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Навчальнометодичний посібник розглянуто та схвалено на засіданні кафедри іноземних мов 25 травня 2006 р., протокол 9

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Exercise 5. Translate into Ukrainian.

Quality of life; the owner of the land; efforts that people put into something; the concept of entrepreneurship; whatever remains; someone else’s money; to deal with the problem.
Exercise 6. Match and learn the synonyms.

A: capital, concept, each, equipment, income, particular, wages;

B: profit, salary, machinery, notion, money, definite, every.

Exercise 7. Match and learn the opposites.

A: include, innovative, various, profit, physical;

B: loss, mental, exclude, particular, outdated.

Exercise 8. Choose the proper word in brackets to complete the sentences.

1. Managerial skills are (physical/mental) efforts that firms use to produce goods and services. 2. When we calculate (profits/losses) we have to (include/exclude) the payment for land, labour and capital resources. 3. Our firm is successful thanks to (innovative/outdated) ideas proposed by the management. 4. Each factor of production has its (various/particular) function in the economy.
Exercise 9. Compose all possible word combinations with the word resources and translate them. Combine phrases with similar meaning.

Resources – capital, economic, energy, financial, human, labour, land,

limited, mineral, natural, productive, scarce, water.
Exercise 10. Complete the sentences with the proper words from the list below:

allocation, factor of production, the standard of living, income, new equipment, innovative ideas

1. Every … has its particular function in the economy. 2. Entrepreneurship is closely associated with … and risks. 3. We allocated big capital to buy … for our factory. 4. Rational … of resources is the basis of economic growth. 5. Governments do their best to increase … of their citizens. 6. Being the owner of the land he receives his … in the form of rent.
Exercise 11. On the basis of the text define the following terms:

Factors of production, natural resources, rent, labour/human resources, entrepreneurship, production resources, profit, capital, interest, wages/salary.
Grammar Points:* Comparative structures.

Present Indefinite Tense: Active and Passive Forms (p. 131-134).

Types of Questions (p.116-117).

* Sometimes you can use two comparatives together to say that something is changing continuously, e.g. harder and harder, more and more interesting.

Exercise 12. Use comparative structure in the following sentences.

1. Natural resources become …(scarce). 2. In consumer society people buy …(much). 3. Labour resources become …(expensive). 4. Risks associated with new businesses become …(high). 5. As I wait for my interview I get …(nervous). 6.As we learn more, we become …(skilful).
Exercise 13. Use the verb in brackets in the proper form.

1. He (to say) he (to earn) high profits. 2. They often (to buy) products that they (to need) in this supermarket. 3. She (to be) a successful entrepreneur. 4. We often (to receive) letters from our friend who (to live) in Glasgow. 5. Each factor of production (to have) a particular function. 6. She (not to use) computer very often. 7. Where you (to come from)? 8. He (not to understand) the concept of entrepreneurship. 9. What time you (to start) work ?
Exercise 14. Use these sentences to make questions. Begin with the word(s) in brackets.

1. She often visits the nearest supermarket (How often?) 2. Jane teaches economics (Where?) 3. People make mistakes (Why?) 4. She comes from Scotland (Where?) 5. He watches programmes on economy (When?) 6. He gets up in the morning (What time/usually?) 7. I write to my parents (How often?) 8. Entrepreneurs receive rewards for their efforts (Who?)
Exercise 15. Read the text and mark sentences with passive forms. In what cases is the doer of the action mentioned/omitted?
Exercise 16. Make passive transformations according to the model.

Model: Suppliers provide products. - Products are provided by suppliers.

1. The government allocates resources. 2. People create capital. 3. Prices motivate production. 4. The interaction of demand and supply determines prices. 5. Workers receive wages twice a month. 6. They sell product at low price. 7. Business people often use the term ‘capital’. 8. Every society addresses the main economic problems. 9. The owner of the land receives rent. 10. Economics studies demand, supply and interrelations between them.
Exercise 17. Choose the proper form of the verb in brackets.

1. We often (divide/are divided) markets into two groups: goods and services. 2. Goods and services that (buy/are bought) in the market (call/are called) products. 3. Capital (uses/is used) to buy productive resources. 4. Natural resources (include/are included) land, water, mineral resources and climate.
Exercise 18. Make up questions to the words underlined.

