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Look through paragraphs 1,2,4,7 and find 6 verbs which go with the word “business” and 4 collocations with this word. Give their Russian equivalents.

C. Find in the text (paragraphs 1, 2, 4, 5, 8) phrasal verbs which mean:

заняться чем-то, создать (предприятие), отложить (деньги), сэкономить (некоторую сумму денег), стать кем-то /превратиться в кого-то, взять на себя (ответственность), отрабатывать (определённые часы), выписывать (квитанцию), отказаться (от предложения).

D. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and phrases:

выжить, расширить производство, поощрять, испытывать (какое-то чувство), создавать новые рабочие места, получать заказы, работать на себя, работать на кого-то другого, менее хлопотно, позволять себе, сводить концы с концами,

внедрять новые технологии, остальное время, ремонтная мастерская, ради чего-то, быть уволенным, не ждать пока тебя уволят, соответственно, дополнительно, намеренно /специально, накапливать опыт /знания.
E. Find in the text 12 ing-forms and translate them into Russian.
F. Say whether the following statements are true, false or there is no information in the text on the subject.

  1. It is not difficult to set up a one-person business, but most of such firms quickly fail.

  2. To start your own business you need to save up some money and borrow the rest.

  3. Expanding production does not necessarily mean increasing profits.

  4. All American businessmen regularly give money to charity organizations.

  1. Say which paragraphs contain information on:

  1. Responsibilities of an entrepreneur.

  2. What is needed to do before starting one’s own business.

  3. What kind of people go into business.

  4. What kind of a firm people usually set up when going into business.

  1. Say which of the following sentences presents most accurately the main idea of the text.

  1. It is easy to become an entrepreneur in America.

  2. Entrepreneurs are the main moving force in America.

  3. It is more trouble to work for oneself (to be an entrepreneur) but it is worth it.


  1. Read and translate the text.

1 The main success of the economy is due to its organization of production. The average American, as a rule, is not an entrepreneur, but works for somebody else and quite often changes jobs, even his profession sometimes. Except for those who work for the government, almost all Americans work for private companies: at factories, on farms and in offices. Usually it is a small company with only 10-20 people or even less. Often it is a family. That size company is the backbone of American companies. But even large enterprises having a thousand or more employees are usually decentralized. They consist of separate, virtually independently run units which may even compete with each other in some cases. Those at the headquarters only coordinate the overall economic and technical strategy.

2 Such breaking up into smaller units works very well. At the head of a company of several thousand employees are, say, thirty odd partners who gather not more than once or twice a year. They sum up the successes and failures, come up with24 a general plan of action and split the profits. The rest of the time the branches are on their own25: they themselves get their clients, orders, finances, set their employment policy and buy their own equipment. None of the daily activity is regulated by anyone.

3 In the United States, the use of consulting firms is a common practice: it is customary to invite qualified specialists to solve complex problems. This is better than having such people in the company, for there is not enough work to keep them busy 100 percent of the time. Many consulting companies are occupied with training workers on the job, for instance, to use new equipment or computers. Some firms give courses on how to earn money. The expenditures of the companies on these consultants and instructors are made up for by the higher productivity of the workers and lower labour fluidity. Moreover, it is profitable due to tax privileges: practically all these expenditures are "written off’ from the taxes, which is only natural, since the government is interested in the enterprise to flourish.

4 The first thing that impresses you in America is the huge army of middleman working in almost every sphere: trade, advertising, market studies, consulting, etc. Initially, you find it hard to understand why the rational American society needs so many parasites. For example, a factory produces windows and the builders take them to a construction site and fix them. This is all the process is about26. In America, however, this process also includes wholesale firms, shops, advertising companies, companies testing the quality of glass, transportation companies and construction firms, to say nothing of27 subcontractors who serve the whole team. Each of them adds some personal value to the designing, manufacturing and delivery of goods.

5 Middlemen in America are, as a rule, very experienced people, professional sellers of windows, for instance. They are not bored girls who can't wait to have a lunch break. Middlemen are people with very good professional training. They know all the pros and cons of their product and the products the rival firms offer.

