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  • II. Act out the dialogue using substitution words

  • Answer the following questions

  • Listening Comprehension Listen and number the people in the order Alex talks about

  • Draw the family tree and speak about this family. Let’s talk about you Answer the following questions

  • Project work Choose one of the topics and get ready for the project work

  • Around the Clock with Bob Ellis

  • Exercises.

  • 4. Finish the following statements using appropriate words and word combinations

  • 5. Answer the following questions

  • 6. Look through the first passage again and say what Bob does in the morning

  • 8. Look through the third passage again and say what Bob does in the evening

  • учебник, английский. Министерство высшего образования и науки российской федерации

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    Dialogue 1

    1. Read the dialogue and say what event they are discussing.

    Kate: Hello, Ann.

    Ann: Hello, Kate! Haven't seen you for ages! Meet my groupmate (1) Lena.

    Kate: How do you do! Glad to meet you, Lena. Are you from St. Petersburg (2)?

    Lena: No, I’m from Moscow (2). My family lives there now.

    Kate: Do you live in a dormitory or do you rent а room?

    Lena: Neither. I live at my sister's (3) three-room flat not far from the centre of the city.

    Kate: You are lucky. Is your sister married?

    Lena: Oh, yes. She is married and has а daughter already.

    Kate: What is her husband?

    Lena: He is a manager (4).

    Kate: And is your sister a manager too?

    Lena: Oh, no, she is a teacher of Russian Literature.

    Kate: Is she fond of her job?

    Lena: I suppose, she is. She is fond of children (5) and is very good at handling them. And are you fond of St. Petersburg, Kate?

    Kate: Yes, I am. All my family lives in St. Petersburg.

    Lena: And is it a large family?

    Kate: Rather. We are five in the family: my parents, a grandmother, my younger brother and I.

    Lena: Does your grandmother work?

    Kate: No, she is a retired pensioner. She is over sixty. But she is full of energy.

    Lena: Is your brother still at school?

    Kate: Yes, he is. He is leaving school this year. He is seventeen.

    Lena: What is he going to be?

    Kate: His dream is to be an actor (4). He is a great theatre-lover.

    Ann: Well, girls. It’s high time to go. Lena, our lesson starts in 5 minutes.

    Lena: Bye. See you.

    Kate: Bye.
    II. Act out the dialogue using substitution words:

    1. Friend, sister, colleague

    2. Moscow, Ulan-Ude

    3. Dormitory

    4. Actor, teacher, pensioner

    5. Music, reading, sport

    III. Make up your own dialogue according to the following situation:

    Imagine that you accommodate in a dormitory of Washington State University. You are going to share your room with another student of the same university. Get acquainted with each other.
    TEXT 2

    Read the text and say why they have become friends.
    My Friends
    I have many friends. Most of them are my former classmates but my best friend is Peter. He is seventeen. Now he is а student of a College. He is а good student because he studies hard, and he is very diligent. He wants to become а good specialist, and he is especially interested in computers. He often helps me with my Maths, and I’m grateful to him for that.

    Now I want to tell you about him in details. He is rather tall and strong. He has an oval face, a straight nose, and dark-brown hair and brown eyes, and he has a pleasant smile. People find him a good-looking and a charming young man.

    Peter goes in for sports. He plays football and basketball well. His  basketball team is very popular at the college.

    We made friends with Peter when he and his family moved to our house. We have very much in common: we like the same music, and we both like reading. In general, my friend is а very interesting person: he is intelligent and well-read.

    But the most important thing is that Peter is honest and kind. I can fully rely on him, and I trust him in everything. Peter has а great sense of humour, and I like to spend my free time with him.

    I have another friend. Her name is Natasha. She is а schoolgirl, and she lives next door to me. I like her very much. She is а blonde with blue eyes, she is slim and pretty. Her hair is long, and she has а nice shape. I like all my friends very much. I think they are all my faithful friends.
    Answer the following questions:

    1. How old is Peter?

    2. He is not a hardworking student, is he?

    3. What is Pete’s special interest in?

    4. What subjects does he know best of all?

    5. What does Peter look like?

    6. What sports does Peter go in for?

    7. What makes Peter be a good friend?

    8. Where does Natasha live?

    9. She is very attractive, isn’t she?

    Listening Comprehension

    1. Listen and number the people in the order Alex talks about:

    Beatriz, Mateo, Bella, Roberto, Enrique, Lucas, Lourdes, Isabella, Elena.

    1. Listen again and answer the questions. Who…

    1. is an economics student?

    2. is forty-one?

    3. has got a computer business?

    4. is at school?

    5. is really funny?

    6. is a lawyer?

    7. is very clever?

    8. hasn’t got children?

    9. is quite rich?

    10. is really nice and funny?