1. Change in price is represented graphically. 2. Markets are usually classified into two categories. 3. Entrepreneurs’ risks are not always rewarded.
Discussion of the text.

Speak about the main factors of production and their components.


Exercise 1. Read and learn the following words and word combinations:

to distinguish (between) – розрізняти (між);

planned /command economy – планова/командна економіка;

market economy – ринкова економіка;

mixed economy – змішана економіка;

ownership – власність; private ownership – приватна власність;

to involve – залучати, включати;

central planning and direction – централізоване планування та


means of productionзасоби виробництва;

to vary – змінювати, варіювати;

enterprise підприємство;

to manage – керувати; management – керівництво;

to accept the risk – приймати (на себе) ризик;

to succeed – мати успіх; success – успіх;

to fail – потерпати невдачу; failure – невдача;

to make losses – нести збитки;

innovation – новаторство, нововведення;

engine – двигун;

long-term growth –довгострокове зростання;

to compete – конкурувати; competitor – конкурент; competition

конкуренція; competitive – конкурентний;

to interact – взаємодіяти;

taxation – оподаткування;

to intervene – втручатися;

wide range of goods and services – широкий асортимент товарів та


Exercise 2. Read and translate the following text

Economic systems

An economic system is the way in which a society uses its available scarce resources (natural resources, labour resources and capital resources) to satisfy the demands of its citizens for goods and services. The more goods and services are produced from the country’s limited resources the higher the standard of living of its citizens. Economists distinguish between three main economic systems: planned, market and mixed.

Planned economy is sometimes called ‘command’ economy because the state (government) commands the use of resources that go into the production of goods and services as it owns factories, land and natural resources. Planned economy involves central planning and direction, when the government takes all decisions concerning production and consumption. There is no state which is completely a command economy; the actual system varies from state to state.

Market economy is the system based on private enterprise with private ownership of the means of production and private supplies of capital. The government plays no role in the management of the economy. There exist no examples of pure market economy as it necessarily contains some businesses owned and run by the state. In a market economy it is the consumers who decide what is to be produced. A cornerstone of the market economy is quick response to changing demands. Private entrepreneurs accept the risks of introducing new products and new production processes. If they succeed, they hope to earn large profits, if they fail, they expect to make losses. Thus innovation is the engine of long-term growth of living standards. Since all businesses are privately owned they try to be highly competitive and make largest profits.

In practice most countries have what is called a mixed economic system – a combination of free markets plus government allocation of resources. Mixed economy contains elements of both market and planned economies. In a mixed economy the government and the private sector interact in solving economic problems. The state controls the output through taxation and intervenes to supply essential goods and services such as health, education and defense, while private businesses provide consumers with a wide range of different products and services.
Exercise 3. Answer the following questions:

1. What is defined as an ‘economic system’?

2. What are the three main economic systems?

3. Why is planned economy sometimes called “command”?

4. What is the role of the government in command economies?

5. What is market economy based on?

6. How does the government act in a market economy?

7. Who decides what is to be produced in market economy?

8. What is a cornerstone of market economy?

9. What risks are involved in the introduction of innovations?

10. Who accepts these risks?

11. What is called a mixed economy?

12. How do the government and private businesses interact in a mixed economy?

13. Are there examples of ‘pure’ command/market economies in real life?
Exercise 4. Translate into English.

Задовольняти попит; чим більше товарів та послуг виробляється, тим вищий рівень життя; система, що базується на приватній власності; не відігравати жодної ролі в управлінні економікою; швидкий відгук; ризики, пов’язані з впровадженням нових товарів; контролювати випуск продукції через оподаткування.
Exercise 5. Translate into Ukrainian.

Resources that go into the production; the actual system varies; private supplies of capital; pure market economy; it necessarily contains; it is the consumers who decide; new production processes; the long-term growth; to be highly competitive; both…and; essential goods and services.
Exercise 6. Match and learn the synonyms.