6 Middlemen operate everywhere: they run employment bureaus, rent and lease housing and office space, create real estate firms, publishing agencies, etc.

  1. Give Russian equivalents to the following words and phrases:

average, except for those who…, the backbone, a unit, a branch (of a company), thirty odd partners, overall strategy, failure, headquarters, labour fluidity, to flourish, separate groups, independently run units, to come up with a plan of action, the first thing that impresses you, you find it hard to understand, they operate everywhere, they run an employment bureau, a wholesale firm, a rival firm, experienced people, construction site, all the pros and cons.

  1. Find in the text English equivalents to the following phrases:

успех объясняется хорошей организацией, благодаря хорошей организации, соревноваться /конкурировать друг с другом, повседневная деятельность, обычное дело, обычно приглашают /принято приглашать, решать сложные проблемы, находить заказы, занимаются подготовкой работников по специальности, поскольку, т.к., подводить итоги, расходы компенсируются, посредник, сначала, проверять качество, устанавливать окно, фирма по продаже недвижимости, брать и сдавать в аренду, проектирование, производство, доставка, обслуживать, жилые и офисные помещения.

  1. Say whether the following statements are true, false or there is no information on the subject in the text.

  1. Small private companies are normally family businesses with 30 odd people.

  2. Large enterprises are, as a rule, broken into smaller units.

  3. Those at the head of a big company coordinate the overall economic strategy

and regulate daily activity of separate units.

  1. It is more efficient to invite specialists just to solve complex problems than

to have them permanently employed.

  1. In business, it is common practice to use services of middlemen who are very experienced people, as a rule.

  1. Say which paragraphs contain the information on:

  1. Responsibilities of a company branch.

  2. The structure of a big company.

  3. Advantages of not having to employ all sorts of highly qualified professionals.


  1. Read and translate the text.

1 Curiously enough, wherever you go you see that most employees are young folk. There are very few middle-aged and no elderly folk at all among them, even though the retirement age is 65. The thing is that after a certain age is reached people crave to start their own businesses. They either set up their own firms, or join operating firms as partners.

2 One of motivations for this is the fear of becoming unemployed. Every employee is always haunted by the likelihood of losing his job, and girds himself28 appropriately. Thus he pays dues29 to cover loss of work which are complemented halfway by his employer. He also puts money aside “for a rainy day” as an investment or a bank deposit. He tries to acquire some sideline30, even if it doesn’t meet all his needs, in short, be prepared for any eventuality.

3 In the United States job placement is also an industry. Firstly, you have federal and state employment agencies, who do not charge you for their services, but whose results are minimal. Secondly, you have similar private agencies, for whose services you must pay. During recession these agencies prosper. Some really get you employment. Charges differ. Sometimes an advance payment is demanded. Some agencies may require a deposit31 with a remainder paid up over a certain period of time after one gets a job. Sometimes an employer pays the fee, which, as a rule, is equivalent to one’s monthly pay. Or a percentage may be deducted from the pay over the entire period which is usually, when the job is temporary, of no more than six months or so.

4 However, the most common job-hunting approach is via newspaper advertisements, as even when recessions are worst and employees are laid off wholesale, newspapers feature a lot of want ads32, true, often not for the kind of job you are looking for. Most people secure jobs with the help of family and friends.

  1. Give Russian equivalents to the following words and phrases:

employee, employer, employment, unemployment, to get somebody an employment, employment bureau /agency, to employ, to be unemployed, to be self-employed, a company employing more than 1000 people, a small proportion of population is employed in agriculture, agriculture directly employs 2.5% of working population, elderly folk, the middle-aged, retirement age, after a certain age is reached, after one gets a job, a temporary job, want ads, an entire period, it does not meet all your needs, to join operating firms as partners.

  1. Find in the text words or word combinations which are equivalent in meaning to the following ones:

to lose one’s job, looking for a job, to compensate for a loss of work, to require, via, to get, to be fired, the rest (of the sum).

