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  • Topics for Essays, Oral or Written Reports

  • Essay Selection for Reading as a Stimulus for Writing

  • Unit VII. Virtual Reality Prereading Discussion

  • Reading Analysis

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    Related Reading


    The terms viruses and vaccines have entered the jargon of the computer industry to describe some of the bad things that can happen to computer systems and programs. Unpleasant occurrences like the March 6, 1991, attack of the Michelangelo virus will be with us for years to come. In fact, from now on you need to check your IBM or IBM- compatible personal computer for the presence of Michelangelo before March 6 every year — or risk losing all the data on your hard disk when you turn on your machine that day. And Macintosh users need to do the same for another intruder, the Jerusalem virus, before each Friday the 13th, or risk a similar fate for their data.

    A virus, as its name suggests, is contagious. It is a set of illicit instructions that infects other programs and may spread rapidly. The Michelangelo virus went worldwide within a year. Some types of viruses include the worm, a program that spreads by replicating itself; the bomb, a program intended to sabotage a computer by triggering damage based on certain conditions — usually at a later date; and the Trojan horse, a program that covertly places illegal, destructive instructions in the middle of an otherwise legitimate program. A virus may be dealt with by means

    of a vaccine, or antivirus, program, a computer program that stops the spread of and often eradicates the virus.

    Transmitting a Virus. Consider this typical example. A programmer secretly inserts a few unauthorized instructions in a personal computer operating system program. The illicit instructions lie dormant until three events occur together: I. the disk with the infected operating system is in use; 2. a disk in another drive contains another copy of the operating system and some data files; and 3. a command, such as COPY or DIR, from the infected operating system references a data file. Under these circumstances, the virus instructions are now inserted into the other operating system. Thus the virus has spread to another disk, and the process can be repeated again and again. In fact, each newly infected disk becomes a virus carrier.

    Damage from Viruses. We have explained how the virus is transmitted; now we come to the interesting part — the consequences. In this example, the virus instructions add 1 to a counter each time the virus is copied to another disk. When the counter reaches 4, the virus erases all data files. But this is not the end of the destruction, of course; three other disks have also been infected. Although viruses can be destructive, some are quite benign; one simply displays a peace message on the screen on a given date. Others may merely be a nuisance, like the Ping- Pong virus that bounces a “Ping-Pong ball” around your screen while you are working. But a few could result in disaster for your disk, as in the case of Michelangelo.

    Prevention. A word about prevention is in order. Although there are programs called vaccines that can prevent virus activity, protecting your computer from viruses depends more on common sense than on building a “fortress” around the machine. Although there have been occasions where commercial software was released with a virus, these situations are rare. Viruses tend to show up most often on free software acquired from friends. Even commercial bulletin board systems, once considered the most likely suspects in transferring viruses, have cleaned up their act and now assure their users of virus-free environments. But not all bulletin board systems are run professionally. So you should always test diskettes you share with others by putting their write-pro- tection tabs in place. If an attempt is made to write to such a protected diskette, a warning message appears on the screen. It is not easy to protect hard disks, so. many people use antivirus programs. Before any diskette can be used with a computer system, the antivirus program scans the diskette for infection. The drawback is that once you buy this

    type of software, you must continuously pay the price for upgrades as new viruses are discovered.

    Topics for Essays, Oral or Written Reports:

    1. Which of user identifications is best?

    2. Common means of protecting data:

    • securing waste;

    • separating employee functions;

    • implementing passwords, internal controls, audit checks.

    1. Cryptography.

    2. Copy protection;

    3. What are computer viruses and how do they differ?

    4. What makes a perfect virus?

    5. A day in the life of the virus hunter.

    6. Professional ethical behavior.

    Essay Selection for Reading as a Stimulus for Writing


    As computing and communications become irreplaceable tools of modem society, one fundamental principle emerges: the greater the benefits these systems bring to our well-being and quality of life, the greater the potential for harm when they fail to perform their functions or perform them incorrectly. Consider air, rail, and automobile traffic control; emergency response systems, and, most of all, our rapidly growing dependence on health care delivery via high-performance computing and communications. When these systems fail, lives and fortunes may be lost.

    At the same time, threats to dependable operations are growing in scope and severity. Leftover design faults (bugs and glitches) cause system crashes during peak demands, resulting in service disruptions and financial losses. Computer systems suffer stability problems due to unforeseen interactions of overlapping fault events and mismatched defense mechanisms.

    Hackers and criminally minded individuals invade systems, causing disruptions, misuse, and damage accidents that result in breaking several communications links, affecting entire regions. Finally, we face the possibility of systems damage by “info terrorists ”.

    Fault tolerance is our best guarantee that high confidence systems will not betray the intentions of their builders and the trust of their users by succumbing to physical, design or human-machine interaction faults, or by 'allowing viruses and malicious acts to disrupt essential services.

