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Тематика эссе, рефератов, презентаций

  1. Основные направления в изучении фонемы.

  2. Система английской речевой интонации.

  3. Основные проблемы фоностилистического анализа текста.

  4. Соотношение нормы и стилевой дифференциации английского произношения.

  5. Фонетические особенности произносительных вариантов английского языка.

  6. Фонологические расхождения между американским и британским вариантами английского зыка.

  7. Функции слога в речи.

  8. Функции ударения.

  9. Ритмическая единица английской речи.

  10. Стилистические изменения звуков в английской разговорной речи.

6.2.5. Вопросы к экзамену по дисциплине

  1. The role of Phonetics in foreign language teaching.

  2. Phonetics as a branch of linguistics. Its application to other areas of science.

  3. Branches of Phonetics.

  4. Aspects of speech sounds.

  5. Methods of investigation in Phonetics.

  6. Transcription.

  7. The phoneme and its definition.

  8. Aspects of the phoneme.

  9. Types of mistakes.

  10. The Phoneme theory at home and abroad. 11.Methods of phonological investigation.

12.Morphonology. 13.Articulatory Phonetics. 14.Organs of speech.

15.Classification of speech sounds. 16.The system of English vowels. 17.The system of English consonants.

18.The main differences in the types of pronunciation. 19.The national varieties of English.

20.Orthoepic norm. 21.The teaching norm.

22.Moot points in the system of English consonants. 23.Moot points in the system of English vowels.

  1. Vowel length in English.

  2. The groups of changes in English pronunciation. 26.New tendencies in pronunciation of English vowels. 27.New tendencies in pronunciation of English consonants. 28.The nature of word-stress.

29.The degrees of word-stress. 30.The place of word-stress.

  1. The tendencies of word-stress in English.

  2. The peculiarities of the English accentual system. 33.The accentual system of English compound words. 34.The regional types of American English.

35.General American pronunciation and RP. 36.The problem of the definition of intonation. 37.The functional value of intonation.

38.The anatomy of English intonation. 39.The functional value of the pitch.

40.Sentence-stress. 41.The tempo of speech.

42.Pauses. English rhythm. 43.Phonostylistics as a branch of linguistics. 44.The main style differentiating factors.

45.Phonetic styles classification. 46.Monologue and dialogue speech forms. 47.Stylistic differentiation on phonetic level. 48.Non-RP accents of English.

49.The regional types of British English. 50.American English pronunciation.

  1. The peculiarities of the accentual structure of words and intonation in American English.

  2. Assimilation and its classification. 53.Modification of English consonants. 54.Modification of English vowels.

  1. Syllable formation in English. 56.Syllable division in English.

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