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cash-desk to play for them

  1. check-in

  2. cash pay

  3. pay in cash

  4. check-out

  5. cashier


Choose the correct example for the sentence.

Crew is often used for the staff of ….

  1. a plane

  2. a school

  3. an engineers

  4. an ambulance

  5. a hospital


Change the words in brackets with an appropriate one.

This film has been very (produced a lot) in recent years.

  1. produce

  2. productivity

  3. productive

  4. producing

  5. production


Choose an appropriate article.

We are going to ... barbecue with ... Simpsons.

  1. -/a

  2. the/-

  3. a/a

  4. a/the

  5. the/a


Complete the sentence with an appropriate conditional form.

If the water is boiling, it means the food...... nearly ready.

  1. have been

  2. being

  3. is

  4. was

  5. would have been


Choose the correct answer.

Look at that .... window.

  1. broke

  2. broken

  3. is broken

  4. to break

  5. has broken


Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence.

I can't believe it, inspector. You mean that Smith .... money from the till all this time?

  1. had stolen

  2. was stealing

  3. has been stealing

  4. stole

  5. has stolen


Complete the sentence with suitable verb form from the list.

The best thing about weekends is ... to work.

  1. not going

  2. not staying

  3. not to be

  4. not to go

  5. not to stay


Choose the correct sentences

  1. Have you met Toms' friend?

  2. She won't spend a month's salary to buy that dress.

  3. Do they sell the womens' clothes?

  4. I heard the mans' voice.

  5. Their husbands' names are Nick and David.


Complete the sentences with an appropriate degree of adjective.

  1. as much as

  2. much more

  3. so much as

  4. so much that

  5. as many as


Choose the correct answer:

I don't like rats, and you?

  1. Neither do I

  2. So I do

  3. Neither I do

  4. So do

  5. I don't like too


Complete the sentences with an appropriate pronoun.

We visited the village … my mum was born.

  1. where

  2. their

  3. those

  4. what

  5. that


Complete the sentences with an appropriate pronoun.

You ought to be ashamed of …

  1. myself

  2. themselves

  3. yourself

  4. himself

  5. herself


Complete the sentence with an appropriate degree of adjective.

Who dresses … ... in your family?

  1. the most stylishly

  2. as stylish as

  3. stylishly than

  4. most stylishly

  5. more stylishly than


Complete the sentence with an appropriate reported verb.

She ... ... me that she would be home late.

  1. beg of

  2. assumed

  3. mentioned to

  4. asked of

  5. argued with


Choose an appropriate reported speech sentence.

“I’m planning to buy a new car.”

  1. Jan told me that he is planning to buy a new car.

  2. Jan told me that he was planning to buy a new car.

  3. Jan said me that he was planning to buy a new car.

  4. Jan told me that he was planning to buy a new car.

  5. Jan told me that he planned to buy a new car.


Complete the sentences with suitable verb form from the list.

We carried on … until we finished.

  1. going

  2. getting

  3. leaving

  4. continue

  5. working


Complete the sentence with appropriate prepositions.

I never argue … my husband … money.

  1. with/about

  2. of/for

  3. in/at

  4. for/on

  5. to/for


Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentences.

We can’t get on the train yet. It is …

  1. being cleaned

  2. will be cleaned

  3. has cleaned

  4. cleaning

  5. cleaned


Complete the sentences with an appropriate conditional form.

If it was snowing, we … at home.

  1. have stayed

  2. stay

  3. stayed

  4. would stay

  5. would have stayed


Determine the function of the Infinitive in the sentence.

To put it mildly, it was not very clever.

  1. an adverbial modifier of result.

  2. as parenthesis

  3. as an attribute

  4. as a subject

  5. an adverbial modifier of purpose


Choose an appropriate article.

In general, I like ... dogs, but I don't like ... dogs that live next door to me.

  1. -/a

  2. the/a

  3. the/the

  4. a/ the

  5. -/the


Complete the idiom with suitable key word.

I cannot do that job as well, I`ve got enough on my ___ as it is

  1. Way

  2. Plate

  3. Block

  4. Handle

  5. Pie


Complete the idiom with suitable key word.

