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  • Test №

  • Pronoun. Местоимения .

  • The verb. Глагол . Functions of the verb to be

  • Functions of the verb to have функции глагола

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    Adverb. Наречие.

    виды наречий

    положительная степень

    сравнительная степень

    превосходная степень

    односложные наречия (а также early)
















    more brightly

    more slowly

    most brightly

    most slowly

















    Наречия often, quickly, slowly могут образовывать степени сравнения как с помощью слов more, most , так и с помощью суффиксов –er, -est .
    Test №6.

    1. What…have you seen at the museum?

    a) still b) more c) else

    2. Tom has…finished his work.

    a) still b) already c) yet

    3. – Don’t make such a noise!

    – Are the children…sleeping?

    a) still b) yet c) more

    4. Don’t worry. He is…on the danger list.

    a) no more b) not longer c) no longer

    5. I want to go for a walk. Has it stopped snowing…?

    a) else b) yet c) still

    6. The train is…than the horse.

    a) fast b) faster c) more fast d) more faster

    7. Please, come…not to be late.

    a) early b) more early c) earlier d) earlyer

    8. Today you look… and… than yesterday.

    a) better, more fresh b) better, fresher c) gooder, fresher

    d)more good, more fresh

    9.He reads … than this girl.

    a) bader b) more bad c) worse d) more worse

    10.The girl speaks very…, I don’t like it.

    a) slow b) slowly c) more slowly d)most slowly

    11. Trains go … and are very comfortable.

    a) quick b) quickly c) more quick most quick

    12. You must write….

    a) good b) well c) better d) more good

    13. Please, don’t go so…

    a) quick b) quickly

    14. You listened to me…

    a) sad b) sadly c)more sad d) most sad

    15. I can translate this text…

    a) easy b) more easy c) easier d) easyer

    16. Could you speak…?

    a) distinctlier b) more distinctly c) more distinct d) distinct

    17. You should be…when you drive/

    a) the most careful b) the more careful c) carefuler d) more careful

    18. People choose planes because they travel… than trains.

    a) fast b) faster c) more fast d) more faster

    19. She asked me to drive…

    a) slow b) slowly c) more slowly d) most slowly

    20. The …I forget, the …I know.

    a) most, least b) most, less c) more, less d) more, least

    Pronoun. Местоимения.





    объектный падеж





    My + noun

































    Указательные местоимения

    Ед.число this -это, эта, этот that -то, тот, та

    Мн.число these -эти those –те

    Such -такой

    It was such an easy question? ( употр. неоп. артикль с исч.сущ. в ед.числе)

    I have never seen such beautiful pictures! ( не употр. артикль с неисч.сущ. и исч.сущ во мн.числе)

    The same -тот же самый

    Do the same task!
    Неопределенные местоимения


    Исчисляемые сущ.


    A lot of, lots of, plenty of, a great many, a good many

    Неисчисляемые сущ.


    A lot of, plenty, a great deal of, a good deal of


    Исчисляемые сущ.


    Неисчисляемые сущ.



    Исчисляемые сущ.

    A few

    Неисчисляемые сущ.

    A little

    Some, any, no

    Some (несколько, некоторое количество, некоторые) употребляется:

    1. в утвердительных предложениях Some people like strong tea.

    2. в вопросах, выражающих просьбу, предложение или осведомление Can I have some more milk?

    Any(какой-либо, сколько-нибудь)

    1. в вопросительных предложениях Have you got any new stamps?

    2. в отрицательных предложениях There is not any water in the bottle.

    3. в утвердительных предложениях имеет значение: любой, какой угодно You can take any book you like.

    + something somebody someone somewhere

    -? anything anybody anyone anywhere

    - nothing nobody none nowhere

    everything everybody everyone everywhere

    some of (кто-нибудь из), any of, none of (никто из)- многих лиц, предметов

    either of ( любой из), neither of ( никто у)- двух лиц или предметов

    each of –каждый из

    Вопросительные местоимения

    Who –кто Who is singing ?

    Whom – кого Whom did you meet there?

    Which – какой Which month is the shortest?

    What - что What is on the table?

    Whose – чьё Whose turn is it to pay?

