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  • Студенти повинні: знати

  • Забезпечення заняття Роздатковий матеріал

  • Pre-reading stage Short talk Learning essential vocabulary 2. While reading stage

  • Тема 1.

  • Література: Основна

  • Post reading stage (agree – disagree – need to think).

  • Watching advertisements (marketers – techniques for ads, accountsnts – price of advertisements) Discussing advertisements

  • Working with newspapers (due to speciality) Studying the letter sample Writing a letter

  • Методичні рекомендації до виконання практичних завдань для практичних занять дисципліни «Ділова англійська мова». ПЗ (1-20)-колом. Методичні рекомендації до виконання практичних завдань для практичних занять дисципліни Ділова англійська мова Тема Лексичний мінімум ділового спілкування та ділових контактів

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    НазваниеМетодичні рекомендації до виконання практичних завдань для практичних занять дисципліни Ділова англійська мова Тема Лексичний мінімум ділового спілкування та ділових контактів
    АнкорМетодичні рекомендації до виконання практичних завдань для практичних занять дисципліни «Ділова англійська мова
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    Тема 1. Лексико-граматичні засоби офісної документації та особливості її ведення.

    Тема практичного заняття 19. Форми оплати.

    Мета заняття: ознайомити студентів з новим лексичним, навчити використовувати нові лексичні одиниці при оплаті; практикувати вживання лексичних одиниць, вдосконалювати вміння студентів вживати мовні одиниці у формальній та неформальній ситуаціях; розвивати мовні навички для вдосконалення ділової компетенції студентів, культуру ділового мовлення, мислення; формувати діловий стиль спілкування у практично-професійній та загально академічній діяльності.

    Студенти повинні:

    знати лексичний мінімум теми; лексеми та синтаксеми, які можуть бути використані при оплаті;

    вміти оперувати лексичним мінімумом з теми; реалізувати свої комунікативні наміри при оплаті.

    Забезпечення заняття

    Роздатковий матеріал: картки із завданнями;

    Наочність: опорні конспекти з теми.



    1.Скребкова-Пабат М.А. Ділова англійська мова: навчальний посібник / М.А. Скребкова-Пабат. Львів: «Новий світ 2000», 2009. – 392 с.

    2.  Шевченко О.Л. Ділова англійська мова для економістів: письмова та усна комунікація : підручник / О.Л. Шевченко. – К. : КНЕУ, 2009. – 412 с.


    1.Cate Farral, Marianne Lindsley Professional English in use: Marketing.-Cambridge University Press, 2008. –144p.

    2.Ian Mackenzie English for Business Studies.-Cambridge University Press, 2010. –191p.

    3.Ian Mackenzie English for the Financial Sector.-Cambridge University Press, 2008. –159p.

    4.Oxford Dictionary of English [Електронний ресурс] // ABBYY Lingvo х6 [Електронний ресурс] : электронный словарь. – 4,7 Gb. – ABBYY Software, 2014. – 1 електрон. опт. диск (DVD-ROM) ; 12 см. – Систем. вимоги : Pentium ; 512 Mb Ram ; Windows 8/8.1, 7, Vista, XP (SP2, 3). – Назва з контейнера.

      1. Pre-reading stage

    • Short talk

    • Learning essential vocabulary

    2. While reading stage
    1. Small business owners have the freedom to decide the payment methods to offer their employees. When it comes to running payroll, you have a number of methods to choose from. You can pay employees with written or printed checks, direct deposit, payroll cards, or cash. But, certain types of payment might be better for your business than others.

    Types of payment

    Take a look at the different types of payment methods to see which one makes the most sense for your small business. Pay attention to costs associated with the different modes of payment, as well as your responsibilities for each.

    You might consider paying your employees by either writing or printing payroll checks. With paychecks, employees do not need to have bank accounts. Employees can use a check cashing service (for a fee) to receive their wages.

    Some employees prefer to receive their wages via paychecks because they like having an actual check delivered to them. However, paychecks could get lost or stolen.

    Time and cost of this payment option

    With a written paycheck, you need to handwrite a paycheck for each employee. Writing out the checks each pay period takes time. For handwritten checks, you will need to purchase blank checks.

    If you decide to print your employees’ paychecks, you can save considerable time from writing them all out. However, you will pay more in supplies to print the paychecks. For printing paychecks, you need check stock, ink, and a printer. You might even need a special MICR printer with magnetic ink to read, process, and print bank account and routing numbers on the checks.