  1. Find in the text English equivalents to the following phrases:

зарплата, предоплата, аванс /залог, гонорар, плата за услуги, не брать деньги с кого-либо за что-либо, трудоустройство, поиски работы, примерно один месяц, наиболее распространённый способ, очень мало или совсем нет (чего-то), кризис /спад производства, какой-то процент (какая-то часть денег) вычитается из вашей зарплаты.

  1. Say whether the following statements are true, false or there is no information on the subject in the text.

  1. There are no elderly folk among employees because the level of unemployment is high.

  2. In order to get prepared for a loss of work employees try to get some additional job.

  3. You can always get the job you need via newspaper advertisements.

  4. Charges (for getting you a job) at state employment agencies and at similar private agencies differ.


  1. Read and translate the text.

1 How come33, that while comprising a negligible proportion of the population and despite restricted output, America’s farmers are in a position to feed not only their own country, but half the world into the bargain? The clue is simple. It derives not only from the industriousness with which the farmers produce, but from the pattern34 of relationships between every party involved35, from farmer and bank to machine maker and landowner.

2 Many own land. Some are farmers themselves. However most are investors or banks. In America most farmers cultivate land that is owned by others. When it is said that in America all the cultivated land is privately owned, meant are36 not farmers but landowners. Generally speaking, the farmer owns his farm like any businessman his own firm. But in the same way as a factory owner need not necessarily possess the buildings, so the farmer need not necessarily cultivate exclusively his own land.

3 The landowner is one of the basic factors involved in the agronomical process. He purchases land to lease it to farmers and collect rent after each year’s crop. As the purchase of land like all other property is an investment, this means firstly that he must pay the bank its rates, as few can afford to buy land with cash on the barrel37 and, secondly, pay the annual land tax. The money invested in land must necessarily yield the dividend not less but if possible even more, than if invested elsewhere.

4 No wonder that after leasing his land the landowner doesn’t wash his hands off the whole affair. He has many cares. His land must not only retain, but even improve its fertility, as it is upon this that the crop and hence dividends, as well as the future price of his land depends. Good landowners never lose sight of that. To this end they employ the services of a special land management agency that, in turn, allots a special manager to look after the land. As a competent agronomist, the said manager implements a perennial strategy of land tenure, watching over the rational and prompt use of fertilizers, crop rotation and a drive against weeds and pests. As his own earnings depend on crop yields, he has a personal stake in land fertility and bumper crops.

5 Some of the parties involved in the agronomical process contribute to the end product indirectly. These are the countless promoters of new machinery, the salesmen who demonstrate agricultural novelties, new chemicals and seed materials, as well as the staff of the management firms mentioned.

6 The relationships between farmers, managers, landowners and other parties involved comprise part of the overall system of production relationships under capitalism. Interests more than simply interweave, they dovetail. Small wonder they conjointly yield such abundance in the country year after year.

  1. Give Russian equivalents to the following agricultural terms:

land tenure, farm, farming, to cultivate land, to lease land, fertility, fertilizer, to retain and improve fertility, seed materials, crop rotation, bumper crops, crop yields, after each year’s crop, a drive against weeds and pests.

  1. Find in the text English equivalents to the following phrases:

быть в состоянии, составлять незначительную часть (целого), не удивительно, в придачу, начиная с чего-то и заканчивая чем-то, когда говорят, что…, не обязательно принадлежит другим, мало кто может позволить себе купить, приносить доход, быть лично заинтересованным в чём-то, точно так же как фермер, так и владелец фабрики, а также, такой как, как таковой, так как, как правило, следить за, заботиться о, иметь много забот, пользоваться услугами, стороны, участвующие в процессе.

  1. Give Russian equivalents to the following derivatives:

a factory owner, a landowner, farmer owns his land, his own farm, land is owned by the bank, most of land is privately owned, ownership.

  1. Find in the text 10 ed-forms of English verbs and translate them into Russian paying attention to different functions they perform in the sentences.

