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raise (raised) поднимать, прибавка к зарплате Sailors raise sails.

lay (laid) класть, положить A hen lays eggs.

set (set) устанавливать We set some equipment.

Непереходные глаголы не требуют дополнения.

rise (rose, risen) подниматься, вставать: подъем, рост (цен, качества) The sun rises.

lie (lay, lain) лежать, ложиться John lies in his bed.

sit (sat) сидеть Sit down.

  1. to do - делать + сущ. , обозначающие различные виды работы

to do the dishes – мыть посуду

to do homework – выполнять домашнюю работу

to do the laundry - стирать

to do research – писать научную работу

to do work – делать работу

to do a favour – делать одолжение

to do an assignment – выполнять задание
to make - делать + сущ.произведенные от глаголов

to make an agreement – заключать соглашение

to make an announcement – делать объявление

to make an attempt – делать попытку

to make a decision – принимать решение

to make a discovery – делать открытие

to make an offer – делать предложение

to make a profit – получать прибыль

to make a promise – давать обещание
The simple (Indefinite) tenses.

I. theSimplePresentTense – настоящее неопределенное время употребляется:

1. для описания обычного, постоянного, повторяющегося действия в настоящем:

She often stays with granny.

It never rains in this part of desert.

2. для описания законов природы, общих истин, общеизвестных фактов (часто в пословицах и поговорках)

Snow melts at 0 degrees C.

People wear dark glasses in strong light.

He laughs best who laughs last.

One swallow does not make a spring.

3. для передачи будущего действия в придаточных времени и условия :

I’ll tell you as soon as he comes.

When my parents buy me a computer, I will work on it.

4. для обозначения действия происходящего в момент речи, с глаголами, которые обычно не используются в продолженном времени (see, hear, know, understand, love, hate, like, prefer, remember, want, think, mean, dislike, hate, enjoy, adore, smell, taste, feel, sound, believe, realize, forget, notice, recognize, seem, expect, contain, include, belong, fit, need, matter, cost, own, owe, be, have, require, weigh, wish, keep,…): This perfume smells nice (=has a nice smell). He is smelling the milk (= is sniffing). I think he’s lying (= believe). I’m thinking about the plan (= am considering).

5. для выражения следующего:

Я забыла! Oh, I forget! I must phone my granny at once.

Нам сказали…We are told the pupils have been there.

Они слышали…They hear he has already come back from Sochi.

II. theSimplePastTense- прошедшее неопределенное время употребляется:

  1. для выражения действия, происходящего когда-то в прошлом и не связанного с настоящем. They traveled in Spain in August.

  2. для описания ряда последовательных действий в прошлом: David had a horrible day yesterday. First he broke his favourite cup, then he missed his bus, as a result he came late to his office.

  3. для описания обычно, повторяющегося действия в прошлом: when I lived in the country I swam every morning.

Очень часто в этом случае употребляется обороты used to +infinitive, would + infinitive (бывало) There used to be a green field here – now there’s a supermarket. He would come to the seashore and watch the waves.

Оба оборота употребляются примерно в одинаковых контекстах, однако would + infinitive чаще в литературном стиле. Кроме того, если used to +infinitive подчеркивает, что данное событие больше не имеет места.

We used to work in the same office and we would often have coffee together.( мы в одном офисе уже не работаем, однако это не означает, что мы не пьем иногда кофе вместе)

  1. для выражения действия, которое в прошлом занимало определенный период времени. She didn’t speak for a minute or two.

Вспомогательный глагол: did

В утвердительных предложениях употребляется 2 форма глаголов

Omar got up at 8 o’clock yesterday.

Omar didn’t get up at 8 o’clock yesterday.

Did Omar get up at 8 o’clock yesterday?

Who got up at 8 o’clock yesterday?

At what time did Omar get up yesterday?

When did Omar get up at 8 o’clock?

Did Omar get up at 8 o’clock or at 9 o’clock?

Omar got up at 8 o’clock yesterday, didn’t he?

Omar didn’t get up at 8 o’clock yesterday, did he?
III. theSimpleFutureTense – будущее неопределенное время употребляется для выражения отдельного события или нескольких действий, которые произойдут в будущем: I don’t think I will see him tonight.
Вспомогательные глаголы:

I shall We shall

You will You will

He, she, it will They will

They will go to the south next summer.

They will not go to the south next summer.

Will they go to the south next summer?

Who will go to the south next summer?

Where will they go next summer?

Will they go to the south next summer or next week?

They will go to the south next summer, won’t they?

They won’t go to the south next summer, will they?

