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Методичні рекомендації до виконання практичних завдань для практичних занять дисципліни «Ділова англійська мова». ПЗ (1-20)-колом. Методичні рекомендації до виконання практичних завдань для практичних занять дисципліни Ділова англійська мова Тема Лексичний мінімум ділового спілкування та ділових контактів

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НазваниеМетодичні рекомендації до виконання практичних завдань для практичних занять дисципліни Ділова англійська мова Тема Лексичний мінімум ділового спілкування та ділових контактів
АнкорМетодичні рекомендації до виконання практичних завдань для практичних занять дисципліни «Ділова англійська мова
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1. Subject Line

Always have a subject line that summarises briefly and clearly the contents of the message (example: Re: Summary of Our Meeting with ABC Suppliers).

2. Simplified Sentences

Don’t make your email look overcrowded by trying to use too many technical terms or long words. It is good to use complex and compound-complex sentences, but ensure that they are easy to understand.

The most common mistake that many of our students make is to translate directly from their own language. This can often lead to confusing sentences. A popular rule that you could adapt is to use the KISS Test – Keep It Short and Simple.

3. Think of who your reader is going to be

Is it a colleague, a client or your boss? Should the email be informal or formal? Most business emails these days have a neutral tone. Note the difference between Informal and Formal:

Informal – Thanks for emailing me on 15th February
Formal – Thank you for your email dated 15th February

Informal – Sorry, I can’t make it.
Formal – I am afraid I will not be able to attend

Informal – Can you…?
Formal – I was wondering if you could….?

Some emails to colleagues can be informal if you have a long working relationship and know them well. This is the style that is closest to speech, so there are often everyday words and conversational expressions that can be used. For instance, ‘Don’t forget’‘Catch you later’‘Cheers’.

The reader may also accept or overlook minor grammatical errors in informal emails. However, if the email is going to a client or senior colleague, bad grammar and an over-friendly writing style will most probably not be acceptable.

4. Be very careful of capital letters, punctuation, spelling and basic grammar

While these can be tolerated in informal emails, they are very important in business emails as they are an important part of the image you create. Give yourself time to edit what you’ve written before you push that Send button.

In today’s busy world, it’s very easy to send out many emails without checking them thoroughly: as an English learner, you should make a conscious effort to double check before sending.

5. Think about how direct or indirect you want to be

In some cultures, it is common practice to be very direct in email correspondence. However, this can cause a problem if you’re writing to someone in another country and in a language that is not your mother tongue. They might find your directness rude and possibly offensive.

Consider these:

Direct – I need this in half an hour.
Indirect and polite – Would it be possible to have this in half an hour?

Direct – There will be a delay
Indirect – I’m afraid there may be a slight delay.

Direct – It’s a bad idea
Indirect – To be honest, I’m not sure if that would be a good idea.

By adjusting your tone, you are more likely to get a positive response from your reader.

6. Be positive!

Look at these words: helpful, good question, agreed, together, useful, I will do my best, mutual, opportunity.

Now look at these: busy, crisis, failure, forget it, I can’t, it’s impossible, waste, hard.

The words you use show your attitude to life, so choose your words wisely.

7. Get feedback

Try and get some feedback on the emails that you write. This could be from your English Teacher or someone you know whose English is at a good level.

Study the English in any emails you receive. If it is a well-written email, look carefully at some of the language used. Start your own phrase book by collecting a bank of phrases from what you hear or read all around you; they may be useful in the future.

3.Thank You Email Example

The sample email below is addressed to Suzanne, a business contact who did a great job helping Mary Jones (both women are fictional) plan an annual conference.

To show her appreciation, Mary sent Suzanne a virtual thank you note.

Subject line: Annual Conference

Dear Suzanne,

Thank you so very much for all of your invaluable assistance with planning our annual conference. Your expertise in handling the logistics, the meeting arrangements, the multimedia presentations, coordinating travel, and in organizing the event were greatly appreciated.

Many of our keynote speakers and participants made a point of telling me how impressed they were by the smooth organization of all of the lectures and other related events.

I really appreciate your help and advice, and I am sure we will be contacting you for your assistance with next year's conference.

In the interim, if I can provide you with a recommendation or if there is anything else I can do to assist, please don't hesitate to ask.

Best Regards,

Mary Jones

Тема 2. Засідання та супровідна документація.

Тема практичного заняття 6. Ведення засідання.