  1. Say whether the following statements are true, false or there is no information on the subject in the text.

  1. Farmers in America cultivate exclusively the land they own.

  2. Not all farmers are landowners.

  3. Investment in land is usually more profitable than in any other property.

  4. Dividends of a landowner do not directly depend upon the fertility of his land.

  5. Landowner himself manages the land he leases to farmers.

  6. All the parties to the agronomical process have personal stake in fertility of land and bumper crops.

  1. Say which paragraphs contain the information on:

  1. The pattern of relationships of production in agriculture.

  2. The responsibilities of a landowner.

  3. The duties of a land manager.

  4. The reason for abundance of agricultural produce in the country.


  1. Read and translate the text.

1 At first glance, an exchange is simply a very noisy place where brokers sell stock and commodities. Why is the whole world watching the goings-on in that place, and why does the economy of the US and the world depend on it? Let us consider two examples. Supposing a man bought a seat at an exchange. (A broker's seat is $350,000 and you also have to take an examination.) His business is trade in Eurodollars - dollars in circulation in Europe. He buys money when the rate is down and sells it when the rate is up, watching rate fluctuations on an electronic display. The difference makes the broker's profit. That's all. In America this business is a respected, very profitable business which is very much needed by society.

2 Another man buys and sells future prices for pork. Like the Eurodollar broker, he gets information about price fluctuations from an electronic display. It must be noted that pork is not yet produced (the same applies to the trade in prices for future grain crops, etc.). Naturally, he sells high prices and buys low prices, pocketing the difference. How does it benefit society? How does this trade influence the economy? Let us see how the system works.

3 Raising funds for its needs, an enterprise (factory or firm) issues shares. Shares give shareholders the right to a portion of the firm's property and dividends. The total value of the stock equals the total value of the corporate property. If business goes well, the firm's wealth grows and so does the portion of that wealth due for one share. This means that the firm's stock is on the rise, but it can also fall if things go wrong.

4 When it sells shares, a company pledges to buy them back at any time the shareholder wishes to sell. Naturally, if things don't go very well and on top of that the company has to buy its shares back, it may easily go bankrupt. On the other hand, if a company goes under38, shareholders become holders of worthless sheets of paper.

5 The societal value of stock-exchange operations is self-evident. Stock price fluctuations help businessmen and the public to understand how solid a company is, which branches are more profitable and where investments should be made. Stock exchange also serves as an incentive to effective investments in developing and promising economic branches.

6 In the case with future prices (crops, meat, oil, steel, etc.), when prices are set in advance, the volume of production can easily be determined.

7 This is the way39 commodity and stock exchange markets influence the economy performing the main function of an economic barometer. When stocks start falling, business quarters become nervous, the number of deals decreases and investments are curtailed. The decline of stocks slows down economic development, brings about recession and greater unemployment.

  1. Give Russian equivalents to the following words and phrases:

stock exchange, stock(s), rate fluctuations, when the rate is down/up, to pocket the difference, profitable, respected, to raise funds, to issue shares, to pledge to buy back, worthless sheets of paper, self-evident, incentive, a promising economic branch, in the case with, to set prices in advance, volume, to curtail, to decline, to slow down, to decrease, to bring about recession.

  1. Find in the text English equivalents to the following phrases:

предположим, не говоря уже, давайте рассмотрим два примера, на первый взгляд, следить за происходящим, то же самое относится и к, приходящийся на долю (одной акции), курс акций растет, и кроме того (к тому же), с другой стороны, насколько прочно положение компании, вот как рынок влияет на, деловые круги, бизнес, который нужен обществу.

  1. Match the words to make six word partnerships.

  1. to sell

  2. to serve

  3. to perform

  4. to bring about

  5. to set

  6. to curtail

  1. investments

  2. recession

  3. prices

  4. the function

  5. as incentive

  6. stock and commodities

E. Say if these statements are true or false or there is no information.

    1. An exchange is a place where stocks and commodities are traded efficiently.

    2. Broker’s seats are easily bought and sold by anyone.

    3. Trading on the stock and commodity exchange is considered to be a very important and beneficial business to the society.

