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Навчальнометодичний посібник розглянуто та схвалено на засіданні кафедри іноземних мов 25 травня 2006 р., протокол 9

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НазваниеНавчальнометодичний посібник розглянуто та схвалено на засіданні кафедри іноземних мов 25 травня 2006 р., протокол 9
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Exercise 3. Answer the following questions.

1. What does organization structure mean in business?

2. What does organization structure provide?

3. What forms of organization structure do you know?

4. Can you explain the main idea of a line organization structure?

5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a line organization structure?

6. What are the functions of line/staff personnel in a line-and staff organization structure?

7. How do different organizations handle line-staff relations?

8. What organization structure is typical for high-tech industries?

9. Why was a matrix organization structure designed?

10. What is the main idea of a matrix organization structure?

11. In what businesses is a matrix organization structure applied?
Exercise 4. Translate into English.

Забезпечувати ефективну систему зв’язку; посада та завдання кожного рівня організації; двостороння лінія зв’язку; чітко визначені права та обов’язки; певна негнучкість; щоб мінімізувати недоліки; реклама; робота командою із залученням співробітників різних підрозділів; збирати разом; створювати та впроваджувати на ринок.
Exercise 5. Translate into Ukrainian.

An efficient system of work; direct vertical relationship; from the top to the bottom of an organization; however; too long chain of command; to fulfill the main goals; marketing research; legal advising; to serve an advisory function; to handle relations, creativity; to cause the appearance; as well as.
Exercise 6. Match and learn the synonyms.

A: perform, personnel, help, order, responsibility;

B: command, duty, fulfill, staff, assist.
Exercise 7. Match and learn the opposites.

A: above, flexible, specific, rapid, borrow, similar:

B: lend, slow, below, different, inflexible, general.
Exercise 8. The prefix inter- means ‘between, from one to another’. Add the prefix inter- to the following words, explain their meaning and translate them.

National, continental, planetary, dependent, departmental, relation, view.
Exercise 9. Insert words formed in ex.8 to complete the sentences.

1. If the team is created from the staff of different departments it is called … . 2. … trade provides world stability. 3. Many economic problems arise form … between supply and demand. 4. I was asked a lot of questions at the job … . 5. This equipment was designed for … space flights.
Exercise 10.Complete the sentences with the proper words from the list below:

rapid communication, responsibilities and authority, the marketing department, advice and assistance, report, orders

1.Staff people usually give … to line personnel. 2. If you want to distribute this product efficiently you must consult with… . 3. A matrix organization structure provides … between the members of the team. 4. Are your … clearly defined? 5. In a line structure you … to a person above your level and give … to employees below your level.
Exercise 11. Translate into English.

1. Ваш прямий обов’язок – встановити двосторонній зв’язок між керівництвом та всіма відділами. 2. Його доповідь була зосереджена на недоліках нового проекту. 3. Основний персонал фірми створює новий продукт, в той час як допоміжний персонал надає різні послуги. 4. Ця посада має широкі повноваження. 5. Нова система була спланована, щоб швидше реагувати на зміни ринку.
Grammar point: * Infinitive of purpose.

The Past Continuous Tense: Active and Passive forms (p.139)

The Future Continuous Tense (p.140)

* We often use infinitive to talk about the purpose of doing something (why someone is doing something).

E.g. I study English to communicate with people from different countries. – Я вивчаю англійську (для того), щоб спілкуватись з людьми з різних країн.

Exercise 12. Use the prompts in brackets to answer the following questions.

1. Why do most organizations today have both line and staff personnel? (to minimize the disadvantages of simple line organization).

2. Why do organizations employ staff personnel? (to advise and assist line personnel).

3. Why must top managers design efficient systems of line-staff relationships? (to enable line and staff managers to co-operate).

4. Why are interdepartmental teams organized? (to work on specific projects).

5. Why did a project manager borrow people from different departments? (to help design and market a new product).
Exercise 13. Here is a list of things that Mike Bright, a manager of the personnel department, did yesterday and the times when he did them.

9-10 – looked through the application forms and documents;

10-13 – interviewed applicants for a vacant position;

13-14 – had lunch in a nearby restaurant;

14-16 – prepared a report on the results of the interview;

16-18 – presented his report to the head of the personnel department.

Write sentences about what Mike Bright was doing at these times:

At 9.30 Mike was looking through …

At 12 Mike…; at 13.30…; at 15…; at 17.30 …
Exercise 14. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form: past continuous or past indefinite.

1. He (to make) a report when I (to enter) the room. 2. She (to explain) our responsibilities while the secretary (to take) the notes. 3. He (to read) the newspaper when the telephone (to ring). 4. We (to conduct) marketing research while they (to organize) an advertising campaign. 5. They (to discuss) the characteristics of the new model while the engineers (to demonstrate) it. 6. When I (to join) the project she (to work) on the product design.

