _______ (check) by staff.

    4. Then the packages ___________ (process) i.e. they _______________ (may, label) with bar codes.

    5. The goods __________ (check) on unloading.

    6. After that, staff ________________ (direct) the driver to an unloading bay or parking area.
    5. Match the beginnings of the sentences (1-6) with the endings (a-f). Translate the sentences.
    1. I would need some information

    2. Could you let me know

    3. In that case I suggest that you

    4. For a consignment this size I

    5. Of course it would also be

    6. We can also arrange transport
    a) would recommend rail transport.

    b) by courier if you prefer.

    c) regarding loading times.

    d) what the transit times are?

    e) possible to ship by express service instead.

    f) use the cheaper sea freight options.
    6. Replace the underlined words with verbs from the box that have the same meaning. Use the correct verb forms.

    stack come run fix attach lift fit

    1.This type of crane is used for raising containers.

    2. Containers are available in a variety of versions and sizes.

    3. It’s a heavy-duty fork lift truck equipped with a spreader beam.

    4.With this device you can pile containers on top of each other.

    5. Some containers have a bogie fixed to them.

    6. This device is mounted on rails.

    7. The crane is motorized and able to move alongside the quay.

    7. Put the words in the right order.

    1. a shipment / send / us / a quotation / please / for / to Madras

    2. state / delivery date / in your quotation / your earliest

    3. let us / could / the following / please / have a quotation / including / details / you?

    4. a part truck load / shipping rates / what / your / for / to Birmingham / are?

    5. on sailing times / your quotation / detailed information / should / and insurance rates / also include

    6. the following consignment / please / for / of / quote / the transport
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