    4. A broker sells low prices and buys high prices.

    5. To get the necessary capital, companies issue shares.

    6. There is no risk of going bankrupt for a company whose shares are listed and traded on the exchanges.

    7. Businessmen and the public must keep up-to-date with the situation on the stock markets.

    8. Commodity and stock exchanges are a vital component of the economy.

  1. Say which paragraphs contain the information on:

        1. The importance of stock exchange operations to the society.

        2. The main function of the commodity and stock exchange.

        3. The way shareholders can get dividends or lose their investments.


  1. Read and translate the text.

1 One can buy anything in America, but it takes a great deal of mastery to sell anything there.

2 Millions of people are engaged in promoting40 products (goods and services).There are millions of methods to do it. The most primitive one is to deliver goods to a shop and wait until they are sold out (similarly, to open a service bureau and wait for customers). In this case, the main task is to get people into the shop and make them interested41 in what you offer.

3 To attract customers, some shops organize regular sales at discount prices. This does not mean that the goods sold at a discount are of inferior quality. The idea is to woo customers to the shops promising cheaper goods and wait for them to buy goods at regular prices as they do their shopping. Sometimes shops run out of42 the discount goods. In this case, one can ask shop assistant to issue a rain-check43.

4 To get a customer into the shop, Americans never stop short of44 great spending. First and foremost the customer has to get to know new goods on the market. Free-of-charge distribution of goods serves the purpose. These are samples of new goods which the producer companies wanted the customers to get acquainted with. This is one type of advertising.

5 Another type is showing a product in action. Supposing you got a call from a company selling vacuum cleaners with a suggestion that you have a look at their new model. You agreed to see it and in the evening of the same day a woman comes to your place and cleans half the house. Of course, you like the vacuum cleaner.

6 Another way of advertising is distribution of gifts. From time to time you receive invitations to visit car salons, for example. Your time to get there and test drive a new car is compensated by a gift, such as a portable radio, a beauty set, a turner kit, etc.

7 Selling by catalogue is very popular. Every day you are mailed several catalogues. The most popular of them come in the form of colourful big booklets containing pictures of goods, their regular price, the price in the shop belonging to the firm, and the price of selling by mail. Big companies may also offer you credit on the goods they sell.

8 The art of selling is for the persistent. Without persistent sellers, America would not be what it is now.

9 Commercials, especially television ones, are very expensive and not all companies can afford them. Usually the sellers of similar goods pool their funds to buy one ad. Often producers pay for ads. Advertising expenditure in the US is comparable to the budgets of some countries. However, it is not for nothing that45 society undertakes such spending. It helps move goods more quickly and efficiently. This means that the funds spent on manufacture of goods circulate more quickly, which, in turn, accelerates economic growth.

B. Give Russian equivalents to the following words and phrases:

a great deal of mastery, are engaged in promoting, to attract customers, sale, a discount price, to be of an inferior/superior quality, at a regular price, to promise, a sample, to serve the purpose, to offer, suggestion, a gift, portable radio, a set, a kit, to mail, persistent, expensive, cheap, ad, comparable, to accelerate.
C. Find in the text English equivalents to the following phrases:

точно так же, прежде всего, взглянуть на, время от времени, объединять средства, может позволить себе, их можно сравнить с, идти на такие расходы.
D. Find in the text phrases containing “to get” and memorize different meanings of the verb.

to get smth

to get somewhere

to get smb into smth

to get/make smb do smth

to get to know smth

to get acquainted with

I’ve got a car.

I’ve got to do this right now.

получать/доставать/покупать что-либо

добираться куда-либо

заманить/вовлечь кого-либо в

заставить кого-либо делать что-либо

узнать о чем-либо

познакомиться с

У меня есть машина.

Я должен сделать это прямо сейчас.

E. Find in the text phrasal verbs which mean: никогда не останавливаться перед, истощить запас, распродавать, привлекать/заинтересовать and use them in the sentences of your own.
F. Say whether the following statements are true, false or there is no information on the subject in the text.