Мета заняття: ознайомити студентів з новим лексичним, навчити використовувати нові лексичні одиниці під час ведення засідання; практикувати вживання лексичних одиниць, вдосконалювати вміння студентів вживати мовні одиниці у формальній та неформальній ситуаціях; розвивати мовні навички для вдосконалення ділової компетенції студентів, культуру ділового мовлення, мислення; формувати діловий стиль спілкування у практично-професійній та загально академічній діяльності.

Студенти повинні:

знати лексичний мінімум теми; лексеми та синтаксеми, які можуть бути використані під час ведення засідання;

вміти оперувати лексичним мінімумом з теми; реалізувати свої комунікативні наміри під час ведення засідання.

Забезпечення заняття

Роздатковий матеріал: картки із завданнями;

Наочність: опорні конспекти з теми.



1.Скребкова-Пабат М.А. Ділова англійська мова: навчальний посібник / М.А. Скребкова-Пабат. Львів: «Новий світ 2000», 2009. – 392 с.

2.  Шевченко О.Л. Ділова англійська мова для економістів: письмова та усна комунікація : підручник / О.Л. Шевченко. – К. : КНЕУ, 2009. – 412 с.


1.Cate Farral, Marianne Lindsley Professional English in use: Marketing.-Cambridge University Press, 2008. –144p.

2.Ian Mackenzie English for Business Studies.-Cambridge University Press, 2010. –191p.

3.Ian Mackenzie English for the Financial Sector.-Cambridge University Press, 2008. –159p.

4.Oxford Dictionary of English [Електронний ресурс] // ABBYY Lingvo х6 [Електронний ресурс] : электронный словарь. – 4,7 Gb. – ABBYY Software, 2014. – 1 електрон. опт. диск (DVD-ROM) ; 12 см. – Систем. вимоги : Pentium ; 512 Mb Ram ; Windows 8/8.1, 7, Vista, XP (SP2, 3). – Назва з контейнера.
1. Pre-reading stage

- learning essential vocabulary

- short talk

2. Reading stage

Effective meetings are interesting, high-energy events where team members work together to make decisions or solve problems. Unfortunately, too many of the meetings we attend seem to be just the opposite. The worst meetings bring time to a crawl leaving everyone mentally and emotionally exhausted and more than a little bit frustrated. The difference is in how the meetings are planned and run.

The best managers understand the importance of these events, and they understand that producing a great meeting takes planning and deliberate effort.

This article offers ten tips to help you take advantage of this valuable collaboration time with your team. 

10 Tips to Strengthen Your Team Meetings

Have a positive attitude about meetings. It is the single most important thing a manager can do as a leader to improve team meetings. I’m shocked at how many managers are proud to proclaim their dislike of meetings. To achieve significant results, solve problems, make decisions, inform, inspire, collaborate, and motivate, managers need to work with people. That means occasionally getting those people together in a room or on a conference call and talking to them. Managing isn’t about sitting in the office with the door shut sending emails. As a leader, try looking at meetings as the manifestation of leadership. It’s leadership show time, not something to dread like a trip to the dentist.

Remember, you own the meeting. Don’t delegate the agenda planning to an administrative assistant or another team member.

As the leader, it’s your meeting. It’s your job to plan and run the meeting. To put yourself in the proper frame of mind, ask and answer the following question: "After this meeting, what will I want people to have learned, achieved or solved?" 

Alwaysprepare an agenda. Every article you will ever read about effective workplace meetings includes advice on preparing an agenda.

 Yet, we still show up to meetings where there is no agenda to be found. The act of planning the agenda helps you focus and identify the priority topics for the meeting. 

Ask for input on the agenda. Although it’s the manager’s primary responsibility to develop the agenda, team members can be invited to contribute agenda items. Send out a call for ideas a few days before the meeting.

Spice it up! Put a little variety in the format. Here are a few things you can do to spice up your team meetings:

  • Invite guest speakers

  • Celebrate something

  • Conduct a“learning roundtable” – have team members take turn teaching each other something

  • Watch a Ted Talk that’s relevant to the meeting agenda

  • Run a team-building activity

  • Change locations (consider taking the meeting off-site)

  • Bring in some fun or interesting food

  • Have a “single item agenda” meeting

  • Ask for lightning round updates

  • Engage the team in brainstorming

  • Switch chairs; switch anything to break up the monotony



Begin the meeting with introductions with special attention paid to newcomers.

Meeting Chairman:If we are all here, let's get started. First of all, I'd like you to please join me in welcoming Jack Peterson, our Southwest Area Sales Vice President.

Jack Peterson:Thank you for having me, I'm looking forward to today's meeting.

Meeting Chairman:  I'd also like to introduce Margaret Simmons who recently joined our team.

