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  • Exercise 13 p . 215.

  • Exercise 14 p. 215.

  • Exercise 15 p. 216.

  • Exercise 16 p. 216.

  • Exercise 17 p. 216.

  • Exercise 18 p. 217.

  • Exercise 19 p. 217.

  • Exercise 20 p. 217

  • Exercise 21 p. 217.

  • Exercise 22 p. 218

  • Exercise 2 p. 219.

  • Exercise 3 p. 219.

  • Exercise 6 p. 220.

  • Complexes with the Gerund (or the Half-Gerund) Exercise 1 p. 221.

  • Exercise 3 p. 222.

  • Parts of the sentence the Subject

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    Exercise 12 p. 214 Translate into English.

    1. Пиджак мне нравится, но мне хотелось бы укоротить рукава. 2. Вы возьмете покупки с собой, или вы хотите, чтобы вам их доставили? 3. Я нашел, что он сильно изменился. 4. Мы уже два года не меняли обои в своей комнате. 5. Мальчики наблюдали, как разгружали пароход, и завидовали матросам. 6. Директор велел напечатать документ в трех экземплярах. 7. Я думаю, что мы закончим работу раньше срока. 8. У него не хватало опыта, и это давало себя знать. 9. Нам регулярно присылают журналы по этим вопросам. 10. Все слышали, как сигнал повторился. 11. Его жена — очень экономная хозяйка, она ничему не даст пропасть даром. 12. Я не хочу, чтобы об этом так часто упоминали. 13. Вы все уладили? 14. У меня есть еще несколько вопросов, на которые я хотел бы получить ответ. 15. Он добился, чтобы его туда послали. 16. Главный инженер распорядился установить эти станки в новом цехе. 17. Я не позволю менять установленного порядка. 18. Он невольно обернулся, услышав, как произнесли его имя. 19. Я увидел, что мистер Уикфилд был на несколько лет старше, чем когда с него писали этот портрет. 20. Бэзил твердо решил, что никогда не позволит выставлять портрет Дориана. 21. Это все, что у него осталось.

    Exercise 13 p. 215. Translate into Russian.

    1. Н i g g i n s. You find me cold, unfeeling, selfish, don't you? (Sh) 2. Soames saw his house unfinished, his wife rebellious, himself a laughing-stock. (Gls.) 3. What he Galsworthy had done names him the master realist of English drama. (Q) 4. There a strong breeze found him, blew his cap off and left him bareheaded in the doorway. (K) 5. So far as I can, I will make things easy. (Arl) 6. They wouldn't have me captain of the team. (Gls.) 7. Maisie did not consider the last question worth answering. (K) 8. I must ask you to keep it a dead secret. (Sh) 9. Her tone rendered James furious. (Gls.) 10. She had never known him so irritable. (M) 11. She felt the palm of his hand wet when she cordially grasped it. (M) 12. He had shown himself quite publicly to be a coward. (Hm) 13. He proved himself to be pathetically ignorant of the fact. (Bt) 14. The thought sent him cold with panic. (C) 15. That sets us both equal. (Hlt) 16. I call it success. (K) 17. Life is a greater riddle than some of us think it to be. (Gls.)

    Exercise 14 p. 215. Paraphrase the following so as to use a complex object with the second element expressed by a nominal part of speech (with or without a linking infinitive).

    1. We thought that we were lucky. 2. She considered that the question was not worth answering. 3. I felt that the pain was unbearable, maddening. 4. He found that his throat was dry and parched. 5. We all know that he is very punctual. 6. Further experiments proved that the assumption was wrong. 7. The chemist looked at the liquid in the tube and announced that the result was excellent. 8. He imagined that he was a great authority on etiquette. 9. I supposed that it was my brother's doing. 10. We never suspected that he was capable of such an action. 11. Seeing that he was asleep, the mother quietly left the room. 12. What I want is that everything should be ready in an hour. 13. The doctor's pronouncement was that the death was an accident. 14. He showed that he was worthy of our trust. 15. They thought that it was a coincidence. 16. They believed that it was a good day's work. 17. I felt that it was true. 18. Father likes it when his tea is strong. 19. We know that he used to be a good shot. 20. I scanned the bookshelves and found that the dictionary was missing.