A: actual, to vary, to run smth, to contain, to control, to hope, to intervene, response, different;

B: to operate, to manage, to expect, to interfere, to differ, real, various, answer, to include.
Exercise 7. Match and learn the opposites.

A: private, quick, long-term, different, wide, response, profit, succeed;

B: similar, short-term, narrow, fail, question, slow, state, loss.
Exercise 8. Complete the sentences using the words from ex.7 (the first letter is given).

1. Mixed economy is characterized by p… and s… forms of ownership. 2. He gave no r… to my q… 3. Everybody wants to s…, not to f… 4. The aim of any business is to make p… 5. Risky business involves the possibility of p… or l… 6. Manufacturers supply a w… range of d… goods to the market. 7. Competitors are producers who provide s… products. 8. In command economies the s… develops l…-t… plans for industries.
Exercise 9. Complete the sentences with the proper words from the list below:

in response to, through the system of taxation, innovations, planned economy, owned, varies

1. In … the government usually plans five years ahead. 2. The actual system of economy … from state to state. 3. In mixed economies some resources are controlled by the government while others are used by private businesses … consumers’ demands. 4. The government controls the output … 5. In real life market economies always contain businesses … by the state. 6. Introduction of… can lead to unemployment.
Grammar points:* Emphatic structures. *Comparative structures.

Numeral (p.128-130)

The Past Indefinite Tense: Active and Passive Forms (p.135)

*The structure It is/was… that/who… can be used to emphasize almost any part of the sentence (except for the predicate). Compare:

He proposed an alternative plan at the meeting yesterday.

1. It was he who proposed an alternative plan at the meeting yesterday.

2. It was an alternative plan that he proposed at the meeting yesterday.

3. It was at the meeting yesterday that he proposed an alternative plan.

4. It was yesterday at the meeting that he proposed an alternative plan.

Exercise 10. Emphasize the subject in the following sentences.

1. The government and private businesses interact in a mixed economy. 2. Producers supplied different goods to the market. 3. Consumers made their choice concerning our products.
* The structure The…the…(with two comparatives) is used to say that one thing depends on the other.

Exercise 11.Combine the following sentences into one using the model: The more you have, the more you want.

The more you practice English the better the service.

The more skilful you are the higher the quality of life.

The more goods you produce the higher you reward is.

The better resources are allocated the faster you’ll learn it.

The more expensive the hotel the more profit you’ll make.
Exercise 12. Translate into English.

1.Чим більше ми виробляємо, тим більше ми споживаємо. 2. Чим більші затрати, тим дорожчий продукт. 3. Чим рідкісніші ресурси, тим вищі виробничі затрати. 4. Чим нижчі зарплати, тим менший прибуток сім’ї. 5.Чим вищий рівень життя, тим багатше суспільство.
Exercise 13. Read the following.

Numbers: ½; ⅔; 1 ¼; 0.739; 2.25; 3,247,068; 20%; 6+28=34; 25∙4=100; 33:11=3; 85 – 29 =56; 5ⁿ; dates: 07.01.1999; 20. 12.1765; 09.05.2005; time: 7.30; 12.50; 17.15; 12.00; 23.45.

Exercise 14. Translate into English.

Другий партнер; третій сорт; восьме завдання; дванадцятий поверх; двадцять шоста вулиця; сто перша річниця; п’яте жовтня; одна п’ята; сім восьмих; одна ціла і одна друга; сорок відсотків.
Exercise 15. Read a sentence about Ann’s daily routine and write a corresponding sentence in the past as is shown below:

Usually Ann gets up rather early. – Yesterday Ann got up later than usual.

1. Ann usually gets to her work by bus.-Yesterday…

2. Ann is never late for work. – Yesterday …

3. Ann works from 10 to 19. – Yesterday…

4. Ann has a break for lunch at 14. – Yesterday…

5. In the evening Ann usually meets her friends and goes out with them. -…
Exercise 16. Insert one of the following verbs in the past form in each sentence:

be, buy, cost, make, sell, spend, teach

1. Ann … a lot of money yesterday. She … a dress which …$50. 2. I badly needed some money so I … my car. 3. He … me how to drive when I … 18. 4. Last year the company … a big profit.
Exercise 17. Give two passive variants of the following sentences as in the model: This company sold us some new equipment. - 1. We were sold some new equipment by this company. 2. Some new equipment was sold to us by this company.