The Continuous (progressive) Tenses.
I. the Present Continuous Tense – настоящее продолженное время употребляется:

1. для описания действия, происходившего в момент речи:

He is not taking a bath, he is taking a shower.

2. для описания действия, происходившего в момент речи, но в настоящий период времени:

Are you driving?- no, not today.

3. для описания запланированного действия, которое произойдет в не слишком отдаленном будущем (особенно с глаголами движения go, come, leave, start, move, return and to have )

When is John coming back?

4. для описания типичного действия, вызывающего раздражение, неодобрение говорящего, при характеристике человека в эмоционально окрашенных предложениях:

You’re always talking in class!

He’s constantly telling lies!

В этих случаях в предложении почти всегда есть указатель -наречия неопределенного времени always, constantly, которые переводятся вечно.

Вспомогательные глаголы:

I am We are

You are You are


She is They are

Образование: Am, Is, Are + Ving

They are writing the test now.

They are not writing the test now.

Are they writing the test now?

Who is writing the test now?

What are they writing now?

They are writing the test now, aren’t they?

They are not writing the test now, are they?
II. thePastContinuousTense – прошедшее продолженное время употребляется:

  1. . для описания действия, происходило в определенный момент речи в прошлом She was driving her car at 6 yesterday. Pete was working when Mary returned. While mother was vacuuming the sofa I was washing up.

  2. для выражения длительного действия, которое протекало в определенный период времени в прошлом. Часто с обстоятельствами from two to four, all day long, the whole day: the Smiths were packing all day long yesterday.

С предлогом for : he walked for 10 minutes in silence. (Past Simple)

Вспомогательные глаголы:

I was We were

You were You were

He, she, it was They were


Was, were + Ving

Asel was doing her homework, when mother came home.

Asel was not doing her homework, when mother came home.

Was Asel doing her homework, when mother came home?

Who was doing her homework, when mother came home?

What was she doing, when mother came home?

Was she doing her homework or playing the piano, when mother came home?

Asel was doing her homework, when mother came home, wasn’t she?

Asel wasn’t doing her homework, when mother came home, was she?

III. theFutureContinuousTense – будущее продолженное время употребляется для описания длительного действия, которое будет протекать в определенный момент в будущем:

John won’t be at home at six. He will be working at the library.
Образование: shall be, will be + Ving.

He will be cleaning the room tomorrow at 5 p.m.

He won’t be cleaning the room tomorrow at 5 p.m.

Will he be cleaning the room tomorrow at 5 p.m.?

Who will be cleaning the room tomorrow at 5 p.m.?

What will he be doing tomorrow at 5 p.m.?

Will he or she be doing tomorrow at 5 p.m.?

He will be cleaning the room tomorrow at 5 p.m., won’t he?

He won’t be cleaning the room tomorrow at 5 p.m., will he?

The Perfect Tenses.
I. the Present Perfect Tense – настоящее завершенное время. Используется для выражения действия, законченного в прошлом, но связанного с настоящим моментом через результат. He has come back home. Here he is.

Вспомогательные глаголы:

I have We have

You have You have

He, she, it has They have


Have + V3

She has painted the picture today.

She has not painted the picture today.

Has she painted the picture today?

Who has painted the picture today?

What has she painted today?

Has she painted the picture or written the test today?

She has painted the picture today, hasn’t she?

She hasn’t painted the picture today, has she?
II .thePastPerfectTense- прошедшее совершенное время обычно используется в повествовании для описания действия, которые были закончены к определенному моменту в прошлом: They had cleaned their flat by 5 o’clock.


Had + V3

My sister had written the letter by 6 o’clock yesterday.

My sister had not written the letter by 6 o’clock yesterday.

Had my sister written the letter by 6 o’ clock yesterday?

Who had written the letter by 6 o’clock yesterday?

What had my sister written by 6 o’clock yesterday?

Had my sister written the letter or the test by 6 o’clock yesterday?

My sister had written the letter by 6 o’clock yesterday, hadn’t she?

My sister hadn’t written the letter by 6 o’clock yesterday, had she?
III. theFuturePerfectTense– будущее совершенное время употребляется для выражения будущего действия, которое закончится до определенного момента в будущем: my granny will have become a pensioner by the year 2010.

Образование: will (shall) have + V3

The Pavlovs will have bought a new car by the end of the year.

The Pavlovs will not have bought a new car by the end of the year.

Will the Pavlovs have bought a new car by the end of the year?

Who will have bought a new car by the end of the year?

What will the Pavlovs have bought by the end of the year?

Will the Pavlovs have bought a new car or a new house by the end of the year?

The Pavlovs will have bought a new car by the end of the year, won’t they?

