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Навчальнометодичний посібник розглянуто та схвалено на засіданні кафедри іноземних мов 25 травня 2006 р., протокол 9

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НазваниеНавчальнометодичний посібник розглянуто та схвалено на засіданні кафедри іноземних мов 25 травня 2006 р., протокол 9
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partner- партнер;

limited partner-партнер з обмеженою юридичною відповідальністю

unlimited partner- партнер з необмеженою відповідальністю;

general partner –загальний партнер;

silent partner- партнер без права голосу;

secret partner- таємний партнер;

partnership –партнерство;

liability- відповідальність, обов’язок;

limited/unlimited liability- обмежена/ необмежена відповідальність;

authority- права, повноваження, влада;


diversified – різноманітний, багатогалузевий, розгалужений;

benefit привілеї, зиск, вигода; syn. advantage,

tax benefits- податкові привілеї;

terminating business – завершення або обмеження бізнесу;

to incorporate- 1)об’єднуватись, приєднувати; 2)реєструвати;

corporate - об’єднаний, корпоративний, спільний;

corporation- об’єднання, корпорація; акціонерне товариство;

share – частка;

share certificate= stock certificate –акція;

shareholder= stock-holder –акціонер;

to issue shares/stock- випускати акції;

ability – здатність, спроможність;


to investінвестувати;

researchнаукове дослідження;

accounting records – бухгалтерські записи;

double taxation – подвійне оподаткування.
Exercise 2. Read and translate the following text.

Forms of Business Organization

A business may be privately owned in three different forms. These forms are: the sole proprietorship, the partnership and the corporation.

The sole proprietorship is the simplest organizational form. There is one owner who makes decisions without consulting anyone. Most private businesses are sole proprietorships. First of all, they are service industries, such as beauty shops, different repair shops, restaurants. But they account for only small part of all business receipts.

A partnership is an association of two or more partners to carry on business for profit. When the owners of the partnership have unlimited liability they are called general partners. If partners have limited liability they are limited partners. There may be a silent partner – a person who is known to the public as a member of the firm but without authority in the management, and a secret partner – a person who takes part in management but who is not known to the public. The advantages of this form are obvious: it can provide a big capital, diversified management, tax benefits from the government. Partnerships have certain disadvantages, too. One is unlimited liability. Other disadvantages are division of profits, disagreements between the partners and difficulty on terminating the business.

A business corporation is an institution established for the purpose of making profit. It is operated by individuals. Their shares of ownership are represented by stock certificates. A person who owns a stock certificate is called a stock-holder. The advantages of this form are the following: 1) the ability to attract financial capital; 2) the possibility to invest the capital in plants, equipment and research, 3) the possibility to offer higher salaries and attract talented managers and specialists.

It is obvious that there are some disadvantages to incorporating. Here are a few of them: 1) initial cost and paperwork as incorporating involves expensive lawyers and detailed accounting records; 2) double taxation as incorporate income is taxed twice, first as corporation’s income and then as shareholders’ income; 3) size as large corporations sometimes cannot respond quickly to market changes.

Except privately owned business corporations there are some other types too. Educational, religious, charitable institutions are also incorporated. There may be governmental corporations. Such corporations do not issue stock and are nonprofit.
Exercise 3. Answer the following questions:

1. What forms of ownership do you know?

2. Why is the sole proprietorship the simplest organization form?

3. What are partnerships organized for?

4. What kinds of partners do you know? State the difference between them.

5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a partnership?

6. What institution is a business corporation?

7. What are the advantages of a corporation?

8. Can you name any disadvantages of a corporation?

9. What corporations do not issue stock?
Exercise 4. Translate into English.

Найпростіша організаційна форма; не радячись ні з ким; перш за все; ремонтна майстерня; об’єднання; людина, що відома громадськості; розгалужене керівництво; втрачати зацікавленість; заклад, утворений з метою; окрема особа; здатність залучати капітали/ спеціалістів; наукове дослідження; благодійний заклад; безприбутковий.
Exercise 5. Translate into Ukrainian.

Sole proprietorship; to make decision; beauty shop; business receipt; to carry on business; the advantages are obvious; unfortunately; to disagree with each other; a share of ownership; to be represented by a stock certificate; to invest the capital; to offer a higher salary; except; to be nonprofit.
Exercise 6. Match and learn the synonyms.

A: owner, benefit, shareholder, person, receipt, obvious;

B: advantage, income, clear, proprietor, stock-holder, individual.
Exercise 7. Match and learn the opposites.

