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  • F. What is the answer to these sums Write the sums and the answers in figures. Twelve multiplied by eight is - 12 x 8 = 96

  • G. Read some statistics about Russia.

  • How would you say these numbers

  • READING: Some facts about Russia

  • Read and translate the text.

  • Complete the fact file about Russia. RUSSIA’S FACT FILE

  • Complete the sentences with the words from the box.


  • Graphs, charts and di agrams give a clear picture of trading performance and other statistical information. Study the statistics vocabulary.

  • E. Look at the words in Column A and their meanings. These words can define numbers more exactly. Match phrases in column A with their translation in column B.

  • Look at the graph below and complete the sentences with to, at, of, by .

  • Put the parts of a sentence in the correct order and describe the graph below.

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    E. Write in words how you would say the numbers in brackets, in British English. The first one is done as an example for you.

    1) 456, 780 - four hundred and fifty six thousand, seven hundred and eighty

    2) 1, 230 5) 120, 330 8) 3/8

    3) 12, 300 6) 12.33% 9) 0.169

    4) 12,030 7) 1/5 10) 174, 607, 513
    F. What is the answer to these sums? Write the sums and the answers in figures.

    1. Twelve multiplied by eight is - 12 x 8 = 96

    2. One hundred and forty four divided by twelve is -

    3. Twenty eight multiplied by three is -

    4. One point five million multiplied by three is -

    5. Seven hundred eighty-nine divided by six is -

    6. Thirty seven point five multiplied by five is -

    7. One million six hundred divided by five is -

    G. Read some statistics about Russia.


    St. Petersburg

    Nizhniy Novgorod


    10,469,000 (2003 census)

    4,596,000 (2005 census)

    1,370,200 (2007 census)





    Ethnic groups

    81.5 %

    3.8 %

    3.0 %

    1.2 %


    1. How would you say these numbers?

    1. My credit card number is 87 63 05 33 09 74

    2. It’s too hot today + 29°!

    3. There are nine 0 in a figure billion.

    4. In yesterday’s game Ak Bars won 5:0

    5. Average temperature in winter is – 18 C°

    READING: Some facts about Russia

    a. Read the facts about Russia and discuss in pairs. Use the Language Skills phrases above.

    1. Study the vocabulary.

      vast territory

      to lie

      to extend

      to cover

      to border on

      in terms of

      according to


      two-headed eagle

      to appear


      to contain


      обширная территория

      лежать, находиться

      простираться, тянуться; длиться


      граничить c

      в отношении



      двуглавый орел



      содержать в себе, включать


    2. Read and translate the text.

    Russia is one of the largest countries in the world. The vast territory of Russia lies in the eastern part of Europe and the northern part of Asia. Russia extends across the whole of northern Asia and 40% of Europe through 11 time zones. At 17,075,200 square kilometers Russia is the largest country in the world: it covers more than an eighth of the Earth’s land area. It borders on China, Kazakhstan, Finland, Norway and many other countries. With 142 million people it is the ninth largest in terms of population.

    According to the Constitution Russia is a federation and formally a semi-presidential republic, where the President is the head of state and the Prime Minister is the head of the government.

    Russia's 160 ethnic groups speak some 100 languages. According to the 2002 census, 142.6 million people speak Russian, followed by Tatar with 5.3 million and German with 2.9 million speakers. Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and Judaism are Russia’s traditional religions.

    As a state symbol the two-headed eagle first appeared in the XVth century when the country was called Moscovia. The most common version states that two heads of the eagle symbolize two parts of Russia – European and Asian and their importance for the country. Peter the Great was the first to use the three - colour Russian national flag. In those times red colour symbolized the Earth, blue – the sky, and white – the world of God.

    Russia has the world's greatest reserves of mineral and energy resources and is known as an energy superpower. It has the world's largest forest reserves and its lakes contain approximately one-quarter of the world’s fresh water.

    1. Complete the fact file about Russia.



    Land borders



    Mineral resources

    Political status


    Official language

    State symbol

    National flag

    1. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

    capital in terms of covers in the south symbolizes vast

    borders on approximately according to destroyed in the west

    1. Mongols… the main population centers except for Novgorod and Pskov in the 13th century.

    2. Peter the Great moved the … from Moscow to St. Petersburg.

    3. … of population, Russia is the ninth largest country in the world.

