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  • Types of packing

  • 9. The role of some logistic managers 1) Freight forwarder

  • 2) Shipping operations manager

  • Task 1 .

  • 3) Warehouse manager

  • The agent’s arrangements for the discharging and loading of the ship

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    Task 1.

    Answer these questions basing your answers on the texts “Transport by trailer” and “Rail freight”
    1. What are the advantages of the trailer transportation?

    2. What kinds of goods are suitable for rail transportation?

    3. What is the advantage of a private siding in the UK?
    Task 2.

    Point out the words that complete the following sentences, translate the sentences.
    1. The goods were sent by sea and reached their ___________ on time.

    a) destination b) center c) item
    2. What is the _____________ for handling cargo in the port?

    a) price b) charge c) payment
    3. The suppliers of spare parts promised ___________ within 10 days.

    a) transportation b) delivery c) driving

    7. Packing

    Packing is intended to protect goods during transit from all types of different hazards. Cargo in transit is threatened by natural phenomena, mainly by weather, and by man-made problems which include pilferage.

    Packing is an integral part of the distribution chain, so the packing should be designed to maximize the use of the container, trailer or air freight container. In this area there are great opportunities for shippers to save considerable amounts of money. Many trailers and containers depart with a full load but in fact the customer is paying for the transport of air because in some cases the empty space inside a trailer or container represents about 30 per cent of the total available capacity. Before quoting for every new contract, traders should consider how the packing and transport aspects are linked.

    Before deciding on the type of packing, shippers should check that there are adequate handling facilities throughout the journey. This is especially important for larger pieces of equipment which may require a crane.
    Types of packing

    Goods can be packed in several different ways. Some types of cargo are sturdy enough not to require packing. This applies to motor cars, some machinery and bulk commodities such as steel bars. Even though packing is not required, the goods still need protection against sudden movement, vibration, condensation and rain, and it is always advisable to consult a packing company. They will advise on the best method of protection – perhaps securing the machine to a pallet and covering it in a shrink wrapping, wrapping the exposed edges of the equipment or coating the item with a protective chemical.

    The pallet is one of the simplest and most useful invention. The pallet is a movable platform and goods are placed on the pallet and the fastened to it. The advantage of pallets is that they are relatively cheap and highly maneuverable. Fork-lift trucks load and unload pallets. Pallets come in different sizes and they are reusable (there are companies which hire out pallets on a long-term basis).

    Bags are made of jute, paper and increasingly from synthetic material. They provide only minimal protection against water.

    Boxes, crates, cases are the traditional items, made of wood and sometimes metal, used for packing. Boxes and cases are used mainly for road and sea transport, for both container and conventional shipment, and to a lesser extent in air freight. They offer excellent protection for delicate machinery but the cost of boxes and crates is high. Making and then packing a box or case is both time-consuming and expensive.

    The carton is a popular form of packing, particularly for consumer goods and non-perishable foodstuffs. Cartons can be loaded easily on to a pallet. The advantage of using a carton is its price but cartons are unsuitable for conventional shipment for which they do not offer sufficient protection.

    Drums and barrels are used for transport of liquids. Drums can be made of metal or plastic.

    Shrink wrapping is a widely used technique for the protection of goods. The cartons are stacked on to a pallet and covered with a thick plastic material which is affixed to the goods by the use of a hot air blower.
    Vocabulary Notes

    hazard - риск, опасность

    to threaten - угрожать

    distribution chain - распределительная цепь

    to depart - уезжать, покидать

    to quote - назначать цену, котировать

    adequate handling facilities - соответствующие погрузочно- разгрузочные средства, перевалочные средства

    sturdy - крепкий, твердый

    bulk commodities -навалочный груз, груз насыпью, бестарный груз

    bar - полоса, брус, балка

    to secure - крепить, закреплять

    pallet - грузовая площадка, поддон

    shrink wrapping - полиэтиленовая упаковочная обертка

    to wrap - обертывать, завертывать

    exposed edges - открытые (незащищенные) края

    to coat -наносить покрытие, грунтовать, обшивать

    to fasten - крепить, закреплять, прикреплять

    fork-lift-truck - вилочный автопогрузчик

    to hire out - сдавать внаем

    to split - расщепляться, разбиваться, трескаться

    bags split – (зд.) мешки рвутся

    crate - упаковочная клеть, корзина

    perishable - скоропортящийся

    to affix - прикреплять

    blower - вентилятор, воздуходувка
    Task 1.

