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«Рассмотрено» на заседании ЦМК Утверждаю

Протокол № _____ Зам.директора по УР

от «___» ________ 201___г ________________________

Председатель:______________________ «____» _________ 201__г
Тестовые вопросы для промежуточной аттестаций по английскому языку

2 курс, 2021-2022у.г.

1. Составьте слово: Y, i, d, a r.

A) iadyr

B) dyria

C) diary

2. “Dry” является антонимом слова:

A) Fat

B) Thin

C) Wet

3. Find plural of nouns.

a) men, women, teeth

b) mans, womans, tooths

c) man's, woman's, tooth's

4. Вставьте нужное слово: Do you want … computer?

A) a

B) many

C) an

5. Выберите правильный перевод слова: Невозможный

A) Impossible

B) Unpossible

C) Inpossible

6. Make the right choice:

А) I am standing at the blackboard now.

B) I standing at the blackboard.

C) I stand at the blackboard.

7. Выберите правильный вариант местоимения:

… was in the classroom. It was too early in the morning.

A) anybody

B) some

C) nobody

8. Подберите краткий отрицательный ответ к вопросу.

Did Mr.Jones take a taxi to the station yesterday?

A) No, he shan’t.

B) No, he didn’t.

C) No, he don’t.

9. Выберите правильный вариант.

A child stopped … .

A) Crying

B) Cried

C) Cries

10. Выберите подходящее слово. England is the most … part of Great Britain.

A) kingdom

B) populated

C) valley

11. Выберите правильный вариант транскрипции.


  1. [‘biskwit]

  2. [‘baiskwit]

  3. [‘biskit]

12. Найдите синоним слова “To rush

A) To go

B) To begin

C) To hurry

13. Выберите правильный вариант фразового глагола “to put”:

Don’t forget … your scarf …, please.

A) to put … on.

B) to put … after.

C) to put … down.

14. Найдите лишнее слово в данном ряду слов:

A) Enjoy, Travelling

B) Article ,Publish

C) Report, Issue.

15. Вставьте необходимый предлог:The singer was … a good voice.

A) in

B) on

C) of

16. 3,542 правильно читается:

A) three thousand and five hundred and forty-second

B) three thousand six hundred and fifty-second

C) three thousand five hundred and forty-two

17. Выберите порядковое числительное:

A) Hundreds

B) Twenty

C) Ninth

18. Выберите подходящую степень сравнения прилагательного.

The problem was … we expected.

A) more serious

B) as serious so

C) more serious than

19. Выберите правильный вариант местоимения.

Lend them … dictionary; they have left … at home.

A) your, theirs.

B) our, their.

C) their, my.

20. Выберите предложение с правильным указательным местоимением:

A) That were the men I waited for.

B) That three pretty girls are my friends.

C) Those green curtains are very nice.

21.Put a right question.

They watched an interesting film yesterday.

A) Did they watch an interesting film yesterday?

B) Did they yesterday watched an interesting film?

C) Did watch an interesting?

22. Всех членов семьи обозначает слово:

A) The Stogovs

B) The father

C) The parents

23. Выберите глагол в форме Present Continuous:

A) Are playing

B) Are play

C) Are plays

24. Выберите фразовый глагол со значением «Пойти с кем-нибудь»:

A) To come back

B) To come on

C) To come along

25. Поставьте предложение в отрицательную форму: I usually get to work by bus.

A) I usually didn’t get to work by bus.

B) I don’t usually get to work by bus.

C) I usually not get to work by bus.

26. Выберите правильный модальный глагол:

She said she … do the work.

A) Mustn’t to

B) Couldn’t

C) Needn’t

27. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в нужном времени. I already (to read) five English books.

A) Already have I read.

B) Have I read already.

C) I have already read.

28. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple, Past Continuous and Past Perfect. When I (to meet) Tom, he (to eat) an ice cream which he (to buy) at the corner of the street.

A) I met, he was eat, he had bought.

B) I met, he was eating, he had bought

C) I met, he was eating, he bought

29. Переведите причастие или деепричастие.

Лекарство прописанное доктором.

