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Методическое пособие по практике основного иностранного языка (английский) для направления 050100 Педагогическое образование

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НазваниеМетодическое пособие по практике основного иностранного языка (английский) для направления 050100 Педагогическое образование
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18. You are going to listen to the text about Mo Crow, a show manager at the Royal Albert Hall in London. Listen to Episode 1 and fill in the missing parts.

Episode 1

In Private lives today we meet Mo Crow. Mo is 34 years old, and she was born in a small village in the west of England.

  1. Mo`s dream was to work in ____________.

  2. Mo is a ____________ young woman.

  3. … what it’s like to work behind the ____________ at a great British building.

  4. Mo ____________her steps from working hard for her A level exams in her final year at school, to going on to drama college, and becoming a show manager at one of Britain’s most magnificent ____________.

  5. … and began to think about jobs ____________ such as stage management.

  6. I worked for a series of small theatre companies and ____________ at the Royal Albert Hall.

  7. I have a ____________ who I’ve known for many, many years.

  8. She saves items of ____________rubbish.

  9. I’m very ____________ recycling.

  10. Mo and her friends make the ____________ of living in London.

19. Listen to Episode 2. Fill in the missing parts. Say what is being described.

Episode 2

What is it? ____________

It’s a ____________ space, which can hold over 5,000 people.

It’s like an____________ with a huge glass and iron ____________…
What is it? ____________

A very elegant ____________ area – bought by Queen Victoria over 125 years ago, and now owned by the present Queen, Queen Elizabeth II.

It’s a double-sized Grand ____________box, it has twenty seats in it.
20. Listen to Episode 3 about Mo`s colleague, Adrian Bray, who is the Technical Show Managerat the Royal Albert Hall.Put Adrian Bray`s routine work in the correct order

Episode 3

Adrian Brayis in charge of what he calls the “butch side” of putting on events – hanging lights, flying in scenery, laying cables.

  1. collapse back down into the Show Management office to have a cup of tea and say, “There, another show well done!” ____________

  2. rush up to the roof and rig chain hoists to pick up the lighting tresses and the speakers


  1. crawl about underneath the stage, laying in cables that allow the lighting controller to operate the lights, the sound controller to operate the sound etc.


  1. three or four articulated trucks pull up outside the Royal Albert Hall laden to the gunwales with kit


21. Listen to Episode 4. Fill in the missing parts.

Episode 4

The Proms

The Proms is an____________ series of about seventy concerts - ____________music from all over the world.

The last night of the Proms is like a____________ party, and it ends with a ____________ of British music.

… thePromers - that is the____________ of the Proms.

… I have to go on stage and and____________ through yards of ticker tape and ____________and party poppers…

… andtaking all the ________________________ …

22. Listen to the whole text again. Answer the questions.

  1. Why did Mo give up the idea to become an actress?

  2. How does Mo travel to work?

  3. What is Mo’s house like?

  4. What does Mo do to protect the environment?

  5. How often do Mo and her friends go to the cinema or theatre?

  6. What do the Royal Albert Hall`s shows include?

  7. What is “Youth Makes Music”?

  8. What events take place in village halls?

  9. What does Mo’s job consist in?

  10. When does Adrian’s working day typically start?

  11. What is the ‘Corona’ at the Royal Albert Hall?

Discuss the following questions in your group:

  1. Who is your favorite actor?

  2. Who is your favorite actress?

  3. Do you think men or women are better at acting?

  4. Do you think today’s actors are better than those from 30, 40 or 50 years ago?

  5. Do you think anyone can become an actor?

  6. Are there any actors you really don’t like?

  7. Have you ever acted, either at school or amateur theatricals?

  8. They say actresses are frivolous, have many admirers and seldom get married or get married several times. Do you agree or disagree with the idea? Illustrate you view.


appear (in)



a character part


a male/female part


a speaking part

all-star cast

a supporting part

be (in)

a walking-on part


the leading part


the main part

Honoured Artist

Peoples Artist

honoured for Services to the Arts

play (n, v)


male/female lead

play the lead



star (n, v)

learn one’s part

look the part


1. Translate the following sentences from English into Russian.

  1. The acting was good/brilliant/amateurish/terrible.

  2. I didn’t like the play but I was very interested in the acting.

  3. Laurence Olivier is now appearing in the “Long Day’s Journey into Night” by Eugene O’Neill.

  4. –I saw “Twelfth Night” yesterday.

- Oh yes? Who was in it?

