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  • Complex object

  • Reported speech

  • Sequence of tenses

  • Н. Г. Веселовская английский язык для специальностей землеустройство Иземельный кадастр

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    НазваниеН. Г. Веселовская английский язык для специальностей землеустройство Иземельный кадастр
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    They watched their children (to play) in the garden. A. to play B. playing C. played

    She expects his parcel (to come) tomorrow. A. to come B. coming C. came

    Susan saw her brother (to open) the door of her room. A. opened B. open C. to open

    Test 44. Complex object (2)

    Have you heard her (to sing)?

    A. sing B. sang C. to sing

    He watched me (to try) on my new dress.

    A. tried B. to try C. trying

    Did you notice her (to go) away?

    A. to go B. went C. go

    I watched her (to water) the flowers.

    A. to watered B. watering C. water

    I wanted my sons (to study) foreign languages.

    A. study B. to study C. studied

    The little girl wanted her mother (to buy) her the toy.

    A. to buy B. bought C. buy

    Everybody expected him (to marry) Susan.

    A. married B. marry C. to marry

    I would like them (to come) as soon as possible.

    A. to come B. came C. come

    We expect them (to arrive) on Tuesday.

    A. to arrive\ B. arrive C. to arrived

    My father wants him (to study) better.

    A. studied B. to study C. study

    We expected them (to join) us.

    A. joined B. to join C. to joined

    Nobody notice him (to make) a mistake.

    A. make B. to make C. made

    He saw her (to ring) somebody up.

    A. to ring B. ring C. rang

    They heard him (to get) into car and (to go) away.

    A. to get, to go B. get, go C. got, went

    They watched her (to go) away.

    A. go B. ^ent C. to go

    I didn't hear him (to say) this expression.

    A. say B. to say C. said

    These words made him (to be) happy.

    A. to be B. was C. be

    He doesn't want to make her (to feel) uncomfortable.

    A. to feel B. feel C. felt

    1. We noticed the car (to turn) back.

    A. turn B. to turn C. turned

    1. Soon they made her (to talk).

    A. to talk B. talk C. to talked

    Test 45. Reported speech (1)

      1. Jack said, 'I'm sorry to disturb you, Susan.'

        1. Jack told that he was sorry to disturb Susan.

        2. Jack said to Susan he had been sorry to disturb her.

        3. Jack told Susan he was sorry to disturb her.

      2. John asked, 'Richard, do you know 'Old Barn' that was on the

    Shrewsbury Road.'

        1. John asked Richard where 'Old Barn' was.

        2. John asked Richard if he knew 'Old Barn' that was on Shrews­bury Road.

        3. John asked Richard did he know 'Old Barn'; it was on Shrews­bury Road.

      1. She asked, 'Where is Bobby going?'

        1. She asked where was Bobby going.

        2. She asked where Bobby went.

        3. She asked where Bobby was going.

      2. The undergraduates said, 'We wish our examinations were over.'

        1. The undergraduates said they wished their examinations were over.

        2. The undergraduates said they wished their examinations had been over.

        3. The undergraduates said that they wished their examinations have been over.

      3. 'Will you be free tomorrow?' Gilbert asked Mary.

        1. Mary asked would Gilbert be free the following day.

        2. Gilbert asked Mary if she would be free the next day.

        3. Gilbert asked if Mary will be free tomorrow.

      4. The surgeon asked, 'How do you feel?'

        1. The surgeon asked how did I feel.

        2. The surgeon asked how I felt.

        3. The surgeon asked how I had felt.

      5. Maggy said, 'If I had any instructions, I would know what to do.'

        1. Maggy said that if she had any instructions she would know what to do.

        2. Maggy said that if she had had any instructions she would have known what to do.

        3. Maggy said if she had any instructions she would knew what did.

      6. Jenny said, 'I would like to buy it.'

        1. Jenny said that she liked to buy it.

        2. Jenny said she would have liked to buy it.

        3. Jenny said that she would like to buy it.

      7. 'Where is the nearest Chemist's?' the old woman addressed a police­


        1. The old woman asked where was the nearest Chemist's.

        2. The old woman asked a policeman where the nearest Chemist's was.

        3. The old woman told a policeman where the nearest Chemist's was.

      1. Don't open the door or answer the phone,' said his parents.

        1. His parents said to him not to open the door or answer the phone.

        2. His parents told him not to open the door and to answer the phone.

        3. His parents told him neither to open the door nor to answer the phone.

      2. I asked my brother, 'Will you stay at home or go for a walk after


        1. I asked if my brother would stay at home or go for a walk after supper.

        2. I asked if my brother stayed at home or went for a walk after supper.

        3. I asked my brother if he will stay at home or will go for a walk after supper.

      1. 'Why hasn't she locked the car door?' Boris said.