A: advantage, agree, obvious, private, limited, profit;

B: unlimited, nonprofit, secret, disagree, disadvantage, public.
Exercise 8. Complete the sentences with the proper words from the list below:

fail; proprietor; tax benefit; advantages; limited; general

1. If you establish a partnership you can get … from the government.

2. The possibility to attract big capital is one of the … of a corporation.

3. A sole … can make decisions himself. 4. … partners have unlimited liability for their business. 5. Your business may … if you lose interest in it. 6. The letters Ltd stand for … partnership.
Exercise 9. On the basis of the text define the following terms:

general partner; limited partner; secret partner; silent partner.
Exercise 10. Group the terms given in ex.9 a) on the basis of liability and explain the difference; b) on the basis of authority and explain the difference.
Exercise 11. Characterize the advantages and the disadvantages of each form of ownership.



Sole proprietorship



Exercise 12. Translate into English.

1. Одноосібний власник несе необмежену відповідальність за свій бізнес. 2. Цей ресторан дає велику частку прибутків нашої фірми.

3. У Великій Британії партнерством називають об’єднання від 2 до 20 осіб. 4. Наш таємний партнер може забезпечити фінансовий капітал. 5. Які ваші повноваження у керівництві фірми? 6. Компанія має можливість інвестувати капітал в нове обладнання. 7. В чому перевага партнерства з обмеженою відповідальністю? 8. Корпорації закладів освіти є неприбутковими.
Grammar point:* Passive constructions with modal verbs.

The Present Continuous Tense: Active and Passive forms (p.137-138)

*The structure to be going (to do something).

Exercise 13. Give corresponding passive infinitives as in the model: to invest – to be invested

to attract, to call, to carry, to establish, to incorporate, to know, to lose, to offer, to own, to provide, to represent, to take, to sell.
* In a passive construction after a modal verb we use a passive infinitive (without to)

e.g. We can make a decision.- A decision can be made (by us).

Mind the translation: A decision can be made. - Рішення можна прийняти. A decision must be made. - Рішення треба/потрібно прийняти.

Exercise 14. Make the following sentences passive and translate them.

1. We can call him a silent partner. 2. Stock certificates must represent his share of business. 3. They must attract talented specialists. 4. We must provide additional capital. 5. She can offer this beauty shop for sale. 6. Public must know the owners of this company. 7. To win the market we must establish the corporation. 8. For better control they must diversify management. 9. To attract more capital the corporation can issue stock. 10. This talented manager can direct our company.
Exercise 15. Translate into English.

1. Незабаром можна утворити партнерство. 2. Без прибутку можна втратити зацікавленість у бізнесі. 3. Потрібно запропонувати вищу зарплату. 4. Ці акції можна купити і продати на фондовій біржі. 5. Потрібно залучити найкращих спеціалістів.
Exercise 16. Read the following sentences and compare the use of tenses. Pay attention to adverbial modifiers of time.

1. They always discuss their plans with the partners. – They are discussing their plans with the partners at the moment. 2. Students generally take 3 to 5 courses a year. – This year we are taking 5 courses. 3. They often deal with local customers. – This time they are dealing with Bukovel Co. 4. We usually do research at our practical lessons. – We are doing research on inflation indicators this semester. 5. Our shareholders have meetings once a year. – Our shareholders are having a meeting right now. 6. He never consults anybody about his business. – He is busy now. He is consulting with his lawyer.
Exercise 17. Make the following sentences passive.

1. The secretary is typing a letter to our stockholders. 2. He is signing the document. 3. We are copying the task. 4. They are writing a test paper. 5. We are installing computers in our office. 6. I am analyzing your report. 7. She is defining the problem. 8. They are working out a new plan. 9. The owner is making the order on the phone. 10. The shareholders are discussing the annual report. 11. They are distributing the report among the shareholders.

Exercise 18. Use the verb in brackets in the correct tense form: Indefinite or Continuous.

1. Don’t enter the room. The manager (to hold) a meeting with the staff. 2. What she (to be busy) with at the moment? – She (to call) our customers in Rivne. 3. Can you hear that noise in the next room? – They (to discuss) our tomorrow’s presentation. 4. Why is there so much light? – We (to prepare) for the student party. Our group (to decorate) the walls, while others (to arrange) the scene for the concert. 5. Listen. He (to sing) a very popular song. The song (to sing) in Italian. It (to sound) beautifully. 6. The book (to read) aloud so that everybody (to hear) it. 7. Where Peter (to be)? – He (to work) at the library at the moment. He (to write) a report on multinational corporations for tomorrow’s seminar. 8. Look at Jane and John. They (to dance) so perfectly that I (to think) that the prize (to be) theirs. 9. Who (to stand) in the doorway? – This (to be) Kate. She (to look) for somebody. 10. Why Peter (to be) absent? He (to take) his exam in math this morning. 11. What you (to do) tonight? – I (to be) too tired to go anywhere. 12 What time you (to leave) tomorrow? – The train (to start) at 7, so we (to leave) around 6.30.
* Sometimes we are talking about the present and the future together – present-future. This happens when a) we are making plans or are talking about things already arranged or b) there is something in the present situation that makes us sure what will happen in the future. In such cases we use the structure to be going (to do something). Study the following examples.

a) There is an interesting film on TV tonight. I am going to watch it. - Я збираюсь подивитись його /план на майбутнє/.

b) Look at those clouds – it is going to rain. – Напевно, піде дощ /впевненість, що дія відбудеться/.