    Which of you speaks French?

    Вопросительные местоимения употребляются для образования специальных вопросов.

    Союзные местоимения

    Эти местоимения употребляются для связи придаточных предложений с главным и могут выполнять в придаточных предложениях функции:

    -Подлежащего We know a lot of people, who live in Ohio.

    -Дополнения the man, whom I wanted to see, was away.

    -Именной части сказуемого Tell me, what you are.

    -Определения I saw people whose car had broken down.
    What (что)относится к неодушевленным предметам и отвлеченным понятиям, а who (кто, кого, кому)- к лицам. I won’t tell anyone what happened. An architect is someone who designs building.

    Местоимение which используется в том случае, когда вопрос относится к одному из двух или нескольких предметов или лиц и подразумевает выбор. Where are the eggs which were in the refrigeration?

    Местоимение whose используется в придаточных предложениях вместо his/ her/ their. A widow is a women whose husband is dead.

    В разговорной речи именительный падеж местоимения who часто употребляется вместо объектного падежа whom в качестве прямого и предложного дополнения. Предлог в этом случае стоит в конце предложения: Do you know the girl who Tom is talking to? Are there books that you have been looking for?
    Относительные местоимения






    The girl who is singing is my sister.

    I don’t know whom you mean.

    Do you know whose book it is?

    Where is the book which you have bought?

    Bring us the article that you spoke about.

    Взаимные местоимения

    Предполагает двух лиц

    each other

    The father and the son spoke to each other.

    Предполагает более двух лиц, группу

    one another

    The pupils sang and spoke to one another.

    Местоимения it

    1. личное Where is my book? It is on the table.

    2. указательное It is a book.

    3. бессоюзное предложение ( явление природы, время, расстояния) It is winter.

    4. устойчивые фразы It is necessary to go there now.

    Отрицательные местоимения

    No, none, no one, nobody, nothing, neither указывают на отсутствие чего-либо и являются одним из способов выражения отрицания в предложении. Два отрицания в предложении не употребляются.

    No употребляется в роли определения перед исчис. и неисчис. существительными. артикль при наличии определения no не употребляется.

    There is no milk in the bottle.

    no one, nobody относятся к лицам, nothing – к неодуш. предметам.

    I found nobody there= I didn’t find anybody there.

    I know nothing about it.= I don’t know anything about it.

    Neither (ни тот, ни другой) является отрицательной формой either

    Do you prefer tea or coffee? I like neither.

    none может заменять исчис. и неисчис. существительные и употребляется в кратких ответах с целью усиления.

    Have you got a spare notebook? No, I have none. (No, I haven’t any.)
    Test №7.

    1. Выберите правильный вариант:

    My brother lives in … Minsk.

    1. -

    2. a

    3. an

    4. those

    5. the

    2. She works at … school.

    1. a

    2. the

    3. this

    4. -

    5. an

    3. My sister often plays … piano in … evening.

    A) at/the

    B) an/a

    C) the/the

    D) the/a

    E) this/an

    4. We like to walk in … fine weather.

    A) a

    B) these

    C) the

    D) -

    E) an

    5. They usually do … lot of exercises.

    A) the

    B) that

    C) an

    D) on

    E) a

    6. She finishes … work at six.

    A) a

    B) the

    C) an

    D) -

    E) they

    7. This is my … room.

    A) the

    B) it

    C) on

    D) an

    E) -

    8. We had … dinner, and in … evening we went to the theatre.

    A) a/the

    B) a/an

    C) -/the

    D) the/-

    E) that/it

    9. There are … different laboratories in this … building.

    A) the/the

    B) a/the

    C) at/a

    D) -/-

    E) a/an

    10. This is … cup. It’s … red cup. … red cup is on .. table.

    A) a/a/the/the

    B) an/a/the/that

    C) the/an/a/this

    D) the/the/a/an

    E) an/the/-/-

    11. Дополните предложения:

    Is there … in the room?