I wasn`t really sure, I guessed it, it was just a ___ in the dark

  1. Shot

  2. Pie

  3. Stick

  4. Ocean

  5. Shock


Match the sentence with its correct conditional form

If I had know about the job I would have applied

  1. Second conditional

  2. First conditional

  3. Third conditional

  4. Zero conditional

  5. Mixed conditional


Match the sentence with its correct conditional form

If I fail my exams, I`ll take them again next year

  1. Zero conditional

  2. Second conditional

  3. Mixed conditional

  4. Third conditional

  5. First conditional


Complete the sentence with an appropriate reported verb

I … Ann that we were free on Thursday evening

  1. Expected

  2. Checked with

  3. Assumed

  4. Offered

  5. Said


Choose an appropriate modal verb to complete the sentence

I caught a later train because I … a client

  1. Had to see

  2. Have to see

  3. Would see

  4. Could see

  5. Must have seen


Complete the sentence with an appropriate preposition

Don`t laugh … my work! I`m doing my best

  1. At

  2. For

  3. Of

  4. To

  5. With


Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence

I`m surprised Jack … … … the job

  1. Did get offered

  2. Didn`t offered

  3. Weren`t offered

  4. Hasn`t offered

  5. Will offered

  6. Was offered

  7. Wasn`t offered


The correct proverb: Last year I worked very hard at my math and English. I spent all my time reading books and preparing for my entrance exams. My motto was:

  1. No pains, no gains

  2. Speech is silver but silence is gold

  3. Look before you leap

  4. A bird in hand is worth two in the bush

  5. Better short of pence than short of sense


Match the abbreviation with its meaning: PTO

  1. Please take it out

  2. Practice teaching skills

  3. Put it right

  4. Personal testing system

  5. Please turn over


Complete the sentence with an appropriate preposition.

I had to get up…the night to close the window.

  1. On

  2. To

  3. At

  4. Of

  5. In


Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence.

The price of petrol … about 15% this year.

  1. Is risen

  2. Was risen

  3. Is rising

  4. Has been rising

  5. Has been risen


Complete the sentence with an appropriate preposition.

The castle was built … the fourteenth century.

  1. By

  2. Of

  3. At

  4. During

  5. Over


choose the correct answer

The head teacher request that all staff … present at the meeting

  1. Are

  2. Being

  3. Be

  4. Are being

  5. Have been


Complete the sentence with one word.

Don’t just stand there! … something.

  1. Ask

  2. Told

  3. Say

  4. Said

  5. Tell


Choose the correct answer.

Its not a fair to make the cat … in the car on such a hot day

  1. waiting

  2. to waiting

  3. wait

  4. is waiting

  5. to wait


Complete the sentence with an appropriate preposition.

She’s just moved from her flat … 38 Azalea Drive

  1. in

  2. at

  3. to

  4. on

  5. for


Choose sentences with the action of the object clause precedes the action in the principal clause.

  1. He said that it had been raining

  2. She said she would be staying in town next day

  3. It was also remoured that Dan had got married

  4. She claimed that she had met Monty on her way home

  5. I thought he had better sense

  6. She seemed to have forgotten what had happened a few minutes before

  7. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the youth had stopped talking

  8. He said he would be reading while she was writing the letter.


Complete the sentence with an appropriate preposition.

I generally get my salary … the fifth of the month.

1 in

2 at

3 of

4 on

5 to


Match the sentence with its correct conditional form.

If I had known about the job I would have applied.

1 first conditional

2 zero conditional

3 third conditional

4 mixed conditional

5 second conditional


Complete the sentence with Gerundial construction

  1. I regret being unable to help you

  2. My electric showing is not working

  3. A child should start to learn language at primary school

  4. The children are making such a noise

  5. He admitted sorry to keep you waiting for a long


Match the sentence with its correct conditional form.

Come and see us the next week if you have time.

  1. Mixed conditional

  2. Third conditional

  3. First conditional

  4. Second conditional

  5. Zero conditional


Complete the idiom with suitable key word

I was not really sure, I guessed it, it was just a in the dark.