    Direct deposit

    Direct deposit is the most common payment method used. Eighty-two percent of U.S. workers receive their wages via direct deposit. One of the biggest benefits of direct deposit is the convenience it offers for both you and your employees.

    With direct deposit, you receive your employees’ banking information when you hire them and deposit their wages each pay period. Your employees do not need to be physically present at your business to receive payment each period. For example, if an employee is on vacation, they will still receive their wages on time.

    Time and cost of this payment option

    With direct deposit, you do not need to worry about filling out and distributing checks each period. If you have online payroll software, direct deposit might be incorporated at no added cost. Simply review your payroll before submitting it to be deposited in your employees’ bank accounts.

    If you do not have payroll software, you will be responsible for paying direct deposit fees. You might need to pay set-up fees, monthly fees, and a small fee per pay period for each direct deposit. Set-up fees could range from $50-$150, and transaction fees might be $1.50 per transaction.

    Payroll cards

    A pay card is another electronic funds alternative to direct deposit. Pay cards are still relatively new payment options, but they are growing in popularity.

    You can pay employees via payroll cards if they do not have a banking account. A pay card lets you put an employee’s wages directly onto a prepaid card. The employees can either use their pay cards directly to make purchases, or they can withdraw cash at ATMs.

    Time and cost of this payment option

    With payroll cards, you are required to pay fees. There are setup costs similar to direct deposit set-up costs.

    There are many pay card laws by state that ban employees from paying any sort of fee associated with pay cards. If your employees cannot incur fees, you are responsible for paying things like replacement fees.

    Paying employees via payroll cards can save you significant time as opposed to providing paychecks. Payroll cards let you load money on an employee’s card each pay period, which saves you the time of writing each paycheck. And, payroll cards can save you the cost of supplies.


    Paying employees cash is another type of payment you have at your disposal. If you decide to pay employees in cash, you must be extra careful when it comes to keeping records. Cash payments to employees might make the IRS suspicious that you aren’t taking out the correct tax amounts.

    Paying employees in cash makes it more difficult for you to keep track of payroll records. There is less organization to paying employees with cash as opposed to direct deposit and pay cards. Instead of having bank records, you must write out each payment.

    Time and cost of this payment option

    Paying employees in cash will not incur immediate fees like with direct deposit, payroll cards, and paychecks. However, paying in cash puts you at a higher risk for an IRS audit, which costs significant time and money, even if they find you are compliant with IRS laws.

    If you pay employees in cash, you are still required to take out taxes and keep records of each payment, which can take up more time than other payments. Forgetting to take out the appropriate deductions also requires further time and money later on.

    Providing a pay stub

    Regardless of the type of payment you use, it is advisable to provide your employees with a pay stubeach pay period. Consult your state department to see if you are required by law to provide pay stubs.

    A pay stub shows your employee their gross pay, deductions, and net pay. It shows the employee how much is taken out of their wages which is especially useful if there is a mistake.

    Different taxes, like FICA tax (Social Security and Medicare), and federal, state, and local income taxes are shown on the pay stub. And, a pay stub lists the amount taken out for benefits like health insurance and retirement plans.

    Payroll Recordkeeping

    For each of the different types of payment, keeping accurate payroll records is required. Detail information like the date, amount, and pay period for all employees. And, you must record gross wages, deductions, and net pay.

    Can you make a certain type of payment mandatory?

    As an employer, you can select the payroll payment methods you want to offer your employees. But,can an employer require direct deposit, pay cards, cash, or paychecks? Most states have laws that regulate when you can make certain types of payment mandatory, like direct deposit and pay cards. Typically, you will need to offer more than one payment method to your employees.

    For example, you can offer employees the option to receive their wages via direct deposit or through paper checks. That way, employees without bank accounts can receive their wages.

    Avoid the hassles of managing payroll records, direct deposit fees, and incorrect payroll. Patriot’s online payroll software lets you easily print checks or use free direct deposit, and all payroll calculations are 100% guaranteed for accuracy. Try it for free today!

    Тема 1. Лексико-граматичні засоби офісної документації та особливості її ведення.

    Тема практичного заняття 20. Лист-рекламація.

