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  • Финансовый учет Financial Accounting


  • оценка финансовых инструментов. Правила российских нормативных документов по бухгалтерскому учету в части оценки указанных

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    The article defines the current relation of the terms
    ‘financial instruments’, ‘financial assets’, ‘financial liabilities’, and ‘financial investments’, as well as the relation between accounting standards using these categories. The author analyses the rules of the Inter- national Financial Reporting Standards for financial instruments measurement. The study also considers
    Russian accounting regulations on measurement of the said objects of accounting. The paper states that the current conditions of the Russian accounting practice allow introducing such accounting objects as financial instruments, as well as the financial assets and financial liabilities categories. The performed comparative analysis of modern national and inter- national accounting rules for financial instruments measurement identified similarities and persisting dif- ferences in the requirements to initial and subsequent
    International Accounting
    Financial Accounting
    ISSN 2311-9381 (Online)
    ISSN 2073-5081 (Print)

    47 (341) – 2014
    Международный бухгалтерский учет
    International accounting
    Финансовый учет
    Financial Accounting
    measurement of financial instruments. The author re- views the history of changes in the national and inter- national rules for financial instruments measurement.
    The systematic data confirm that there have been virtually continuous changes in regulations on ac- counting treatment of financial instruments (including measurement), and at present, these stipulations in the supranational standards are most often under various reforms. The author identifies the main obstacles to convergence of Russian and international accounting regulations on financial instruments measurement, provides recommendations for solving the problem, and substantiates proposals for further improvement of domestic and international rules for initial and sub- sequent measurement of financial instruments. The conclusion is that the recommendations will enhance the reliability of information in financial statements of organizations.
    Keywords: evaluation, measurement, financial instrument, financial asset, financial liability, initial cost, subsequent measurement, Russian, accounting, document, International Financial Reporting
    1. Druzhilovskaya T.Yu. Novye trebovaniya k sostavleniyu otcheta o dvizhenii denezhnykh sredstv v rossiiskikh i mezhdunarodnykh standartakh [New requirements for cash flow statement generation in
    Russian and international standards]. Mezhdunarodnyi
    bukhgalterskii uchet = International Accounting,
    2012, no. 1, pp. 2–10.
    2. Druzhilovskaya T.Yu., Korshunova T.N.,
    Khodyrev A.A. Printsipy uchetnoi politiki i dostover- nost’ otchetnoi informatsii kak ee tsel’ [Principles of an accounting policy and the reliability of re- ported information as its objective]. Mezhdunarodnyi
    bukhgalterskii uchet = International Accounting,
    2013, no. 24, pp. 2–16.
    3. Druzhilovskaya E.S. Problemy primeneniya spravedlivoi stoimosti v rossiiskom i mezhdunarodnom bukhgalterskom uchete [Problems of using fair value in Russian and international accounting].
    Mezhdunarodnyi bukhgalterskii uchet = International
    Accounting, 2014, no. 17, pp. 2–12.
    4. Druzhilovskaya E.S. Sovremennye problemy otsenki zapasov v RSBU i MSFO i puti ikh resheniya
    [Modern problems of inventory valuation in RAS and IFRS and ways to solve them]. Mezhdunarodnyi
    bukhgalterskii uchet = International Accounting,
    2013, no. 38, pp. 42–54.
    5. Isakova S.A. Finansovye aktivy i finansovye obyazatel’stva v usloviyakh perekhoda na MSFO
    (NSFO 2) [Financial assets and financial liabilities in the context of transition to the IFRS (National
    Financial Reporting Standards 2)]. Mezhdunarodnyi
    bukhgalterskii uchet = International Accounting,
    2012, no. 24, pp. 60–65.
    6. RF Federal Law “On Accounting” of December
    06, 2011 № 402-FZ. (In Russ.)
    7. Order of the Ministry of Finance of the
    Russian Federation “On Introduction of International
    Financial Reporting Standards and Interpretations of
    International Financial Reporting Standards in the
    Russian Federation” of November 25, 2011 № 160n.
    (In Russ.)
    8. Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian
    Federation “On Approval of Accounting Regulation
    “Financial Investment Accounting” RAS 19/02” of
    December 10, 2002 № 126n. (In Russ.)
    9. Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian
    Federation “On Approval of Plan of the Ministry of
    Finance of the Russian Federation for 2012–2015 for accounting and reporting development in the Russian
    Federation on the basis of International Financial
    Reporting Standards” of November 30, 2011 № 440.
    (In Russ.)
    10. IAS 32 Financial Instruments: Presentation.
    Available at: http://www.iasplus.com/en/standards/
    11. IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement. Available at: http://www.iasplus.
    12. IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures.
    Available at: http://www.iasplus.com/en/standards/
    13. IFRS 9 Financial Instruments. Available at: http://www.iasplus.com/en/standards/ifrs/ifrs9
    Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny
    Novgorod – National Research University,
    Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation druzhilovskaya@yandex.ru
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