  1. Pie

  2. Stick

  3. Shot

  4. Ocean

  5. shock


Choose the verb which followed by both the Gerund and the infinitive

  1. Mind

  2. Enjoy

  3. Promise

  4. Start

  5. wish


The correct reading of ”2235”

  1. two thousands two hundred and thirty-five

  2. two thousand two hundred and thirty-five

  3. two thousand and two hundred and thirty-five

  4. two thousand two hundred and thirtieth-five

  5. two thousand two hundreds and thirty-five


The most popular spirits in Ireland are Guinness and Whiskey. Ireland has its own whiskey. The Irish learned to make whiskey from monks. They came to Ireland from the continent of Europe in the fifth and sixth centuries. They knew a lot about the way to make spirits. Irish whiskey is made differently from Scotch whisky. It is also usually spelled differently Scotch whisky has no "e". Irish whiskey tastes lighter and smoother than Scotch whisky. Just now more people in the world drink Scotch whiskey. But some people like Scotch whisky and some like Irish whiskey. In the American Civil War someone said to President Lincoln that General Grant was drinking too much Irish whiskey. Lincoln knew that Grant was a good general who knew about Irish Whiskeys. So Lincoln's answer was: "Find out the maker of General Grant's whiskey. Then give it to the other generals". Another popular spirit is Guinness. It's a kind of beer. Guinness is made from barley, hops, yeast and water. Everything in it is quite natural; there are no chemicals. The Irish have made or "brewed" it in Dublin since 1759. The Guinness brewery in Dublin is bigger than any other brewery in Europe. Today there are also Guinness breweries in Britain, Nigeria, Malaysia. People drink more than seven million glasses of Guinness every day around the world. Irish coffee is another interesting drink. This is how to make it. First you put very hot coffee in a glass with some sugar. Then you add whiskey. Then very carefully you add some cream which stays on top of the whiskey and coffee. It is a very good way to drink whiskey!
What does the word ‘yeast’ mean

  1. a season of the year

  2. vegetable from India

  3. a baby’s toy

  4. a type of beer

  5. you need it to make a dough for bread


The most popular spirits in Ireland are Guinness and Whiskey. Ireland has its own whiskey. The Irish learned to make whiskey from monks. They came to Ireland from the continent of Europe in the fifth and sixth centuries. They knew a lot about the way to make spirits. Irish whiskey is made differently from Scotch whisky. It is also usually spelled differently Scotch whisky has no "e". Irish whiskey tastes lighter and smoother than Scotch whisky. Just now more people in the world drink Scotch whiskey. But some people like Scotch whisky and some like Irish whiskey. In the American Civil War someone said to President Lincoln that General Grant was drinking too much Irish whiskey. Lincoln knew that Grant was a good general who knew about Irish Whiskeys. So Lincoln's answer was: "Find out the maker of General Grant's whiskey. Then give it to the other generals". Another popular spirit is Guinness. It's a kind of beer. Guinness is made from barley, hops, yeast and water. Everything in it is quite natural; there are no chemicals. The Irish have made or "brewed" it in Dublin since 1759. The Guinness brewery in Dublin is bigger than any other brewery in Europe. Today there are also Guinness breweries in Britain, Nigeria, Malaysia. People drink more than seven million glasses of Guinness every day around the world. Irish coffee is another interesting drink. This is how to make it. First you put very hot coffee in a glass with some sugar. Then you add whiskey. Then very carefully you add some cream which stays on top of the whiskey and coffee. It is a very good way to drink whiskey!

Guinness is produced

  1. Britain, Nigeria, Malaysia

  2. in Wales

  3. in Iceland

  4. in Northern Ireland

  5. in Irish republic, Britain


The most popular spirits in Ireland are Guinness and Whiskey. Ireland has its own whiskey. The Irish learned to make whiskey from monks. They came to Ireland from the continent of Europe in the fifth and sixth centuries. They knew a lot about the way to make spirits. Irish whiskey is made differently from Scotch whisky. It is also usually spelled differently Scotch whisky has no "e". Irish whiskey tastes lighter and smoother than Scotch whisky. Just now more people in the world drink Scotch whiskey. But some people like Scotch whisky and some like Irish whiskey. In the American Civil War someone said to President Lincoln that General Grant was drinking too much Irish whiskey. Lincoln knew that Grant was a good general who knew about Irish Whiskeys. So Lincoln's answer was: "Find out the maker of General Grant's whiskey. Then give it to the other generals". Another popular spirit is Guinness. It's a kind of beer. Guinness is made from barley, hops, yeast and water. Everything in it is quite natural; there are no chemicals. The Irish have made or "brewed" it in Dublin since 1759. The Guinness brewery in Dublin is bigger than any other brewery in Europe. Today there are also Guinness breweries in Britain, Nigeria, Malaysia. People drink more than seven million glasses of Guinness every day around the world. Irish coffee is another interesting drink. This is how to make it. First you put very hot coffee in a glass with some sugar. Then you add whiskey. Then very carefully you add some cream which stays on top of the whiskey and coffee. It is a very good way to drink whiskey!