Exercise 15. Make these sentences passive.

1. They were building a new factory on the outskirts of the city. 2. He was improving the project all day long. 3. The technician was repairing the car while he was waiting. 4. She was designing a new product symbol for nearly a month. 5. The waiter was serving dinner at around 5 o’clock. 6. They were modernizing the plant for nearly a year.
Exercise 16. Make up questions beginning with the words in brackets.

1. All employees were reporting at the meeting. (Who?)

2. He was always borrowing people from our department. (Whom?)

3. The road was being repaired for two weeks. (How long?)

4. All the documents were being checked from 12 to 17. (When?)

5. This system was being used for many years. (What?)

Exercise 17. Write what you will be doing at a given moment in future as in the model. Use the prompts.

Model: This time in August I will be visiting my friends in Odessa.

At 7 o’clock tonight; tomorrow in the morning; this time on Monday; at around 12 o’clock today; this time next month.

To be presenting my report on the business organization structure; to be having my English lesson; to be watching an interesting talk show on TV; to be having my lunch; to be flying home on holidays.
Discussion of the text.

1. Speak about the essence, advantages and disadvantages of a line organization structure.

2. Speak about the role of different types of personnel in a line-and-staff organization structure.

3. Speak about the advantages of a matrix organization structure.


Assignment 1. Use the verbs in brackets in the proper tense form: past indefinite or past continuous.

It (to be) a Sunday afternoon. Mike Nole (to sit) at the table in his study room and (to write) a report. He (to describe) the impressions of the trade exhibition that (to be held) in the City Exhibition Hall. While Mike (to think) over his ideas for the report his wife (to watch) TV. Suddenly she (to cry) out,’ Mike, do come and see it’. Mike (to run) into the living room. The news from the Exhibition Hall (to be shown) at the moment.

The reporter (to talk) about the exhibits and (to interview) the visitors. Mike (to recognize) himself among the visitors. The reporter (to come) up to him and (to ask) him several questions. Mike (to feel) proud – it (to be) the first time he (to appear) on TV.
Assignment 2. Use the verbs in brackets in the proper tense form: present indefinite or present continuous.

An extract from Mike Nole’s interview.

Reporter: What do you think of the exhibition?

Mike Nole: I (to be) here with a very definite purpose – to learn about the new trends in the production of non-alcoholic drinks. You know, I (to work) now for one of the local distributing companies. We (to supply) non-alcoholic drinks to many offices and provision stores in the city. As the market for these products ( to grow) continuously we (to be interested) in establishing contacts with producers who ( to provide) different kinds of drinks. We (to think) of setting up a new distribution chain for juices at the moment and (to plan) to increase the number of suppliers. This exhibition (to give) us the possibility to see what the producers (to offer). That’s why this event (to be) of a particular interest to me.

Reporter: Thank you very much. Enjoy your visit.
Assignment 3. Use the verbs in brackets in the proper tense form.

From Mike Nole’s report at the staff meeting.

…The displays of various companies working in the field of non-alcoholic drinks (to impress) me greatly. The general trend (to be) towards modernization of the production processes. Many companies (to introduce) new technological processes and new lines of products. Very soon the range of their products (to be increased) and we ( to see) a variety of new products in the stores. To my mind, it (to be) the right moment to take advantage of the situation. If we (to establish) new contacts with producers, we (to widen) our assortment and (to provide) our services to a greater number of consumers. If we (to have) more customers, we (to need) more personnel. If we (to employ) more staff, we (to cover) a larger share of the market. Our business (to expand) and we (to earn) more profits. I (to hope) that if these ideas (to be realized) our company (to become) a leader.
Assignment 4. On the basis of assignments 1-3 answer the following questions.

1. Where does Mike Nole work?

2. Does his company produce goods or provide services?

3. With what aim did Mike visit the trade exhibition?

4. What did Mike suggest at the staff meeting after his visit to the exhibition?

5. Will these ideas, if realized, improve the company’s position?
Assignment 5. Emphasize the words underlined.

1. Mike Nole gave an interview at the trade exhibition.

2. On the same day he wrote a report on his visit.

3. The company is planning to set up a new distribution chain.

4. The company is going to hire more staff.
Assignment 6. Read and translate the following text.

National Economy of Ukraine

Since the proclamation of independence in 1991 the national economy of Ukraine has passed a long road from planned to a market-based one. In the course of transition our economy faced some problems the main of which were high inflation, unemployment, recession, low living standards of the population. Due to the numerous economic reforms the state income was balanced against expenses, many inefficient plants were closed down and capital was directed into new advanced industries. The programme of privatization stimulated the revival of many strategic enterprises. In 2006 Ukraine received the status of a market economy.

Ukraine possesses considerable potential in such sectors of economy as heavy industries, especially metallurgy, machine engineering, aerospace technologies, telecommunications. Converted military industrial complexes started to produce consumer goods, particularly those involving high technologies. Among the products of machine building we must mention food-processing machinery, medical equipment, transportation vehicles, construction materials and equipment, small farming machines and home appliances.