    1. There are a lot of ways to sell goods and services.

    2. To attract manufacturers, some shops organize sales at discount prices.

    3. Internet shopping is the most popular nowadays.

    4. Advertising accelerates economic growth.

G. Say which paragraphs contain the information on:

  1. How much Americans spend on advertising.

  2. Different ways of product promotion and encouraging people to buy it.

  3. What can help to succeed in selling.


  1. Read and translate the text.

1 The word "mortgage" means borrowed credit. In other words, a loan with interest, with the guarantee of payment in the form of a house. There is a creditor - a bank - owning these homes until the debt is paid up. The mortgage payments47 often account for 35 percent of the family budget, and sometimes more. Thus, the term is an important one in America.

2 Those who pay mortgages are those who own their homes, town houses or simply apartments. Not by a long short48 all Americans own their places of residence. Meanwhile, despite the large expense which goes along with paying a mortgage, Americans strive all the same49 to own the place which they call home. Why is this?

3 First of all, renting apartments (or houses) becomes more expensive each year, even in those places where the government tries to subsidize housing. The growth in incomes just doesn't keep up with climbing rents.

4 Secondly, real estate usually increases in price, and this price either out-distance inflation, or at least doesn't fall behind it. With the rise in the price of real estate, your financial means, invested in real estate, also grow. Such investments enable people to combat inflation.

5 Thirdly, the widely developed system of loans with interest allows you in many instances not only to fight inflation, but to earn money from it in the form of the value of your home (as is the case, by the way, with real estate in general).

6 How this works, when given a general outline50, is simple enough to understand. In America, real estate is bought, as a rule, on credit. Very rarely does someone collect a sufficient quantity of loose cash needed for such a purchase. We are talking, usually, about tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars. But even if such money were available it is not smart to freeze up these funds over a long period. It is much more lucrative to allow cash to circulate, either to invest it or to have it in the bank where it makes interest.

7 As a rule, you put cash down51 to cover 5-15 percent of the cost. The rest - mortgage. Banks make money off this, receiving on their money a specified yearly interest. At the same time a mortgage is not only profitable for them.

8 When real estate grows in value, though that money which you laid down for the property is only a part of its value, you earn a 100 percent of the growth of the whole price on the real estate. For example, having bought a 100 thousand dollar house, you put down, in all, 10 thousand, and the rest you owe to the bank (mortgage). The whole 100 thousand dollar house actually even grows in price. Having sold the house, at a new higher price, you pocket the difference between the new and old prices.

9 But this is still not all. The interest on the mortgage paid to the bank (in the mortgage payment it is not only the interest but also a sum which is the consistent paying off of the original debt) and the real estate tax, are expenditures which the smart American legal system does not impose taxes on. Filling out your tax declaration, you put these sums in the expenditure section, in this way shrinking the overall sum you will pay in taxes.

10 Many banks offer what is called a "return mortgage". In essence, this means that the bank starts to pay to the debtor, when he reaches a specified age, his mortgage to buy back the house again from him, with the idea that after a certain number of years the bank will own the house in full. The “return mortgage” is really its own form of a pension, which many seniors gladly participate in, as if "living off52 in old age their home – their main (and sometimes even single) material possession left in life. The "return mortgage" illustrates the fact that investing in real estate is one of the best ways to assure your financial independence in America.

11 Naturally, real estate deals are not limited to the purchase of a private single family home. Some go even further and buy apartment buildings. This is a common form of earning a living off real estate.

  1. Give Russian equivalents to the following words and phrases:

mortgage payment, accounts for 5 % of the budget, to own one’s own home, apartment, apartment building, single family house, place of residence, despite, expense(s), expenditures, climbing rent, shrinking taxes, in many instances, for instance, as is the case with, rarely, loose cash, to collect a sufficient sum of money, it’s not smart, to freeze up funds over a long period, to owe (to the bank), interest on the mortgage, original debt, to impose taxes, overall sum, a return mortgage, to reach a specified age, a certain number of, in full, single material possession, to go further, a common form of earning a living.