1. He told us an interesting episode from his life. 2. She gave them the most complete information. 3. He presented our plan to the management. 4. Businesses provided consumers with a wide range of goods and services. 5. We supplied our customers with high quality products.
Exercise 18. Choose the proper form of the verb to complete the sentence.

1. His decision (based/was based) on a carefully calculated plan. 2. We (expected/were expected) a letter from our friend. 3. Our business (managed/was managed) quite successfully. 4. All risks (accepted/were accepted) by our partners. 5. They (made/were made) their products highly competitive. 6. Their products (made/were made) of high quality components. 7. The company (owned/was owned) a few factories in this part of the country. 8. The company (owned/was owned) by a successful entrepreneur. 9. She (accepted/was accepted) the changes in our plan. 10. The process (controlled/was controlled) at each step.
Exercise 19. Add question-tags to the following statements:

1.They have partners in all European countries, …? 2. You are here for the first time, …? 3. He didn’t earn much for this project, …? 4. Their tools were the best in the world market, …? 5. Private ownership is a cornerstone of a market economy,…? 6. They were elected to the Parliament, …? 7. These products are not imported from Europe,…?

Discussion of the text.

Characterize the three main types of economic system.


Assignment 1. Write the following words in normal English script. The first is done for you. Which of them are defined below? Write a corresponding word after the definition.

1.[΄biznis] –

2.[ri΄so:siz] –

3.[sə΄plai] –

4.[΄skeəs] –

5.[ri΄wo:d] –

6.[ǽlə΄kei∫(ə)n] –

7.[ik΄wipmənt] –

8.[ontrəprə΄nə:] –

9.[΄intrist] –

10.[΄kriei∫n] –

1) compensation which is offered, given or accepted in return for work or service –

2) a person who organizes and manages a commercial project –

3) wealth, supplies of goods, raw materials, etc which a person, country, etc has or can use –

4) money paid for the use of someone else’s money –
Assignment 2. Look at the table comparing three satellite TV channels. Complete the sentences about them using adjectives in brackets in the correct form and writing the corresponding numerals in words.

Anchor TV

Bland TV

Colt TV

Number of viewers per day

4 mln

2 mln

3 mln

Yearly profit

$ 52 mln

$54 mln

$58 mln

Hours of sport per week




Growth of viewers in last year




Number of employees




Quality of programmes




1. Anchor TV has … number of viewers per day (high). …people watch Anchor TV every day.

2. Colt TV is … than Anchor TV (profitable). It earned … dollars last year.

3. Bland TV is … channel for sports fans (suitable). It shows … hours of sport every week.

4. The number of Colt TV viewers grew … than those of Anchor TV(fast). The number of Colt TV viewers has grown by …

5.Anchor TV has … number of employees(large). …people work for Anchor TV.

6. According to critics, Bland TV shows … programmes (good).
Assignment 3. Supply the correct form of the verb in brackets. Answer the questions following the text in written form.

My friend … (to be) Nicolas Donetti and he… (to be) a manager. He… (to work) for a big firm in Rome, Italy. The firm… (to have) a lot of branches all over the world and Nicolas… (to deal) with the partners in other countries. He… (to need) to discuss many problems with them, so he… (to try) to improve his English and… (to attend) English classes twice a week after work. It… (not to be) easy to find time for English studies but he… (to work) hard to be among the best students in his group.

His job… (to be) very interesting. He generally… (to start) at eight o’clock and often… (not to finish) until six at night. The journey to and from work… (to take) about 45 minutes each way and when he… (to come) home he (to need) some time to relax. He usually… (to have) a nice meal with his family which… (to take) him about an hour. Then he …(to spend) nearly an hour on his English. If there… (not to be) any English class that day he… (to have) free time which he… (to devote) to reading, watching TV or going out with his friends. Nicolas… (to try) to get eight hours’ sleep to be in good form for the next day. It only… (to take) Nicolas half an hour to get ready in the mornings as he… (not to bother) with breakfast.