Margaret Simmons: May I also introduce my assistant, Bob Hamp.

Meeting Chairman:  Welcome Bob. I'm afraid our national sales director, Anne Trusting, can't be with us today. She is in Kobe at the moment, developing our Far East sales force.



Meeting Chairman:  Let's get started. We're here today to discuss ways of improving sales in rural market areas. First, let's go over the report from the last meeting which was held on June 24th. Right, Tom, over to you.

Tom Robbins: Thank you Mark. Let me just summarize the main points of the last meeting. We began the meeting by approving the changes in our sales reporting system discussed on May 30th. After briefly revising the changes that will take place, we moved on to a brainstorming session concerning after customer support improvements.

You'll find a copy of the main ideas developed and discussed in these sessions in the photocopies in front of you. The meeting was declared closed at 11.30.




Meeting Chairman:  Thank you Tom. So, if there is nothing else we need to discuss, let's move on to today's agenda. Have you all received a copy of today's agenda? If you don't mind, I'd like to skip item 1 and move on to item 2: Sales improvement in rural market areas. Jack has kindly agreed to give us a report on this matter. Jack?


Discuss items on the agenda making sure to paraphrase and clarify as you move through the meeting.

Jack Peterson:  Before I begin the report, I'd like to get some ideas from you all. How do you feel about rural sales in your sales districts? I suggest we go round the table first to get all of your input.

John Ruting: In my opinion, we have been focusing too much on urban customers and their needs. The way I see things, we need to return to our rural base by developing an advertising campaign to focus on their particular needs.

Alice Linnes:I'm afraid I can't agree with you. I think rural customers want to feel as important as our customers living in cities. I suggest we give our rural sales teams more help with advanced customer information reporting.

Donald Peters: Excuse me, I didn't catch that. Could you repeat that, please?

Alice Linnes: I just stated that we need to give our rural sales teams better customer information reporting.

John Ruting: I don't quite follow you. What exactly do you mean?

Alice Linnes: Well, we provide our city sales staff with database information on all of our larger clients. We should be providing the same sort of knowledge on our rural customers to our sales staff there.

Jack Peterson:  Would you like to add anything, Jennifer?

Jennifer Miles: I must admit I never thought about rural sales that way before.

I have to agree with Alice.

Jack Peterson:  Well, let me begin with this Power Point presentation (Jack presents his report). As you can see, we are developing new methods to reach out to our rural customers.

John Ruting: I suggest we break up into groups and discuss the ideas we've seen presented.


Close the meeting by summarizing what's been discussed and scheduling the next meeting.

Meeting Chairman:  Unfortunately, we're running short of time. We'll have to leave that to another time.

Jack Peterson: Before we close, let me just summarize the main points:

  • Rural customers need special help to feel more valued.

  • Our sales teams need more accurate information on our customers.

  • A survey will be completed to collect data on spending habits in these areas.

  • The results of this survey will be delivered to our sales teaMs

  • We are considering specific data mining procedures to help deepen our understanding.

Meeting Chairman: Thank you very much Jack. Right, it looks as though we've covered the main items Is there any other business?

Donald Peters: Can we fix the next meeting, please?

Meeting Chairman:  Good idea Donald. How does Friday in two weeks time sound to everyone? Let's meet at the same time, 9 o'clock. Is that OK for everyone? Excellent. I'd like to thank Jack for coming to our meeting today. The meeting is closed.


Decide whether the following statements are true or false based on the dialog.

  1. Jack Peterson recently joined the team. 

  2. One of Margaret Simmons co-workers is in Japan at the moment. 

  1. The last meeting focused on a new marketing compaign.

  2. Jack Peterson asks for feedback before beginning his report. 

  3. John Ruting thinks they need a new advertising campaign focusing on rural clients.

  4. Alice Linnes agrees with John Ruting on the need for a new advertising campaign.


  1. False - Maragret Simmons recently joined the team. Jack Peterson is the Southwest Area Sales Vice President.

  2. True 

  3. False - The last meeting focused on a brainstorming session concerning improvements in  customer support.

  4. True

  5. True

  6. F - Alice Linees disagrees because she feels rural customers want to feel as important as urban clients. 

Explore useful phrases and proper language use in these business English articles:

Phrase Reference Sheet for Participating in a Meeting

Phrase Reference Sheet for Running a Meeting

Formal or Informal? Appropriate Language in Business Situations

Тема 2. Засідання та супровідна документація.

Тема практичного заняття 7. Лист запрошення на засідання.