        1. Boris asked why she didn't lock the car door.

        2. Boris asked why hadn't she locked the car door.

        3. Boris asked why she hadn't locked the car door.

      2. Tom said, 'Jerry has been my best friend since our early child­


        1. Tom told Jerry that he had been his best friend since their early childhood.

        2. Tom said that Jerry has been my best friend since our early childhood.

        3. Tom said that Jerry had been his best friend since their early childhood

      1. The teacher said to us, 'Be quiet, please.'

        1. The teacher asked us be qujet.

        2. The teacher told us to be quiet.

        3. The teacher said to us to be quiet.

      2. Peter said, 'If I were you, I'd stop smoking.'

        1. Peter said that if he were him he would have stopped smoking.

        2. Peter said that if he had been him he would stop smoking.

        3. Peter advised him to stop smoking.

      3. 'Could you show me your jeans, please?' said the girl.

        1. The girl said to show her those jeans.

        2. The girl asked to show her those jeans.

        3. The girl asked if the manager could show her these jeans.

      4. Mrs Black said to her husband, 'Don't wear your best trousers in

    the garden.'

        1. Mrs Black told her husband not to wear his best trousers in the garden.

        2. Mrs Black said to her husband that he didn't wear his best trousers in the garden.

        3. Mrs Black told her husband not to have worn his best trousers in the garden.

      1. 'Dick's sister did nothing except complain,' remarked Rony.

        1. Rony remarked that Dick's sister had done nothing except complain.

        2. Rony remarked that Dick's sister did nothing except complain.

        3. Rony remarked Dick's sister had done nothing except com­plain.

      2. Shop assistant". Would you wait for a while, please? Customer. All right.

        1. The shop assistant asked whether the customer would wait for a while. The customer said that it was all right.

        2. The shop assistant asked if the customer would wait for a while. The customer agreed to wait.

        3. The shop assistant asked whether the customer would wait for a while. The customer said it would be all right.

      3. 'Don't swim too far, Doddy,' asked mother.

        1. Mother asked Doddy not to swim too far.

        2. Mother asked Doddy don't swim too far.

        3. Mother asked Doddy if he wouldn't swim so far.

    Test 46. Reported speech (2)

          1. I said to Basil, 'Where are you going?'

            1. I asked Basil where he was going.

            2. I asked Basil where was he going.

            3. I asked Basil where he is going.

          2. He asks me,'Are you very busy?'

            1. He asks me whether I am very busy.

            2. He asks me whether I was very busy.

            3. He asked me whether I was very busy.

          3. He said to me, 'Sit down!'

            1. He told me to sat down.

            2. He said to me to sat down.

            3. He told me to sit down.

          4. 'I would suggest, Mary, that we try to get local support for the new

    theatre company.' 'Yes, I thoroughly agree with you.'

            1. Mary accepted my suggestion that we shall try to get local sup­port for the new theatre company.

            2. Marry agreed with me about my suggestion that we must try to get local support for the new theatre company.

            3. Mary accepted without reservation my suggestion that we should try to get local support for the new theatre company.

          1. 'Why are you shouting, children?' said the teacher.

            1. The teacher asked children why they are shouting.

            2. The teacher asked children why they were shouting.

            3. The teacher asked children why were they shouting.

          2. 'Don't lie to me, Tom,' said Aunt Polly. 'I am tired of your lies.'

            1. Aunt Polly told to Tom not to lie to her because she was tired

    of his lies.

            1. Aunt Polly said to Tom not to lie to her as she is tired of his lies.

            2. Aunt Polly told Tom not to lie to her and added that she was tired of his lies.

          1. 'My niece is a very capable young lady', said the woman.

            1. The woman said that her niece was a very capable young lady.

            2. The woman said that her niece is a very capable young lady.

            3. The woman said that her niece will be a very capable young lady.

          2. Mr Jackson said, 'I shall have to pay a lot of money for my new


            1. Mr Jackson said that he will have to pay a lot of money for his new car.

            2. Mr Jackson said that he would have to pay a lot of money for his new car.

            3. Mr Jackson said that he will pay a lot of money for his new car.

          1. 'How did you manage to solve this difficult problem so quickly?' said

    my friend to me.

            1. My friend asked me how I had managed to solve that difficult problem so quickly.

            2. My friend asked me how had I managed to solve that difficult problem so quickly.

            3. My friend asked me how I managed to solve that difficult prob­lem so quickly.

          1. He said, 'I shall be able to read English books without a dictionary

    next year.'