  1. The part of Lady Bracknell was played by Edith Evans.

  2. Bernard Miles took the part of the furniture dealer.

  3. My son has been given/has got a part in the school play.

  4. I saw Paul Scofieldplay Macbeth.

  5. Eric Porter plays the main part.

  6. The cast only had a week to learn their parts.

  7. Eric Porter plays the main/leading role.

  8. He spoke his lines too fast.

  9. Who plays the male lead?

  10. She’s the star of/in “Funny Girl”.

  11. It’s an all-star cast tonight.

2. Fill in the blanks with the words from the list below; explain your choice.

  1. What did you think of the ____________?

  2. Who ____________ Hamlet?

  3. He has ____________many successful productions.

  4. He____________a lot of interesting productions.

  5. Lady Bracknell____________Edith Evans.

  6. I saw Paul Scofield____________ Macbeth./ I saw Paul Scofield as Macbeth.

  7. ____________is played by Erick Porter.

  8. There are several/no good ____________in the play.

  9. His acting wasn’t very good, but he certainly ____________.

  10. Eric Porter plays ____________.

  11. He forgot his____________ in the middle of the second act and had to be prompted.

  12. Eric Porter ____________.

  13. He ____________ Jimmy Porter in “Look Back in Anger”.

  14. He has been ____________to the arts.

List of words: played, plays the lead, appeared in, looked the part, ’s been in, was played by, male/female parts, honoured for (his) services, in the part of, acting, the leading part, lines, starred as, the main part.
3. Fill in the gaps with the words from the list below. Act out the dialogues.
Dialogue 1

  • Let’s go and buy some lemonade or ____________, I’d like to drink something during an____________.

  • That’s a good idea. I feel thirsty too.

  • Well, Ann how do you like the ____________?

  • The ____________ is perfect, to my mind. Why, it doesn’t seem like acting! Each actor ____________ so realistically, so ____________.

  • No wonder. The ____________ of this theatre is really outstanding. Besides, tonight ____________ is playing.

  • Yes, indeed. I was completely ____________ by their acting.

  • And the ____________ is superb.

  • Yes, especially in the first ____________ of the first ____________.

  • Here is the ____________. Let’s drink some grape juice.

  • O.K.

  • Isn’t that the third ____________? The____________ are going up, and I think I hear the orchestra ____________.

  • Let’s hurry. That’s our staircase, to the right. I am not which aisle is ours. Here’s an____________, she will show us to our ____________.

List of words: juice, true to life, an all-star cast, intermission, scenery, bell, acting, carried away, refreshment room, play, scene, tuning up, company, act, performs his part, seats, usher, curtains.
Dialogue 2

  • How are you planning to spend this evening?

  • We are going to ____________ “Othello” at the National theatre tonight.

  • And who is playing the ____________? Laurence Olivier himself, I suppose? He is the artistic ____________of the company, isn’t he?

  • Yes, he is. He is also a ____________ with ____________, from tragic to comic.

  • What does he play?

  • Well, besides playing tragic heroes, such as ____________`s Romeo, Hamlet, Macbeth, Lear, Othello, he plays equally well comic characters ____________ Shakespeare`s “Twelfth Night” and Sheridan’s ____________.

  • Have you got good ____________?

  • Oh, very good. We have seats ____________ the ____________ stalls, ____________ the stage.

  • Well, have a nice evening!

  • Thank you.

List of words: “School for Scandal”, see, star, seats, facing, in, leading part, Shakespeare, director, in, a wide range of parts, orchestra.

4. Dramatize the following situations.

  • Youareanactor. You have just returned home from the first night of a play in which you have played a part. Share your impressions with the members of the family.

  • Assure your director that it is Mrs. Brown who should play the leading lady.

  • Assure the authorities why Mr. Gordon Brown should be honoured for his services to the arts.

5. Read Text 14and find the English equivalents to the words in the list below.

1) создавать свою роль на основе наблюдений

индивидуальность роли

5) воспроизводитьвнешний

2) находить образы в обыденной жизни


6) проникать в мысли людей

3) изучать особенности окружающих

7) применять всю свою

симпатию и интуицию

4) придавать

8) создавать цельный образ

To a greater extent the actor builds up his/her part from observation. As he/she goes about his/her daily occupations he/she is consciously or subconsciously finding models from everyday life. He/she will study the characteristics and mannerisms of the people with whom he/she comes into contact; he/she will watch people in the street, in trams and buses, in shops, at public gatherings, he/she will notice the way they walk, the movements of head and hands, how they speak, the sound of their voices, the expression on their faces, both permanent and momentary, he/she will take this peculiarity from person and that from another – anything that may help him/her to give individuality to the character he/she is to play. Not only will he/she seek to imitate and reproduce superficial and physical characteristics, but he/she will try to get inside the minds of his/her models and understand their thoughts and the circumstances which make them behave the way they do. He/she will exercise all his/her sympathy and intuition in this, and, with the aid of his/her imagination will build up a complex character that is utterly different from his/her own. If possible, he/she will observe people’s reaction in emotion, fear, excitement, disappointment, joy, or sorrow, and notice particularly how the voice and movements are affected.
6. Think of a famous actor/actress. Describe the way he/she builds up his/her part. Use the words and word combinations from Text 14. Let your group mates guess who it is.
7. Read Text 15and find the English equivalents to the words in the list below.