Who is Grant?

  1. whiskey

  2. general of the army

  3. the name of the brewery

  4. the beer

  5. Irish coffee


The most popular spirits in Ireland are Guinness and Whiskey. Ireland has its own whiskey. The Irish learned to make whiskey from monks. They came to Ireland from the continent of Europe in the fifth and sixth centuries. They knew a lot about the way to make spirits. Irish whiskey is made differently from Scotch whisky. It is also usually spelled differently Scotch whisky has no "e". Irish whiskey tastes lighter and smoother than Scotch whisky. Just now more people in the world drink Scotch whiskey. But some people like Scotch whisky and some like Irish whiskey. In the American Civil War someone said to President Lincoln that General Grant was drinking too much Irish whiskey. Lincoln knew that Grant was a good general who knew about Irish Whiskeys. So Lincoln's answer was: "Find out the maker of General Grant's whiskey. Then give it to the other generals". Another popular spirit is Guinness. It's a kind of beer. Guinness is made from barley, hops, yeast and water. Everything in it is quite natural; there are no chemicals. The Irish have made or "brewed" it in Dublin since 1759. The Guinness brewery in Dublin is bigger than any other brewery in Europe. Today there are also Guinness breweries in Britain, Nigeria, Malaysia. People drink more than seven million glasses of Guinness every day around the world. Irish coffee is another interesting drink. This is how to make it. First you put very hot coffee in a glass with some sugar. Then you add whiskey. Then very carefully you add some cream which stays on top of the whiskey and coffee. It is a very good way to drink whiskey!

What is another interesting Irish drink except whiskey and Guinness?

  1. Irish pub

  2. Irish tea with milk

  3. Irish coffee

  4. Irish brewery

  5. Irish sparkling water


Oscar Wilde Oscar Wilde is a famous English writer of the 19th century, Oscar Wilde was bom in Dublin, Ireland, in 1854. His mother wrote poetry, and she taught him to love literature. He was educated at Trinity College, Dublin and Magdalen College, Oxford. Soon after leaving university his first volume of poetry, "Patience" was published. Oscar Wilde married Constance Lloyd in 1884 and the couple had two sons. When the boys were children Wilde wrote fairy stories for them that were later published as "The Happy Prince and Other Tales" (1888). Wilde’s tales are very beautiful. This was followed two years later by the novel, "The Picture of Dorian Gray" (1890) and a book on the role of the artist, "The Soul of Man under Socialism" (1891). However, it was a playwright that Wilde had his greatest success. Comedies such as "Lady Windermere's Fan" (1892), "A Woman of No Importance" (1893), "An Ideal Husband" (1895) and "The Importance of Being Earnest" (1895) made him cne of Britain's most famous writers. By 1895 Wilde had left his wife. Wilde was publicly accused by the Marquis of Queensberry. Wilde sued for libel but he lost his case and was then himself prosecuted and imprisoned. After being released from Reading Prison in 1897 Wilde moved to France. The following year he wrote "The Ballad of Reading Gaol" a poem inspired by his prison experience. Wilde's time in prison badly damaged his health and he died in 1900. His books are read and his plays are staged in many countries and in many languages.

Which of his novel made him one of the outstanding writers in Great Britain

  1. "Lady Windermere's Fan

  2. "The Importance of Being Earnest"

  3. "The Picture of Dorian Gray"

  4. "The Soul of Man under Socialism"

  5. "A Woman of No Importance"


