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  • СМИ. Практикум по языку сми учебнометодическое пособие авт сост. Вишнякова Е. А., Дроздова Т. В., Конистерова Е. А., Улитина К. А. Тула

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    НазваниеПрактикум по языку сми учебнометодическое пособие авт сост. Вишнякова Е. А., Дроздова Т. В., Конистерова Е. А., Улитина К. А. Тула
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    'Lifestyle choice?'

    Older children still need parental care and support. And professionals should be challenging "neglectful" parents.

    Yvette Stanley, Ofsted's national director for social care, said: "Older children are still children and they need our love and care.

    "They face risks outside the home in a way younger children do not and need parents to provide clear boundaries and support on their journey to adulthood. Some older children we saw had been neglected by their parents over many years. These children are incredibly vulnerable. They can seem 'resilient' and appear to be making 'lifestyle choices' when they are in fact finding unsafe ways of coping, like getting involved in gangs or misusing drugs and alcohol."

    A government spokesperson said neglect of any child or young person was wrong and that it was committed to ensuring they receive the care and support that they need.

    "That is why we are reforming how agencies work together at a local level in safeguarding against abuse and neglect. We have strengthened our 'Working Together to Safeguard Children' guidance which, for the first time, makes clear the expectations on all agencies to protect young people from exploitation."

    Charity, the Children's Society, said: "Children suffering neglect need help from services to address underlying issues in their lives but too often they are wrongly dismissed as troublesome teenagers or resilient enough to cope. "

    Support needs to be offered to the whole family so that parents who may be struggling with their own problems receive crucial advice and support to help them to keep their children safe and give them the care they need.


    By Who, What Why The Magazine answers the questions behind the news 12 August 2016 http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-37033910

    Michael Phelps has broken a 2,000-year-old Olympic record by surpassing the 12 individual titles won by Leonidas of Rhodes. Who was this athlete whose record has taken two millennia to beat?
    Phelps has a total of 22 Olympic gold medals, but nine of these have come in relays - in terms of individual titles he has only just passed the greatest athlete of the ancient world.

    Leonidas of Rhodes competed in four successive Olympiads in 164BC, 160BC, 156BC and 152BC and in each of these he won three different foot races.

    An athlete who won three events at a single Olympics was known as a triastes, or tripler. There were only seven triastes and Leonidas is the only one known to have achieved the honour more than once. Remarkably, he was 36 when he did it on the fourth occasion - five years older than Phelps is today.

    The three events at which he triumphed were the stadion, a sprint of roughly 200m; the diaulos, which was twice the distance of the stadion; and the longer hoplitodromos, or race in armour.

    Unlike most races, which were run in the nude, the race in armour required competitors to wear heavy battle gear, possibly comprising a helmet, a breastplate, shin armour and a shield made from bronze and wood.

    "To run all these events one after the other was quite a feat," says Judith Swaddling, senior curator at The British Museum.

    "He broke through the distinction between sprinters and endurance athletes," says Paul Cartledge, professor of classics at the University of Cambridge. The race in armour had not previously been considered suitable for sprinters (the Olympiads had already been going for a few centuries).

    "They were running in armour, the temperature would be 40C. The conditions were fantastically unpleasant, requiring completely different muscles and gymnastic skills."

    There is very little biographical information about Leonidas, says Cartledge, and no images of him survive. But his name - derived from the Greek word for lion - suggests he was a man of distinction. "He's probably an aristocrat, probably wealthy, probably from an athletic family," Cartledge says.

    Prof Paul Cartledge discusses Leonidas of Rhodes with Martha Kearney on The World At One

    Rhodes had a strong athletic tradition. Another great Olympian from the island was the boxer Diagoras, who launched a dynasty of athletes. "Coming from Rhodes you are a bit on the fringes," Cartledge says. "You probably tried harder than if you were from one of the older cities."

    There were no gold, silver or bronze medals in Leonidas's day - races were winner-takes-all with the runner who came first earning a simple olive wreath. After his death "he was worshipped as a local deity" in Rhodes, says Swaddling.

    He was also venerated in ancient Greek literature. Pausanias described him as "the most famous runner". In the 3rd Century, Philostratus the Athenian wrote in his Gymnastikos that Leonidas's versatility disproved all received wisdom about athletic training and body types.

    A statue of him in Rhodes displayed the legend: "He had the speed of a God." Quite a reputation for Phelps to live up to.
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