1) вживатьсявроль

6) знаниетехники

2) намеренно наблюдать за людьми

7) поразительный магнетизм

3) смутные воспоминания волнуют ее

8) входить в роль

4) основывать образ на своей индивидуальности и воспоминаниях

9) хорошие способности

5) обогащать образ (роль) собственным опытом

10) оживлять роль

The critics admired her variety. They praised especially her capacity for insinuating herself into a part. She was not aware that she deliberately observed people, but when she came to study a new part, vague recollections surged up in her from she knew not where, and she found that she knew things about the character she was to represent that she had had no inkling of. It helped her to think of someone she had seem in the street or at a party; she combined with this recollection her own personality, and thus built up a character founded on fact but enriched with her experience, her knowledge of technique and her amazing magnetism. People thought that she acted only during the two or three hours she was on the stage, they did not know that the character she was playing dwelt in the back of her mind all day long, when she was talking to others with all the appearance of attention, or in whatever business she was engaged. It often seemed to her that she was two persons, the actress, the popular favouritein London. And that was a shadow, and the woman she was playing at night and that was the substance.

She could step into a part, not a very good one, perhaps, and by her personality, by her dexterity which she had at her finger tips, infuse it with life. There was no one who could do what she could with a part.
8. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.

1) У этой труппы большой и разнообразный репертуар. 2) Ее личные качества, знание различных актерских приемов и магнетизм позволяет ей вжиться в роль без труда. 3) Вживаться в роль ей помогает личный опыт и ее наблюдения за другими людьми. 4) Играл он плохо, но внешне на роль подходил. 5) Она так вжилась в роль Джульетты, ее игра была такой трогательной, что у зрителей навертывались слезы на глаза. 6) Она самая разносторонняя актриса в труппе. 7) Он начал свою театральную карьеру как любитель. 8) Актеры-профессионалы часто обучают актеров-любителей. 9) Она получила хорошую подготовку по мастерству актера и практический опыт игры на сцене. 10) Несмотря на свою молодость, он был уже опытным актером. 11) Она известная балерина и выступала во всех большихконцертных залах, как в России, так и за границей. 12) Сегодня она впервые выступает на сцене в роли Дездемоны. 13) Чулпан Хаматовой обычно дают играть характерные роли. 14) Актер строит многогранный образ, обогащая его своим воображением. 15) Хотя по внешним данным она вполне подходит для роли, ей не удалось вдохнуть жизнь в героиню. 16) Чтобы создать правдивый образ, наполненный жизнью, актер должен досконально знать роль и обогатить ее своим опытом. 17) Посмотри список актеров, даже во второстепенных ролях играют очень известные актеры. 18) он начал с проходных ролей (без слов), но однажды, когда ведущий актер заболел, ему предложили сыграть главную роль. 17) Молодая актриса играла неплохо, внешность ее соответствовала внешности персонажа, но в середине второго действия она от волнения забыла свои слова, и ей пришлось суфлировать.
9. Work with your partner. Imagine that one of you is a famous stage actor/actress. The other is an interviewer. Interview the actor/actress about his/her career and/or latest performance. Use the words and word combinations from Text 14.
10. They say some parts may be fatal for the actors performing them, e. g. Voland, Ivan the Great, etc. Can a part influence an actor’s life and fate? Provide illustrations.
11. Prepare reports on the following topics:

  • The Stanislavsky system. What is the “Magic If”, “Emotional Memory”, “Method of Physical Actions”? Do Russian actors still follow the system? Is it taught in American and European drama schools?

  • The American Method of acting. Are there any other methods or systems?

  • National features of acting. National theatre.

  • Russian drama actors, ballet dancers, opera singers, directors. Are they highly appreciated abroad? Why? Why not? Is Russian acting more convincing and true-to-life?

12. Pre-read about the following topics:

  • Mary I Tudor’s reign: home policy

  • The Elizabethan era: the golden age in English history

  • The history of religion in Great Britain

  • The Church of England

13. Find the English equivalents to the following words and expressions in Text 16. Prepare 5 sentences in Russian with these words and expressions for your group mates to translate.

1) бродяга

7) самое большее

2) непристойный

8) искаженные сцены

3) развиваться с удивительной (невероятной) скоростью

9) сразу завоевал любовь публики

4) городские власти

10) распространение идей

5) без чьего-либо согласия

11) держать под контролем

6) обновлять

12) светский человек (джентльмен, щеголь)

14. Match the paragraphs (1-6) with the titles (A-G).

  1. Performances

  2. Regulation and licensing of plays

  3. Objections to playhouses

  4. Playhouses

  5. Composition and ownership of plays

  6. Companies of actors

15. Comment on the following issues:

  • the difficulties connected with the authorship and licensing of plays;

  • Elizabeth`s policy with respect to drama;

  • the social status of actors;

  • peculiarities of playhouses and performances.
1   ...   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17

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