A) the medicine prescribed by the doctor

B) the medicine by the doctor prescribing

C) the medicine prescribing by the doctor

30. Choose the necessary word combinations.

….. each term the students have tests and examinations

A) at the beginning

B) at the end of

C) in the first year

31. Choose the correct answer:

How many terms has Britain’s universities in the academic year?

A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

32. Choose the correct answer:

How many departments are there in the medical college of Zhezkazgan?

A) 3

B) 4

C) 5

33. Choose the correct answer: At the first course students study….

  1. humanitarian subjects

  2. scientific research

  3. diseases and nursing

34. Oxford has

A) 27 colleges

B) 32 colleges

C) 30 colleges

35. The skeleton is composed of ..

A) bones

B) muscles

C) vertebrae

36. In the adult the skeleton has over…..bones

A) 26

B) 200

C) 500

37. The main part of the head and face is called

A) spinal column

B) parietal bone

C) the skull

38. The bones of the skull form 2 basic parts, that is

A) parietal and occipital

B) facial and cranial

C) oral and nasal

39. There are ….bones in the skull

A) 59

B) 200

C) 26

40. All the muscles are divided into the muscles of the ….

A) trunk, upper and lower extremities

B) trunk, head and extremities

C) head, face and extremities

41. The length of the spinal column is about ….of the body

A) 40%

B) 70%

C) 90%

42. The number of the vertebrae may be …

A) 26 or 30

B) 39 or 40

C) 32 or 34

43. In the girls the spine grows most rapidly to the age of …

A) 15

B) 17

C) 19

44. In the boys the spine grows most rapidly to the age of …

A) 15

B) 17

C) 19

45. In the adult the muscles form about…of the body weight

A) 35-40%

B) 90-100%

C) 70-90%

46. Professor Lesgaft wrote about

A) 130 scientific works

B) 500 scientific works about muscles

C) 350 scientific works

47. Жинненая емкость легких

A) visceral layer and pleura

B) visceral layer of lungs

C) vital capacity of the lungs

48. Жинненая емкость легких

A) visceral layer and pleura

B) visceral layer of lungs

C) vital capacity of the lungs

49. Lung abscess

A) потеря аппетита

B) абсцесс лёгких

C) обильное потоотделение

50. The Alimentary tract consist of….

A) duodenum, caecum, colon, rectum

B) mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine

C) gall bladder, pancreas, large glands, liver

51. When did Andreas Vesalius become a greatest anatomists?

A) 1514-1563

B) 1538-1543

C) 1545-1551

52. How many heart sounds do we hear when we listen to the heart?

A) 2

B) 3

C) 1

53. How many weight of the heart in the male?

A) 220grams

B) 300 grams

C) 350grams

54. How many days does each erythrocyte live?

A) 120-130days

B) 4-7 days

C) 130-150 days

55. How many days does each leucocyte live?

A) 1-3 days

B) 4-7 days

C) 10-15 days

56. I.M. Sechenov was a prominent…

A) physician

B) scientist

C) surgeon

57. I.M. Sechenov wrote about

A) 130 scientific works

B) 120 scientific works

C) 106 scientific works

58. If the human body had no resistance capacity…

A) people would develop any infectious diseases

B) even direct contacts with infected people would never result in disease

C) all of us would be immune to any subsequent attack of this particular infection

59. Hippocratic freed medicine from

A) superstition

B) punishment of gods

C) plague

60. Hippocrates drove out the plague from Athens by…..

A) doing harm to animals

B) shouting “Fire! Fire!”