    Мета заняття: ознайомити студентів з новим лексичним матеріалом при написанні листа-рекламації, пояснити різницю між листом та листом рекламацією, навчити використовувати нові лексичні одиниці при складанні листа-рекламації; практикувати написання листа-рекламації, вдосконалювати вміння студентів писати лист-рекламацію (рекламування продуктів та послуг – для маркетологів; розрахунок вартості та рекламування оптимальної ціни – для фінансистів та обліківців; розвивати мовні навички для вдосконалення ділової компетенції студентів; культуру ділового мовлення, мислення; формувати діловий стиль спілкування у практично-професійній діяльності, виховувати культуру ділового мовлення під час складання листа-рекламації.

    Студенти повинні:

    знати лексичний мінімум листа-рекламації; лексеми та синтаксеми, які можуть бути використані під час складання листа-рекламації;

    вміти оперувати лексичним мінімумом з теми; складати листи -рекламації; реалізувати свої комунікативні наміри під час повідомлення інформації у листі.

    Забезпечення заняття

    Роздатковий матеріал: презентація,картки із завданнями; зразки листів, сигнальні картки

    Наочність: опорні конспекти з теми.



    1.Скребкова-Пабат М.А. Ділова англійська мова: навчальний посібник / М.А. Скребкова-Пабат. Львів: «Новий світ 2000», 2009. – 392 с.

    2.Шевченко О.Л. Ділова англійська мова для економістів: письмова та усна комунікація : підручник / О.Л. Шевченко. – К. : КНЕУ, 2009. – 412 с.


    3.Cate Farral, Marianne Lindsley Professional English in use: Marketing.-Cambridge University Press, 2008. –144p.

    4.Ian Mackenzie English for Business Studies.-Cambridge University Press, 2010. –191p.

    5.Ian Mackenzie English for the Financial Sector.-Cambridge University Press, 2008. –159p.

    6.Oxford Dictionary of English [Електронний ресурс] // ABBYY Lingvo х6 [Електронний ресурс] : электронный словарь. – 4,7 Gb. – ABBYY Software, 2014. – 1 електрон. опт. диск (DVD-ROM) ; 12 см. – Систем. вимоги : Pentium ; 512 Mb Ram ; Windows 8/8.1, 7, Vista, XP (SP2, 3). – Назва з контейнера.

    1. Organizational part

    - How often do you go shopping?

    - What products do you usually buy?

    1. Pre-reading stage

    • What is an advertisement?

    • What products are mostly advertised?

    • Do you often buy an advertised products?

    • How often do you write letters?

    • What products would you like to advertise being a marketer?

    • How would you do that as an accountant?

    1. Essential phrases

    • I was pleased to learn….

    • We can give you a 5 per cent discount…

    • Our proposal is valid till….

    • As you can see from our price-list, our prices are at least 3% lower than market prices….

    • It is good for you to take so much interest in our work….

    • We ask you to concider our proposal once more….

    1. Reading stage

    Advertising is a message that tries to sell something. Companies advertise everything from cars to candy. Advertising is also used to change people's ideas. For example, an ad (advertisement) could try to make voters choose a certain candidate for president. Ads appear almost everywhere you look. You find them on the radio and on TV, in magazines, shop windows and on T shirts. They show up inside elevators, on school buses and even in schools. About 600 billion dollars are spent on advertising around the world every year.

    Advertising does two main jobs. It tells people about something, like a product or a service and it also works to make people want to buy the product or service.

    Ads (advertisements) do their jobs in many different ways. Many printed ads have headlines or boldly printed words that make people stop and read them. The headline may promise something that the reader wants, like a good price. Other headlines may carry the announcement of a new product.

    Some ads use slogans that are used over and over again.They are easy to remember and often use a catchy phrase. Sometimes slogans are not related to the product.

    In many ads a famous person talks about a product and tells why they use it. This person may be an actor, a model or a well-known athlete. Or they may just be an average user of a product.

    Ads also compare a product with another one of the same type. The ad points out why a product is better.

    Some ads feature cartoon or product characters. They may appear in an ad over a long time. The characters become well known and people identify them with a product.

    1. Post reading stage (agree – disagree – need to think).

    • A lot of slogans are used over and over again.

    • Ads often use famous people to advertise products.

    • Slogans are seldom related to products.

    • Ads often use prints.

    • Ads also compare a product with another one of the same type.

    1. Watching advertisements (marketers – techniques for ads, accountsnts – price of advertisements)

    2. Discussing advertisements

    • What products are advertised?

    • What can you say about advertising techniques?

    • How can you advertised a product in a letter?

    1. Working with newspapers (due to speciality)

    2. Studying the letter sample

    3. Writing a letter
    1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9

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