    Translate from Russian into English
    1. Перед транспортировкой груз необходимо упаковать.

    2. При выборе упаковки отправитель должен учитывать возможности погрузочно-разгрузочных средств на пути следования груза.

    3. Способ защиты груза рекомендуется согласовать с компанией, занимающейся упаковкой.

    4. Использование поддонов - один из самых простых и надежных способов упаковки.

    5. Ящики и коробки являются надежным, но дорогим видом упаковки. Их изготовление требует затрат и времени.
    8. Freight Forwarders

    Task 1.

    Read the text and answer the questions bellow.
    The traditional role of the freight forwarder was simply to act as an agent. The forwarder prepared shipping documents for the traffic which was dispatched by sea to countries which were then part of the British Empire. The role of freight forwarders began to change as UK trade with the continent increased. The forwarders now undertake a wide range of different responsibilities, sometimes acting as agents and sometimes as principals.

    Many exporters and importers look to their freight forwarder for advice. This is a role which every forwarder is pleased to fulfill. He is aware of changes in freight rates, shipping or airline schedules, new options which become available to any particular market as well as any special conditions which restrict access to a destination.

    Acting on the instructions of the customer, the forwarder will make a few inquiries and then recommend a particular shipping line. The forwarder will assist with all the documentation and book the freight with the shipping line. Here, the freight forwarder is acting as an agent on behalf of the forwarder.

    Freight forwarders now operate their own services, and so the forwarder becomes the principal rather than the agent. In Europe large freight forwarders (such as Davis Turner or Rockwood International) run their own services to many parts of Europe. Instead of just arranging or recommending a routing, the forwarder becomes involved in the physical movement of the goods.
    Vocabulary notes

    destination -пункт назначения

    inquiry -запрос
    1. What is the traditional role of freight forwarder?

    2. What information can be received from freight forwarder?

    3. What are the main functions of freight forwarder nowadays?
    Task 2.

    Complete the following table (use your dictionary if necessary)























    9. The role of some logistic managers
    1) Freight forwarder

    His job is to organize the transport of goods by sea, air, road or rail. An important part of the job is dealing with customer requests about the most suitable mode of transport. His responsibilities also include negotiating good shipping rates with shipping lines and transport companies.

    He also make booking reservations, that means he books space on a ship, train, lorry or airplane. Another part of the job is to consolidate a number of shipments under one bill of lading. Apart from that, he has to deal with all the necessary documentation and, in many cases, he arranges customs clearance on behalf of his clients.
    Vocabulary notes

    customer - клиент, заказчик, покупатель

    responsibility - ответственность

    request - запрос, заявка

    suitable -подходящий, пригодный, соответствующий

    reservation - бронирование, предварительный заказ

    make reservation - заказать заранее

    space - место, пространство

    shipment - отправка, погрузка, перевозка

    (Груз, партия товара)

    Shipping rates - тарифы перевозок, фрахтовая ставка

    Customs clearance - таможенная очистка

    deal (with) - иметь дело с кем-л. , обсуждать

    negotiate - вести переговоры,

    договариваться, обсуждать

    book - заказывать (бронировать)

    места, (регистрировать)

    consolidate - объединять (консолидация груза)

    arrange - организовывать

    Task 1.

    Match the English expressions with their Russian equivalents
    1. организовать перевозку грузов а. consolidate shipments

    2. рассмотреть просьбы клиента b. arrange customs clearance

    3.согласовать тарифы перевозки c. organize transport of goods

    4. организовать таможенную очистку d. negotiate shipping rates

    5. объединить партии товара e. deal customer requests
    Task 2.

    1. Кто ваш основной заказчик (клиент, покупатель)?

    2. Завтра мы будем обсуждать тарифы перевозок.

