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  • Model

  • 4.Theoretical questions

  • 2. Practical Assignments Exercise I.

  • Exercise I II.

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    2. Practical Assignments

    Exercise I. Identify the nature of the head words and name the paradigmatic classes ot the following English and Ukrainian word-groups:
    cane sugar production, the House of Commons debate, you British, the way out, the wish to win; no go, yes man, the then trial; reading quickly; busy doing sums, red from anger, black all over, quick to answer, heavy for me to lift, simply awful, typically English, least of all, much older than he/ Pete; the first to read, the three there, two to one, three fifths; the last ones; rather well; high up in the sky, quite alike, afraid of being asked first.

    вибір твору, фільм „Тіні забутих предків”, питання праці й заробітку, ви англійці, бажання знати; рано встати, чи­тавши книжку; гарної вроди, краща кращих; радий чути, готовий до всього; все для них, всі ми; перший з нас, І з учнів, другий скраю; надто швидко, довго попоходити; дві третіх, перші два три з них, перший до розмови, од з учнів; хтозна-скільки їх там, щонайменше двічі на тиждень, багато високо в небі, набагато довше Петра, гарно тут; їй краще, мені прикро, страх бере.
    Exercise II. Contrast simultaneously the ways of syntactic connection (synthetic, analytical and synthetic, or analytical) in the underlined word-groups of the English and of their corresponding Ukrainian sentences. Point out the qualitative correlate of the ways of syntactic connection and their dominant (or otherwise) role in each contrasted language. Model: your grandfather - a substantival word-grop with analytical (asyndetic) way of connection playing a dominant role in English.

    1. grandfather died the day you were born." (Galsworthy)

    2. Barbara sits at the writing table
      (B. Shaw)

    3. The doctor looked at him attenti­
      vely... (Christie)

    4. Jemie lay back on the clean white

    sheets. (Sheldon)
    «Твій дід помер у той день, як ти родився.

    Барбара сидитьза писемним столом.

    Лікар уважно подивився на нього.

    Джемі знову приліг на чисті білі прости­радла.

    Exercise III. Suggest a corresponding Ukrainian equivalent for each predicate .jn the English sentences below. Single out the common and divergent structural types of them in the two languages.

    1. Не began hurridly dressing. 2. "I’ll have you at the hospital in no time". 3. "Everything is going to be fine". 4. "I won't say anything to Alexandra". 5. "This will be just between the two of us". 6. She locked herself and her baby in the room all that day and all that night and refused to come out. (Sheldon) 7. "You've gone white". (Chase) 8. "I'll be all right tomorrow". 9. "Don't look so damned sorry for yourself". 10. "Pull yourself together and try to eat something". (Christie) 11. "All I want is for competent medical experts to give the outfit a thorough trial". (Carter) 12. "Let this prescription made at the chemist's". (Cusack) 13. All furniture was cracked, warped or broken. (Bennett) 14. Clyde began to feel and look crushed at once. (Dreiser) 15. "But there is a deeper trouble still". (Leacock) 16. ...Taffy sat down most pleased. (Kipling) 17. I was supposed to help him in repairs and service... (M. Wilson) 18. ...how little was there to remember inversion. (Poe) 19. I ought to have been in bed a long time ago. (Lawrence) 20. "I wouldn't look like Giraffe — not for ever so". (Kipling) 21. I seem to be getting over it a little. (M. Wilson) 22. ...the fetters that hound their tongues were considered to be locked and the key thrown away. (Twain) 23. One of her most amiable traits was that she was never affronted by the naked truth. (Maugham) 24. "Splendid game cricket," remarked Barbecue-Smith. (Huxley)

    Exercise IV. Give corresponding Ukrainian equivalents to all parts of the English sentences below. Identify the isomorphic or allomorphic features in their structural forms and nature in the contrasted languages.