1. What time does Nicolas get up?

2. What time does Nicolas go to sleep?

3. Why does Nicolas study English?
Assignment 4. Write the verbs in brackets in the past form and learn how Mike Brandt memorized new English words. Answer the questions following the text applying the Passive Voice.

I…( to write) the words and expressions I …(to want) to learn on individual cards and …(to keep) them in a box file. In the section at the front I … (to keep) the new words that I … ( to hope) to memorize. I … (to spend) a couple of minutes every day looking through them. In the middle section of the box …(to be) the words that I half …( to learn). I…(to try) to look at them every week. Then at the back of the box…(to be) the words I…(to think) I…(to know) quite well. I…( not to look) at them very often.

1. What were the words and expressions written on? 2. Where were the cards kept? 3. What words were kept in the front/ in the middle/ in the back section of the box file? 4. How much time was spent every day on learning the new words? 5. How often were the words in the middle/back section looked through?
Assignment 5. Read and translate the following text.

Our Institute

I am a first year student of Chernivtsy Institute of Trade and Economics . It is one of the affiliations of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics. The university is one of the leading higher educational establishments in Ukraine. A lot of highly-qualified specialists train students for the non-production sphere, that is trade, business (home and international), financial institutions and banks, state administration and authorities, public catering, hotel and tourist complexes, the Customs,etc

Chernivtsy Institute has three faculties (schools): the Economics and Management faculty, the Accounting and Finance faculty, the Entrepreneurship faculty. There is also the faculty of Postgraduate Studies where one can receive a second higher education. Students can study either at the day department as full-time students or at the correspondence department which provides classes for part-time students. The term of studies lasts from 4 to 5 years depending on the subject you major in.

To become a student you must pass entrance examinations or preliminary interview. The tuition at our institute is generally free of charge, but those who study on a contract basis pay for their tuition.

Our institute grants Bachelor, Specialist or Master degree in such fields as international economics, economic cybernetics, marketing, economy of enterprise, accounting and auditing, finance and credit, hotel and tourism management, management of organizations.

Our institute occupies three buildings in the centre of the city. Students have all necessary facilities to study: modern classrooms, laboratories equipped with personal computers. The institute library is well-stocked with text-books, reference literature and periodicals. There is also a reading hall where students can read for their classes. Those who go in for sports can do so in our gymnasium under the guidance of professional coaches. Our students have all opportunities to master foreign languages, carry out research projects and take part in different conferences held at the institute each year. Students that come to our institute from other places have at their disposal a cozy dormitory, where accommodation facilities are provided at reasonable prices.

The teaching staff of the institute do their best to give the students a sound economic education and prepare highly-qualified specialists for the national economy of our country.
Assignment 6. Make a written translation of paragraphs 2, 3 and 4.
Assignment 7. Answer the following questions in written form:

1. What sphere are the students of Chernivtsy Institute of Trade and Economics trained for?

2. How one can become a student of the institute?

3. Do all the students pay for their tuition?

4. What facilities does the institute provide the students with?
Assignment 8. Translate into English.

1. Я – студент Чернівецького торговельно-економічного інституту.

2.Я вчусь на першому курсі денного відділу факультету економіки та менеджменту.

3. Наші заняття проводяться в зручних аудиторіях, обладнаних персональними комп’ютерами.

4. Студенти мають всі можливості одержати грунтовну економічну освіту.

5. Після п’яти років навчання я сподіваюсь отримати диплом спеціаліста з обраної спеціальності.
Assignment 9. Get ready to speak about Chernivtsy Institute of Trade and Economics.



Exercise 1. Read and learn the following words and phrases.

exchange – обмін;

related (to) – пов’язаний з; такий, що відноситься до;

to change smth into smth – перетворювати щось на щось;

tangibleвидимий, матеріальний; opp. intangible;

insurance – страхування;

health protection – охорона здоров’я;

distributionрозповсюдження, збут; channels of distribution

система збуту; канали розповсюдження;

directlyпрямо, безпосередньо; opp. indirectlyопосередковано;

aid – допомога;

intermediary – посередник;

sale – продаж;

revenues – надходження;

expenses – витрати;

surplus – надлишок;

goal – мета;

responsibility – відповідальність; to bear responsibility – нести


profit-seeking activityдіяльність, що спрямована на отримання


means – засоби;

to improve – покращувати, вдосконалювати
Exercise 2. Read and translate the following text.