C) lighting fires

61. Hippocrates was born in ….

A) Spain

B) Great Britain

C) Greece

62.A nurse on duty receives hospitalized patients at the …

A) reception ward

B) drug cabinet

C) consulting room

63. to fill in

A) заболеть

B) заполнять

C) облегчать

64. a sick-leave of a patient

A) история болезни пациента

B) личная карточка пациента

C) больничный лист пациента

65. измерять кровяное давление

A) to administer a proper treatment

B) to follow a bed regimen

C) to measure one`s blood pressure

66.назначить правильное лечение

A) to administer a proper treatment

B) to follow a bed regimen

C) to measure one`s blood pressure

67. wheel chair

A) носилки

B) кресло каталка

C) тазик для мытья

68. первые зубы прорезываются

A) the first teeth erupt

B) incisor

C) rapidity

69. десна

A) jaw

B) gum

C) spot

70. постоянные зубы

A) dead teeth

B) wisdom tooth

C) permanent teeth

71. A therapeutist is …

A) a person who treats the diseases of the inner organs

B) a person who investigates the life of microorganisms

C) a person who treats the diseases of the nervous system

72. The kidneys are on the…

A) thoracic cavity

B) posterior side of the abdominal cavity

C) layer of subcutaneous fat

73. Every small bottle, a tube or a box of medicine has label on it. White labels…, yellow…., blue….. .

A) White labels for injections use, yellow for external use, blue for internal.

B) White labels for internal use, yellow for external use, blue for injections.

C) White labels for external use, yellow for internal use, blue for injections.

74. What is the matter with you?

- I don`t feel well. I have a running nose, a …..

A) cough, a bad headache and a sore throat

B) flu, a stomachache and a pain in the side

C) soya, plague, and a poor blood circulation

75. Who gives the patients intramuscular and intravenous injections?

A) at the in-patient department the physician give the patients intramuscular and intravenous injections

B) at the in-patient department the ward doctors give the patients intramuscular and intravenous injections

C) at the in-patient department the nurses give the patients intramuscular and intravenous injections

76. частота дыхания

A) rapid respiration

B) respiratory rate

C) impaired breathing

77. учащённое дыхание

A) rapid respiration

B) respiratory rate

C) impaired breathing

78. Professor Lesgaft divided the muscles into … basic groups

A) two

B) three

C) four
79. You will find vitamin B in

А) soya, fruit, fish oil

B) liver, eggs, dried yeast

C) carrots, fish oil, eggs

80. If you want to be healthy you must use a mixed diet of

A) fish, fruit, milk

B) eggs, milk, minerals

C) meat, fats, fruit

81. You must take vitamin D

A) to improve poor blood circulation

B) to strengthen nervous system

C) to help the body in formation of bones and strong teeth

82. Florence Nightingale was

A) a nurse

B) a surgeon

C) a therapeutics

83. You will find vitamin D in

A) soya, fruit, fish oil

B) milk, eggs, yeast

C) carrots, fish oil, orange

84. You must take vitamin B

A) to improve poor blood circulation

B) to strengthen nervous system

C) to help the body in formation of bones and strong teeth

85. You will find vitamin C in

A) carrots, fish oil, eggs

B) cherry, orange, lemon, fresh fruit and vegetables

C) soya, fruit, yeast

86. You will find vitamin A in

A) carrots, fish oil, eggs

B) cherry, orange, lemon, fresh fruit and vegetables

C) soya, fruit, yeast

87.Alexander Fleming did research work at one of the hospitals in…

A) New York

B) London

C) Boston

88. I will not give a lethal ….. to anyone

A) vitamin

B) harm

C) drug

89.Alexander Fleming found out such substance as….

A) penicillin

B) mould

C) bacteria

90. If students……they may continue the education at the academy

A) give a nursing care for the patients

B) have a practice at the hospitals

C) study well

91. скорость оседания эритроцитов




92. profuse perspiration

A) потеря аппетита

B) абсцесс лёгких

C) обильное потоотделение

93. loss of body weight

A) обильное потоотделение

B) абсцесс лёгких

C) потеря аппетита

94. слизистогнойная

A) benign

B) considerable

C) mucopurulent

95. озноб

A) rupture

B) pus

C) chill

96. гной

A) rupture

B) pus

C) chill

97. What R. Koch discovered?

A) tuberculosis bacilli

B) tuberculosis bacteria

C) bacilli’s

98.Who is the Robert Koch?

A) English bacteriologist

B) Russian bacteriologist

C) German bacteriologist

99.When Robert Koch was born?

A) 1843

B) 1846

C) 1910

100.When Edward Jenner was born?

A) 1749

B) 1773

C) 1779

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