    1. Draw the family tree and speak about this family.

    Let’s talk about you

    Answer the following questions:

    1. What is your name?

    2. How old are you?

    3. When and where were you born?

    4. Where do you study?

    5. What are your favorite subjects?

    6. What year student are you?

    7. What are you interested in?

    8. Is your family big? Who do you live with?

    9. What do your relatives do for a living?

    10. What do they look like?

    Project work

    Choose one of the topics and get ready for the project work:

    1. My family tree.

    2. Families in Great Britain and the USA.

    MODULE 2

    Warming up. Read and dramatize the following mini-dialogues. Make up your own short situations.

    1. Do You Like Shopping?

    Sarah: Hey, Nick. How is it going?

    Nick: Hi, Sarah. I am doing fine, thanks, and what about you?

    Sarah: I am OK, thank you. Nick, I like you new outfit. It suits you well.

    Nick: Oh, Sarah, thanks, I’m glad that you like it. Actually I bought it because those things were cheap.

    Sarah: Anyway it looks perfect on you. Where did you get it?

    Nick: There was a weekend sale in our mall. I think there’re lots of girls’ stuff left.

    Sarah: As for me, I don’t like shopping. It’s boring and tiresome.

    Nick: Usually girls like shopping and sort of things like that.

    Sarah: Well, I prefer to shop by myself, if I am in a company I just won’t stand it. To look at different things, to choose clothes and then try each shirt or a skirt on is not for me. I rather grab what I like, and this the way I do my shopping.

    Nick: I like your way too. By the way, you are looking great today.

    Sarah: Thanks, you see: my way works!

    Nick: Yes, it does!

    1. Plans For a Weekend

    Mark: How do you usually spend your weekend, Josh?

    Josh: Usually I go out somewhere, to a sport match, to a club, to the cinema whether with my friends or with the family. Or just walk around the city. What about you?

    Mark: Mostly the same. I like horse races. So I often go to our stadium and enjoy the competition.

    Josh: Mm, that’s interesting. Can you ride a horse, Mark?

    Mark: Well, I attend courses of horse riding.

    Josh: Really? I didn’t know. Do you like it?

    Mark: Yes, I like it very much, but I am afraid I am not a professional. I’m just beginning to ride a horse.

    Josh: You have lots of time ahead. I’m sure you’re doing well, and you will be a great horse rider.

    Mark: Thanks, do you have any plans for this weekend?

    Josh: Actually nothing special.

    Mark: Would you like to go to the stadium this Sunday? It will be the City Horse Races.

    Josh: It sounds great, I will join you.

    Mark: It will be fun.

    1. A Daily Routine

    Susan: What do you do when you get to work?

    Megan: I always check my mail, and you, Susan?

    Susan: I always say “hi” to my colleagues. Then I have a cup of coffee.

    Megan: And where do you have a lunch?

    Susan: I usually have lunch at my desk of with my colleagues in the cafeteria. How about you?

    Megan: I usually have lunch at home because it’s close to my work or in the cafeteria with the colleagues.

    Susan: How often do you travel on business, Megan?

    Megan: I go to Italy once a month to meet customers. What about you? Do you travel on business?

    Susan: Yes, I do. Twice a year I go to sales conference in Europe and the US.
    Words and Phrases for the Topic:

    an early bird

    a night owl


    to get up

    to have a shower

    to brush one’s teeth

    to get dressed

    to have breakfast

    to make the breakfast

    to make the bed

    to leave home

    to go by tram/bus/taxi

    to have dinner

    to go on foot

    to catch the bus/tram/taxi

    to go to bed

    it takes

    to arrive

    to get


    free time

    in the afternoon

    to have lunch

    to have a break for lunch

    to go back home

    to stay

    an article

    a reading-room

    to work at the report

    to do one’s homework

    in the evening

    to have a rest

    to watch TV

    to go out


    to feel satisfied with

    to enjoy

    long walks

    TEXT 1

    Read the text and say how Bob feels about his life.
    Around the Clock with Bob Ellis
    Bob Ellis, 17, is a student at Mortimer College. Bob is an early bird. His day starts at eight o’clock in the morning on weekdays. Before he leaves for College he has a lot of things to do. He gets up, and then he has a shower, brushes his teeth and gets dressed. After that, he makes the breakfast and the bed. He usually has a cup of tea or coffee and a sandwich for breakfast. After breakfast, at about eight forty, he leaves home and catches the bus to College. It takes him ten minutes to get there. He seldom goes on foot to College in the morning because he is afraid to be late for classes. He arrives at College at about eight fifty. He is never late.

    Classes start at nine o’clock. Bob has a break for lunch at twelve thirty. Then, he has a few more lectures in the afternoon. Classes are over at three thirty, and Bob goes back home. Sometimes he stays at the College because he needs a book or an article which he can get only in the reading-room. Before and after classes in the reading-room there are always many students who read different books and articles, work on their reports or do their homework.

    He gets home at 4 o’clock and has a short rest. Then he does his homework. Sometimes he reads magazines and makes some phone calls. Bob studies a lot of subjects at the College, and it takes him three or even more hours to do his homework. He has dinner at about six thirty in the evening. After that, he usually watches TV or plays computer games. He doesn’t go out very often during the week because he goes to bed early.

