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    Invest time in doing what you are doing and stay consistent. Job-hunting is both boring as well as draining on the spirit. Yes, you will fail more often than you succeed when job-hunting. That’s a given. Nevertheless, utilize those failures to learn and improve your future applications. Commit to yourself that you will spend a certain amount of time each day to do the things you want to achieve in your search and plan your activities so you do not put all your hopes into one basket.


    Writing a resume

    When writing a resume it is important to use a basic font that is easy to read, both for hiring managers and for applicant management systems.

    There are a few reasons why it is important to keep your resume simple. First of all, many of them are read by the applicant tracking systems, not by people. Those systems work best reading text rather than fancy formatting.

    It is also important for the hiring manager to be able to read your resume easily. Using a 10 or 12-point font will ensure that. Basic fonts like Arial, Verdana, Calibri, and Times New Roman work well. You can make section headlines a little larger or bold.

    Do not overuse capitalization, bold, italics, underlines, or other emphasizing features. Be consistent in your formatting. For example, if you bold one section heading, bold them all. If you bold the company name, be sure the others are all bold, as well.

    It is important to include all your contact information on your resume so employers can easily get in touch with you.

    Include your full name, street address, city, state, and zip, home phone number, cell phone number, and email address.

    Your resume should include the same keywords that appear in job descriptions.

    That way, you will increase your chances of your resume matching available positions - and of you being selected for an interview. Also include keywords in your cover letter.

    There are several basic types of resumes used to apply for job openings. Depending on your personal circumstances, choose a chronological, a functional, combination, or a targeted resume.

    It's important to prioritize the content of your resume so that your most important and relevant experience is listed first, with key accomplishments listed at the top of each position.

    It definitely takes more time to write a custom resume, but it is worth the effort, especially when applying for jobs that are a perfect match for your qualifications and experience.

    In this competitive job-seeking environment, job seekers need to make sure that their resume stands out from the pack, is selected by talent management systems, and shows, in a professional, no-nonsense way, that the applicant has taken the time and interest to pursue a specific jobs opening.

    Use a resume template as a starting point for creating your own resume. Add your information to the resume template, then tweak and edit it to personalize your resume, so it highlights your skills and abilities.

    When you are sending an email resume, it is important to follow the employer's instructions on how to submit your cover letter and resume. The employer may want your resume attached to the email message and sent in specific format, typically as a Word document or a PDF.

    It definitely takes more time to write a custom resume, but it's worth the effort, especially when applying for jobs that are a perfect match for your qualifications and experience.

    In this competitive job-seeking environment, job seekers need to make sure that their resume stands out from the pack, is selected by talent management systems, and shows, in a professional, no-nonsense way, that the applicant has taken the time and interest to pursue a specific jobs opening.

    Use a resume template as a starting point for creating your own resume. Add your information to the resume template, then tweak and edit it to personalize your resume, so it highlights your skills and abilities.

    When you are sending an email resume, it is important to follow the employer's instructions on how to submit your cover letter and resume. The employer may want your resume attached to the email message and sent in specific format, typically as a Word document or a PDF.


    Рассмотрим основные шаблоны резюме на английском языке, представленные на популярном ресурсе.



    Классический наиболее простой шаблон.



    Ниже рассмотрим шаблоны резюме в различных областях

    Офис и продажи

    Шаблон резюме помощника руководителя


    Шаблон резюме менеджера по продажам



    Шаблон резюме менеджера по маркетингу




    Сфера недвижимости




    Бухучёт и аудит




    Информационные технологии





    Учитель начальных классов



    Рекомендуем изучить сайт https://resumegenius.com, где представлен более широкий спектр резюме для соискателей разных специальностей на английском языке.


    Как уже отмечалось выше, к резюме прилагается сопроводительное письмо (cover letter) – короткое послание работодателю, в котором вы выражаете интерес к вакансии и к сотрудничеству. Грамотно и корректно составленное сопроводительное письмо – одно из условий того, что на резюме обратят внимание.

    Приведём примеры сопроводительных писем на английском языке.




