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2. herring


4. bird

5. fish


the verb with the same meaning is:

“Tо protect”

  1. to begin

  2. to harm

  3. to defend

  4. to pollute

5. to continue


A large area of land with few plants and little water and where the weather is

always dry.

  1. waste

  2. dessert

  3. wilderness

  4. desert

  5. lonely


Complete the proverb:

  1. A good ... makes a good ending.

  2. Ending

  3. Beginning

  4. Day

  5. Man


The word with conversion is
1. to ask

2. to guide

3. to write

4. to read

5.to speak


The meaning of “stop or keep a person from doing something”
1. improve

2. concentrate

3. measure

4. prevent

5. survey


Sentence with a mistake

  1. We heard the news on the radio

  2. What is the longest river in the world ?

  3. The earth goes round the sun

  4. Their train leaves from Platform 4

5. Have you ever crossed the equator


The countable noun is:

  1. information

  2. running

  3. history

  4. leather

  5. banana


Choose the right variant:

We have English lessons

  1. two a week

  2. twice of week

  3. twice a week

  4. twice week

  5. two times of a week


Fill in a suitable article:

He broke his leg and he is in hospital now.

  1. -

  2. Am

  3. An

  4. A

  5. The


The correct use of linking word

I was on vacation;_______ , I didn’t get your letter

  1. even if

  2. so that

  3. however

  4. therefore

  5. although


The correct use of preposition

I’m short_______money this week. Can you lend me some?

  1. at

  2. on

  3. with

  4. without

  5. of


The correct preposition is:

What’s the difference_______football and rugby?

  1. among

  2. from

  3. between

  4. with

  5. for


Choose the correct question word:

... does it take you to get there?

  1. How long

  2. How many

  3. How much

  4. How

  5. When


Complete the sentence with the correct pronoun:

At that age ... don’t have social problems.

  1. our

  2. your

  3. them

  4. me

  5. they


Complete the sentence:

1 don’t play with toys. I’ve given to my sister.

  1. them of all

  2. all of them

  3. them all of

  4. them all is

  5. all them


Incorrect written number

  1. fifty

  2. fifth

  3. fiveteenth

  4. fifteen

  5. five


The correct answer:

I’ll take the doll and 2 badges. How much is that?

  1. These are $4.40 altogether

  2. That’s $4.40 altogether

  3. Their are $4.40 altogether

  4. This is $4.40 altogether

  5. It’s $4.40 altogether


Complex Subject is not used with the structure

  1. It is said that...

  2. It took ages to ...

  3. It was reported...

  4. It is believed that...

  5. ... is supposed to b e...


Superlative form of the “Dangerous”:

  1. The dangerous

  2. More dangerous

  3. The most dangerous

  4. angerousest

  5. Dangerouser


Appropriate answer

It’s loose, it isn’t very _

  1. sharp

  2. tight

  3. thick

  4. straight

  5. deep


The correct adverb is: My grandfather drives__________

  1. carefully

  2. downstairs

  3. stawly

  4. angry

  5. wonderful


Choose the adverb of time:

  1. often

  2. now

  3. over here

  4. badly

  5. very much


She ____________________ a lot of her free time reading.

  1. has

  2. does

  3. spend

  4. spends

  5. makes


He doesn’t smoke now, but h e a lot when he was young.

  1. had smoked

  2. was smoked

  3. has smoked

  4. smoked

  5. used to smoke


Choose the passive form of the verb:

  1. is doing

  2. had done

  3. have done

  4. was done

  5. will be doing


Complete the sentence:

We were at home at 3 o’clock,_____

  1. She was too

  2. Too she was

  3. So was he

  4. So did he

  5. So had she


Past form of the modal verb must

  1. hive to

  2. was able to

  3. could

  4. w'ould

  5. had to


Which of these verbs can take both gerund and infinitive with similar


  1. buy

  2. love, prefer

  3. after, stay

  4. speak

  5. decide


Define the underlined word:

My friend advised me changing my hairdo.

  1. participle

  2. infinitive

  3. gerund

  4. modal verb

  5. adverb


Fill in a suitable form of the verb:

Saule was surprised ... him last month.

  1. To see

  2. See

  3. Saw

  4. Have seen

  5. To saw


Complete the sentence:

We’ re sure... .you again.

  1. to see

  2. saw

  3. seeing

  4. were seeing

  5. see


The words with the silent letters

  1. rehearsal

  2. Buckingham

  3. high

  4. honour

  5. hour


Fill in a suitable preposition:

The soap opera had a great influence my sister.

  1. With

  2. To

  3. Of

  4. On

  5. From


Complete the sentence:

What have we got for______ ?

  1. dinner

  2. to dinner

  3. the dinner

  4. an dinner

  5. bnear fast


Choose the correct answer: Are these your pens?

  1. No, they have books.

  2. Yes, they are mine

  3. Yes, they are my pens

  4. No, they aren’t my

  5. Yes, they are me


Appropriate answer of date


  1. the twenty-fifth of May

  2. the twenty five May

  3. the twenty fifth of May

  4. the twenty-five of May

  5. the twentieth five of May


Find the general word for this group:

  1. Classmate

  2. School children

  3. Students

  4. Teacher

  5. Classroom


We notable to do the difficult exercises.

  1. are

  2. is

  3. being

  4. was

  5. been


The Sequence of tenses:

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