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  • Methodical recommendations.

  • 9.3 Лабораторные занятия

  • Философиялык негздер. 1силлабус механика 2020-2021 СКАНЕР. Информация о дисциплине

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    9.2. Семинар/практические занятия

    Тема: The reference system. Trajectory, path length, displacement vector

    Количество часов: 1

    Основные вопросы темы:

    1.The reference system.

    1. Trajectory,

    2. path length,

    3. displacement vector

    Methodical recommendations. It should be solved problems, graphs are cinstructed, diagrams are analyzed. Also the presentation by the theme under consideration and short report by the main questions are done.


    Zhanturina N., Myasnikova. Fundamentals of Mechanics. – Aktobe, 2018. – 105 p.

    2. Yar-Mukhamedova G.Sh., Shunkeyev K.Sh., Zhanturina N.N. Mechanics. – Almaty: Ka-zakh University. -132 p.

    3. S. Thornton, A. Rex. Modern physics. –University of Virginia. 2013. – 613 p.
    Тема: Speed. Acceleration and its components

    Количество часов: 1

    Основные вопросы темы:

    1. Speed.

    2. Acceleration and its components

    Methodical recommendations. It should be solved problems, graphs are cinstructed, diagrams are analyzed. Also the presentation by the theme under consideration and short report by the main questions are done.


    Zhanturina N., Myasnikova. Fundamentals of Mechanics. – Aktobe, 2018. – 105 p.

    2. Yar-Mukhamedova G.Sh., Shunkeyev K.Sh., Zhanturina N.N. Mechanics. – Almaty: Ka-zakh University. -132 p.

    3. S. Thornton, A. Rex. Modern physics. –University of Virginia. 2013. – 613 p.
    Тема: Oscillations and waves

    Количество часов: 2

    Основные вопросы темы:

    1. Oscillations and waves

    2. Main formula od oscillations

    3. Harmonical oscillations

    4. Periodical oscillations

    Methodical recommendations. It should be solved problems, graphs are cinstructed, diagrams are analyzed. Also the presentation by the theme under consideration and short report by the main questions are done.


    Zhanturina N., Myasnikova. Fundamentals of Mechanics. – Aktobe, 2018. – 105 p.

    2. Yar-Mukhamedova G.Sh., Shunkeyev K.Sh., Zhanturina N.N. Mechanics. – Almaty: Ka-zakh University. -132 p.

    3. S. Thornton, A. Rex. Modern physics. –University of Virginia. 2013. – 613 p.
    Тема: Newton's laws. Frictional forces

    Количество часов: 1

    Основные вопросы темы:

    1. Newton's laws.

    2. Frictional forces

    3. Reaction force

    4. Elastic force

    Methodical recommendations. It should be solved problems, graphs are cinstructed, diagrams are analyzed. Also the presentation by the theme under consideration and short report by the main questions are done.


    Zhanturina N., Myasnikova. Fundamentals of Mechanics. – Aktobe, 2018. – 105 p.

    2. Yar-Mukhamedova G.Sh., Shunkeyev K.Sh., Zhanturina N.N. Mechanics. – Almaty: Ka-zakh University. -132 p.

    3. S. Thornton, A. Rex. Modern physics. –University of Virginia. 2013. – 613 p.

    Тема: Equation of motion of a body of variable mass

    Количество часов: 1

    Основные вопросы темы:

    1. Equation of motion of a body of variable mass

    2. Tsiolkovski equation

    Methodical recommendations. It should be solved problems, graphs are cinstructed, diagrams are analyzed. Also the presentation by the theme under consideration and short report by the main questions are done.


    Zhanturina N., Myasnikova. Fundamentals of Mechanics. – Aktobe, 2018. – 105 p.

    2. Yar-Mukhamedova G.Sh., Shunkeyev K.Sh., Zhanturina N.N. Mechanics. – Almaty: Ka-zakh University. -132 p.

    3. S. Thornton, A. Rex. Modern physics. –University of Virginia. 2013. – 613 p.
    Тема: Kinetic and potential energies. Job. Power.

    Количество часов: 2

    Основные вопросы темы:

    1. Kinetic and potential energies.

    2. Job.

    3. Power.

    Methodical recommendations. It should be solved problems, graphs are cinstructed, diagrams are analyzed. Also the presentation by the theme under consideration and short report by the main questions are done.


