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Упр. 296. Передайте следующие повествовательные предложения в косвенной речи,

1. Oleg said: «My room is on the second floor 2. He said: »I am sure she will ring me up when she is back in St. Petersburg.« 3, Misha said: »I saw them at my parents' house last year.« 4. He said: »I haven't seen my cousin today.« 5. »1 don't go to this shop very often,« she said. 6. Tom said: »I have already had breakfast, so I am not hun gry.« 7. He said: »I have just received a letter from my uncle.« 8. »I am going to the theatre tonight,« he said to me. 9. Mike said: »I spoke to Mr. Brown this morning.« 10. He said to her: »I shall do it [ today if I have time.« 11. I said to them: »I can give you my uncle's address."

Упр. 297. Передайте следующие повествовательные предложения в косвенной речи.

1. Неsaid to me: «I want to see you today.» 2. She said: «I am free tonight». 3. Mother said to me: «I feel bad today.» 4. The pupil said to the teacher: « I can do my homework after dinner.» 5. The teacher said to Jack: «You work hard, I know. You are a good boy.» 6. The teacher said to the pupils: «Next year we shall have six hours of English a week.» 7. The old man said to the girl: «You can sing perfectly. I think you will be a famous singer.» 8. My sister said to me: «You look very well, much better than you looked yesterday. I think you have recovered after your illness.» 9. My brother said to me: «I am going to become a doctor.» 10. My uncle said to us: «I buy several newspapers every day.» 11. «You are an excellent cook. Everything is so tasty,» said my guest to me. 12. The student said: «I can't answer this ques tion. I don't understand it.» 13. The mother said: «The children are in the nursery, doctor.» 14. «I have no time for lunch today,» said the boy to his mother. 15. «You speak English very well,» said the woman to me.

Упр. 298. Передайте следующие повествовательные предложения в косвенной речи. Употребляйте любое существительное или местоимение в роли подлежащего главного предложения.

1. I shall do it now if you like. 2. My brother was here today. 3. It's a pity you didn't come earlier. 4. There will be an interesting lecture at the school assembly-hall tomorrow. One- of our teachers will speak about Charles Dickens. 5. Last year I spent my summer vacation in the Caucasus. 6. I came to live in this town several years ago. 7. I have read all about it in today's newspaper. 8. They finished building this house only last week. 9. Five years ago there were no people living here at all. 10. I shall go skiing on Sunday if I have time. 11. It will be so pleasant when Tom comes home. 12.1 shall come as soon as I am ready. 13. You will know that I have gone to the concert if I am not at home by eight. 14.1 shall come to the Philharmonic with you if you get tickets. 15. I'll be reading you a story until it is time to go to bed.

Упр. 299. Передайте следующие повествовательные предложения в косвенной речи.

1. «When I get a job, I'll buy you. a warm coat,» said the boy's father. 2. «If you spill the milk, there won't be any for the cat,» said my mother to me. 3. «When you come to see me on Sunday, I shall show you my new dress,» she said to me.. «If Mary arrives before seven, bring her to our house for the evening,» said Jane to Henry.. «When your turn comes, listen very carefully to hat the doctor tells you,» I said to my grandmother. 6. «If you are in a hurry, we shall make only the first experiment,» said the laboratory assistant to me. 7. «I shan't start anything new un-'til I have finished this novel,» said the writer to the correspondent. 8. «Don't wait until I come. As soon as you finish the exercises, begin playing volley-ball,» said the PT teacher to the pupils. 9.«As »soon as Robert appears, ask him where he put the dictionary," said Mary to her mother.

Упр. 300. Восстановите прямую речь в следующих предложениях.

1. Неsaid that while crossing the English Channel they had stayed on deck all the time. 2. The woman said she had felt sick while crossing the Channel. 3. She said she was feeling bad that day. 4. Tom said he would go to see the doctor the next day. 5. He told me he was ill. 6. He told me he had fallen ill. 7. They told me that Tom had not come to school the day before. 8. I told my sister that she might catch cold. 9. She told me she had caught cold. 10. The old man told the doctor that he had pain in his right side. 11. He said he had just been examined by a good doctor. 12. He said he would not come to school until Monday. 13. The man said he had spent a month at a health-resort. 14. He said that his health had greatly improved since then.
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