    1. Mr. Smith smiled a happy smile. (Priestley) 2. The man behind the desk laughed. (Bradbury) 3. I'm sorry about the clock. (Fitzgerald) 4. I've been having lunch with Mr. Gatsby. (Ibid.) 5. None of his girls would have said such a thing. (Galsworthy) 6. The man must have been dead a week. (Green) 7. Erik says that you may be coming to New York. (M. Wilson) 8. You should be a Greek. (Aldridge) 9. The rear was brought up by Oleson, the Swede. 10. The temperature rose, and soon the snow began to fall-dry and fine and crystallike. (London) 11. "His huge form shook as he gave a laugh, low, silent". 12. He uttered no word, good or bad, but sat quite still. There, at the front, he was popular in the regimental mess... (Maugham) 13. He saw that someone was watching him, standing in the shadow of one of the trees. (Murdoch) 14. Years ago, Jim used to travel for a canned goods concern over in Carterville. (Lardner) 15. And he, began to purr, loud and low, low and loud. (Kipling) 16. He realized that much, no more. (F. Hardy) 17. Anyone else, but him... (Ibid.) 18. She was a tall girl, as tall as himself. (W. Maken) 19. All happened many years ago, namely in 1832. (Aldiss) 20. Alice, however, declined the driving... (Trollope) 21. The dog barked again, fiercely this time. (Steinbeck) 22. As the man Hves so shall he die, as the tree falls so shall it lie.
    4.Theoretical questions:

    1.Isomorphic and allomorphic features in English and Ukrainian one- and two-
    member sentences.

    2. Isomorphism and allomorphism in the nature and structural forms of simple,
    formal, expanded/extended and complex parts of the sentence in the contrasted languages.

    3.Typological characteristics of the detached, parenthetic and inserted parts of

    the sentence in the contrasted languages.

    4.Isomorphism and allomorphism in the structural forms and means of
    sing the principal parts of the sentence in English and Ukrainian.

    5.Typological characteristics of the secondary parts of the sentence. Isomorphism and allomorphism in the structural forms of the object and the attribute in the contrasted languages.

    6.Isomorphism and allomorphism in the structural forms of the adverbial
    of the sentence in the contrasted languages.

    7.Typology of the composite sentence in the contrasted languages. The compound sentence in English and Ukrainian.

    8.Typology of the complex sentence. Isomorphic and allomorphic features in
    the structure of N-clauses of the contrasted languages.

    9.Isomorphic and allomorphic features in the structures of attributive clauses
    of the contrasted languages.

    10.Typology of adverbial clauses in the contrasted languages.

    11. The use of isomorphic and allomorphic (similar and divergent) features and phenomena in phonetics, lexicon and grammar of the contrasted languages in teaching English at school.
    Exercise_I.'>2. Practical Assignments

    Exercise I. Point out and analyse the English predicative word groups in the sen­tences below and suggest the corresponding Ukrainian semantic and structural equi­valents for them.

    1. She did not want him to be laughed at. (Cronin) 2. He waited for her to speak, but she did not. (Ibid.) 3. For about ten days we seemed to have been living on nothing but cold meat, cake, and bread and jam. (J. K. Jerome) 4. We saw behind us thousands and thousands of white gulls, dipping, wheeling, brushing the water with their wings. (Galsworthy) 5. He saw himself and Ruth reading and discussing poetry. (London) 6. That being so, then he could rise to Ruth. (Ibid.) 7. After the data being obtained, the crystal was taken from the oil-bath. (M. Wilson) 8. He sat up suddenly, his muscular tensity in laughing aloud and the laugh being carried by the wind away from me. (Saroyan) 9. "Even Mummy could't mistake that for me beng'killed". (Kipling)
    Exercise II. Suggest Ukrainian equivalents for the English simple and composite sentences below. Point out isomorphisms or allomorphisms in the corresponding communicative/structural types of sentences in the contrasted languages.