    Zhanturina N., Myasnikova. Fundamentals of Mechanics. – Aktobe, 2018. – 105 p.

    2. Yar-Mukhamedova G.Sh., Shunkeyev K.Sh., Zhanturina N.N. Mechanics. – Almaty: Ka-zakh University. -132 p.

    3. S. Thornton, A. Rex. Modern physics. –University of Virginia. 2013. – 613 p.
    Тема: Law of conservation of energy. Beat absolutely elastic and inelastic bodies.

    Количество часов: 1

    Основные вопросы темы:

    1. Law of conservation of energy.

    2. Beat absolutely elastic and inelastic bodies.

    Methodical recommendations. It should be solved problems, graphs are cinstructed, diagrams are analyzed. Also the presentation by the theme under consideration and short report by the main questions are done.


    Zhanturina N., Myasnikova. Fundamentals of Mechanics. – Aktobe, 2018. – 105 p.

    2. Yar-Mukhamedova G.Sh., Shunkeyev K.Sh., Zhanturina N.N. Mechanics. – Almaty: Ka-zakh University. -132 p.

    3. S. Thornton, A. Rex. Modern physics. –University of Virginia. 2013. – 613 p.
    Тема: Moment of inertia and the moment of force. The equation of the dynamics of the rotational motion of a rigid body

    Количество часов: 1

    Основные вопросы темы:

    1. Moment of inertia and the moment of force.

    2. The equation of the dynamics of the rotational motion of a rigid body

    Methodical recommendations. It should be solved problems, graphs are cinstructed, diagrams are analyzed. Also the presentation by the theme under consideration and short report by the main questions are done.


    Zhanturina N., Myasnikova. Fundamentals of Mechanics. – Aktobe, 2018. – 105 p.

    2. Yar-Mukhamedova G.Sh., Shunkeyev K.Sh., Zhanturina N.N. Mechanics. – Almaty: Ka-zakh University. -132 p.

    3. S. Thornton, A. Rex. Modern physics. –University of Virginia. 2013. – 613 p.
    Тема: Moment of momentum and the law of its conservation. Deformation of a solid Количество часов: 2

    Основные вопросы темы:

    1. Moment of momentum and the law of its conservation.

    2. Deformation of a solid

    Methodical recommendations. It should be solved problems, graphs are cinstructed, diagrams are analyzed. Also the presentation by the theme under consideration and short report by the main questions are done.


    Zhanturina N., Myasnikova. Fundamentals of Mechanics. – Aktobe, 2018. – 105 p.

    2. Yar-Mukhamedova G.Sh., Shunkeyev K.Sh., Zhanturina N.N. Mechanics. – Almaty: Ka-zakh University. -132 p.

    3. S. Thornton, A. Rex. Modern physics. –University of Virginia. 2013. – 613 p.
    Тема: Kepler's Laws. Work in the gravitational field

    Количество часов: 1

    Основные вопросы темы:

    1. Kepler's Laws.

    2. Work in the gravitational field

    Methodical recommendations. It should be solved problems, graphs are cinstructed, diagrams are analyzed. Also the presentation by the theme under consideration and short report by the main questions are done.


    Zhanturina N., Myasnikova. Fundamentals of Mechanics. – Aktobe, 2018. – 105 p.

    2. Yar-Mukhamedova G.Sh., Shunkeyev K.Sh., Zhanturina N.N. Mechanics. – Almaty: Ka-zakh University. -132 p.

    3. S. Thornton, A. Rex. Modern physics. –University of Virginia. 2013. – 613 p.
    Тема: Non-inertial reference frames. Forces of inertia

    Количество часов: 1

    Основные вопросы темы:

    Non-inertial reference frames.

    Forces of inertia

    Methodical recommendations. It should be solved problems, graphs are cinstructed, diagrams are analyzed. Also the presentation by the theme under consideration and short report by the main questions are done.


    Zhanturina N., Myasnikova. Fundamentals of Mechanics. – Aktobe, 2018. – 105 p.

    2. Yar-Mukhamedova G.Sh., Shunkeyev K.Sh., Zhanturina N.N. Mechanics. – Almaty: Ka-zakh University. -132 p.

    3. S. Thornton, A. Rex. Modern physics. –University of Virginia. 2013. – 613 p.
    Тема: Transformations of Galileo and Lorentz. Consequences of Lorentz transformations.