Мета заняття: ознайомити студентів з новим лексичним, навчити використовувати нові лексичні одиниці перебування у місті; практикувати вживання лексичних одиниць, вдосконалювати вміння студентів вживати мовні одиниці у формальній та неформальній ситуаціях; розвивати мовні навички для вдосконалення ділової компетенції студентів, культуру ділового мовлення, мислення; формувати діловий стиль спілкування у практично-професійній та загально академічній діяльності.

Студенти повинні:

знати лексичний мінімум теми; лексеми та синтаксеми, які можуть бути використані під час перебування у місті;

вміти оперувати лексичним мінімумом з теми; реалізувати свої комунікативні наміри під час перебування у місті.

Забезпечення заняття

Роздатковий матеріал: картки із завданнями; зразки резюме

Наочність: опорні конспекти з теми.



1.Скребкова-Пабат М.А. Ділова англійська мова: навчальний посібник / М.А. Скребкова-Пабат. Львів: «Новий світ 2000», 2009. – 392 с.

2.  Шевченко О.Л. Ділова англійська мова для економістів: письмова та усна комунікація : підручник / О.Л. Шевченко. – К. : КНЕУ, 2009. – 412 с.


1.Cate Farral, Marianne Lindsley Professional English in use: Marketing.-Cambridge University Press, 2008. –144p.

2.Ian Mackenzie English for Business Studies.-Cambridge University Press, 2010. –191p.

3.Ian Mackenzie English for the Financial Sector.-Cambridge University Press, 2008. –159p.

4.Oxford Dictionary of English [Електронний ресурс] // ABBYY Lingvo х6 [Електронний ресурс] : электронный словарь. – 4,7 Gb. – ABBYY Software, 2014. – 1 електрон. опт. диск (DVD-ROM) ; 12 см. – Систем. вимоги : Pentium ; 512 Mb Ram ; Windows 8/8.1, 7, Vista, XP (SP2, 3). – Назва з контейнера.

    1. Pre-reading stage

  • Short talk

  • Vocabulary work

    1. While reading stage

Company name

Street Name and Number

Postcode and City

Country (State)



Company name

Name ad Surname of the recipient

Street Name and Number

Postcode and City


Country (State)



SUBJECT: Business Meeting


Dear Sir/Madam [Last name]


As we have discussed last Tuesday, we take this opportunity to invite you to participate in the project kickoff meeting to be held on [Day, Date]. The meeting is intended to gather potential stakeholders, in order to create strategies, and design fertile environment that support synergies for all involved parties and community in general.


[Name of the company/agency] is regional leader in [specify field] with numerous projects implemented in the countries of the region. We specialize in project management of the [specify field] and have established network of hundreds of partners in various areas. Therefore we are looking forward to this opportunity, as we perceive it as potential platform to extend our network.


The meeting will be held in [city, premises] starting from [enter time]


We are looking forward to more fruitful business deals and a great association with you in the days ahead.


Please confirm your attendance by e-mail [address] or on the following phone number [enter number]. If you need further information of assistance do not hesitate to contact me.



[Name Surname]


[Company Name]


[Personal signature]
Тема 2. Засідання та супровідна документація.

Тема практичного заняття 8. Складання протоколу засідання.

Мета заняття: ознайомити студентів з новим лексичним, навчити використовувати нові лексичні одиниці протоколу; практикувати вживання лексичних одиниць, вдосконалювати вміння студентів вживати мовні одиниці у формальній та неформальній ситуаціях; розвивати мовні навички для вдосконалення ділової компетенції студентів, культуру ділового мовлення, мислення; формувати діловий стиль спілкування у практично-професійній та загально академічній діяльності.

Студенти повинні:

знати лексичний мінімум теми; лексеми та синтаксеми, які можуть бути використані під час складання протоколу;

вміти оперувати лексичним мінімумом з теми; реалізувати свої комунікативні наміри під час складання протоколу.

Забезпечення заняття

Роздатковий матеріал: картки із завданнями;

Наочність: опорні конспекти з теми.



1.Скребкова-Пабат М.А. Ділова англійська мова: навчальний посібник / М.А. Скребкова-Пабат. Львів: «Новий світ 2000», 2009. – 392 с.

2.  Шевченко О.Л. Ділова англійська мова для економістів: письмова та усна комунікація : підручник / О.Л. Шевченко. – К. : КНЕУ, 2009. – 412 с.


1.Cate Farral, Marianne Lindsley Professional English in use: Marketing.-Cambridge University Press, 2008. –144p.

2.Ian Mackenzie English for Business Studies.-Cambridge University Press, 2010. –191p.

