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  • Future Simple Formation will + V1 Youwill

  • Usage future facts and predictions Signal words

  • Present Progressive Formation be (am, are, is) + Ving

  • Present Simple Formation V1, V-s/-es (for 3d person singular)

  • Are they going to leave

  • УЧЕБНИК 1 КУРСА. Learningenglis ru learningenglis ru

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    1. Read the short extract from the interview and recognize any constructions expressing Future Actions.

    Future Simple


    will + V1

    Youwill make a good impression on your employer.

    He will surf the Internet tomorrow.

    Question form

    will + subject + V1

    Will youmake a good impression on your employer?

    Will he surf the Internet tomorrow?

    Negative form

    will + not (won’t) + V1

    You won’t make a good impression on your employer.

    He won’t surf the Internet tomorrow.


    future facts and predictions

    Signal words


    Present Progressive


    be (am, are, is) + Ving

    I am going to my new workplace tonight.

    He is visiting a job interview.

    Question form

    be (am, are, is) + subject + Ving

    Am I going to my new workplace tonight?

    Is he visiting a job interview?

    Negative form

    be (am, are, is) + not + Ving

    I am not going to my new workplace tonight.

    He is not visiting a job interview.


    personal arrangements and plans, particularly when the time and place are known

    Present Simple


    V1, V-s/-es (for 3d person singular)

    Job interview starts at 9 o’clock.

    Deadlines end July, 12.

    Question form

    do/does + subject + V1

    Does job interview start at 9 o’clock?

    Do deadlines end July, 12?

    Negative form

    do + not (don’t)/does + not (doesn’t) + V1

    Job interview doesn’t start at 9 o’clock.

    Deadlines don’t end July, 12.


    schedules and timetables

    to be going to = to be about to


    be (am, are, is) + going to

    I am going to discuss my projects on Monday.

    They are going to leave the office soon.

    Question form

    be (am, are, is) + subject + going to

    Am I going to discuss my projects on Monday?

    Are they going to leave the office soon?

    Negative form

    be (am, are, is) + not + going to

    I am not going to discuss my projects on Monday.

    They are not going to leave the office soon.


    things we plan to do, or have planned to do, predictions based on what we can see now

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