Oscar Wilde Oscar Wilde is a famous English writer of the 19th century, Oscar Wilde was bom in Dublin, Ireland, in 1854. His mother wrote poetry, and she taught him to love literature. He was educated at Trinity College, Dublin and Magdalen College, Oxford. Soon after leaving university his first volume of poetry, "Patience" was published. Oscar Wilde married Constance Lloyd in 1884 and the couple had two sons. When the boys were children Wilde wrote fairy stories for them that were later published as "The Happy Prince and Other Tales" (1888). Wilde’s tales are very beautiful. This was followed two years later by the novel, "The Picture of Dorian Gray" (1890) and a book on the role of the artist, "The Soul of Man under Socialism" (1891). However, it was a playwright that Wilde had his greatest success. Comedies such as "Lady Windermere's Fan" (1892), "A Woman of No Importance" (1893), "An Ideal Husband" (1895) and "The Importance of Being Earnest" (1895) made him cne of Britain's most famous writers. By 1895 Wilde had left his wife. Wilde was publicly accused by the Marquis of Queensberry. Wilde sued for libel but he lost his case and was then himself prosecuted and imprisoned. After being released from Reading Prison in 1897 Wilde moved to France. The following year he wrote "The Ballad of Reading Gaol" a poem inspired by his prison experience. Wilde's time in prison badly damaged his health and he died in 1900. His books are read and his plays are staged in many countries and in many languages.

According to the text

  1. Oscar Wilde had good education.

  2. Oscar Wilde had three children.

  3. Oscar Wilde wrote only fairy tales

  4. Oscar Wilde died in Reading Prison.

  5. Oscar Wilde’s mother taught him in Trinity college.


Oscar Wilde Oscar Wilde is a famous English writer of the 19th century, Oscar Wilde was bom in Dublin, Ireland, in 1854. His mother wrote poetry, and she taught him to love literature. He was educated at Trinity College, Dublin and Magdalen College, Oxford. Soon after leaving university his first volume of poetry, "Patience" was published. Oscar Wilde married Constance Lloyd in 1884 and the couple had two sons. When the boys were children Wilde wrote fairy stories for them that were later published as "The Happy Prince and Other Tales" (1888). Wilde’s tales are very beautiful. This was followed two years later by the novel, "The Picture of Dorian Gray" (1890) and a book on the role of the artist, "The Soul of Man under Socialism" (1891). However, it was a playwright that Wilde had his greatest success. Comedies such as "Lady Windermere's Fan" (1892), "A Woman of No Importance" (1893), "An Ideal Husband" (1895) and "The Importance of Being Earnest" (1895) made him cne of Britain's most famous writers. By 1895 Wilde had left his wife. Wilde was publicly accused by the Marquis of Queensberry. Wilde sued for libel but he lost his case and was then himself prosecuted and imprisoned. After being released from Reading Prison in 1897 Wilde moved to France. The following year he wrote "The Ballad of Reading Gaol" a poem inspired by his prison experience. Wilde's time in prison badly damaged his health and he died in 1900. His books are read and his plays are staged in many countries and in many languages.

"The Picture of Dorian Gray" is a novel about

  1. the man who had magic power and he could solve any problems

  2. the man who lived in the farm and killed his slaves

  3. the man who secretly helped poor people

  4. the man who was cruel to his servants

  5. the man who was always young and his picture grew old and ugly.


Oscar Wilde Oscar Wilde is a famous English writer of the 19th century, Oscar Wilde was bom in Dublin, Ireland, in 1854. His mother wrote poetry, and she taught him to love literature. He was educated at Trinity College, Dublin and Magdalen College, Oxford. Soon after leaving university his first volume of poetry, "Patience" was published. Oscar Wilde married Constance Lloyd in 1884 and the couple had two sons. When the boys were children Wilde wrote fairy stories for them that were later published as "The Happy Prince and Other Tales" (1888). Wilde’s tales are very beautiful. This was followed two years later by the novel, "The Picture of Dorian Gray" (1890) and a book on the role of the artist, "The Soul of Man under Socialism" (1891). However, it was a playwright that Wilde had his greatest success. Comedies such as "Lady Windermere's Fan" (1892), "A Woman of No Importance" (1893), "An Ideal Husband" (1895) and "The Importance of Being Earnest" (1895) made him cne of Britain's most famous writers. By 1895 Wilde had left his wife. Wilde was publicly accused by the Marquis of Queensberry. Wilde sued for libel but he lost his case and was then himself prosecuted and imprisoned. After being released from Reading Prison in 1897 Wilde moved to France. The following year he wrote "The Ballad of Reading Gaol" a poem inspired by his prison experience. Wilde's time in prison badly damaged his health and he died in 1900. His books are read and his plays are staged in many countries and in many languages.