Exercise 19. Use the verb in brackets in the correct form and translate the sentences.

1. He (to be) going to sign the contract tomorrow. 2. We (to be) going to meet on Tuesday. 3. She (to be) going to send this information directly to the manager. 4. If Tom doesn’t study hard he (to be) going to fail at the examinations. 5. If you don’t hurry you (to be) going to miss the meeting. 6. These goods are not very popular. We (to be) going to make losses on them. 7. As the problem is very urgent they (to be) going to discuss it with the manager. 8. To save his business he (to be) going to incorporate with this company. 9. It is very difficult to manage such business solely so she (to be) going to form a partnership. 10. Last year the company’s profit was not big and I (not to be) going to receive high dividends on my shares.

Exercise 20. Translate into English.

1. Він збирається розпочати нову справу. 2. Я збираюсь виступити на зборах акціонерів. 3. Вона отримала найвищу оцінку. Здається, вона буде найкращою в групі. 4. Майк втратив інтерес до свого бізнесу і певно він розвалиться. 5. Чи збираєтесь ви інвестувати гроші в цей бізнес? 6. Він, здається, збирається залучити цих спеціалістів до нового проекту.

Discussion of the text.

1. Speak about the main forms of business organization.

2. Characterize each form, its essence, its advantages and disadvantages.


Exercise 1. Read and learn the following words and word combinations.

organization structure – організаційна структура;

line organization structureорганізаційна структура з лінійним


line and staff organization structureорганізаційна структура з

основним та допоміжним персоналом;

matrix organization structureматрична організаційна структура;

position – посада; to hold a position – обіймати посаду;


authorityправа, повноваження;

communication – зв’язок, спілкування;

supervisor – керівник;

inflexibility – негнучкість;

chain of commandланцюг розпоряджень; система менеджменту,

за якою права та обов’язки делегуються від вищих до нижчих

ланок керівництва;

to adviseрадити, давати поради; adviceпорада;

staffкадри, працівники, персонал, штат, співробітники;

personnelштат, персонал;

line personnel - основний персонал;

staff personnelдопоміжний персонал;

line and staff relations - зв’язки між основним та допоміжним


legal advisingюридичні поради/консультаціі;

advisory functionдорадча функція;

to hireнаймати на роботу;

to arrange for – домовлятися (щодо); влаштовувати;

to handleкерувати, регулювати, контролювати;

to respondвідгукуватись, реагувати;

high-tech industry - галузь високих технологій;

to dominateдомінувати, переважати, впливати;

to focus onзосереджуватись на;

interdepartmentalміжвідомчий, між окремими підрозділами;

teamworkпраця командою;

to causeвикликати, спричиняти;

appearance – поява, виникнення.
Exercise 2. Read and translate the following text.

Business organization structure

In business organization structure means the relationship between positions and people who hold the positions. It provides an efficient work system as well as a system of communication. The three forms of the organization structure are 1) line organization structure, 2) line-and-staff organization structure, 3) matrix organization structure.

A line organization structure is the one in which there is a direct two-way line of responsibility, authority and communication running from the top to the bottom of the organization. The main idea of such organization structure is to provide direct vertical relationship between the position and tasks of each level, and the positions and tasks above and below each level. A line structure clearly defines responsibilities and authority at each level; it is easy to understand as it provides one supervisor for each person. However, a line organization structure may have some disadvantages like certain inflexibility, too long chain of command and communication, few specialists or experts to advise people along the line.

To minimize the disadvantages of simple line organization structure most businesses today have both line and staff personnel and apply a line-and-staff organization structure. Line personnel perform functions that directly fulfill the main goals of the organization, which are making the product, distributing it, and selling it. Staff personnel perform functions that advise and assist line personnel in performing their tasks. Staff employees conduct marketing research, provide legal advising, hire personnel, and arrange for credit or advertising. Staff people usually serve advisory function, they usually cannot tell line managers or their workers what to do. Different organizations handle line-staff relations in different ways, designing systems that enable line and staff managers to co-operate and respond more quickly to market changes.

Today’s economy is dominated by new kinds of organizations in high-tech industries such as biotechnology, robotics and aerospace. Such businesses focus on developing new products, creativity, special projects, rapid communication and interdepartmental teamwork. All these factors caused the appearance of a new type of organization structure- a matrix organization structure. A matrix structure is the one in which specialists from different parts of the organization are brought together to work on specific projects but still remain part of the line-and-staff structure. In other words, a project manager can borrow people from different departments to help to design and market new product ideas. This organization structure is now widely used in high-tech industries as well as in banking, management consulting firms, accounting firms, advertising agencies.
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