    Exercise 15 p. 216. Insert the second element of the complex object choosing a suitable word from the following ones:

    at rest, dear, very weak, short, shut, impossible, an eager listener, clear, handy, blind

    1. Let us make the interview ... . 2. Have you got my meaning ...? 3. He had undergone an operation which had left him .... 4. You should keep all the reference books .... 5. Set your mind ....6. The sudden change of weather rendered our observations .... 7. His curiosity made him ... to those with wider experience than himself. 8. These words mean to me everything that I hold ... .9. The dazzling light struck us .... 10. She snapped the handbag ....

    Exercise 16 p. 216. Fill in the blanks with a suitable verb from the following ones:

    to make, to leave, to hold, to drive, to render, to tear, to get, to strike

    1. She ... the envelope open. 2. He tried ... himself agreeable, 3. How long will you ... it an open question? 4. Listening to him boast ... me fed up. 5. The painter was busy ... his brushes ready. 6. The actor ... the audience spellbound. 7. The news ... us dumb. 8. It was enough ... a man crazy. 9. The pathos of the story ... me indifferent. 10. The cinerama gives you every effect of three-dimensional space, and the stereophonic sound ... the illusion perfect.

    Exercise 17 p. 216. Fill in the blanks with a suitable verb and an appropriate word for the second element of the complex object.

    Verbs: to make, to set, to burst, to let, to keep, to put, to leave, to render, to wear, to strike

    2nd elements: loose, an object of constant ridicule, right, motionless, open, on fire, quite clear, thin, a good companion, straight, busy, impracticable, master of the situation

    1. His humour and joviality ... him .... 2. I have enough work ... me ... all day. 3. He ... his idea .... 4. The wind ... the door .... 5. His rival's defeat … him ... 6. The lightning ... the house ... .7. Lack of time ... our plan ...8. The constant strain ... her nerves ... 9. His absentmindedness … him … . 10. The sight of it ... us ... . 11. On spotting the fox the hunters ... the dogs ... . 12. Time will ... things ....

    Exercise 18 p. 217. Translate into English. Make use of the following words:

    to make, to render, to leave, to set, to put, to keep, to hold, to strike, to throw; angry, comfortable, late, doubtful, right, awake, responsible, speechless, open, free

    1. Она подошла к окну и распахнула его. 2. Почему вы задержались? 3. Зубная боль не давала мне спать всю ночь. 4. Мы будем вас считать ответственным за это. 5. Ее замечание рассердило меня. 6. Он поправил шляпу. 7. Его слова заронили во мне сомнение. 8. Красота пейзажа так поразила нас, что мы не могли выговорить ни слова. 9. Устраивайтесь поудобнее. 10. Дети выпустили птичку на волю.

    Exercise 19 p. 217. Analyse the structure of the complex object with the introductory it. Translate the sentences into Russian.

    1. I would be very grateful if you could make it convenient to call again. (Gls.) 2. 1 consider it a personal favour that you have accepted my apologies. (M) 3. She had suffered such torture as she had never thought it possible to endure. (M) 4. They felt it unreasonable of Ann to have left them like this without a word. (Gls.) 5. It would make it much easier for you to find the man if you knew his age. 6. She found it absurd that any one should allow a trifle like that to upset him. (M) 7. I call it good luck to have you my friend. 8. We have it in our power to make Nature serve man.

    Exercise 20 p. 217. Paraphrase the following so as to use a complex object.

    1. I felt that it was my duty to be with them at that difficult moment. 2. He was aware of the danger but he believed that it was necessary to take the risk. 3. I see you think that it is useless to wait any longer. 4. I am quite well now, and I find that it is unnecessary to be looked after any longer. 5. We don't think that it is worth while explaining the reason. 6. I find it is very dull when people start talking shop. 7. I felt that it was necessary to unburden my thoughts in a friendly talk. 8. Then she thought that it was time to go. 9. The party found that it was impossible to climb the mountain from the side overlooking the sea. 10. I con­sider it was a mistake that you did not accept the offer.

    Exercise 21 p. 217. Complete the following.

