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Used to

We use used to + infinitiveto refer to past habits or states.

  • In such cases used to can be replaced by verb in the past simple with no change in meaning.

- When I was younger, I used to go to Wales on holiday every year. When I was younger, I went to Wales on holiday every year.

The time expressions used with the past simple:

yesterday, then, when?, last night /week /month /year; last Friday / October; three days/weeks ago; in 1999, how long ago?

Past Continuous Tense

We use the past continuous:

  • For an action which was in progress at a stated time in the past. We don’t mention when the action started or finished. At 8 o’clock this morning I was getting ready for work.

  • For an action which was in progress when another action interrupted it. We use the past continuous for the action in progress (a longer action) and the past simple for the action which interrupted it (a shorter one). They were walking to the station when they saw the accident.

  • For two or more simultaneous actions in the past. The children were playing in the garden while their mother was trimming the hedges.

  • To describe the atmosphere, setting or to give background information to a story. When I woke up I found the sun was shining and the temperature was rising fast. Liz was making breakfast in the kitchen while John and Sarah were drinking coffee on the balcony. Suddenly somebody knocked at the door. It was Liz. She came to discuss the latest news with me, etc.

The time expressions used with the past continuous:

while, when, as, all morning/evening/day/week

Past Perfect Tense

We use the past perfect:

  • For an action which happened before another past action or before a stated time in the past. We had finished dinner by the time they arrived / before they arrived.

  • For an action which finished in the past and whose result was visible at a later point in the past. He hadworked much that evening and he looked tired.

The time expressions used with the past perfect:

before, after, already, just, for, since, till/until, when, by the time, never

Past Perfect -Continuous Tense

We use the past perfect -continuous:

  • To put emphasis on the duration of an action which started and finished in the past, before another action or stated time in the past, usually with the words How long, for or since, by or before. I had been waiting for half an hour before the bus came.

  • For an action which lasted for some time in the past and whose result was visible in the past. She had been swimming and her hair was still wet.

Note: with the verbs live, work, teach and feel we can use the past perfect or the past perfect- continuous with no difference in meaning.

- He had taught/had been teaching at the school for more than twenty years by 2001.

The time expressions used with the past perfect- continuous:

for, since, how long, before, until, by 2 o’clock yesterday, by that time, by then.


Future Simple Tense (will + bare infinitive)

We use the future simple:

  • For predictions about the future, based on what we think, believe or imagine, using the verbs think, believe, expect etc, the expressions be sure, be afraid, etc, and the adverbs probably, certainly, perhaps, etc. I'm sure Bill will get the job.

  • For decisions made at the moment of speaking – on the spot decision. We've run out of milk. I’ll go to the supermarket and get some.

  • For promises, threats, warnings, requests, hopes and offers. Will you help me with my history essay?

  • For actions, events, situations which will definitely happen in the future and which we can’t control. Ben will be five years old in August.

Be going to

We use be going to:

  • For plans, intentions or ambitions for the future, it is not exact an event will happen.I’m going to go to India one day.

  • Actions we have already decided to do in the near future but we haven’t arranged them to do. Nicky is going to visit her friends in London next weekend.

  • Exact predictions based on what we can see or what we know, especially when there is evidence that something will happen. There isn't any cloud in the sky. It is going to be a nice day.

Time expressions used with the future simple and be going to:

tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, think, believe, expect, be sure, be afraid, probably, certainly, perhaps, I promise / hope, soon, next week/month/year/summer etc, in a week/month etc.

Future Continuous Tense (will be + present participle)

We use the future continuous:

  • For actions which will be in progress at a stated future time.

I'm going on holiday to Spain. This time next week l’ll be lying in the sun,

  • For actions which willl definitely happen in the future as the result of a routine or arrangement.

She will be playing tennis with Andrew tomorrow morning.

  • When we ask politely about someone’s plans for the near future to use the information for ourselves.

Will you be driving to the party tonight? Yes, why? I want to be there too.

Time expressions used with the future continuous:

at 2 o’clock tomorrow, this time next year, etc.

Future Perfect Tense (will have + past participle)

We use the future perfect:

  • For an action which will be finished before a stated future time. They will have arrived in London by 5 o'clock.

Time expressions used with the future perfect:

before, by, by then, by the time, until/till

Note: until/till are only used in negative sentences:

- She will not have finished the report until/till 6 o'clock. She will have finished the report by 6:30 (not until.)
Future Perfect -Continuous Tense (will have been + present participle)

We use the future perfect continuous:

  • To emphasise the duration of an action up to a certain time in the future. By June, he will have been teaching in this school for fifteen years.

Note:The future perfect- continuous is used with by... for.
Question tags are short questions at the end of statements used to confirm if the statement is true or not.

    • They areformed with the auxiliary verb from the main sentence (forms of the verb ‘to be’, modal verbs, forms of the verb ‘to do’ and the appropriate subject pronoun.)

    • A positive statement takes a negative question tag. You are coming with us, aren't you?

    • A negative statement takes a positive question tag. He can't speak English, can he?

Remember: when there are no forms of the verb to be or modal verb we use do/does or did + subject pronoun. Helen works for Kyivstar, doesn't she?

He doesn’t like classical music, does he?

  • When the statement contains a negative adverb of frequency such as rarely, never, hardly, seldom, we use a positive question tag. She never watches TV, does she?

