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Навчальнометодичний посібник розглянуто та схвалено на засіданні кафедри іноземних мов 25 травня 2006 р., протокол 9

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Міністерство освіти і науки України

Чернівецький торговельно-економічний інститут

Київський національний торговельно-економічний університет

(Англійська мова для економістів)

Чернівці 2006
Укладач : Бурбак О.Ф., канд.. філол.. наук, доцент

Навчально-методичний посібник розглянуто та схвалено на засіданні кафедри іноземних мов 25 травня 2006 р., протокол № 9

Навчально-методичний посібник розглянуто та схвалено на засіданні Методичної ради ЧТЕІ КНТЕУ 21 червня 2006 р., протокол № 5

Рецензенти: Романова Т.О., кандидат філологічних наук, доцент

Куконіна Н.А., кандидат філологічних наук, доцент

Навчально-методичний посібник “Essential English for Economists” (Англійська мова для економістів)


Навчальний посібник Essential English for Economists призначається студентам економічних спеціальностей вищих навчальних закладів і спрямований на ґрунтовне засвоєння англійської мови професійного спрямування у сферах економіки та бізнесу.

Метою посібника є забезпечення цілісного послідовного засвоєння граматики, лексики та термінології, та набуття навичок та вмінь роботи з фаховою літературою.

Посібник містить 4 модулі, що тематично об’єднують 11 уроків, та довідник з граматики.

Навчальний матеріал розташований за принципом від простого до складного в послідовності, що забезпечує активне засвоєння лексики та формування тематичного фахового словника.

Матеріал уроків пов’язаний за тематикою і охоплює такі теми як „Що таке економіка”, „Основні поняття економіки”, „Типи економічних систем”, „Що таке бізнес”, „Форми організації бізнесу”, „Організаційна структура підприємства”, „Фінансування бізнесу”, „Бухгалтерський облік”, „Аудит”, „Міжнародний бізнес”, „Міжнародна торгівля”. Після опрацювання кожного модуля пропонується модуль-контроль у вигляді завдань для самостійної роботи, які вміщують лексичні та граматичні вправи, пов’язані з опрацьованим матеріалом, та додаткові тексти, присвячені економічній системі України, Великої Британії та США, з відповідними лексичними завданнями.

Граматичний довідник подано у вигляді таблиць з коментарями, в яких в доступній та наглядній формі викладено основні розділи граматики, що охоплюються в підручнику.



Exercise 1. Read and learn the following words and word combinations:

economy – економіка, система господарювання; economic


economics – економіка (наука, навчальна дисципліна);

microeconomics –мікроекономіка, macroeconomics


resource – ресурс; human and material resources – людські та

матеріальні ресурси;

to manage – керувати, управляти;

household – домашнє господарство; сім’я;

to deal (with) – мати справу (з чимось), стосуватись;

rational use – раціональне використання;

scarcity – нестача, брак (чогось); scarce – недостатній, обмежений;

activity – діяльність; human activities – види людської діяльності;

to analyze – аналізувати;

to satisfy – задовольняти;

heading – заголовок, рубрика;

to produce – виробляти; producer – виробник; production


to consume – споживати; consumer – споживач; consumption


exchange – обмін; to exchange – обмінювати;

goods – товари, вироби; (A.E. a good – goods);

service – послуга; to serve – слугувати, обслуговувати;

supply – пропозиція; постачання; to supply – постачати;

demand – попит;

to refer (to) – посилатися (на); стосуватись;

income – прибуток, доход;

input – затрати;

output – продукція;

economic growth – економічне зростання;

unemployment – безробіття;

inflation - інфляція
Exercise 2. Read and translate the following text.

What is economics?

The word economics comes from the Greek word oikonomos which means ‘to manage resources of a household’. As the resources are often limited economics deals with their rational use. All economic questions arise from the fundamental fact of scarcity. Nature does not provide all the things people want. Since human and material resources are scarce, everybody – individuals, business firms, and governments – needs to make choices from among the things needed or wanted. Economics is the social science that describes and analyses choices from among scarce resources to satisfy people’s wants and needs.

Economics studies human activities which can be grouped under three broad headings: production, consumption and exchange. Production creates supply, that is, the ability of producers to provide goods and services to individuals at various prices. Consumption characterizes demand, that is, the desire of individuals to consume goods and services at various prices. The interrelationships between supply and demand are often referred to as exchange.