3.Ian Mackenzie English for the Financial Sector.-Cambridge University Press, 2008. –159p.

4.Oxford Dictionary of English [Електронний ресурс] // ABBYY Lingvo х6 [Електронний ресурс] : электронный словарь. – 4,7 Gb. – ABBYY Software, 2014. – 1 електрон. опт. диск (DVD-ROM) ; 12 см. – Систем. вимоги : Pentium ; 512 Mb Ram ; Windows 8/8.1, 7, Vista, XP (SP2, 3). – Назва з контейнера.

1. Pre-reading task

- short talk

- essential vocabulary study

2. While-reading stage
Writing good meeting minutes can save time and money. Succinct minutes that capture the purpose of the meeting and its agreed outcomes are a record that can be referred back to and be used for follow up purposes later.  Good minutes are concise and to the point, but at the same time, they do not leave out critical information.

Why write meeting minutes?

Writing minutes can take time, and may seem like an unimportant task compared with getting on with “real work”, but in fact not taking meeting minutes can be costly in terms of both time and resources. If you don’t take minutes, you will find that your colleagues have different recollections from the meeting than you. They also may have different ideas about what was agreed. If there are no minutes, then important tasks will be forgotten or not achieved by the due date.

Creating meeting minutes provides a written record of what was agreed at a meeting. Good meeting minutes tell people what was decided and what they need to achieve and by what date. When meeting minutes are received it jogs memories about tasks that people need to do. If a task is not performed then you can refer back to the meeting minutes and follow up on it. Without meeting minutes, you have no recourse if an action was not carried out. In the worst case, if meeting minutes are not written you may end up having to repeat the meeting.

In some instances, meeting minutes may be required for legal reasons. An example of this is where local bylaws require it for certain types of organizations. Also, they may be required for disciplinary meetings with employees. Getting into the habit of taking meeting minutes is good practice.

What needs to be included?

When you are writing meeting minutes you need to include different kinds of information. You should include the reason for the meeting, what it was about and where and when it was held. It is important to include a list of the attendees – both their first and last names. If you are not sure, you need to ask to make sure that you get the names right, otherwise your meeting minutes may be a source of irritation for attendees. If someone did not attend but it was important that they did, this should be included. For example, sometimes decisions cannot be made without a particular person being present.

There are three other main items that should be included in your minutes:

  • What was achieved during the meeting.

  • Decisions that were made at the meeting. Your minutes will serve as a written record that these decisions were made.

  • Any actions that were agreed. In this case you should include the action itself, who it was assigned to, and the date it should be completed by.

Finally, if a follow-up meeting was agreed on, this should be mentioned.

How can MeetingKing help?

MeetingKing offers a lot of features that can help improve your minute taking, including:

  • Ability to take notes and assign tasks in one application

  • Bullet style recording

  • One-click minutes at end of meeting

  • One central up-to-date document (minutes won’t get lost in inbox or on server)

  • Easy access for all participants to provide updates and comments

  • Platform to deliver materials for assigned tasks

  • Tasks linking between meetings

  • One place for all attachments

  • The agenda serves as template for minutes

Тема 2. Засідання та супровідна документація.

Тема практичного заняття 9. Методика складання листа-нагадування про засідання.

Мета заняття: ознайомити студентів з новим лексичним, навчити використовувати нові лексичні одиниці перебування у місті; практикувати вживання лексичних одиниць, вдосконалювати вміння студентів вживати мовні одиниці у формальній та неформальній ситуаціях; розвивати мовні навички для вдосконалення ділової компетенції студентів, культуру ділового мовлення, мислення; формувати діловий стиль спілкування у практично-професійній та загально академічній діяльності.

Студенти повинні:

знати лексичний мінімум теми; лексеми та синтаксеми, які можуть бути використані під час перебування у місті;

вміти оперувати лексичним мінімумом з теми; реалізувати свої комунікативні наміри під час перебування у місті.

Забезпечення заняття

Роздатковий матеріал: картки із завданнями; зразки резюме

Наочність: опорні конспекти з теми.



1.Скребкова-Пабат М.А. Ділова англійська мова: навчальний посібник / М.А. Скребкова-Пабат. Львів: «Новий світ 2000», 2009. – 392 с.

2.  Шевченко О.Л. Ділова англійська мова для економістів: письмова та усна комунікація : підручник / О.Л. Шевченко. – К. : КНЕУ, 2009. – 412 с.


1.Cate Farral, Marianne Lindsley Professional English in use: Marketing.-Cambridge University Press, 2008. –144p.

