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  • Exercise 3 p. 203

  • Exercise 4 p. 204

  • Parts of the sentence the Subject

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    The Adverbial Modifier

    Exercise 1 p. 201. State whether the phrases in bold type are adverbial modifiers, objects or attributes.

    1. He was a snob without shame. (M) 2. He was telling lies without shame. 3. This court, encircled by a gallery on the upper floor, was roofed with a glass roof, supported by eight columns running up from the ground. (Gls.) 4. I've tried to plan a house here with some self-respect of its own. (Gls.) 5. "That ought to come down," he said, pointing to the oak-tree. "You think so? You think that with the tree there you don't get enough view for your money?" (Gls.) 6. When her hand was refused, June put it behind her. Her eyes grew steady with anger. (Gls.) 7. The talk in the neighbourhood reflected the same feeling, and indignation against Martin ran high. (Lnd) 8. Father Enstein said he could show me places in the neighbourhood that he didn't think I'd be likely to discover for myself. (M) 9. This, and the solid mud on his high boots, made him Cromwellian. (Ald) 10. The light from the rose-shaded lamp fell on her neck and arms. (Gls.) 11. After luncheon, he enjoyed walking about in the dining-room with his cigar. (CD) 12. Bosinney stepped in after her. (Gls.) 13. Lovely weather after the rain, is it not? (V.) 14. He turned to Michael, "I've often told you, Michael, that life today can be very difficult for more than the working class." (Gls.) 15. Then Bini wrote and told me to pass through Pisa today on my way home, so that I could come here. (V.) 16. Do you know the situation at present in nuclear physics? (W) 17. My position is a discouraging one at present. 18. Before him extended the heavy mass of the university buildings. (W). 19. Bosinney and Irene arrived before them. (Gls.)

    Exercise 2 p. 202. Translate what is given in brackets into English using various means of expressing the adverbial modifier:

    a) of time:

    1. They had to leave most of the things they had packed up (заранее). 2. They booked tickets (заранее). 3. It rained (в течение трех дней), but the roads dried up (через день). 4. (Через несколько дней) he was well again. 5. I shall be free (через пять минут). 6. I have known it (давно). 7. I knew of it (давно). 8. (Сначала) I could not understand what it was all about. 9. I think this should be done (сначала). 10. (Завернув за угол), he saw a crowd of people. 11. He must have been very handsome (когда был молодым). 12. Earnest (никогда) smiled (когда шутил). 13. She lived in the country (в течение всего лета). 14. (Во время каникул) I (часто) went to the theatre. 15. The train had (едва) stopped (как она соскочила на платформу). 16. (Сказав все, что он хотел), he took his hat and went away.

    b) of place:

    1. (У входа) he found the carriage waiting for him. 2. (Ha пляже) I watched the people basking (на солнце). 3. A dog ran (из-за дома) and barked at me. 4. She seated the boy (на его обычное место, слева от себя). 5. Не opened the window and looked (в сад). 6. We took a short cut (через поле). 7. We passed (через лес) and came (на поляну).

    c) of manner and attending circumstances:

    1. Mr. Traffy drank his wine (одним глотком). 2. He drove away (как ветер). 3. They went down (рука в руке). 4. She returned (с радостным чувством на сердце). 5. I sleep (с открытым окном). 6. "Who is knocking at the door?" he asked (громким голосом). 7. Who could ever think him to be capable of acting (таким образом). 8. Sam looked (по сторонам, как будто собираясь убежать). 9. Disjointed pictures flashed (одна за другой) through my bewildered mind. 10. Everyone was already asleep, and we talked (шепотом). 11. We walked rapidly (с опущенной головой, ни на что не обращая внимания).

    d) of degree:

    1. I'm (бесконечно) obliged to you. 2. Mr. Bunting was (глубоко) shocked. 3. The effect of the medicine was (довольно) strong. 4. He was asleep, lying on his back, with his head turned (немного) to one side and an arm flung out. 5. The last couple of days tired him (очень). 6. You are really (совсем) ill. 7. She was (несколько) surprised at seeing me. 8. Mr. Bunting had а (достаточно) modest opinion of his brain power, and even of his courage. 9. This is how Mr. Bunting knew his (действительно) bad days.

    e) of cause (or reason):

    1. Julie suddenly choked (от смеха). 2. Much exhausted, and suffering greatly now (из-за недостатка пищи), Jane turned aside into a lane and sat down under the hedge. 3. In the story Love of Life Jack London described a man who nearly died (от голода). 4. It all happened (не по моей вине). 5. We actually were falling off our feet (от изнеможения). 6. I fell silent, (не зная, что сказать). 7. (Больше нечего было добавить), we closed the discussion.

    Exercise 3 p. 203. Complete the following using non-finite forms, syntactical complexes or clauses as adverbial modifiers:

    a) of purpose:

    1. "I stepped aside so as (not) ... .2. Move aside so that .... 3. The man raised his hand, for .... 4. The man covered the upper half of his face with the brim of his hat in order that .... 5. Take your umbrella and galoshes lest ... .6. People lifted their children onto their shoulders .... 7. He took off his hat so that (the people behind) ....

    b) of result:

    1. The day was too cold ... .2. The day was so cold .... 3. It is so thick a book .... 4. It was too thick a book ... .5. He knows the subject sufficiently well .... 6. We had fuel enough .... 7. He was not competent enough ... .8. The wind was such .... 9. He was so intent on his work .... 10. You have only to say a word .... 11. He is too much of a gentleman ....

    Exercise 4 p. 204. Use the following phrases as adverbial modifiers:

    a) of time:

    on that memorable evening, in the evening, of an evening, in a moment, for a moment, long before, before long, since that day, from that day on, this time, some other time, at times, when ready, coming home, all done, while in town, not until I see it for myself, in answering the question, upon later recollection, on his return

    b) of place:

    by the fire, from under the table, in the air, at a distance, in the distance, over a distance, out into the street, throughout the world, down this way, where the roads crossed

    c) of manner or attending circumstances:

    without a word, in gratitude, at a go, looking neither left nor right, in confidence, under his breath, by a strange coincidence, as if to say something, through clenched teeth, with her eyes wide open, by this new tactics, with impatience, by practising regularly, as he used to do

    d) of degree:

    greatly (embarrassed, disappointed); somewhat (difficult, dangerous, different); completely (worn out, ruined, destroyed); perfectly (well, all right); (not) enough (convenient, fortunate, convincing); deeply (interested, involved); rather (pale, young, beautiful); (filled) to the brim; (packed) to capacity; (crowded) to overflowing; at the utmost; to perfection; to a considerable degree; to such an extent

    e) of cause (or reason):

    for want of sleep (anything better to read, rest); with anger (joy, fear, excitement); because of bad weather (fog. heavy rains); through sheer negligence; for laughing; not wanting to hurt him; it being time to part; since things haven't taken definite shape

    f) of purpose:

    for a swim, to catch an early train, that he might have a smoke, lest you should catch cold, for you to see the point clearly, so as not to miss a word, in order to make himself understood

    g)of concession:

    for all his cleverness, whatever the consequences, even if he does not know the language, cold as it was, in spite of all this, although much older, no matter how difficult, if somewhat formal

    h) of condition:

    but for (the frost, the lucky chance); if mistaken (necessary, possible); should you chance upon something of the kind; unless tried; supposing he does not give his consent; if need be; regarded as a fact in isolation; in the event of failure; had it not been for
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