There are two ways of looking at economics and the economy: microeconomics and macroeconomics. Microeconomics is the study of individual consumers and the business firm. Microeconomics deals with the decisions made by individuals in determining how to get income and how to spend it. With regard to business firms microeconomics determines, first, how to use inputs in the production of output, and, second, how much output to produce. Macroeconomics is the study of the economy as a whole. It deals with the problems of economic growth, unemployment and inflation. Each of these factors is an indicator of the overall state of the economy.
Exercise 3. Answer the following questions:

1. What language does the word economics come from?

2. Why does everybody need to make choices?

3. What does economics describe and analyze?

4. What human activities does economics study?

5. What is the connection between production and supply?

6. How are consumption and demand interrelated?

7. How can you define exchange?

8. What is microeconomics?

9. What is macroeconomics?

10. What economic problems does macroeconomics deal with?
Exercise 4. Translate into English.

Суспільна наука; постачати товари та послуги; виникають питання; окремі особи; оскільки ресурси часто є обмеженими; що стосується/стосовно; взаємозв’язок між попитом і пропозицією; як отримати прибуток; як витрачати прибуток; вивчення економіки в цілому; кожен з цих факторів; показник.
Exercise 5. Translate into Ukrainian.

Fundamental fact of scarcity; since; to make choices from; people’s wants and needs; which can be grouped under three broad headings; ability; at various prices; individual consumers; two way of looking at economics and the economy; how much output to produce; overall state of the economy.
Exercise 6. Match and learn the synonyms.

A: scarce, various, income, heading, want, provide, broad, deal with, consume;

B: supply, concern, wide, different, limited, title, use, earnings, desire.
Exercise 7. Match and learn the opposites.

A: scarce, broad, employment, input, income, ability;

B: spending, narrow, plentiful, disability, output, unemployment.
Exercise 8. Choose the proper word to complete the sentence.

1. Economics deals with the (broad/narrow) spectrum of economic problems. 2. Materials that go into the production of goods or services are called (input/output). 3. Nature does not provide people with all they want since the material resources are (plentiful/scarce). 4. Demand characterizes the (ability/ disability) to consume goods and services. 5. When the (income/spending) of a household increases, it can consume more goods and services.
Exercise 9. Read the definitions below, learn the difference in meaning of the following words and translate the sentences.

Economics – science of the production, distribution and using up of goods.

Economy – system of the management and use of economic resources.

Economic – connected with trade, system of production.

Economical – careful in the spending of money, time, etc and in the use of goods.

1. Економіка вивчає економічні проблеми сучасного світу. 2. Ми повинні бути економними у використанні газу, води, електроенергії. 3. Низька інфляція – це показник стабільної економіки.
Exercise 10. Read the verbs and their explanation. Add suffix –er/-or to form a corresponding noun denoting a profession/occupation of a person. Use the model to explain what these people do.

Model: to manage – to control a business. A manager is a person who controls a business.

To produce – to create goods and services.

To provide – to give or supply what is needed or useful.

To consume – to use up (food, energy, materials, etc).

To distribute – to give or send out (goods or services).
Grammar point: The plural of nouns (p.118). Possessive Case (p.119)

Classes of pronouns (p. 120-126)

Degrees of comparison of adjectives (p. 127)
Exercise 11. Supply the corresponding plural form and group the words according to the pronunciation of the ending: [s], [z] or [iz]. Mind special cases!

Ability, business, businessman, businesswoman, choice, individual, good, income, economy, demand, input, supply, price, fact, resource, analysis, family, index, foot, datum.
Exercise 12. Paraphrase the following using the Possessive Case where possible.

Activity of man, production of goods, factor of economy, needs of people, supply of services, ability of producers, demand of consumers, choice of individuals.
Exercise 13. Use the adjective in brackets in the proper degree of comparison to complete the sentence.

1. This is the (good) choice you can make. 2. The (high) the income of a family, the (much) it spends on various goods. 3. To be economical we must use inputs in a (rational) way than before. 4. It is not always true that a (high) price means a (good) product or service. 5. Economic growth, inflation and unemployment are (important) indicators of the state of economy. 6. Energy resources become (expensive) with every year.
Exercise 14. Use the proper form of a pronoun in brackets.