    3. Я должен организовать таможенную очистку груза от имени моего клиента

    4. Необходимо обсудить вопросы, связанные с упаковкой и погрузкой опасных (dangerous) грузов.
    2) Shipping operations manager

    Shipping manager is responsible for getting freight and passengers to their destination safely and on schedule. Most of his customers are international transport or shipping companies. In his job he has to make sure that the cargo is not damaged onboard the ship or while loading or unloading. He is also responsible for financial aspects; that means, for example, he has to keep an eye on the budget and estimate costs. Additionally, he advises customers on shipping rates and prepare quotations for his sales office.
    Vocabulary notes

    freight - груз, фрахт

    schedule - расписание

    customer - клиент, заказчик, покупатель

    shipping rate - фрахтовая ставка

    quotation -стоимость, цена, расценки

    damage - повреждение, ущерб
    Task 1.

    Match the English expressions with their Russian equivalents

    1. доставить груз к месту назначения a. damage cargo

    2. повредить груз b. prepare quotations

    3. оценить (затраты)расходы c. advise customer

    4. известить (уведомить) клиента d. get freight to the destination

    5. подготовить расценки e. estimate costs
    Task 2.

    Translate into English

    1. Груз должен быть доставлен в соответствии с расписанием.

    2. Груз был поврежден во время выгрузки.

    3. Мы работаем с международными судоходными компаниями.

    4. Кто в вашей компании отвечает за финансовые вопросы?

    5. Мы можем гарантировать безопасную доставку вашего груза.
    3) Warehouse manager
    Generally his job is to know where every piece of stock is at any given moment. When new goods arrive, he checks where to put them in the warehouse. For all this, he uses modern computer systems and sophisticated hardware and software. Warehouse management system helps him store and retrieve the goods quickly. Another part of his job is to liaise with departments such as transport and production. Apart from that, he ensures that vehicles, machines, and any other kind of equipment are maintained to a high level. He takse care that health and safety standards are maintained.

    Vocabulary notes

    piece of stock - ассортимент

    (наименование ассортимента)

    warehouse - товарный склад

    vehicle - транспортное средство

    check - проверять

    store - хранить (на складе)

    retrieve - находить, доставать

    liaise - поддерживать связь

    ensure - обеспечивать

    maintain - поддерживать, сохранять

    sophisticated -сложный
    Task 1.


    1. разместить грузна складе;

    2. использовать сложное программное обеспечение;

    3. поддерживать стандарты безопасности;

    4. поддерживать связь со всеми транспортными отделами;

    5. обеспечить ассортимент;
    Task 2.

    Choose the correct variant and translate the sentences
    1. The job of a freight forwarder is to ____________ the transport of goods

    1) negotiate 2) organize 3) require

    2. ____________ request information about the most suitable mode of transport.

    1) customers 2) managers 3) companies

    3. Freight forwarders also ____________ customs clearance on behalf of their clients

    1) organize 2) negotiate 3) arrange

    4. This person is _________ for getting freight to the destination safely.

    1) responsible 2) careful 3) notified

    5. Warehouse managers must ________ where to put all pieces of stock in the warehouse.

    1) check 2) ensure 3) control

    6. The cargo was ________ while loading.

    1) damaged 2) prepared 3) advised

    7. Our freight forwarder will _________ customs clearance on behalf of your company.

    1) make 2) arrange 3) negotiate

    8. My task is to ________ 20 shipments under one bill of lading.

    1) consolidate 2) arrange 3) make

    Task 3.

    Read the following text and say what important information about the agent’s work you have found in it.
    The agent’s arrangements for the discharging and loading of the ship
    When we arrived at that port, our agent was there to meet us. He said he had made arrangements for discharging at two berths. At the first berth we were to unload extra weights because there was a 50-ton crane there. Then we were to shift to the other berth to discharge general cargo. The agent had advised the port authorities and the receivers of the ship’ arrival. He came on board to fix up some details of discharging the cargo. He arranged a separate stevedore gang to work at each hold. He said they would work in two shifts, from 6am to midnight. A 10-ton crane would operate for each hold. The captain wanted a surveyor to be invited as he feared that some damage to the goods might have happen during the voyage. There was some freight to be collected on the Bill of Lading, and he informed the captain that he had collected nearly all the money due to the ship.
    Vocabulary notes

    discharge -разгружать

    extra weight -добавочный груз, избыточная масса

    shift - смена (рабочая)

    stevedore gang -бригада стиведоров (портовых рабочих)

    surveyor - инспектор (мор. сюрвейер)

    freight -фрахт (плата за провоз груза)
    Task 4.

    Complete the following table (use your dictionary if necessary)













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