    As the computing sciences move rapidly toward “professionalization ”, the new topic must be incorporated into the curriculum — ethics, i.e. professional ethical behavior. Computer professionals are experts in their field with up-to-date knowledge that they can effectively and consequently apply in product development. They are also responsible to the product’s users and must understand the effects of their decisions and actions on the public at large.

    Professionals are responsible for designing and developing products, which avoid failures that might lead to losses, cause physical harm, or compromise national or company security. With so much info flowing across the Internet and because of the rising popularity of applets and similar modular applications, it is vital for the professionals to take responsibility in maintaining high standards for the products they develop.

    Unit VII. Virtual Reality

    Prereading Discussion

    1. What developments in computer technology have changed the way people live and work?

    2. How have some home entertainments such as television, video recorders, and video games affected people’s life?

    3. How will further advances in computer technology continue to change the world?

    4. It has been said that technology is a double-edged sword. What does that statement mean?

    5. What is virtual reality?

    6. Who can use virtual reality?

    7. How can virtual reality benefit society?

    8. How can virtual reality harm society?

    9. Which uses of virtual reality appeal to you most?

    Reading Analysis


    Nouns: sitcom, voyage, goggles, gear, content, combat, oblivion. Verbs: slip on (off), feature, strap, blast, bind, dutch, swoop. Adjectives: incredible, appropriate, ambitious, exciting, paraplegic.

    Word combinations: to take a ride, to go astray, the age of dinosaurs, to jight monsters, to don (strap on/into) cyberspace gear, a military point of view, a fiber optic glove, a computer-enhanced fantasy world.


    1. One of the most exciting new areas of computer research is virtual reality. Having been featured in TV sitcoms as well as public television documentaries, virtual reality is merely an ambitious new style of computer interface. Virtual reality creates the illusion of being in an artificial world — one created by computers.

    2. Virtual reality visitors strap on a set of eyephones, 3-D goggles that are really individual computer screens for the eyes. Slipping on the rest of the gear allows you not only to see and hear, but also to sense your voyage. The world of virtual reality has been called cyberspace, a computer-enhanced fantasy world in which you move around and manipulate objects to your mind’s content.

    3. When you move your head, magnetic sensors instruct the computer to refocus your eye phones to your new viewpoint. Sounds surround you, and afiber-optic glove allows you to “manipulate” what you see. You may seek out strange new worlds, fight monsters in computer combat, or strap yourself into the seat of a Star Wars-type jet and scream through cyberspace, blasting all comers to oblivion (computer oblivion, at least). Or, with your stomach appropriately settled, you might even try out the most incredible roller coaster ride you will ever take in your life.

    4. For the disabled, virtual reality promises a new form of freedorp. Consider the wheelchair bound paraplegic child who is suddenly able to use virtual reality gear to take part in games like baseball or basketball. Research funded by the government takes a military point of view, investigating the possibility of sending robots into the real conflict while human beings don cyberspace gear to guide them from back in the lab.

    5. Spectrum Holobyte, a computer games development company, announced its first virtual reality computer game for the home during 1991 Christmas season. Imagine yourself suddenly clutching your handheld laser pistol as a giant bird swoops right at you from the age of dinosaurs! Your laser shot goes astray, and you feel yourself suddenly lifted off the ground and carried higher and higher. That’s enough - for some of us it can be virtually too real.


    1. True or false?

    1. Virtual reality is a computer-built fantasy world.

    2. Virtual reality is also called cyberspace.

    3. There are no limits to virtual reality.

    4. Virtual reality is created by being in a special room.

    5. Virtual reality is available only on expensive computer systems.

    6. Virtual reality is the leading edge of the computer technology.

    7. Eyephones are the 3DFX fiber-optic glasses.

    8. Eyephones are not the only virtual reality gear.

    9. Virtual reality might be misused.

    10. Virtual reality can return the disabled to the full-fledged life.

    1. Virtual reality was designed by the military to guide robots.

    1. One can not only see or hear virtual reality, but also feel and smell it.

    2. Virtual reality is only a type of computer interface.

    1. Read the words as they are used in the following sentences and try

    to come up with your own definition:

    1. Using computers to create graphics and sounds, virtual reality makes the viewer believe he or she is in another world.

    2. Three-dimensional images are created using technology that fools the viewers’ mind into perceptive depth.

    1. Plug a terminal directly into the brain via a prepared skull and you can enter cyberspace.

    2. I’ve got a set of eyephones, 3D goggles, a fiber optic glove and the rest of the gear.

    3. There are many word substitutes for invalids, e.g. the handicapped, challenged by birth or by accidents, disabled people.

    4. The bowman took a deep breath, aimed at the target and shot, but the arrow went astray.

    Virtual reality —

    Three-dimensional (3D) —

    Cyberspace —

    Gear —

    Disabled —

    To go astray —

    1. Put the proper words into sentences:

    1. fiber-optic, swoop, go astray, clutching, gear, to one’s mind content, enhance, cyberspace, eye phones.