    Количество часов: 2

    Основные вопросы темы:

    Transformations of Galileo and Lorentz.

    Consequences of Lorentz transformations.

    Methodical recommendations. It should be solved problems, graphs are cinstructed, diagrams are analyzed. Also the presentation by the theme under consideration and short report by the main questions are done.


    Zhanturina N., Myasnikova. Fundamentals of Mechanics. – Aktobe, 2018. – 105 p.

    2. Yar-Mukhamedova G.Sh., Shunkeyev K.Sh., Zhanturina N.N. Mechanics. – Almaty: Ka-zakh University. -132 p.

    3. S. Thornton, A. Rex. Modern physics. –University of Virginia. 2013. – 613 p.
    Тема: The fundamental law of relativistic dynamics of a material point. The law of interrelation of mass and energy

    Количество часов: 1

    Основные вопросы темы:

    The fundamental law of relativistic dynamics of a material point.

    The law of interrelation of mass and energy.

    Methodical recommendations. It should be solved problems, graphs are cinstructed, diagrams are analyzed. Also the presentation by the theme under consideration and short report by the main questions are done.


    Zhanturina N., Myasnikova. Fundamentals of Mechanics. – Aktobe, 2018. – 105 p.

    2. Yar-Mukhamedova G.Sh., Shunkeyev K.Sh., Zhanturina N.N. Mechanics. – Almaty: Ka-zakh University. -132 p.

    3. S. Thornton, A. Rex. Modern physics. –University of Virginia. 2013. – 613 p.
    Тема: Pressure in liquid and gas. The equation of continuity

    Количество часов: 1

    Основные вопросы темы:

    Pressure in liquid and gas.

    The equation of continuity

    Methodical recommendations. It should be solved problems, graphs are cinstructed, diagrams are analyzed. Also the presentation by the theme under consideration and short report by the main questions are done.


    Zhanturina N., Myasnikova. Fundamentals of Mechanics. – Aktobe, 2018. – 105 p.

    2. Yar-Mukhamedova G.Sh., Shunkeyev K.Sh., Zhanturina N.N. Mechanics. – Almaty: Ka-zakh University. -132 p.

    3. S. Thornton, A. Rex. Modern physics. –University of Virginia. 2013. – 613 p.
    Тема: The Bernoulli equation. Viscosity. Modes of flow of liquids.

    Количество часов: 2

    Основные вопросы темы:

    The Bernoulli equation.


    Modes of flow of liquids.

    Methodical recommendations. It should be solved problems, graphs are cinstructed, diagrams are analyzed. Also the presentation by the theme under consideration and short report by the main questions are done.


    Zhanturina N., Myasnikova. Fundamentals of Mechanics. – Aktobe, 2018. – 105 p.

    2. Yar-Mukhamedova G.Sh., Shunkeyev K.Sh., Zhanturina N.N. Mechanics. – Almaty: Ka-zakh University. -132 p.

    3. S. Thornton, A. Rex. Modern physics. –University of Virginia. 2013. – 613 p.
    9.3 Лабораторные занятия
    9.3.1. The simplest measurements and their processing

    Количество часов: 1

    Основные вопросы темы:

    1 Linear quantities

    2 Masses

    3 Time intervals

    4 Methods for processing experimental data


    Familiarization with methods for measuring linear quantities, masses, time intervals, as well as with methods for processing experimental data and estimating the accuracy of measurements.


    1.Лабораторные работы по физике, механике, молекулярной физике, электричество и магнетизм/Под ред. Андроникашвили Э.Л., М, 1961.

    2. Ландау Л. Курс общей физики. Механика. М, 1969.

    3. Боровой А.А. Механика, М, 1967

    4. Жданов Л.С. Курс физики. Ч 1. Механика и молекулярная физика. М, 1970.

    5.S. Thornton, A. Rex. Modern physics. –University of Virginia. 2013. – 613 p.

    6.I.E. Irodov. Problems in general physics. – Moscow, 1981. – 385 p.