In 1900

  1. Wilde got sick

  2. Wilde wrote his best novel.

  3. Wilde lost his wife

  4. Wilde got sick and died.

  5. Wilde was imprisoned


Oscar Wilde Oscar Wilde is a famous English writer of the 19th century, Oscar Wilde was bom in Dublin, Ireland, in 1854. His mother wrote poetry, and she taught him to love literature. He was educated at Trinity College, Dublin and Magdalen College, Oxford. Soon after leaving university his first volume of poetry, "Patience" was published. Oscar Wilde married Constance Lloyd in 1884 and the couple had two sons. When the boys were children Wilde wrote fairy stories for them that were later published as "The Happy Prince and Other Tales" (1888). Wilde’s tales are very beautiful. This was followed two years later by the novel, "The Picture of Dorian Gray" (1890) and a book on the role of the artist, "The Soul of Man under Socialism" (1891). However, it was a playwright that Wilde had his greatest success. Comedies such as "Lady Windermere's Fan" (1892), "A Woman of No Importance" (1893), "An Ideal Husband" (1895) and "The Importance of Being Earnest" (1895) made him cne of Britain's most famous writers. By 1895 Wilde had left his wife. Wilde was publicly accused by the Marquis of Queensberry. Wilde sued for libel but he lost his case and was then himself prosecuted and imprisoned. After being released from Reading Prison in 1897 Wilde moved to France. The following year he wrote "The Ballad of Reading Gaol" a poem inspired by his prison experience. Wilde's time in prison badly damaged his health and he died in 1900. His books are read and his plays are staged in many countries and in many languages.

Wilde was imprisoned because

  1. Marquis of Queensberry blamed Wilde in immoral behaviour.

  2. Wilde lost the case against Marquis of Queensberry.

  3. Wilde blamed Marquis of Queensberry in libel.

  4. Wilde wanted Marquis of Queensberry to be imprisoned.

  5. Marquis of Queensberry sued Wilde for libel.


Complete the idiom:

Keep an on someone
1. hand

2. leg

3. eye

4. ear

5. head


Choose the correct variant of the phrasal verb ”to meet”
1.to get over

2. to get up

3. to get together

4. to get off

5. to get along


Finish the idiom:

1. rain

2. wind

3. air

4. waters

5. water


Complete the sentence:

You should not put _____ on table; there might be an argument in the house before long.
1. dress

2. shoes

3. pens

4. toys

5. gloves


A quick opinion about someone or something
1. impressioned

2. impressed

3. impression

4. impress

5. impressive


Add suffix and prefix

Attract, responsible
1. ion, im -

2. ive, ir-

3. less, dis-

4. able, ir-

5. ir, able-


The correct suffix to the word “manage”
1. ty

2. ship

3. ment

4. ible

5. ful


Article the is used with . . .
1. Lake Michigan

2. Central Asia

3. Africa

4. Waterloo station

5. Globe theatre


Correct use of the articles
1.Can I ask question?

2. I have not got a computer.

3. There was a interesting programme on TV last night.

4. Rachel works in bank. •—

5. There is woman at the bus stop.


Article the is not used with . . .
1. streets

2. seas

3. canals

4. mountainous chain

5. oceans


Uncountable noun:
1. Lemons

2. Egg

3. Car

4. Toys

5. salt


The correct use of linking word

Robert didn’t study for the test;_______ he did very well.
1. nevertheless

2. therefore

3. Unless

4. Consequently

5. moreover


The correct use of linking word

Arlene Black has a yacht and a helicopter.________ , she has five cars.
1. Nevertheless

2. Furthermore

3. However

4. Consequently

5. In addition


Fill in a suitable pronoun:

___________artist has a great talent.
1. them

2. they

3. these

4. those

5. T h is


Choose the correct question word:

happened to your arm?