    4. Russia … most of Eastern Europe and north Asia.

    5. Russia … Norway and Finland in the northwest; Estonia, Latvia, Belarus, Ukraine, Poland, and Lithuania …; Georgia and Azerbaijan in the southwest; and Kazakhstan, Mongolia, China, and North Korea …

    6. The population of Moscow is …10,500,000.

    7. … the census there are more than 140 languages and dialects in Russia.

    8. Two-headed eagle … two parts of Russia – European and Asian.

    9. Siberia is a very … territory.


    Speak about Russia using the prompts.


    1. Match pictures 1-4 to a)-d).

    1 2 3 4

    1. pie chart

    1. bar chart

    1. graph

    1. table

    1. Graphs, charts and diagrams give a clear picture of trading performance and other statistical information. Study the statistics vocabulary.

    to stand at

    Sales stand at 5 units.

    to remain constant

    Sales remained constant.


    to reach a peak of

    Sales reached a pick of 5 units.



    to increase an increase of

    to rise by/to a rise of

    to go up

    to grow

    Chocolate price increased by £3.

    Chocolate price increased to £5.

    There was a price rise of £2.


    to decrease a decrease of

    to fall a fall of

    to drop by/to a drop of

    to decline a decline of

    to go down

    Sales decreased to 2 units last year.


    to level off at

    Sales levelled off at 3 units.

    to fluctuate

    Sales fluctuated for one year.

    You may use the following adverbs and adjectives with the above verbs and nouns

    sharply/dramatically – резко

    rapidly – быстро

    slightly – слегка, немного

    gradually – постепенно

    steadily – стабильно

    Prices increased sharply last year.

    Sales declined rapidly during May.




    There was a sharp increase in sales.

    There was a rapid decline in May.

    C. Choose the correct words.

    1) There was a slight/slightly rise in profits last month.

    2) There was a sharp fall in/of our sales last month.

    3) Our sales fell by/of 6% last quarter.

    4) Inflation is increasing slow/slowly at the moment, in/by about 1% a year.

    5) There is a slow/slowly increase in the rate of inflation, of/by about 1% a year.

    D. Complete the chart below with the past form of the verbs from the box.

    fluctuate level go down reach decline drop fall

    decrease grow go up rise increase remain stand


    irregular verbs

    double letter


    E. Look at the words in Column A and their meanings. These words can define numbers more exactly. Match phrases in column A with their translation in column B.



    by 50 %

    150 200%

    около 50%

    ровно 50%

    на 50%

    вырос до 50% примерно 50%

    более 50%

    почти 50%

    менее 50%

    almost 50%


    nearly/about/around 50%


    approximately/roughly 50%


    more than/over/above 50 %


    less than/ under 50 %


    exactly 50 %


    up to 50 %

    30 50%

    1. Look at the graph below and complete the sentences with to, at, of, by.

      1. At the beginning of 2002 sales stood … 300 units.

      2. Over the next 12 months sales dropped … 200 units.

      3. Sales levelled off … 200 units for 12 months.

      4. Sales rose … 200 units during 2004.

      5. At the beginning of 2005 they reached a peak … 400 units.

      6. During 2005 they decreased … 300 units.

      7. Then there was a rise … 50 units in 2006.

      8. During 2007 sales levelled off … 350 units.

    1. Put the parts of a sentence in the correct order and describe the graph below.

    1. sales/100 units/At the beginning of the year 2002/sharply/stood at/and rose

    2. Sales /at 200 units/remained constant /by the middle of /2003

    3. rapid/ In the middle of 2003/there was a/50 units /drop of

    4. dramatically/At the beginning of 2004/grew/400 /and reached/sales/a peak of

    5. over/There was a/decline of 50 units/slight/the first half of the year

    6. fluctuated/Sales/during 2 years/by the end of 2006

    7. by 200 units/dropped /sharply/Sales/to 150/by the middle of 2007

    8. by 2008/There was a/decline/over 6 months/steady

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