            1. He said that he will be able to read English books without a dictionary the following year.

            2. He said that he can to read English books without a dictionary the following year.

    С. Не said that he would be able to read English books without a dictionary the following year.

          1. She said, 'I am sure he will come in time.'

            1. She said that she is sure he would come in time.

            2. She said that she was sure he would come in time.

            3. She said that she would sure he will come in time.

          2. He asked me, 'How long have you been living in London?'

            1. She wanted to know how long I had been living in London.

            2. She asked me how long have I been living in London.

            3. She asked me how long had I been living in London.

          3. 'I like novels written by Jack London,' said Tom to his friend.

    'I have read many of them.'

            1. Tom told his friend that he liked novels written by Jack London

    and that he had read many of them.

            1. Tom said his friend that he likes novels written by Jack London and that he had read many of them.

            2. Tom said to his friends that he liked novels written by Jack London and that he has read many of them.

          1. Greg said, 'I had been doing it all day.'

            1. Grag said that he was doing it all day.

            2. Grag said that he has been doing it all day.

            3. Grag said that he had been doing it all day.

          2. Bob says, 'I have already read this novel.'

            1. Bob says he had already read this story.

            2. Bob says that he has already read this novel.

            3. Bob says that he already read this novel.

          3. Jack said, 'She knows the answer.'

            1. Jack said that she knew the answer.

            2. Jack said that she know the answer.

            3. Jack said that she knows the answer.

          4. She said, 'We saw that strange man when we were driving home.'

            1. She said that they have seen that strange man when they are driving home.

            2. She said that they have saw that strange man when they were driving home.

            3. She said that they had seen that strange man when they were driving home.

          5. My sister has said, 'Lucie will come on Friday.'

            1. My sister has said that Lucie will come on Friday.

            2. My sister has said that Lucie shall come on Friday.

            3. My sister has said that Lucie will come on Tuesday.

          6. The administrator says, 'The press conference is taking place now

    in the main hall.'

    A. The administrator says that the press conference is taking place now in the main hall.

    1. 20.













      The administrator says that the press conference was taking place in the main hall.

    2. The administrator says that the press conference will be taking place in the main hall.

    He said, 'They will visit Paris next Saturday.'

      1. He said that they would visit Paris the following Tuesday.

      2. He said that they would visit Paris the following Saturday.

      3. He said that they will visit Paris the following Saturday.

    Test 47. Sequence of tenses (1)

    My parents decided that they (to celebrate) their anniversary on Sat­urday.

    A. shall celebrate B. celebrated C. would celebrate

    I thought that he (to live) in Manchester. A. lived B. lives C. live

    My aunt says that she (to come back) just from London. A. have ... come B. has ... come C. comes Some students weren't able to do the translation because they (not/ to know) special terms.

    A. hadn't known B. didn't know C. doesn't know Jack hasn't been informed that the lecture on biology (not/to take place) on Monday.

    A. hasn't taken place B. wouldn't take place C. won't take place I know that Mercury (be) the closest planet to the sun, but I'm not ready to answer this question in details. A. was B. is C. had been

    Julia hoped that her friend (to help) her with the car. A. would help B. will help C. helped

    We didn't know the score, but we were sure that our team (to win) the game.

    A. has won B. had won C. won

    Yesterday Susan heard that her uncle (to be ill) for three days. A. was ill B. has been ill C. had been ill

    The children were afraid of making any noise as their mother (to sleep).

    A. was sleeping B. slept C. had been sleeping

    He gave all his money to his mother as he (to trust) her. A. would trust B. trusted C. had trusted

    We were told that Maggy (to go) to enter Oxford University. A. is going B. went C. was going

    The police found out that the burglar (to live) in London's suburbs at that time.

    A. had been living B. lives C. lived

        1. Bob said that he was sure that Ann and Liz (to be) excellent guides.

    A. would be B. will be C. are

        1. The woman said that she (to spend) a month at a health resort.

    A. has spent B. spent C. had spent

        1. She said that her health (to improve) greatly since then.

    A. have ... improved B. had ... improvedC. has ... improved

        1. He told me that he (to catch) cold.

    A. has caught B. had caught C. have caught

        1. The old woman told the doctor that she (to have) pain in her right


    A. have B. has C. had

        1. She said she (to be examined) just by a good specialist.

    A. had ... been examined B. has ... been examined C. have ... been examined

        1. He said he (not/to go) to work until Thursday.

    A. wouldn't go B. won't go C. didn't go

    Test 48.
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