2. Why


4. What

5. How


Choose the correct variant of the pronoun:

Cat was eating ... meal.
1. her

2. it’s

3. hers

4. its

5. his


The correct variant of the numeral:

1.wo thousand and six

2. Twenty and six

3. Two hundred and six

4. Two zero six six

5. Two hundred and


The correct word:

It took us quite a long time to get here. It was journey.
1. a three-hours

2. three hour

3. third hour

4. a three-hour

5.three hours



About 59 million people live in Britain.
1. Britain's population is about fifty - nine million people

2. Britain’s population is about a fifty - nine million people

3. Britain’s population is about fifty nine millions people

4. Britain’s population is about fifty - nine millions people

5.Britain’s population is about fifty nine million people


The correct answer:

... winter month is January.
1. The coldest

2. The hottest

3. The warmest

4. Hottest

5. Coldest


the correct answer:

July is month in Kazakhstan.
1. the hotest

2. the coldest

3. the hottest

4. hotter

5. warm


The sentence with the correct comparative form:

The air in the city is than in the country
1. the most polluted

2.more pollute .

3. more polluted

4. pollute

5. polluted


Find an adverb of time:
1. suddenly

2. for a long time

3. a bit

4. badly

5. abroad


The verb in Past Perfect Active:
1. had take

2. has sold

3. was built

4. had swept

5. has brought


The right verb form is:

Can I borrow that book when you it?
1. will finishes

2. finishing

3. finishes

4. ‘s finish

5. ‘ve finished


Past Simple Passive form of the verb “understand”:
1. to understand

2. had been understood

3. to be understanding

4. was understood

5. to have been understand


After the first bell rang, our teacher____ us to the class.
1. disapper

2. leave

3. invited

4. run away

5. slip away


Choose the correct modal verb:

The gas tank is almost empty. We ... stop at the next service station.
1. had

2. can

3. may

4. could

5. had better


The correct modal verb is:

I’m so tired I ... sleep for a week.
1. could have

2. be able to

3. could

4. were able

5. be able


Complex Subject is not used with:
1.…. famous for...

2. ... was known to...---

3.... was said to ... -—

4 . ... was seen to...

5 . ... was supposed to......


Verb used with Complex Object
1. work

2. decide

3. try

4. avoid

5. expect


Choose the correct variant of Complex Object
1. I have never hear her sing.

2. I have never heard her sing.

3. I have never heard her to sing.

4. I have never heard her to be sing.

5. I have never heard to her sing.


We use the structure it+passive verb+clause with the verb of reporting.
1. avoid

2. let

3. do

4. warn

5. think


The appropriate endings of the sentence

Trevor said th a t...
1. he fixed the shelves this day

2. he is fixing the shelves

3. he would fix the shelves yesterday

4. he had fixed the shelves

5. he will fix the shelves


Report the sentence: ‘Have you seen John recently?’ She asked us
1. She asked us whether they had seen John recently

2. She asked us whether had we seen John recently

3. She asked us whether they have seen John recently

4. She asked us whether we had. seen John recently

5. She asked us whether have we seen John recently


Find the suitable forms of the verbs:

She (to believe) that Tom (to recover) soon.
1. Believe / Has recovered

2. Believes / are recovering

3. Would believe / Recovers

4. Believe / Had recovered

5. Believed / would recover


Change into indirect speech:

“I can see you tomorrow” she said.
1. She said she could to see me the following day.

2. She said she could see me the following day.

3. She said she will see me the following day. -

4. She said she can see me tomorrow.

5. She said she would see me the following day


Correct verb forms:

If only I ... him before he died! There .. .so many things I .. .him.
1. could have seen/were/ would have told

2. might have seen / were to be/ could have to tell

3. am to see/ were/ wished to be able to tell

4. can have to see/ am/ will tell

5. would see/ are/ might tell


Choose the right verb form:

If he a year older, he could join the army.
1. had been

2. has been

3. will be

4. was

5. Efis


Choose the right verb form:

If he a year older, he could join the army.
1. was

2. had been

3. has been

4. will be

5. is


Appropriate answer

It is a pity you drink too much. If only you so much.
1. won’t drink

2. didn’t drink

3. don’t drink

4. hadn’t drunk

5. haven’t drunk


Choose the correct modal verb:

You do harm to other people.
1. Should

2. Could

3. Shouldn’t

4. Might

5. May


Choose the equivalent.

He came out of the office and went home.
1. Have come out of the office, he went home

2. Come out of the office, he went home

3. Coming out of the office, he went home

4. Having come out of the office, he went home

5. Having coming out of the office, he went home


Define the part of speech of the underlined word:

She was fond of singing when she was a child.
1. Infinitive

2. Participle 2


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