    A) anybody

    B) somebody

    C) nothing

    D) something

    E) none

    12. I’d like to tell you … .

    A) everybody

    B) nobody

    C) something

    D) anything

    E) anybody

    13. Does … know his address?

    A) anybody

    B) nobody

    C) nothing

    D) anywhere

    E) somebody

    14. Can you hear … ?

    A) nothing

    B) anything

    C) nowhere

    D) nobody

    E) none of then

    15. I can see … here.

    A) anybody

    B) nothing

    C) everywhere

    D) nowhere

    E) something

    16. These is … interesting in this newspaper.

    A) something

    B) anything

    C) anybody

    D) anywhere

    E) somewhere

    17. … could answer his question.

    A) Anything

    B) Anybody

    C) Nobody

    D) Everywhere

    E) Nothing

    18. … was at the lesson on Monday.

    A) Everybody

    B) Anyone

    C) Something

    D) Anyone

    E) Nothing

    19. Has … seen this film?

    A) everything

    B) something

    C) somebody

    D) anyone

    E) nobody

    20. … met me at the station.

    A) Something

    B) Everywhere

    C) Anybody

    D) Anywhere

    E) Nobody

    The verb. Глагол.
    Functions of the verb to be функции глагола to be(am, is, are, was, were, will be)


    глагол-связка ( быть, являться, состоять, заключаться)

    She is a student


    смысловой глагол (быть, находится)

    She is in America


    модальный глагол ( должен согласно договоренности или заранее намеченного плана)

    They are to meet in the morning


    вспомогательный глагол (Active voice: Present, Past, Future Continuous; Passive voice: all tenses)

    She is visiting Australia now.

    A lot of tree are being planted in Australia now.

    Test №8.

    Выберите правильную форму глагола “to be.

    1. I…in the 11th grade.

    A) is B) are C) am D) were E) isn’t

    1. He…at the theatre yesterday.

    A) is B) was C) will D) were E) am

    1. My car …at the entrance yesterday.

    A) was B) is C) are D) were E) am

    1. It…a nice fairy-tale.

    A) are B) am C) be D) is E) been

    1. My sister and I …twins.

    A) am B) is C) are D) be E) been

    1. Kazakh people…very kind and friendly.

    A) are B) be C) been D) is E) am

    1. I know that Asel’s balls…under the table.

    A) been B) be C) am D) is E) are

    1. ….you a teacher?

    A) Be B) Is C) Are D) Been E) Am

    1. What…the official language in Kazakhstan?

    A) is B) be C) am D) been E) are

    1. I…from Kazakhstan.

    A) am B) be C) is D) are E) been

    1. Almaty…the most beautiful city in Kazakhstan.

    A) be B) is C) were D) am E) are

    1. This pair of shoes…not good.

    A) be B) been C) are D) am E) is

    1. Tom’s parents…travel agents.

    A) is B)been C) not D) are E) was

    1. Pat’s mother …a teacher.

    A) isn’t B) don’t C) doesn’t D) aren’t E) were

    1. Mag and her sister…in Rome.

    A) isn’t B) don’t C) didn’t D) aren’t E) doesn’t

    1. I…at home last night.

    A) am not B) weren’t C) don’t D) wasn’t E) didn’t

    1. Your money…in your handbag.

    A) be B) were C) am D) is E) are

    1. An eagle…a very big bird.

    A) does B) are C) am D)is E) did

    1. Our economic progress…in progress.

    A) am B) be C) is D) are E) does

    1. Omar and Asel….in Astana last summer.

    A) are B) was C) were D) is E) not
    Functions of the verb to have функции глагола to have (have, has, had, will have)


    вспомогательный глагол (Active and Passive voices: Present, Past, Future Perfect)

    She had done homework.


    смысловой глагол (иметь)

    I have a family.


    в сочетании с существительным

    I have lunch at school.


    модальный глагол ( должен)

    They have to work hard. If they want to study successfully.


    в конструкции to have + сущ. + Past Participle

    I had the work yesterday. Я сделал работу вчера ( мне сделали работу)


    в конструкции to have + сущ.(местоимение) + infinitive

    I have some books to read. Мне нужно прочесть несколько книг (у меня есть несколько книг для чтения)

    Перевод глагола зависит :

    1. переходный или непереходный глагол.

    Переходные глаголы требуют после себя дополнение
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