  1. Find in the text English equivalents to the following phrases:

залоговый кредит, заем с залогом, выплачивать долг, прежде всего, не отставать от, опережать, отставать, позволять (давать возможность), бороться с инфляцией, между прочим, если необходимая сумма имеется, пускать деньги в оборот, вносить наличными, зарабатывать на этом, растет в цене, деньги, вложенные в собственность, постепенная выплата долга, охотно идут на такие операции, не ограничиваются приобретением дома для своей семьи, зарабатывать на недвижимости, суть в том, что…, связанные с…

  1. Say whether the following statements are true, false or there is no information on the subject in the text.

  1. Mortgage is a legal arrangement by which you borrow money from a bank or similar organization in order to buy a car.

  2. A bank owns your house or a flat until the debt is paid up.

  3. It is wiser to own one’s home than to rent a house or an apartment.

  4. Like Americans many Europeans strive to own the places which they call home.

E. Find in the text phrasal verbs that mean:

выплачивать сполна, сопровождать, держаться наравне (не отставать), отставать.

F. Say which paragraphs contain information corresponding to the information in the following sentences.

    1. Many elderly folk take part in the so-called “return mortgage”.

    2. Americans do not pay taxes on the mortgage.

    3. It is much more profitable to keep money in circulation.

    4. Real estate deals are a common form of earning one’s living.


  1. Read and translate the text.

1 Under capitalism this is one of the very widespread forms of services. Without insurance, it is difficult to survive and if there is a demand for something, there will be no lack of goods.

2 At a minimum, people insure their dwelling, property, car, and health. In many states, car insurance is mandatory. Insurance payments, as a rule, make up an important part of the family budget. They insure, in reality, almost everything: life, professional activities (inthe event that you make an error), lack of crops in the event of drought, medical expenses, etc.

3 The cost of health insurance, medical and life insurance, depends on your age: the older you are, the more it costs; insurance of professional life depends on your experience, professional work record and your history with malpractice suits53. Analogously, if someone has on one's record several car accidents, his automobile insurance will be more expensive. Besides these factors, they also take your age and sex into account. An increase in insurance payments depends also on an increase in coverage. Typical life insurance, offered by many employers, equals a two-year salary.

4 Insurance of professional life sometimes is so expensive that some businesses go bankrupt from the costs. Insurance companies, nevertheless, do quite well. As a rule, they use their earnings to invest in real estate and often act as construction firms. In this way, they fulfill another important function for society: money for insurance collected from the population participates in socially useful activities and is a boost to the economy.

5 In America, few families do not buy an insurance policy because insurance is, after all, connected to a fundamental aspect of life - caring for health. Nonetheless, there are people who do not buy insurance, medical included, relying on their own health and good luck. For those who cannot dictate their fate, such behaviour is shortsighted and dangerous.

  1. Give Russian equivalents to the following words and phrases:

wide-spread form, lack of crops, insurance payments, dwelling, car insurance, mandatory, to go bankrupt, to do quite well, nevertheless, to fulfill the function, connected to everyday life, caring for health, to rely on good luck, dangerous.

  1. Find English equivalents to the following phrases:

нелегко прожить, недостатка в товарах не будет, если имеешь на своем счету аварию, учитывать возраст, выступать в качестве застройщиков, таким образом, еще одна функция.

  1. Find words in the text which have similar meanings to those in 1)-10).

  1. expenditures

  2. belongings (assets)

  3. growth

  4. hirer

  5. pay

  1. compulsory

  2. take part

  3. perform

  4. lot, destiny

  5. costly

E. Say whether the following statements are true, false or there is no information on the subject in the text.

  1. Under capitalism if there is a demandfor something, the goods will be in surplus supply.

  2. Offering insurance, the agent takes intoaccount your age only.

  3. Insurance payments make up an important part of the family budget.

  4. Insurance of professional life is so expensive that some businesses go down from the costs.

  5. Insurance is the only major financial service regulated by states, rather than the federal government.

  6. Credit disability insurance is one of the most popular purchases nowadays.

F. Say which paragraphs contain the information on:

    1. Different kinds of insurance.

    2. The amount of insurance premiums for people who have several accidents on their record.

    3. Societal value of insurance companies operations.

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