2.Ian Mackenzie English for Business Studies.-Cambridge University Press, 2010. –191p.

3.Ian Mackenzie English for the Financial Sector.-Cambridge University Press, 2008. –159p.

4.Oxford Dictionary of English [Електронний ресурс] // ABBYY Lingvo х6 [Електронний ресурс] : электронный словарь. – 4,7 Gb. – ABBYY Software, 2014. – 1 електрон. опт. диск (DVD-ROM) ; 12 см. – Систем. вимоги : Pentium ; 512 Mb Ram ; Windows 8/8.1, 7, Vista, XP (SP2, 3). – Назва з контейнера.

    1. Pre-reading stage

  • Short talk

  • Essential vocabulary

    1. While-reading stage


Date: John Doe Address City, State, Zip Code Dear Mr. Doe,

This letter is to remind you of your outstanding balance in the amount of $____________. Please remit this balance within ten (10) days or contact our office at ________________ to advise us when we can expect to receive your payment or if you would like to make other financial arrangements with us.

As a courtesy to our patients, we do accept MASTER CARD AND VISA. If you choose to pay your balance with this option, simply complete the form at the bottom, sign and return this letter to our office. If you have already mailed your payment, please accept our thanks and apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused. Sincerely, Patient Account Coordinator  MASTERCARD  VISA Card # Expiration Date Cardholder’s Signature Date Cardholder’s Name Amount $ SAMPLE COLLECTION LETTER Date: John Doe Street Address City, State, Zip Code Dear Mr. Doe, On (date reminder letter sent), I informed you of your outstanding balance. To date, I have not received payment for this balance nor have you contacted me to discuss your account. Please contact our office as soon as possible so we do not have to continue further collection efforts. I hope you will act promptly by forwarding to us your payment in full immediately or by contacting me to discuss other financial arrangements. My phone number is _________________________. I look forward to resolving this matter soon. Sincerely, Patient Account Coordinator SAMPLE PATIENT AGREEMENT PATIENT NAME ACCOUNT # In consideration of an extension of credit granted to (name) , as a patient of (physician) ____________________, agrees to pay the sum of $_________ per month to be applied toward the outstanding balance of $ . This amount is due on the _____________ of each month, beginning (date) ___________ and will continue until final payment is made on (date) ________________. I understand if I fail to make these scheduled payments, my account will be turned over to an outside collection agency. SIGNATURE DATE PRINT NAME WITNESS DATE RELATIONSHIP TO PATIENT

Тема 2. Засідання та супровідна документація.

Тема практичного заняття 10. Переговори.

Мета заняття: ознайомити студентів з новим лексичним, навчити використовувати нові лексичні одиниці переговорів; практикувати вживання лексичних одиниць, вдосконалювати вміння студентів вживати мовні одиниці у формальній та неформальній ситуаціях; розвивати мовні навички для вдосконалення ділової компетенції студентів, культуру ділового мовлення, мислення; формувати діловий стиль спілкування у практично-професійній та загально академічній діяльності.

Студенти повинні:

знати лексичний мінімум теми; лексеми та синтаксеми, які можуть бути використані при веденні переговорів;

вміти оперувати лексичним мінімумом з теми; реалізувати свої комунікативні наміри при веденні переговорів.

Забезпечення заняття

Роздатковий матеріал: картки із завданнями;

Наочність: опорні конспекти з теми.



1.Скребкова-Пабат М.А. Ділова англійська мова: навчальний посібник / М.А. Скребкова-Пабат. Львів: «Новий світ 2000», 2009. – 392 с.

2.  Шевченко О.Л. Ділова англійська мова для економістів: письмова та усна комунікація : підручник / О.Л. Шевченко. – К. : КНЕУ, 2009. – 412 с.


1.Cate Farral, Marianne Lindsley Professional English in use: Marketing.-Cambridge University Press, 2008. –144p.

2.Ian Mackenzie English for Business Studies.-Cambridge University Press, 2010. –191p.

3.Ian Mackenzie English for the Financial Sector.-Cambridge University Press, 2008. –159p.

