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Present Participle Passive

  1. While watching the film she forgot about everything

  2. The building painting is a new school

  3. The house built in our street is very beautiful

  4. The room facing the garden is much more comfortable than this one

  5. While being examined, the boy could not help crying


To form PAST PARTICIPLE you should add to the verb:

  1. mg

  2. ed

  3. est

  4. ness

  5. –ly


Gerund Simple

  1. to be known

  2. being known

  3. be reading

  4. stealing

  5. to have read


Choose the right verb form:

We thought about early.

  1. leaving

  2. leave

  3. to leave

  4. leaved

  5. to leaving


Choose the sentence with Gerund:

  1. Travelling is very interesting in any season

  2. They were travelling along the U.K

  3. We like to travel

  4. Jane has travelled all over the world

  5. They travelled in Spain last year


Complete the sentence:

I hope you this weekend

  1. will see

  2. to see

  3. to saw

  4. saw

  5. to seeing


Define the underlined word:

My elder sister enjoys travelling.

  1. gerund

  2. infinitive

  3. modal verb

  4. participle

  5. adverb


The words with [еэ]

  1. bake

  2. native

  3. explain

  4. age

  5. stamp


The correct prepositions

I don’t want to argue .. you ... that matter at this time.

  1. with / about

  2. at / over

  3. with / at

  4. to / about

  5. on / about


Choose the right preposition: to insist

  1. for

  2. in

  3. below

  4. at

  5. on


Reflexive pronouns

  1. him

  2. itself

  3. yourself

  4. our

  5. myself


Read the fraction


  1. five sixths

  2. fifth over sixth

  3. five over six

  4. the fifth of six

  5. fifth and sixth


Choose a countable noun:

  1. running

  2. information

  3. minute

  4. banana

  5. history


Correct the Tense form

Listen! They ... at each other again.

  1. are shout

  2. are shouting

  3. be shouting

  4. is shouting

  5. are shooting


Replace the Direct Speech into Reported Speech:

“’Where did you find the book?” Ben asked.

  1. Ben asked me where I found the book

  2. Ben asked me where did I find the book

  3. Ben asked where had I found the book

  4. Ben asked where you had found the book

  5. Ben asked where I had found the book


Participle I

  1. They ran out of the school shouting

  2. The children ran out of the school shouted

  3. The children ran of the school shouting

  4. The boys ran out of the school shouting

  5. The children ran out of the school shouting


Verbs used with Infinitive

  1. threaten

  2. manage

  3. admit

  4. plan

  5. fancy


Correct answer:

Students ... their tests and now they ....

1. have written / are handing

2. are writing / are handing

3. are writing / handed

4. had written / hand

5. wrote / will hand


Indirect speech
1. I won’t do this again

2. He repeated that he wouldn’t do that again

3. We have to find a boy

4. He said that he had been hiding

5. They told that it seemed strange


Choose the gerund:
1. Steve and Jack were being dressed

2. I enjoy travelling in summer

3. I’m tired of being alone

4. Jane is being taught at home

5. I have been studying at this


The Gerund from in the given sentences:
1. My brother is keen on getting fit.

2. The reading of the article took him only a few minutes

3. He took part in the second meeting

4. Be careful at the street crossing

5. He was fond of reading books about travels


The Amish people are a religious group who came to America from Switzerland and South Germany in the 18th century. They have become very famous by keeping old traditions and refusing to accept new ways of life. The men wear black hats and have beards, but not moustaches. They all wear homemade clothes, which are blue, green, purple, brown and black in colour. No bright colours are allowed. For this reason they are known as “Plain People”. The women do not wear any kind of jewellery. The Amish people do not use electricity. In 1919 Amish leader decided not to connect to electric power lines. They thought that it wouldn’t keep their life simple. Now they have no television, radio or refrigerators. No telephones. No cars. They drive horses and buggies. They use gas and gas lamps light their homes. The Amish are excellent farmers, but they often refuse to use modem farm machinery. Children go to Amish one-room schools and learn reading, writing, arithmetic and region. Before and after classes they help their parents to milk cows, gather eggs, feed domestic animals and do gardening. The Amish family usually has between eight and twelve children. Home-produced food is important in supporting large families. Amish culture is unique in American society.Who are Amish people?
1. educated people from Switzeland

2. a religious group from America

3. people who lived in South Germany

4. people who used to live in the USA

5. Americans who live in Germany


The Amish people are a religious group who came to America from Switzerland and South Germany in the 18th century. They have become very famous by keeping old traditions and refusing to accept new ways of life. The men wear black hats and have beards, but not moustaches. They all wear homemade clothes, which are blue, green, purple, brown and black in colour. No bright colours are allowed. For this reason they are known as “Plain People”. The women do not wear any kind of jewellery. The Amish people do not use electricity. In 1919 Amish leader decided not to connect to electric power lines. They thought that it wouldn’t keep their life simple. Now they have no television, radio or refrigerators. No telephones. No cars. They drive horses and buggies. They use gas and gas lamps light their homes. The Amish are excellent farmers, but they often refuse to use modem farm machinery. Children go to Amish one-room schools and learn reading, writing, arithmetic and region. Before and after classes they help their parents to milk cows, gather eggs, feed domestic animals and do gardening. The Amish family usually has between eight and twelve children. Home-produced food is important in supporting large families. Amish culture is unique in American society.Why do Amish people wear homemade clothes?
1. they have no money for clothes

2. they live too far from the shopping centre

3. they want to demonstrate their individuality

4. they don’t like brand clothes

5. its acceptable in the Amish society


The Amish people are a religious group who came to America from Switzerland and South Germany in the 18th century. They have become very famous by keeping old traditions and refusing to accept new ways of life. The men wear black hats and have beards, but not moustaches. They all wear homemade clothes, which are blue, green, purple, brown and black in colour. No bright colours are allowed. For this reason they are known as “Plain People”. The women do not wear any kind of jewellery. The Amish people do not use electricity. In 1919 Amish leader decided not to connect to electric power lines. They thought that it wouldn’t keep their life simple. Now they have no television, radio or refrigerators. No telephones. No cars. They drive horses and buggies. They use gas and gas lamps light their homes. The Amish are excellent farmers, but they often refuse to use modem farm machinery. Children go to Amish one-room schools and learn reading, writing, arithmetic and region. Before and after classes they help their parents to milk cows, gather eggs, feed domestic animals and do gardening. The Amish family usually has between eight and twelve children. Home-produced food is important in supporting large families. Amish culture is unique in American society.Why do the Amish people have large families because
1. the Amish have very big houses

2. the Amish people like children

3. they are nit well educated

4. they need many helpers

5. of the religion


The Amish people are a religious group who came to America from Switzerland and South Germany in the 18th century. They have become very famous by keeping old traditions and refusing to accept new ways of life. The men wear black hats and have beards, but not moustaches. They all wear homemade clothes, which are blue, green, purple, brown and black in colour. No bright colours are allowed. For this reason they are known as “Plain People”. The women do not wear any kind of jewellery. The Amish people do not use electricity. In 1919 Amish leader decided not to connect to electric power lines. They thought that it wouldn’t keep their life simple. Now they have no television, radio or refrigerators. No telephones. No cars. They drive horses and buggies. They use gas and gas lamps light their homes. The Amish are excellent farmers, but they often refuse to use modem farm machinery. Children go to Amish one-room schools and learn reading, writing, arithmetic and region. Before and after classes they help their parents to milk cows, gather eggs, feed domestic animals and do gardening. The Amish family usually has between eight and twelve children. Home-produced food is important in supporting large families. Amish culture is unique in American society.What does the phrase ‘home produced food’ mean?

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