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база нкт. Ин, яз, 4 курс, НКТ база (1). Курс 4 Тестовые задания

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  1. to come off

  2. to come back

  3. to come in

  4. to come along

  5. to come across


Find a general word for the group:

  1. arm

  2. stomach

  3. elbow

  4. body

  5. foot


The noun of the word "exist” is

  1. existing

  2. existful

  3. existant

  4. existness

  5. existence


Give the equivalent: “having a pleasant flavour”

  1. bad

  2. junk

  3. tasteless

  4. good

  5. tasteful


Find the word that refers to the topic “Library”

  1. hair

  2. museum

  3. house

  4. day

  5. author


The correct use of Article

... Browns invited me to ... dinner.

  1. the / an

  2. -/ the

  3. -/ a

  4. the / a

  5. the / -


The plural form of the word "cliff"

  1. cliffes

  2. cliveses

  3. clives

  4. cliffs

  5. clivs


An uncountable noun is:

  1. chair

  2. beauty

  3. piano

  4. dress

  5. day


The plural form of the noun:

  1. forget-mes-not

  2. forgets-me-not

  3. forgets-me-nots

  4. forgets-mes-nots

  5. forget-me-nots


an appropriate preposition:

Paul will look_______________ our dogs while we’re on holiday.

  1. into

  2. on

  3. after

  4. at

  5. for


Appropriate prepositions:

Children ... sixteen years ... age are not admitted to the bar ... their parents.

  1. over/with/without

  2. of/at/with

  3. under/of/ without

  4. at/of /with

  5. under/of/ by


Complete the sentence:

she can’t drive, she has bought a car.

  1. wheather

  2. even though

  3. as

  4. while

  5. when


The correct use of the preposition

They are very similar. I often mistake one the other.

  1. for

  2. through

  3. by

  4. of

  5. with


Complete the sentence:

My sister turned the house down but she couldn’t find her key ...

  1. nothing

  2. anywhere

  3. some

  4. somewhere

  5. nowhere


Complete the sentence with a suitable question word.

_______wants to translate the text from English into Russian?

  1. Which

  2. When

  3. How

  4. Who

  5. What


Choose a singular noun in the possessive case

  1. Sportsmen's

  2. Sportsmens'

  3. Sportsman's

  4. Sportsmans's

  5. Sponsions'


The correct variant of the fraction “2/3”

  1. second third

  2. two thirds

  3. twos third

  4. two point three

  5. two third


Correct written fraction


  1. three quarters

  2. four three

  3. three four

  4. quarter three

  5. three over four


Choose the equivalent:

In Britain women retire at the age of 60.
1. The retirement age is sixtieth for women in Britain

2. The retirement age is the sixty for women Britain

3. The retirement age is a sixty for women in Britain

4. The retirement age is sixtyth for women in Britain

5. The retirement age is sixty for women in Britain


The telegram was received yesterday

  1. Past Perfect Passive

  2. Past simple Active

  3. Past Continuous Passive

  4. Past Perfect

  5. Past simple Passive


Modal verb followed by “to”:

  1. ought

  2. may

  3. need

  4. will

  5. should


Choose a suitable modal verb:

The documents ... be sent as quickly as possible.

  1. Could

  2. Must

  3. Can

  4. may

  5. Need


My mother met at the cinema with the other friends.

  1. our

  2. he

  3. she

  4. we

  5. them


Verb is used with Complex Object

  1. want

  2. water

  3. win

  4. wear

  5. walk


The verb followed V-ing (Complex Object)

  1. remember

  2. hear

  3. prevent

  4. would like

  5. intend


The sentence with the structure that expresses purpose.

  1. The shop provides baskets for the customers to put their purchases in

  2. It is important for drivers to take care

  3. Alex is very sorry for what he did

  4. There is no excuse for behavior like that. There is no need for it

  5. I didn’t care for the film


Report the sentence: ‘I was waiting for you,’ she told Ben

  1. She told Ben I had been waiting for him

  2. She told Ben she had been waiting for him

  3. She told Ben she was waiting for him

  4. She told Ben I was waiting for him

  5. She told Ben she is waiting for him


The right variant:

  1. She knew he like English

  2. She knows that the was doing his homework at 7 o’clock

  3. She knows that he was doing his homework at 7 o’clock

  4. She knew he has done his homework by 7 o’clock

  5. She knew that he was doing his homework at 7 o’clock


Complete the sentence:

I wonder if the weather ... fine tomorrow.

  1. is

  2. been

  3. was

  4. are

  5. will be


Tense changes in reported speech:

  1. going to > will be

  2. past perfect > past perfect

  3. past simple > present perfect simple

  4. present perfect > present perfect tense

  5. present simple > past continuous


Appropriate answer.

This house _____ better if they _____ it, _____the grass and _____flowers.

  1. looked / painted / cut / planted

  2. looks / painted / cut / planted

  3. would look / painted / cut / planted

  4. would look / paint / cut / planted

  5. will look / painted / cut / plant


Choose an unreal conditional sentence:

  1. If you did that again, I’ll punish you.

  2. If you do that again, I’ll punish you.

  3. If I was an astronaut, I’d travel all the planets.

  4. If 1 am an astronaut, I'd travel all the planets.

  5. If I were an astronaut. I’d travel all the planets.


Choose the right variant:

Please remember to post the letter

  1. Don’t forget to post the letter

  2. Don’t post the letter

  3. Forget to post the letter

  4. Don’t remember to post the letter

  5. Remind to post the letter


The second conditional form:

  1. present perfect, would + infinitive

  2. past simple, future simple

  3. present simple, future simple

  4. past simple, would + infinitive

  5. present simple, would + infinitive

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