    In his free time he loves going for long walks in the countryside with his dog, Jack. Bob also likes swimming in the pool and going to the cinema with friends. He feels very satisfied with his life because he likes studying, and he enjoys his free time.

    1.Give Russian equivalents of the following:

    an early bird;

    on weekdays;

    to get up;

    to make the bed;

    to catch the bus;

    to stay at College;

    to read an article;

    a reading-room;

    to work at the report;

    to get home;

    to make some phone calls;

    to go out;

    free time;

    long walks;


    to feel satisfied with;

    to enjoy

    2.Suggest the English for:

    принимать душ;


    чистить зубы;

    уходить из дома;

    ему требуется 20 минут, чтобы;

    идти пешком;

    приходить в колледж;

    занятия начинаются;


    читать журналы;

    возвращаться домой;


    делать домашнее задание;


    ложиться спать

    3. Match two parts of the sentences in two columns:

    1. An early bird is someone who a. has a short rest.

    2. An owl is a bird which b. he needs to study in the reading-room.

    3. After breakfast he leaves home and c. read articles and work at their reports.

    4. Bob sometimes stays at College because d. gets up early.

    5. It takes him e. he goes to bed early.

    6. When he gets home he f. sleeps during the day.

    7. Students work hard. They g. catches the bus to the College.

    8. Bob doesn’t go out during the week because h. four hours to do his homework.

    4. Finish the following statements using appropriate words and word combinations:

    An early bird is someone who…

    His day starts at eight o’clock in the morning on...

    Before he leaves for College, he has a shower, ... .

    After breakfast at about eight thirty, he… .

    He ………………………………………………. at about eight fifty.

    Bob has……………………………. …………….at twelve thirty.

    Bob sometimes stays at College because … .

    It takes him three or even more hours … .

    He usually………………………………………..in the evening.

    He doesn’t go out very often during the week because … .

    In his free time he loves … .

    He feels satisfied with his life because … .
    5. Answer the following questions:

    1. What does Bob do?

    2. How old is he?

    3. Is he an early bird or a night owl?

    4. What time does Bob get up on weekdays?

    5. What does he do before he leaves for College?

    6. What time does he leave home?

    7. Does he live far from College?

    8. How does he go to College?

    9. How long does it take him to get there?

    10. Why doesn’t he go on foot to College in the morning?

    11. What time do his classes start?

    12. What time does he finish to study?

    13. What time does he have lunch?

    14. What does he usually do after classes?

    15. What time does he get home?

    16. What does he usually do in the evening?

    17. How long does it take him to do his homework?

    18. What time does he have dinner?

    19. Why doesn’t Bob go out very often during the week?

    20. What does Bob do in his free time?

    21. Does Bob feel satisfied with his life? Why (not)?

    6. Look through the first passage again and say what Bob does in the morning

    Use the following key-words: to get up, to have a shower, to brush one’s teeth, to get dressed, to have breakfast, to leave home, to catch the bus, it takes, to arrive

    7. Look through the second passage again and say what Bob does in the afternoon

    Use the following key-words: to start, to have lunch, to be over, to go back home, after classes, to go to the reading-room, to read books, to work at the reports.

    8. Look through the third passage again and say what Bob does in the evening

    Use the following key-words: to have a rest, to make some phone calls, to do one’s homework, to have dinner, to watch TV, to play computer games, to go to bed.

    9. Your American friend wants to know about your daily routine. Tell him about how you usually spend your day in your college.

    Dialogue 1

    Read the dialogue and say if Sam Dane has a glamorous life.

    Beautiful clothes, expensive restaurants, all-night parties, holidays in the Caribbean. This is the glamorous life of a film actor. Or is it? We talk to Sam Dane, a star of Good Times, Bad Times, about his daily routine.

    Q: Sam, tell us about your life as a film actor(1).

    A: Well, a typical film is about three months’ work. We work very long days and a lot of the actors live in a hotel, not at home.

    Q: What time do you get up?

    A: I get up at five o’clock (2) in the morning. The people from the studio phone us then.

    Q: You get up very early.

    A: Yes, and I’m not a morning person, so it’s always difficult! We leave the hotel at 5.15. That’s when I have my first coffee of the day. Then we start work at about 5.45.

    Q: What about breakfast?

    A: We have breakfast at the studio at about 7.30. But that’s only for half an hour(3).

    Q: And lunch?

    A: We have lunch at twelve and we start work again at about one o’clock.

    Q: When do you finish work?

    A: Most days we finish at about 9 o’clock.

    Q: You start at 5.45 and you finish at 9!

    A: Yes, it’s a long day. But some days I sleep for an hour or two (3) in the afternoon.

    Q: When do you have dinner?

    A: At about half past 9, after we finish work. We have dinner together and we talk about the day.

    Q: What time do you get back to the hotel?

    A: At about half past 10.

    Q: And what time do you go to bed?

    A: At 11 o’clock. And I sleep for 6 hours.

    Q: So, do you have a glamorous life?

    A: Not when I’m at work, no, definitely not.
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