    1. I think it very important ... . 2. We would like it to be understood ... .3. They made it clear ... . 4. We think it worth while ... . 5. The guide-book made it easier ... . 6. They considered it absolutely necessary ... ,7. I don't want it (to be) mentioned ... . 8. He felt it his duty .... 9. 1 call it fortunate ... . 10. We think it better ... . 11. Students find it very useful .... 12. I made it a rule ... . 13. We have it in our power .... 14. I will not allow it to be said ... . 15. He made it his business ... . 16. The heavy rains made it impossible ... . 17. We had it arranged .... 18. He thought it quite an adventure ....

    Exercise 22 p. 218. Translate the following into English using a complex with an introductory it.

    1. Выздоравливающий взял себе за правило каждое утро ходить без костылей по коридору. 2. Я нахожу, что очень трудно переводить с листа без соответствующей подготовки. 3. Как по-вашему, сможете вы сегодня отправиться? 4. Мне было трудно понять, почему они не ответили. 5. Из-за шума моторов невозможно было разговаривать. 6. Он считал неудобным напомнить ей об этом. 7. Руководитель кружка прекратил дискуссию, так как считал бесполезным продолжать ее.-8. Не находите ли вы несколько странным, что он так резко выступил против вашего предложения? 9. Я думаю, пора начинать. 10, Я считаю своим долгом напомнить вам об этом. 11. Считаете ли вы возможным включить этот вопрос в повестку дня? 12. Я бы счел большой честью для себя быть членом этой комиссии. 13. Густой туман помешал самолету вылететь вовремя. 14. Из-за сильного шторма пароход не мог подойти к берегу. 15. Мне было трудно отказать ему в его просьбе.
    The For-Complex

    Exercise 1 p. 218. Use for-phrases instead of the subordinate clauses and state their function.

    1. It is quite natural that he should act like that. 2. It's impossible that he should have so let us down. 3. The main thing is that we all of us should work in close cooperation. 4. Let us wait till a definite answer arrives. 5. Why be so anxious that he should go? 6. This is a lesson which you shall remember for the rest of your life. 7. He is just the man whom you should have consulted. 8. I shall leave the magazine that you may read it. 9. He closed the window lest the papers be scattered by the wind. 10. The ice has become too thin, so the boys can't go skating. 11. The young actor must be very talented since the producer has given him a leading part to play. 12. That a man of his age should be so active and full of vitality is something extraordinary.

    Exercise 2 p. 219. Construct for-phrases using the words in brackets in the appropriate form.

    1. The simplest thing is for (he, to come and see) everything for himself. 2. The runners listened for (the signal, to give). 3. Don't you find it odd for (she, to keep) it secret so long? 4. He asked for (a catalogue, to send) him. 5. The captain gave orders for (the flag, to hoist). 6. The people gave way for (we, to pass). 7. I always thought my friend an excellent example for (everybody, to follow). 8. It is rather strange for (they, to leave) without letting us know. 9. That is for (I, to judge), isn't it?

    Exercise 3 p. 219. Translate what is given in brackets into English using for-phrases.

    1. What I want is (чтобы вы меня ясно поняли), 2. Не asked (чтобы его друзей приняли в клуб). 3. There is no need (нам здесь задерживаться). 4. The boy has a very musical ear; you have only to play a melody once (и он сможет тут же-повторить ее) from memory. 5. It was so dark in the room that I had to wait a space (пока мои глаза привыкнут к темноте). 6. Send a wire (чтобы нас кто-нибудь встретил). 7. Не waited at the receiver (когда ему дадут нужный номер). 8. It is impossible (чтобы он вам не поверил) even after you had shown him the letter.
    Exercise 6 p. 220. Translate into Russian.

    1. It was difficult for Soames to pay a compliment. (Gls.) 2. "I dislike Soames," Jolyon thought. "And that's lucky; it'll make it easier for me to back his wife." (Gls.) 3. The Gadfly laid down the letter and sat looking at Gemma with half-shut eyes, waiting, apparently, for her to speak. (V.) 4. The best thing, I presume, before you try to do anything around here is for you to get settled somewhere. (Dr) 5. He (Lanny) must be very good and clever and wise for them to offer him a job like that. (Ab) 6. When the young are together it is wise for an old man to be with other old men or to be away — it is an old saying. (Ab) 7. I remember a carter, evidently returning home after the day's work, stopping his cart before us for his little boy to climb in. (Lnd) 8. It seemed impossible for either of us to remain much longer in the house. (Stv) 9. The book is very good for a young writer to have written it. (Gls.) 10. He was a very nice fellow. You had only to say you wanted something for him to give it to you. (Jr)
    Complexes with the Gerund (or the Half-Gerund)

    Exercise 1 p. 221. Find syntactical complexes in the following sentences and state whether the second element is expressed by a gerund or half-gerund.