Our country is famous for its unique black soil. We expect some progress in agricultural production as the agricultural sector is being reoriented towards the market economy. Nowadays agriculture satisfies the needs of the population in the main food products.

Natural and human resources of Ukraine are sufficient for creating a developed home market and becoming a friendly and equal partner in the world market. Ukraine’s enterprises conduct business transactions with partners all over the world. Among our leading partners are Russia, Germany, the USA, China, Turkey, the Czech Republic, Belarus. Ukraine exports metal, coal, electricity, fertilizers, sugar, vegetable oil. The major import items are oil, gas, timber, cars, knitted wear and clothes, top quality foodstuffs.

Due to her size and favourable geographical position, economic potential and qualified workforce Ukraine plays a significant role in the world economic system.

Assignment 7. Make a written translation of paragraph 1.
Assignment 8. Answer the following questions in written form.

1. What kind of economy is Ukraine considered to be: planned, transitional or market-based?

2. What are the results of the numerous economic reforms?

3. What was the result of the military complexes conversion?

4. What factors make Ukraine’s economy prospective?

Assignment 9. Get ready to speak

1) about the national economy of Ukraine, its past and present-day status;

2) about Ukraine’s industrial, agricultural and trade potential.


Exercise 1. Read and learn the following words and word combinations.

finance-фінанси, фінансова справа; прибутки, гроші;

financial statement - фінансовий звіт; financing - фінансування;

funds- фонди, кошти, суми;

internal funds- власні кошти; external funds- залучені кошти;

to raise funds- залучати кошти; syn. to obtain funds;

to monitor funds – контролювати кошти;

to meet one’s expenses – покривати (чиїсь) витрати;

depreciation- амортизація; знецінювання;

assets- активи, майно, капітал, власність, кошти, фонди;

to wear out – зношуватись, спрацьовуватись;

to cover the cost – покривати вартість/ витрати (на щось);

equity funding- акціонерний спосіб утворення грошового фонду


bond- облігація; боргове зобов’язання; syn. note;

debt- борг; debt funding- утворення грошового фонду підприємства

за допомогою позики/кредиту;

negotiable- обіговий; такий, що можна купити і продати;

securitiesцінні папери;

security exchange біржа цінних паперів, фондова біржа;

syn. Stock Exchange;

loan – позика, кредит;

short-term/long-term loan- короткострокова/довгострокова позика;

to make a loan- надати позику;

to be eligible for a loanмати право на позику;

interest- прибуток з капіталу; процент; відсоток;

to charge interest- нараховувати відсотки;

line of credit- кредитна лінія;

principal- запозичена сума;

to mature- підлягати погашенню/оплаті; наставати (про строк

платежу); syn. to come due;

balance sheet- балансовий звіт;

income statement- звіт про прибуток; syn. profit and loss statement, costs and revenues statement;

liabilities- пасив (балансу); борги, заборгованість;

net worth- власний капітал; різниця між активами і пасивам

Exercise 2. Read and translate the following text.

Business financing

An important function of business is financing, that is the way business raises and monitors funds. Most organizations have finance departments or a manager in charge of financial operations.

Most of the money used by business comes from the sale of its products and services. As these funds come from within the firm they are described as internal funds. The rest must come from outside and is described as external funds.

As a firm sells its products or services it receives money, which it uses to meet its expenses. One of these expenses is depreciation, which represents the cost of replacing assets (like tools, machinery, and buildings) that wear out. Typically business uses internal funds to cover the cost of depreciation.

Business can raise external funds in two ways: it can issue shares (stock) in exchange for money or property (equity funding), or by borrowing in exchange for bonds (notes), that is debt funding. Both stocks and bonds are negotiable, that is one can buy and sell them at the security exchange (Stock Exchange).

Banks make loans to corporations, organizations, to small companies and individuals. For this service banks always charge interest. To decide whether a business should receive a loan the bank examines its financial statement. If the company is eligible for a loan, it may choose a long-term loan or a short-term loan.

For short-term loans the principal (the amount borrowed) must be repaid within a year. Long-term loans mature (come due) in more than a year. Short-term loans are used to finance the everyday costs of doing business such as wages and salaries, raw materials, etc. Long-term loans are used to buy equipment, buildings and other expensive items.

The amount of money that company can borrow from a bank is a line of credit. This top amount of customer’s credit is based on the profits and earnings of a business.

Two of the most important pieces of financial information on business are the balance sheet and the income statement. The balance sheet summarizes the firm’s assets (what it owns), the firm’s liabilities (what it owes) and its net worth (the difference between the two sums) at a given time. The income statement summarizes the firm’s revenues, costs and the difference between the two (the profit or loss) over a period of time.
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