  • The question tags of some verbs/expressions are formed differently. I am invited to the party, aren't I?

Imperative sentences:

- Leave me alone, will/won't you?

- Don't tell anyone, will you?

- Let's have a picnic, shall we?

- There is some ice in the fridge, isn't there?

- There are a few biscuits left, aren't there?

- He has got a motorbike, hasn 't he?


- You have enough money, don't you?

- This is/That is Jane's bag, isn't it?

      1. When you are sure of the answer and expect agreement, your voice goes down in the question tag.

- He has lived abroad, hasn't he?

      1. When you are not sure of the answer, your voice goes up in the question tag.

- You don’t eat meat, do you?



Conditional clause

Main clause


Type 1: Real situations, refer to the present or future tense

If +Present tense 

Future Simple:

will + inf / present tense

If I have money, I will buy a car.  
If the weather is fine, we will go for a walk.

Type 2: Unreal or unprobable situations, refer to the present or future tense

If + Past Simple
-‘to be’ is used in the past plural form

Future-in-the Past Simple:

would / could + inf

If I were a princess, I would live in a palace.
If I had money, I would buy a car.

If I were you, I would stay here.

Type 3: Unreal situations, refer to the past tense

If + Past  Perfect

Future-in-the Past Perfect:

would /could + present perfect

If I had had money last year, I would have bought a car.

Mind the punctuation:

If I have enough money,
conditional clause    

I will go to Japan.
main clause

I will go to Japan
main clause    

if I have enough money
conditional clause

4. Forms of the infinitive: INFINITIVE, BARE INFINITIVE and GERUND (-ing form)
The infinitive, infinitive without to or –ing form are often used in speech. Every form has special rules when to be used. Stugy the examples:

- I want to play the piano well.

- He can play the piano.

- I like playing the piano.
Study the information when to use infinitives.

The verb tenses corresponding to the tenses of the infinitive are as follows:

  • The present infinitive refers to the present or future.

- I expect to find out my exam results soon (active). I hope to be accepted at Leeds University (passive).

  • The present continuous infinitive refers to an action happening at the time of speaking.

- Dave appears to be studying at the moment.

  • The perfect infinitive refers to the past. It shows that the action of the infinitive happened before the action of the verb.

- The boys claim to have finished their homework, (active). Their homework appears to have been finished (passive.)

  • The perfect continuous infinitive refers to the past. It emphasises the duration of the action of the infinitive which happened before the action of the verb.

- He seems to have been working constantly for the last couple of weeks.
Note: the perfect infinitive and the perfect continuous infinitive are used with modal verbs and verbs such as seem, claim, expect, believe, and appear.
The to-infinitive is used:

  • To express purpose. Carl went to the shop to buy some bread.

  • After certain verbs (agree, advise, afford, allow, appear, decide, expect, hope, plan, promise, refuse, tend, observe, want, wish, etc).

- She hopes to get a promotion.

- He promised to help me.

  • After adjectives which describe feelings/emotions (happy, sad, glad, etc.); express willingness/unwillingness (be willing, eager, reluctant, etc.); refer to 3rd person’s character (clever, kind etc) and the adjectives (un)lucky and (un)fortunate.

- I was very lucky to win the race.

- He is clever to understand the situation.

- I’m glad to see you.

Note: With adjectives that refer to character we can also use an impersonal construction.

It was kind of you to give John a lift.

  • After certain nouns and pronouns (something, anyone etc) to show that something is necessary or possible. Was there anyone there to help you?

  • After too/enough. Vanessa is too impatient to wait in a queue. Mike isn't old enough to vote.

  • To talk about an unexpected event usually with only. I got home only to find that I had forgotten my keys.

  • With it + be + adjective/noun. It was difficult to solve the problem.

  • After be + first/second/next/last etc. She was the last person to finish the exam.

  • After verbs and expressions such as ask, learn, explain, decide, find out, want, want to know etc when they followed by question words (who, what, where, how, etc. ‘Why’ is not followed by an infinitive.

- She explained what we had to do.

- I asked how to react in this situation.

BUT:wonder why is followed by a clause (NOT an infinitive). I wonder why she didn't tell us.

  • After would like, would prefer, would love to express a specific preference.

- I would like / I’d like to watch this film again some day.

  • Inthe expressions to tell the truth, to be honest, to sum up, to begin with, etc.

- To be honest, I have to go: I’m too tired.
Note: if two to-infinitives are linked by and or or, the to of the second infinitive can be omitted.

- She promised to call and tell what was happening.
Infinitive without ‘to’ / BARE infinitive is used:

    • After most modal verbs: can, could, may, might, must, shall, should, will, etc. Greg can play the piano.

    • After had better, would rather:

- I’d rather go.

- I’d better go to bed.

    • After the verbs let, make and see, hear, listen to, notice and feel (to describe a complete action in the Active forms).

- Her boss made her work overtime.

- Let me stay with you.

- I listened to Jill sing a song / I listened to her from beginning to end: a complete action.

BUT: we use the to-infinitive after be made, be heard, be seen, etc (passive form).

- She was made to read foreign words hundreds times.
NOte: when see, hear and watch are followed by an -ing form there is no change in the passive.

- She Saw me talking to Anna. - I was seen talking to Anna.
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