    1. Sir Robert. But it is worth while my wiring to Vienna, is it not? (Wld) 2. Arthur laughed softly to himself at the thought of the Burtons searching for his corpse. (V.) 3. What can be the possible use of Larry's learning dead languages? I hate the idea of Larry making such a mess of his life. (M) 4. M a b 1 e. Of course, you understand that after your breaking your appointment I am never going to speak to you again. (Wld) 5. "Well, Ellen, I'm so afraid of you being angry," she said. (Ch.B) 6.How unfortunate that his (Clyde's) lack of training would not permit his being put to office work or something like that upstairs. (Dr) 7. Steerforth, very much amused at my having been put into room forty-four, laughed again .... (CD) 8. "I was sorry for Jolyon losing his boy. It might have been Val," said Winifred. (Gls.) 9. He was conscious of extreme quietude, broken by a clock chiming four as if with the voice of Time itself. (Gls.) 10. (Eliza takes off her jewels) Will you take these to your room and keep them safe? I don't want to run the risk of their being missing. (Sh) 11. Yes! There she was! Only about a hundred yards away from the car, and trying to approach without his seeing her. (Ab) 12. "I don't believe Gil likes the idea of any other fellow in Lycurgus having the same name and looking like him," suggested Bella. (Dr)

    Exercise 2 p. 221. Change the construction of the following sentences so as to use complexes with a gerund or half-gerund.

    1. Don't forget to remind them that they have to come a bit earlier. 2. That he had been away for so many years made him feel quite a stranger in that big city. 3. I couldn't bear the idea that anybody should interfere with what I thought to be my personal affair. 4. We were all surprised that the project had not yet been put into practice. 5. The writer confessed that he had never dreamt his book would be so successful with the general reader. 6. Will you have anything against it if Alec brings a friend of his to the party? 7. Did he say anything of the kind? I don't remember. 8. Mother will be terribly disappointed if Harry doesn't get the job. 9. It suddenly occurred to Rita that she must be going; her parents might be worried if she stayed out later than usual. 10. My whole future depended on whether I should not lose possession of myself at that moment. 11. His friends considered him very practical though he was so young.

    Exercise 3 p. 222. Replace the gerund by a complex with a gerund or half-gerund.

    Model: You are responsible for doing this work in time. You are responsible for this work being done in time.

    1. They objected to applying this method into practice. 2. The director of the library insisted on binding the books before they were given out to the readers. 3. We don't mind mentioning the fact. 4. She was quite unaware of being watched by the people. 5. He never confessed to having sent the letter. 6. Father hated being contradicted by any one of us. 7. She never referred to having been assisted by anybody. 8. When a small boy, he liked being taken out hunting by his father. 9. During an airraid some prisoners of war managed to escape without being noticed by the guards. 10. She was distressed at having spoilt all the fun by one silly remark.

    Exercise 4 p. 222. Construct complexes with a gerund or a half-gerund out of the elements given in brackets. Insert prepositions where necessary.

    1. We were surprised ... (he, to take) the whole affair into his own hands. 2. There is a committee meeting there tomorrow. I count ... (Mr. Dunne, to come). ... (he, to be) there will carry more weight. 3. If it were not ... (Rivera, to render) financial aid to the Junta, it might have failed to organize the uprising. 4. Emily was confused ... (we all, to observe) her, and hung down her head. 5. Ratterer's idea ... (Clyde, to go) to his uncle Samuel not only pleased but also annoyed him. 6. It is not worth while ... (you, to worry). 7. I understand perfectly ... (the girl, not to want) to leave. 8. I heard ... (the committee, to turn down) the proposal. 9. The functioning of the mechanism depends ... (it, to handle) properly. 10. I won't stand ... (anybody, to talk) to Mother like that. 11. David was in constant fear ... (his stepfather, to punish) him for something. 12. You must forgive ...(the bоу, to be so curious). 13. She won't believe ... (I, to interest) you in the matter.
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