What is business?

Business is a word that is commonly used in many different languages. But exactly what does it mean? Traditionally business simply meant exchange or trade for things people wanted or needed. Today this broad term can be applied to different kinds of human activity and many kinds of enterprise.

All activities traditionally related to business can be grouped under three headings: production, distribution and sales. The first group of activities, production, concerns the changing of materials into products or the creation of services. Some businesses produce what is called tangible goods, such as cars, clothes, foodstuffs. Others produce intangible goods or services, which are activities that people perform for other people. Such activities as insurance, banking operations or health protection are referred to as services.

The second group of activities is known as distribution. Distribution is the process of getting goods from the producer to the consumer in the quickest and most efficient way. Distribution is performed through distribution channels that link the producer and the consumer directly or indirectly with the aid of intermediaries.

Third is the sale of goods and services. Sale is the exchange of a good or service for money. Money that a company receives from the sale of its products is called revenues. If the company is a success its revenues not only cover its expenses, that are the money spent on the production of the output, but also contain some surplus. This surplus is commonly defined as profit or the difference between the company’s revenues and expenses. Thus, creating an economic surplus or profit is the primary goal of any business activity.

Just as important as profits are social and ethical responsibilities that companies bear in their dealing with employees, consumers, suppliers, competitors, government and the society. Business, then, can be broadly defined as all profit-seeking activities and enterprises that provide the means through which the society’s standard of living improves.

Exercise 3. Answer the following questions.

1. What was the traditional meaning of the word ‘business’?

2. What activities are traditionally related to business?

3. What goods are called tangible/intangible? Give some examples.

4. How is distribution performed?

5. What do we call ‘revenues’?

6. Are revenues the same as profit? What distinguishes them?

7. What responsibilities do businesses bear dealing with the society?

8. What is the role of business in the society?
Exercise 4. Translate into English.

Точно; створення послуг; харчові продукти; діяльність, яку люди виконують для інших людей; найшвидший та найефективніший спосіб; пов’язувати виробника та споживача безпосередньо або опосередковано; якщо компанія успішна; містити деякий надлишок; соціальна та етична відповідальність.
Exercise 5. Translate into Ukrainian.

Broad term; tangible/intangible goods; the process of getting goods or services from the producer to the consumer; through distribution channels; with the aid of intermediaries; the exchange of smth for smth; to cover the expenses; primary goal; to bear responsibility; to provide the means.
Exercise 6. Match and learn the synonyms.

A: aid, intermediary, revenue, responsibility, expense, surplus, goal;

B: income, profit, expenditure, aim, help, middleman, duty.

Exercise 7. Match and learn the opposites.

A: direct, tangible, producer, profit, output, revenues, employer;

B: input, loss, consumer, employee, intangible, expenses, indirect.
Exercise 8. Complete the sentences with proper words from ex.7.

1. If a business is successful it earns p… 2. Trade union’s responsibility is to settle the disputes arising between the e… and the e… 3. Profit is the difference between r… and e… 4. T… goods are products that we can see, touch or taste. 5. We improved the technological process to increase the o… 6. Usually p… and c… are linked by i… distribution channels that include intermediaries.
Exercise 9. Add question-tags to the following statements.

1. Last year the company earned good profits, …? 2. Many firms provide after-sale services, …? 3. You are here for the first time, …? 4. He didn’t earn much for this project, …? 5. They have partners in nearly all European countries, …? 6. He will perform this task himself,…? 8. Their tools were the best in the world,…?
Exercise 10. On the basis of the text define the following notions:

Business, distribution, expenses, production, profit, sale, services, revenues.

Grammar point:

The Future Indefinite Tense: Active and Passive forms (p.136)

The use of tenses in Subordinate Clauses of Time and Condition

Exercise 11. Make the following sentences interrogative and negative.