4.Oxford Dictionary of English [Електронний ресурс] // ABBYY Lingvo х6 [Електронний ресурс] : электронный словарь. – 4,7 Gb. – ABBYY Software, 2014. – 1 електрон. опт. диск (DVD-ROM) ; 12 см. – Систем. вимоги : Pentium ; 512 Mb Ram ; Windows 8/8.1, 7, Vista, XP (SP2, 3). – Назва з контейнера.
1. Pre-reading stage

- short talk

- vocabulary work
2.Role play

Negotiation Exercise:

1. Role playing: You are trying to buy a leather jacket from a street trader in a foreign country whose local currency is valued at 50,000 to 1 of yours. You really like the jacket, which is a good fit, well made and style. But you think the trader is asking too much. Can you negotiate an acceptable price for both of you? Buyer: You have a maximum of 750,000 units of local currency and 100 units of your own. You also have your credit cards. Decide what you want to pay and the tactics you will employ making concessions. A similar jacket in your country will cost about 130 units of your currency. Trader: You have sold seven of these jackets to foreigners in the last few days. The lowest price you received was 300,000 units, the best prices 800,000 units. Most foreigners did not even haggle with you. The jacket cost you 200,000 units. You know that you can buy them more cheaply with foreign currency than your own, which is shaky on the exchange market. In fact, 30 units of the Buyer’s currency would buy you another jacket. You are determined however to make a good profit on this deal.

2. You have been analyzing your cash flow for the next thirty days and realize you will be significantly short in meeting your financial commitments. One account you owe equals your shortfall by itself, and the check must be mailed tomorrow. Two other accounts combined also equal your shortfall, and both checks need to be mailed the day after tomorrow. You cannot afford to create a poor credit history because of a pending loan approval with all three accounts being critical credit references. Analyze the power factors, set up your negotiation strategy, walk through a scenario with your partners (observers).

3. You have interviewed a prospective new employee who could be a key member of your team. The new person’s required salary would compromise the integrity of your salary structure, because it is 20% higher than your most senior performer who has been with the company for over 10 years. Finances are tight, yet you believe this person could make a significant impact on future profits. If you paid the required salary for the new person, it would eliminate bonuses for all your staff that you feel they’ve earned this year. You’ve been searching for an individual with this skill level for three months. Analyze the power factors, set up your negotiation strategy, walk through a scenario with your partners (observers).

4. You are negotiating terms with a supplier of a critical component in your manufacturing process. You receive 100 units monthly. You project needing 150 units for the next 6 months and perhaps as many as 200 units ongoing after that. You’ve been satisfied with the supplier’s quality, however there have been two occasions where late deliveries have forced overtime to meet customer commitments. An out of state vendor has offered you a 20% discount for the 200 units per month for a one year contract. Analyze the power factors, set up your negotiation strategy, walk through a scenario with your partners (observers).

Тема 3. Бізнес етикет ділових взаємостосунків.

Тема практичного заняття 11. Бізнес етикет

Мета заняття: ознайомити студентів з новим лексичним, навчити використовувати бізнес етикет; практикувати вживання лексичних одиниць, вдосконалювати вміння студентів вживати мовні одиниці у формальній та неформальній ситуаціях; розвивати мовні навички для вдосконалення ділової компетенції студентів, культуру ділового мовлення, мислення; формувати діловий стиль спілкування у практично-професійній та загально академічній діяльності.

Студенти повинні:

знати лексичний мінімум теми; лексеми та синтаксеми;

вміти оперувати лексичним мінімумом з теми.

Забезпечення заняття

Роздатковий матеріал: картки із завданнями; зразки резюме

Наочність: опорні конспекти з теми.



1.Скребкова-Пабат М.А. Ділова англійська мова: навчальний посібник / М.А. Скребкова-Пабат. Львів: «Новий світ 2000», 2009. – 392 с.

2.  Шевченко О.Л. Ділова англійська мова для економістів: письмова та усна комунікація : підручник / О.Л. Шевченко. – К. : КНЕУ, 2009. – 412 с.


1.Cate Farral, Marianne Lindsley Professional English in use: Marketing.-Cambridge University Press, 2008. –144p.

2.Ian Mackenzie English for Business Studies.-Cambridge University Press, 2010. –191p.

3.Ian Mackenzie English for the Financial Sector.-Cambridge University Press, 2008. –159p.

4.Oxford Dictionary of English [Електронний ресурс] // ABBYY Lingvo х6 [Електронний ресурс] : электронный словарь. – 4,7 Gb. – ABBYY Software, 2014. – 1 електрон. опт. диск (DVD-ROM) ; 12 см. – Систем. вимоги : Pentium ; 512 Mb Ram ; Windows 8/8.1, 7, Vista, XP (SP2, 3). – Назва з контейнера.