    [Today’s Date]

    [341 Company Address

    Company City, State, xxxxx





    Dear Mr./Ms./Mrs. [Hiring Manager’s Name],


    Please accept my enclosed application for the position of at [Company Name]. Having read through your job description, I am thrilled to be applying for this position as my 6 years of experience and skillset match the requirements you’re looking for.


    At my current company, Redford & Sons, I am valued by the CEO and his staff as a critical support pillar for the team, keeping meetings, papers, travel arrangements, and office items organized at all times. I have spearheaded the effort to “go digital” for almost all planning and paperwork, increasing office efficiency to the point of saving $3,000 per year in contracted labor expenses. Allow me to highlight three bullet points from my resume that I believe demonstrate why I am the perfect candidate for this position:


    Trained two assistants during a period of company expansion to ensure attention to detail and adherence to company policy

    Maintain utmost discretion when dealing with sensitive topics

    Typed documents such as correspondence, drafts, memos, and emails, and prepared 3 reports weekly for management.


    My resume goes into more detail about my daily job duties and achievements during my tenure as an administrative assistant at two companies. However, I believe that these bullet points demonstrate that I have the ability to perform the major duties, and train others in how to perform in this role effectively, should the need arise.


    I would love to have to opportunity to join the team at [Company Name] and use my skills to create an efficient and stress free office environment for your executives. I believe I can meet and exceed the expectations you have for this role. I look forward to speaking more with you about my candidacy. Feel free to contact me at any time.



    [Your Name]






    HR Manager

    Company Name

    Company Address



    With great willingness, I am applying for the position of POSITION which was advertised on the (COMPANY NAME) website. I believe that my education, skill-set, and experience make me a suitable candidate for this vacancy.


    I am a highly organized and self-driven individual, passionate about developing my career in the field of Accounting as a Corporate Banker. My commitment can be gauged from the fact that I am an accredited holder of a MBA degree with finance as specialization from Poloma College.


    Possessing more than 5 years of experience of working in diverse financial positions with multiple companies, I have gained an extensive insight within this field. My key competencies include, but are not limited to, maintaining financial records, managing budgets, risk assessments and business strategy reviews.


    In my current position with Langford Partnership where I work in the capacity of Financial Analyst, I am responsible for leading a team of 5 and carrying out a wide range of commercial processes. During the course of my career, I have gained a specialist’s understanding of financial instruments and accounting software and have also been effective in explaining complex information in a comprehensible manner.

    As a Certified Public Accountant, I am an accomplished communicator, with excellent organizational, decision making, and time management skills and have a proven track record of consistently meeting and regularly surpassing demanding performance goals.


    Proactive, innovative and highly influential, I am seeking a challenging but rewarding position, which is why I was naturally drawn to this exciting opportunity.


    Yours sincerely,




    T: Phone number

    E: email address




    Специалист в области информационной безопасности


    (Manager’s Name)

    HR Manager

    Company Name

    Company Address


    Dear Mr. /Mrs. /Ms. (Manager’s Name)


    This email is in regards to my interest in applying for the POSITION position recently posted through WEBSITE website. With my skill-set and competencies I am more than able to investigate several forensic examination processes and monitor security systems for multiple fortune 500 companies.


    While pursuing an Associate Degree in Information Security and Digital Forensics from Trident Community College, I have developed skills in reverse engineering, computer forensics, networking and information security. This knowledge has enabled me to operate in Windows and Linux platforms and master multiple security principles.


    I started my career as an Information Security Intern with Chicago Government in May 2011. Working under the direction of senior members, I monitored the overall security of the system and investigated likely loopholes. Utilizing my academic and professional knowledge, I dedicated two years with Technology Smart while working in the capacity of Network Operations Center Monitoring Technician. Here I gained an opportunity to work in a Datacenter environment, improve existing documentation systems and implement stringent measures to improve the overall network security.


    I currently work as a Security Operations Center Security Analyst with Security Professionals Inc., where I have been able to further strengthen my technical acumen.


    I have attached my resume highlighting my academic and professional skills and look forward to hearing from you in due course.


    Yours sincerely



    T: Phone number

    E: email address


    Рекомендуем изучить электронный ресурс:

    https://resumegenius.com/cover-letters-the-how-to-guide/, где представлен более широкий спектр сопросодительных писем для соискателей разных специальностей.