1. A network of supermarkets will be established in this region. 2. He will give his answer tomorrow. 3. These products will be sold everywhere. 4. We shall accomplish our plan in two years. 5. Services will be provided to all customers in this district.
Exercise 12. Use the verb in brackets in the correct form of the Future Indefinite tense.

1. They (to go) on business trip to Kyiv in 2 days. 2. The contract (to be signed) tomorrow. 3. The students (to take part) in the conference next month. 4. The conference (to be held) in February. 5. When he (to return) from Lviv? 6. A new equipment (to be installed) next quarter. 7. They (to improve) the distribution process by employing a new agent. 8. We hope the company (to be) profitable. 9. They (to bear) all responsibility for this project. 10. His new job (to be related) to health protection.
Exercise 13. Make the following sentences passive omitting the doer of the action.

1. They will distribute our products through their service stations. 2. We shall provide our partners with some assistance (2 variants). 3. The firm will deliver office furniture in two weeks. 4. He will serve this customer immediately. 5. They will sell this programme to millions of consumers. 6. We shall buy new computers for our head office. 7. He will calculate his revenues and expenses at the end of the year.
Exercise 14. Make up all possible sentences using the table below.

Principle clause

Conjunction /сполучник/

Subordinate clause of time or condition

I’ll ring you up

if /якщо/

I learn something new

He’ll tell you everything


/при умові/

you keep it secret

She’ll make her decision

as soon as

/як тільки/

the situation clears up

He’ll help us

unless/якщо не/

he is busy

The customer will wait


/доти, поки/

the manager comes

The director will see us


/після того, як/

she finishes her interview

We’ll call the taxi

when /коли/

everything is ready

They’ll finish their work


/до того, як/

she returns from her business trip

Exercise 15. Rewrite the following sentences according to the model. Remember, that after unlessthe verb is used in the affirmative form.

Model: He will not call if he does not need your help.-

He will not call unless he needs your help.

1. You won’t speak English well if you don’t practice it every day. 2. They won’t earn any profit if they don’t modernize their factory. 3.We shan’t order these goods if they don’t make the price more attractive. 4. This product won’t be introduced if the customers don’t need it. 5. His project won’t be discussed if he doesn’t assume all responsibility for it.
Exercise 16. Use the verb in brackets in the proper tense form. Remember, that objective clauses answer the question what? while adverbial clauses of time and condition answer the questions when? on what condition? All actions refer to the future.

1. He‘ll call you back when he (to return). 2. Tell me when she (to come) to visit you. 3. I want to know if she (to agree) to our plan. 4. They’ll deliver the goods if we (to sign) the contract. 5. I wonder if they (to deliver) goods themselves? 6. Does anybody know when the manager (to be) back? 7. They won’t provide the equipment if we (not to pay) them in advance. 8. They don’t know if they (to supply) their products next year.
Exercise 17. Use the verb in brackets in the correct tense form (all actions refer to the future).

1. If they (to order) these goods we (to deliver) them in time. 2. They (to accept) our proposal if we (to make) the price less expensive. 3. He (to visit) our firm if he (to have) enough time. 4. I (to perform) this calculation if she (to help) me. 5. You (to make) less mistakes provided you (to be) more attentive. 6. He (to wait) until the meeting (to be finished). 7. They (to give) their final answer as soon as they (to receive) our letter.
Exercise 18. Translate into English.

1. Мета нашої організації буде досягнута, якщо ми працюватимемо більш ефективно. 2. Товари будуть доставлені якнайшвидше. 3. Наші товари стануть дешевшими при умові, що ми зменшимо витрати. 4. Ми відвідаємо ваш завод, як тільки ви розпочнете виробництво цих товарів. 5. Якщо ми не модернізуємо виробництво, ми зазнаємо великих втрат в найближчому майбутньому.
Discussion of the text.

1. Speak about business and its main goal.

2. Dwell on the activities related to business.


Exercise 1. Read and learn the following words and word combinations.

ownership = proprietorship-власність; owner/proprietor – власник;

private ownership-приватна власність;

public ownership- суспільна/державна власність;

sole proprietorship- одноосібна власність;

to account for – охоплювати, пояснювати;

receipts – надходження; business receipts –надходження від бізнесу;

1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11

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