    1. It's funny that your husband should never look at you. 2. "I may be very stupid, but I can't make head or tail out of what you're saying". (Maugham) 3. "And I'm glad you came to us, Mademoiselle Marchand". 4. The white young woman. (Updike) 5. That was my father's ship passing over the town. (Bradbury) 6. It's the only way, you know. (Greene) 7. But I couldn't keep my goddam eyes open and I fell asleep, 8. Is she to take it that everything is O'K? (Salinger) 9. You could hear him putting away his crumby toilet articles and all. (Ibid.) 10. To Roberta, since he wouldn't her, he was telephoning briefly. (Dreiser) 11. His house was too far away for anyo come to meet him. (Cusack) 12. "I am very fond of being looked at". (Wilde) 13. IfI were Pyle. (Greene) 14. Oh, if I only could go back to my flower basket. (B. Shaw) 15. "Why start tomorrow?" (Warren) 16. To do one's bit, and not worry? (Galsworthy) 17. Eat the orange in her hand, and throw away the rind. (Ibid.) 18. "Get the hell out of here". (Maugham) 19. "Oh, I beg your pardon". (Fitzgerald) 20. "Has she three children then?" "Yes". (Maugham) 21. "Are you very angry with me?" "No No at all". (Ibid.)
    Exercise III. Analyse the structure of the English complex sentences and their Ukrainian equvalents. Point out the allomorphic features in the structural forms of some Ukrainian clauses and in the use of tense and mood forms in them.

    1.wish I knew how to reward you.

    Знав би я/хотів би я знати, як вам віддячити.


    2."І wish you'd tell him how sorry I
    am to hear he's laid up". (Priestley) Хочу, щоб ви переказали йому, як я жалкую, що він вийшов із гри.
    3. If you had not said that last I would have put all these things away for always.(Ibid.) Якби ти був не сказав мені це наостанку, я б усе це був назавжди покинув…

    4. Still I remember how it looked and how it was used. (O'Dell) Однак я пригадую, який він був і як (човном) плавали.

    5.I hope he is not very dear to you. (Baldwin) Сподіваюся, ти не дуже шкодуєш за ним.

    6.We'll look today, if you want to. (Ibid.) Ми можемо сьогодні ще пошукати, як хочеш.

    7."We'll go and live in New York, if you say". (Dreiser) Якщо захочете, ми переїдемо жити до Нью-Йорка.

    8. Oh, if she only could have such a part, how broad would be her life. (Ibid.) О, якби їй таку роль — яким багатим, стало б її життя.

    9. Ah, I wish I were fifteen again.(Maugham) О, я б хотіла, аби мені знову було п'ятнадцять років.

    Підсумковий контроль

    1. The subject of contrastive typology and its theoretical and practical aims.

    2. The principle terms and notions of contrastive typology, isomorphic / allomorphic features.

    3. Kinds of typological investigation, various typologies. Methods of typological investigation.

    4. The prehistory of European contrastive typology.

    5. Typological constants of contrasting at the phonetic / phonological level.

    6. Quantative and qualitative characteristics of the system of vowels of the contrasted languages.

    7. Quantative and qualitative characteristics of the system of consonants of the contrasted languages.

    8. Isomorphism and allomorphism in the system of speech tones in English and Ukrainian.

    9. Typological isomorphic layers in the English and Ukrainian languages, stylistically neutral and stylistically evaluated units of lexicon.

    10. Words of common Indo-European stock and nationally specific lexicon in English and Ukrainian.

    11. Isomorfic and allomorphic features of international, national and universal idiomatic expressions.

    12. National and international word-forming morphemes in English and Ukrainian.

    13. Substantivization, adjectivization, verbialization, adverbialization in English and Ukrainian.

    14. Isomorphism and allomorphism in the quantitative representation of morphological categories and means of their expression the Noun.

    15. Isomorphism and allomorphism in the quantitative representation of morphological categories and means of their expression the Pronoun.

    16. Isomorphism and allomorphism in the quantitative representation of morphological categories and means of their expression the Verb.

    17. Typological characteristics of functional parts of speech in the contrasted languages.

    18. Isomorphism and allomorphism in the expression of definiteness and indefinitness in the contrasted languages.

    19. Quantitative and qualitative correlation of the means and ways of synthetic connection in present-day English and present-day Ukrainian.

    20. Isomorphic and allomorphic features in the structure, form of connection, and in the combinability of component parts.

    21. Isomorphism and allomorphism in the nature, and structural forms of simple, expandad and complex sentences.

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