1. (He/him) is our manager. 2. (We/us) always ask (he/him) questions and (he/him) tries to answer (they/them). 3. (I/me) don’t remember (she/her). 4. Where is (your/yours) notebook? 5. Make (your / yours) choice and then I’ll make (my/mine). 6. (This/these) book is more interesting than (that/those) one. 7. All students are here. (You/your) can see (they/them) in the hall. 8. (This/these) are (our/ours) suppliers. 9. (They/them) provide good services to satisfy (their/theirs) customers. 10. There is a great demand for (our/ours) goods in (this/these) regions. 11. Please, show (we/us) the way to the nearest supermarket.
Exercise 15. Insert the proper pronoun.

a) some, any, no, every:

1. … business firm wants to be successful. 2. As there is …sugar in the house we must buy … 3. Do you have … ideas how to deal with this situation?

b) somebody, anybody, nobody, everybody:

1. At elections … must make a choice. 2. … is waiting for you at the office. 3. This question is very difficult. … can answer it. 4. Can we find … to supply these goods?

c) something, anything, nothing, everything:

1. I want to be an expert in economics. That is why I need to know … concerning this subject. 2. Here is your money. You can buy … you want. 3. I am very hungry. Do we have … to eat? 4. There is … for you on your desk. 5. He is so demanding that … can satisfy him.

d) somewhere, anywhere, nowhere, everywhere:

1. Their products are so popular that you can buy them… 2. I think this firm is situated … here. 3. He cannot find his notebook … 4. I feel so tired that I want … to go.
Exercise 16. Fill in the proper self-form.

1. She knows the language so well that she translates everything … 2. I can answer this question … 3. It is such a difficult problem that one cannot solve it … 4. The project … is very prospective. 5. Always make your choice …
Discussion of the text.

1. Speak about economics and the problems it deals with.

2. Speak about economics and its subdivisions.


Exercise 1. Read and learn the following words and word combinations:

notion – поняття;

to allocate – розміщувати, розподіляти; allocation – розміщення;

standard of living – рівень життя;

to include – включати;

factor of production – фактор/чинник виробництва;

to own – володіти; owner – власник;

rent – рента, орендна плата, прибуток з нерухомості;

to pay – платити; payment – оплата;

effort – зусилля; physical and mental efforts –фізичні та розумові


labour (A.E. labor) – праця; трудовий;

wages – заробітна платня; syn. salary;

concept – поняття, концепція;

entrepreneur – підприємець; entrepreneurship – підприємництво;

skill – навички, вміння; managerial or organizational skills

управлінські або організаційні навички;

reward – винагорода;

innovative – новаторський, передовий;

profit – прибуток; to earn/ make profit – заробляти прибуток;

equipment – обладнання; syn. machinery;

interest – відсоток; доходи з капіталу;

thus – отже, таким чином;

to address (a problem) – звертатися (до проблеми).
Exercise 2. Read and translate the following text

Fundamental economic notions

Economics studies how various resources are best allocated to produce the highest standard of living and quality of life. The resources that go into creation of goods and services are called the factors of production. They include natural resources, human resources and capital. Each factor of production has a place in the economic system and each has a particular function.

Our country is rich in natural resources that include land, water, mineral resources and climate. The price paid for the use of land is called rent. Rent becomes income to the owner of the land.

Physical and mental efforts that people put into creation of goods and services are called labour or human resources. The price paid for the use of labour is called wages or salary. Closely associated with labour is the concept of entrepreneurship, meaning the managerial or organizational skills used by firms to produce goods and services. The reward to entrepreneurs for the risks, innovative ideas and efforts that they have put into the business are profits. Profit is whatever remains after the owners of land, labour and capital received their payments.

Capital is something created by people to produce goods and services. A factory, tools and equipment are capital resources. The term ‘capital’ is often used by business people to refer to money they can use to buy factories, machinery and other productive resources. Payment for the use of someone else’s money or capital is called interest.

Human wants are unlimited while resources needed to satisfy these wants are scarce or limited. Thus every society has to address the main economic problems: What goods and services to produce? How to produce them? Whom to produce them for? The way in which a society deals with these problems is known as its economic system.
Exercise 3. Answer the following questions:

1. What does economics study?

2. With what aim are resources best allocated?

3. What do we call factors of production?

4. What do we include into natural resources?

5. What is rent?

6. What do we call labour / human resources?

7. What is the meaning of the concept of entrepreneurship?

8. What are profits?

9. In what meaning do businessmen use the term ‘capital’?

10. What is interest ?

11. What economic problems does every society have to address?
Exercise 4. Translate into English.

Найвищий рівень життя; ресурси, що йдуть на створення товарів та послуг; кожен має певну функцію; тісно пов’язаний (з чимось); ризик; термін; в той час як; кожне суспільство; звертатися до проблеми.
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