The Pavlovs won’t have bought a new car by the end of the year, will they?
The Perfect Continuous Tenses.
I. thePresentPerfectContinuousTense – настоящее совершенное продолженное время имеет две разновидности:

1. это время употребляется со всеми глаголами (кроме глаголов to know, to be, to have которые не используются в форме продолженного времени) для описания действия, которое началось в прошлом, длилось какое-то время в прошлом и продолжается в момент речи: It has been snowing for 3 hours already.

2. употребляется для того, чтобы показать, что длительные действие только что закончилось и определенным образом связано с настоящей ситуацией, может ее объяснить: why are you hot? I’ve been running all the way.

I have been We have been

You have been You have been

He, she, it has been They have been


Have been, has been + Ving

He has been studying English for two years.

He has not been studying English for two years.

Has he been studying English for two years?

Who has been studying English for two years?

What has he been studying for two years?

Has he been studying English or French for two years?

He has been studying English for two years, hasn’t he?

He hasn’t been studying English for two years, has he?
II .thePastPerfectContinuousTense- прошедшее совершенное продолженное время употребляется:

  1. для описания длительного прошедшего действия, которое началось раньше какого-либо другого действия в прошлом и продолжалось в момент , когда это другое действие началось: at 4 she realized she had been working for 3 hours.

  2. для описания длительного прошедшего действия, которое закончилось непосредственно перед моментом начала другого действия в прошлом: she was tired because she had been washing up all evening.

Образование: had been + Ving

The children had been dancing for an hour when father came home.

The children had not been dancing for an hour when father came home.

Had the children been dancing for an hour when father came home?

Who had been dancing for an hour when father came home?

What had the children been doing for an hour when father came home?

Had the children been dancing or painting for an hour when father came home?

The children had been dancing for an hour when father came home, hadn’t they?

The children hadn’t been dancing for an hour when father came home, had they?
III. theFuturePerfectContinuousTense– будущее совершенное продолженное время употребляется для выражения длительного будущего действия, которое начинается ранее другого действия в будущем или до определенного момента в будущем и будет продолжаться в этот момент: by 7 o’clock Jill will have been writing her article for 3 hours non-stop.

Это время очень редко употребляется в современном английском и только с глаголами, которые предполагают выражение длительного действия: learn, live, study, work, travel, write, read, listen, lie, sit, wait, rain, snow….
Образование: will (shall) have been + Ving

She will have been translating the text for 2 hours when he comes.

She won’t have been translating the text for 2 hours when he comes.

Will she have been translating the text for 2 hours when he comes?

Who will have been translating the text for 2 hours when he comes?

What will she have been translating for 2 hours when he comes?

Will she have been translating the text for 2 or 3 hours when he comes?

She will have been translating the text for 2 hours when he comes, won’t she?

She won’t have been translating the text for 2 hours when he comes, will she?
Tenses and forms that are used to describe FUTURE.

1. we express some action in the future, we cannot change anything

Future Simple

John will be ten in may.

2. we predict things

Future Simple

I think it will rain tomorrow.

To be going to

Look at the clouds. It is going to rain.

3. we decide to do something at the time of speaking

Future Simple

There are no potatoes left. OK. I’ll buy some.

4. we express intentions (намерение), promises (обещание), invitations, hopes, expectations, threats (угрозы).

Future Simple

I hope he will come on time.

5. we talk about timetables.

Present Simple

When does the film start?

6. we mention conditions.

Future Simple (main clause)

Present Simple( clauses of time and condition)

When mother gets money, she will buy me a new bike.

7.we talk about planned actions, near future.

Present Progressive

To be going to

We are having a party tomorrow. I have written all the invitations.

We are going to have a party on Saturday.

8. we talk about a certain time in the future.

Future Continuous

Boris will be flying to Vladivostok at 3 o’clock tomorrow.

9. we speak about an action completed by a certain moment in the future.

Future Perfect

Nataly will have finished her article by 3.

Time expressions:





Usually, often, always, every day/ week/ month/ year, in the morning/ afternoon/ evening, at night, at the weekend, on Monday,….

Yesterday, then, when, How long ago..?, last night/ week/ month/ year/ Tuesday, three days/ weeks, ago, in 1997,…

Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, tonight, soon, next week/ month/ year, in a week/ month/ year, in two/ three days/ weeks,…


Now, at the moment, at present, these days, still, nowadays, today, tonight,…

While, when, as, all morning/day/ evening/ night,…


For, since, already, yet, always, just, ever, never, so far, this week/ month, how long, lately, recently, still, ….