          Составьте своё собственное резюме и сопроводительное письмо (для своего направления и профиля подготовки), руководствуясь одним из предложенных шаблонов.


          Прочитайте и переведите диалог. Обратите внимание на выделенные слова и на вопросы, корорые задаются на собеседовании.


    Job interview

          Thank you for coming. Your CV has really attracted our attention. We see you have a very solid educational background and quite decent experience for your young age. Could you tell us it in more detail?

          I am still eager to learn but only from professional practice. I obtained my bachelor degree in 2013 in Moscow State University, where I majored in economics…

          Are you an audit and accounting major? Not quite. I am a bachelor in global economy.

          What made you change your educational trajectory slightly and choose management as a master’s programme?

          Well, I suppose management is more practical. In my view it is a sphere of studies based on economical knowledge but not only. In is linked to psychology, sociology drawing a lot upon these sciences because according to modern understanding management should be ultimately oriented to human needs.

          Thus you decided to enhance your professionalism, didn’t you?

          Exactly. When undergraduate I enrolled on an elective management course and was engaged in different extracurricular activities related to management projects. I felt I needed something new and more practical for my master’s thesis.

          What was the theme of your thesis?

          I dedicated it to the system of perfecting client service in a multinational company.

          Could you name the key factors of such a system found in your research?

          I think ultimately there is only one key factor. It is human professionalism regardless of all technologies, which are, of course, important. A client manager is that very iceberg top a customer faces and judges the company by.

          What qualities should such an employee possess?

          Well, first and foremost a can-do attitude to defusing conflicts. For such a specialist being customer-oriented and handling stress easily is a must. Acting in fact as a problem solver, they need to be good at multitasking and perform well under pressure.

          On entering a master course you started to work in this sphere. Am I right?

          Exactly. First as a probationer and then as a full-time staff member.

          You must have faced such tasks. Did you manage to develop all the aforementioned qualities?

          I think, many of them… I feel I still need to learn and further my career in a bigger company.

          This was the reason for your giving up the previous job, wasn’t it?

          Partially yes. Besides I saw the company’s strategy was not quite in line with how I saw my own development in client service sphere.

          You mentioned good language skills in your CV. Did you use them at work?

          Yes I am a competent English and German user. I liaised with International Department and often contacted with Americans, Britons andGermans. So I was in English and German speaking environment for the previous two years.

          Well, you have got a proven track record that sets you apart from many young candidates. We could offer you a position of a senior client manager. What are your salary expectations?

          I believe it’s fair for me to expect experience and education based remuneration.

          So do I. We can offer a basic salary of 50.000 roubles gross. Besides we have a flexible system of bonuses based mostly on client’s assessment. In total you income can reach 60.000-70.000 rouble.

          That is quite good for the beginning. Could you show me my potential workplace?

          Ok, I will call my secretary and she will take you around our client department.


    To major – to specialise. Derivative: a major – a licenced professional.

    Extracurricular – optional, not included in the main course of studies.

    Regardless of – not taking into account, without any reference to. Antonym: regarding to.

    To defuse – to minimise effect of.

    Customer-oriented – oriented to customers; in modern English -oriented often acts as a part of a compound adjective to denote inclination to something: career-oriented, family-oriented, academically-oriented etc.

    Probationer – a beginning professional on probation period.

    To further – to develop, to progress, to go forth.

    To liaise – to have relationship with.

    Remuneration – reward (usually financial).

    Gross – before deducting tax. Antonym: net – resulting after taxation.


    Представьте себя на месте соискателя из данного диалога. Ответьте на наждый из вопросов, заданных соискателю в тексте исходя из своего собственного направления и профиля подготовки.

    Вопросы для самоконтроля

          Из каких компонентов-разделов состоит резюме?

          Какая информация включается в данные разделы?

          Что такое сопроводительное письмо? Для чего оно используется?

          Какая информация включается в сопроводительное письмо?

          Чем изложение информации в сопроводительном письме отличается от резюме?

          Какие типовые вопросы, как правило, задаются на собеседовании?

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