    7.A. Beiser. Applied physics. – USA, 2003. – 138 p. DOI: 10.1036/0071425853

    8.S. Holzner. Physics for dummies. – Hoboken, 2006. – 368 p.
    9.3.2. Determination of the density of solids of regular geometric shape

    Количество часов: 1

    Основные вопросы темы:

    1.Measurement of linear dimensions

    2. Weighing solid bodies of correct geometric shape


    Measurement of linear dimensions, weighing solid bodies of correct geometric shape. Calculation of the volume and density of solids. Finding using tables, the material of which made a solid body


    1.Лабораторные работы по физике, механике, молекулярной физике, электричество и магнетизм/Под ред. Андроникашвили Э.Л., М, 1961.

    2. Ландау Л. Курс общей физики. Механика. М, 1969.

    3.Боровой А.А. Механика, М, 1967

    4.Жданов Л.С. Курс физики. Ч 1. Механика и молекулярная физика. М, 1970.

    5.S. Thornton, A. Rex. Modern physics. –University of Virginia. 2013. – 613 p.

    6.I.E. Irodov. Problems in general physics. – Moscow, 1981. – 385 p.

    7.A. Beiser. Applied physics. – USA, 2003. – 138 p. DOI: 10.1036/0071425853

    8.S. Holzner. Physics for dummies. – Hoboken, 2006. – 368 p.

    9.3.3. The study of rectilinear motion with the help of the Atwood machine

    Количество часов: 1

    Основные вопросы темы:

    1.Experimental study of rectilinear motion

    2.Determination of instantaneous velocity and acceleration of a moving body.


    Measurements have to be done not less than 3 times. Relative inaccuracy must be no more than 20%. Acceleration of the body directly is depend on the time measurement and length.


    9.3.4. Maxwell pendulum

    Количество часов: 1

    Основные вопросы темы:

    1.Estimation of the moment of inertia of Maxwell pendulum

    2.Theoretical determination of the moment of inertia


    Experimantal proving of the energy conservation law. At the determination of moment of inertia the moment of inertia of the ring and disk must be found separately.


    9.3.5. Oberbeck pendulum

    Количество часов: 1

    Основные вопросы темы:

    1.Construction of Oberbek penduldum

    2.Verification of the fundamental law of the dynamics of rotational motion


    Measurements have to be done not less than 3 times. Relative inaccuracy must be no more than 20%. Conclusion is given with the interval, because it is not the theoretical determination


    9.3.6. Determination of Young's modulus, shear modulus

    Количество часов: 1

    Основные вопросы темы:

    1.Determination of Young’s module

    2.Determination of the shift module


    The determined Young’s modules of different materials must be compared with the theoretical data. Measurements have to be done not less than 3 times. Relative inaccuracy must be no more than 20%. Conclusion is given with the interval, because it is not the theoretical determination


    9.3.7. Inclined pendulum

    Количество часов: 1

    Основные вопросы темы:

    1.Determination of sliding friction coefficient and rolling friction coefficient.

    2.Experiment at different angles of pendulum.


    The angle of shifting of the pendulum must be chosen and the number of oscillations. The experiment must be done with different surfaces and different angles of pendulum.


    9.3.8. Collision of the balls

    Количество часов: 1

    Основные вопросы темы:

    1.Elastic collision.

    2.Inelastic collision.

    3.Determination of the velocity of second ball.


    Before collision the balls must be sticken by the magnets. The angles of shifting after the collision must be found by the observation.


    9.3.9. Mathematical pendulum

    Количество часов: 1

    Основные вопросы темы:

    1. The determination of the gravity

    2.Comparing with the theoretical value

    3.Measurements of inaccuracies


    The determined gravity value with the theoretical data. Measurements have to be done not less than 3 times. Relative inaccuracy must be no more than 20%. Conclusion is given with the interval, because it is not the theoretical determination


    9.3.10. Physical pendulum

    Количество часов: 1

    Основные вопросы темы:

    1.The determination of the gravity

    2.Comparing with the theoretical value

    3.Measurements of inaccuracies


    The determined gravity value with the theoretical data. Measurements have to be done not less than 3 times. Relative inaccuracy must be no more than 20%. Conclusion is given with the interval, because it is not the theoretical determination.


    9.3.11. Determination of the viscosity coefficient by the Stokes method

    Количество часов: 1

    Основные вопросы темы:

    1.Preparing the ball and construction for the determination

    2.Experiment with the ball

    3.Measurement of inaccuracies


    Measurements have to be done not less than 3 times. Relative inaccuracy must be no more than 20%. Conclusion is given with the interval, because it is not the theoretical determination.


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