Before, after, already, just, for, since, till/ until, when, by, by the time, never,….

before, by, by then, by the time, until/ till, …

Perfect Progressive

For, since, how long, lately, recently,

For, since, how long, before, until,…







V, Vs (3л. ед.ч.)

do/does + V

V (ed) 2

did not + V

will(shall) V

won’t, shan’t V


am, is, are + Ving

am, is, are not + Ving

was, were + Ving

was, were not + Ving

will be Ving

will not be Ving


have, has + V (ed)3

have, has + not V (ed)3

had + V (ed)3

had + notV (ed)3

will have V(ed)3

will not have V(ed)3

Perfect Progressive

have, has + been Ving

have, has not + been Ving

had + beenV ing

had + not been V ing

will have been Ving

will not have been Ving

При образовании форм английского глагола следующие правила:

  1. 3-е лицо единственного числа простого настоящего времени (Present Simple) образуется с помощью прибавления суффикса –s/-es к основе глагола.

    • -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -tch, -z + es pass- passes, watch- watches

    • -o + es go- goes

    • -y ( перед согласной меняется на I )+es study- studies

-y ( перед гласной) + s stay- stays

  1. причастие I (Participle I) образуются путем прибавления суффикса –ing к основе глагола

    • непроизносимое-e на конце глагола перед –ing опускается close- closing

    • конечная удваивается после краткой гласной или ударное сочетание -er, -ur cut-cutting, prefer-preferring

    • согласные –l, -m, -p на конце слова всегда удваиваются в British English (travel- traveling ) и не удваиваются в American English (travel- traveling)

    • -y на конце слова сохраняется stay- staying

    • Сочетание –ie на конце слова меняется на –y tie-tying, lie-lying

  2. образование форм глаголов прошедшего времени (Past Simple) и причастия II (Participle II).

Правильные глаголы с помощью суффикса –ed

    • если глагол оканчивается на –y ,которой предшествует согласная, -y меняется на –I study- studied

    • если конечной –y предшествует гласная, то никаких изменений не происходит play- played

    • конечная удваивается после краткой гласной или ударное сочетание -er, -ur stop- sopped, occur- occurred

    • согласные –l, -m, -p на конце слова всегда удваиваются в British English (travel- traveled) и не удваиваются в American English (travel- traveled)

  1. неправильные глаголы образуют формы прошедшего времени (Past Simple) и причастия II (Participle II) различными способами.sing- sang- sung


Основа глагола

Past Simple

Прошедшее простое время

Participle II

Причастие прошедшего времени

Participle I

Причастие настоящего времени









Test №9.

1.Выберите правильный вариант.

What sports … they fond of?

A) Is B) does C) have D) are E) do

2.What city… the capital of Kazakhstan?

A) Am B) are C) be D) is E) been

3) When we came back the children… in the garden with two unknown boys.

A) Would play B) play C) was playing D) are playing E) were playing

4. Aset … newspapers every day.

A) Has read B) reads C) were reading D) have read E) has wrote

5. My friend … any present yesterday.

A) Bought not B) doesn’t buy C) will buy D) didn’t bought E) didn’t buy

6.What … the weather like yesterday?

A) Is B) were C) was D) are E)am

7. We… this film from 5 till 7 p.m. yesterday.

A) Were watch B) watched C) watched D) were watching E) have watching

8. He … for 10 minutes when we came.

A) Had been speaking B) had spoken C) was speaking D) spoke E)speaks

9. I… here since 1992.

A) Live B) lived C) has lived D) living E) have been living

10.When I… him I’ll give him your message.

A) See B) saw C) will see D) sees E) is seeing

11. Закончите разделительный вопрос.

They will arrive at 6 p.m., … ?

A) Shall they B) shan’t they C) won’t they D) they will E) will they

12. They spoke quietly, …?

A) Don’t they B) did they C) are they D) do they E) didn’t they

13. Закончитепредложение.

My sister will go to the seaside … .

A) Already B) yesterday C) yet D) ever E) tomorrow

14. Выберите альтернативный вопрос.

  1. Do you like apples or pears?

  2. What is your sister’s name?

  3. Is your flat large?

  4. Where do you live?

  5. Do you go to school on Saturday?

15. Выберитеправильныйвариант.

The lesson … when I arrived.

A) Already starts B) has already started C) already started D) had already started

  1. is already starting

16. She … at school last Monday.

A) Are B) am C) do D) was E) were

17. You … in London, don’t you?

A) Lives B) would live C) has lived D) live E) is living

18. My brother … a beard last year.

A) have grown B) grew C) had grown D) have grew E) grow

19. I looked out of the window and saw that we … over the mountains.

A) have flown B) fly C) flew D) were flying E) was flying

20. Asel … sweets.

A) Do like B) don’t like C) likes not D) doesn’t like E) not like
1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   ...   16

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