    1. Pre-reading stage

  • Short talk

  • Learning essential vocabulary

    1. While-reading stage


The proper way to make an introduction is to introduce a lower-ranking person to a higher-ranking person. For example, if your CEO is Mrs. Jones and you are introducing administrative assistant Jane Smith to her, the correct introduction would be "Mrs. Jones, I'd like you to meet Jane Smith." If you forget a person's name while making an introduction, don't panic. Proceed with the introduction with a statement such as, "I'm sorry, your name has just slipped my mind." Omitting an introduction is a bigger faux pas than salvaging a botched introduction.


The physical connection you make when shaking hands with someone can leave a powerful impression. When someone'shandshake is unpleasant in any way, we often associate negative character traits with that person. A firm handshake made with direct eye contact sets the stage for a positive encounter.

Women take note: To avoid any confusion during an introduction, always extend your hand when greeting someone. Remember, men and women are equals in the workplace.

Electronic Etiquette

Email, faxes, conference calls and cellphones can create a veritable landmine of professional etiquette. Just because you have the capability to reach someone 24/7, it doesn't mean you should.

Email is so prevalent in many of today's companies that the transmission of jokes, spam and personal notes often constitute more of the messages employees receive than actual work-related material. Remember that your email messages are an example of your professional correspondence. Professional correspondence does not include smiley faces or similar emoticons.

Faxes should always include your contact information, date and number of pages included. They should not be sent unsolicited -- they waste the other person's paper and tie up the lines.

Conference-call etiquette entails introducing all the participants at the beginning of the call so everyone knows who is in attendance. Since you're not able to see other participants' body language and nonverbal clues, you will have to compensate for this disadvantage by communicating very clearly. Be aware of unintentionally interrupting someone or failing to address or include attendees because you can't see them. And finally, don't put anyone on speakerphone until you have asked permission to do so.

Cellphones can be a lifesaver for many professionals. Unfortunately, if you are using a cell, you are most likely outside your office and may be preoccupied with driving, catching a flight or some other activity. Be sensitive to the fact that your listener may not be interested in a play-by-play of traffic or the other events you are experiencing during your call.

Even if you have impeccable social graces, you will inevitably have a professional blunder at some point. When this happens, Klinkenberg offers this advice: Apologize sincerely without gushing or being too effusive. State your apology like you mean it, and then move on. Making too big an issue of your mistake only magnifies the damage and makes the recipient more uncomfortable.

Read more about business etiquette in the following books:

  • At Ease Professionally

  • Letitia Baldrige's New Complete Guide to Executive Manners

  • Executive Etiquette in the New Workplace

  • Power Etiquette  

Тема 3. Бізнес етикет ділових взаємостосунків.

Тема практичного заняття 12. Особливості бізнес етикету у спілкуванні з іноземними партнерами

Мета заняття: ознайомити студентів з новим лексичним, навчити використовувати нові лексичні одиниці анкет; практикувати вживання лексичних одиниць, вдосконалювати вміння студентів вживати мовні одиниці у формальній та неформальній ситуаціях; розвивати мовні навички для вдосконалення ділової компетенції студентів, культуру ділового мовлення, мислення; формувати діловий стиль спілкування у практично-професійній та загально академічній діяльності.

Студенти повинні:

знати лексичний мінімум теми; лексеми та синтаксеми, які можуть бути використані у спілкуванні з партнерами;

вміти оперувати лексичним мінімумом з теми; реалізувати свої комунікативні наміри.

Забезпечення заняття

Роздатковий матеріал: картки із завданнями; зразки резюме

Наочність: опорні конспекти з теми.



1.Скребкова-Пабат М.А. Ділова англійська мова: навчальний посібник / М.А. Скребкова-Пабат. Львів: «Новий світ 2000», 2009. – 392 с.

2.  Шевченко О.Л. Ділова англійська мова для економістів: письмова та усна комунікація : підручник / О.Л. Шевченко. – К. : КНЕУ, 2009. – 412 с.


1.Cate Farral, Marianne Lindsley Professional English in use: Marketing.-Cambridge University Press, 2008. –144p.

2.Ian Mackenzie English for Business Studies.-Cambridge University Press, 2010. –191p.

3.Ian Mackenzie English for the Financial Sector.-Cambridge University Press, 2008. –159p.

4.Oxford Dictionary of English [Електронний ресурс] // ABBYY Lingvo х6 [Електронний ресурс] : электронный словарь. – 4,7 Gb. – ABBYY Software, 2014. – 1 електрон. опт. диск (DVD-ROM) ; 12 см. – Систем. вимоги : Pentium ; 512 Mb Ram ; Windows 8/8.1, 7, Vista, XP (SP2, 3). – Назва з контейнера.

  1. Pre reading task.

  • Short talk

  • Vocabulary work

  1. While-reading stage

1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9

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