    1. Virtual reality is sometimes called...

    2. 3-D ... are really individual computer screens for the eyes.

    3. Virtual reality can ... possibilities of the disabled.

    4. The manual ... box allows you to slow down without braking, while the automatic one doesn’t.

    5. Cyberspace allows everybody to change it...

    6. The letters wrongly addressed...

    7. ... unknown things may cause an accident.

    8. By the end of the 20th century metal wires had been replaced by ... ones.

    9. In one of the s the NATO has lost their most expensive fighter.

    1. be, have, see, do, leave, write, tell.

    1. It was more than a hundred years ago that Lewis Carroll ... about Alice’s trip through the looking glass.

    2. Now that fiction ... became a reality ... or you might say, a virtual reality ... because that’s the name of a new computer technology that many believe will revolutionize the way we live.

    Trainees fighting in virtual battles often cannot ... a man from a machine.

    1. Virtual reality lets you travel to places you’ve never .... do things you’ve never — without ... the room.

    2. Some day, you will ... that virtual reality makes other forms of entertainment, such as TV and movies, obsolete.

    1. Guess the meaning of the italicized words:

    1. Virtual reality straddles the foggy boundary between fantasy and fact.

    2. Imagine a place and you’ll be able to step into it. Conjure up a dream and you’ll be able to fly through it.

    3. He’s launched one of the first computers to mass-produce virtual reality systems.

    4. Virtual reality techniques have been used to make a 3D model of the planet Mars. There are, of course, more down-to-earth applications. Virtual reality models of urban landscapes are allowing urban planners to redesign Main Street without leaving the room.

    5. We’re now reaching a point where the simulations are so realistic that the line between playing a game or a simulation and actually blowing people up is becoming blurred.

    1. Construct other sentences in these patterns:

    1. Virtual reality has been featured in TV sitcoms as well as public television documentaries.

    2. Slipping on the rest of the gear allows vou to sense your voyage.

    3. For the disabled, virtual reality promises a new form of freedom.

    4. Eyephones are not the only virtual reality gear.

    5. You can not only see or hear in virtual reality, but also feel and smell

    6. Virtual reality lets vou travel to places you have never visited.

    7. In the future, people will be able to have easy access to virtual reality systems.

    8. If virtual reality technology were more affordable at present time, many more people would be able to try it.

    9. Virtual reality makes other forms of entertainment such as TV and movies obsolete.

    1. Fill in the chart with the appropriate info:

    Who uses virtual reality?









    flight simulation; battle simulation








    early problem solving



    turning a CAT scan into 3D model of the patient’s body


    VII. Translate into English:

    1. Виртуальная реальность это интерактивная, мультисенсор- ная среда, смоделированная компьютером.

    2. Для человеческой расы виртуальная реальность станет поворотной вехой.

    3. Виртуальная реальность принесет человечеству больше вреда, чем пользы.

    4. Наилучшее применение виртуальная реальность найдет в военной и медицинской технике.

    5. Виртуальная реальность дает шанс полноценного развития инвалидам.

    6. Человек создал компьютер, компьютер создал виртуальную реальность.

    7. С дальнейшим совершенствованием техники виртуальная реальность станет одним из наиболее популярных способов путешествия.

    8. Искусство со временем станет ненужным, так как его заменит виртуальная реальность.

    9. Когда-нибудь виртуальная реальность сделает другие формы развлечения, такие как телевидение и кино, устаревшими.

    1. Термин киберпространство был придуман писателем-фантас- том В.Гибсоном для описания безразмерного виртуального пространства электронной среды.

    Topics for Essays, Oral or Written Reports

    1. Virtual reality, a reality?

    2. Is it possible to create a perfect virtual reality?

    3. Computers take you on mind trips.Where would you like to go on a mind trip?

    4. Virtual reality as the way of exploring the world.

    5. The perspectives of the virtual reality development.

    Essay Selection for Reading as a Stimulus for Writing


    Human beings have always been seeking for a better place to live, better food to eat, better people to meet. The wise have concluded that there’s no perfection itself. Human’s brain identifies reality by its imperfection. And thus, the attempts to create ideal world turned to creating the world alike reality — virtual reality.

    On the first stage, when technology wasn't so developed, virtual reality models just presented the essence of the current processes. But along with the development of technology and science a real world model is quite similar to our life. It’s still something alike, a copy but not perfect. Copying itself isn’t an example to follow, but this way we may explore the universe more carefully. So what are the problems of creating perfect virtual reality — cyberspace where you can’t say whether it's cyberspace or not?

    One of the difficulties is that it doesn't look like reality. We can’t present the needed number of colors, the full palette our eye can catch. We can’t introduce shades that really look like shades because the rendering algorithms we have are huge and approximate. And it’s still not possible to show such a movie in real time.

    If we ‘d like just to imitate the movements of molecules, which are easy to be programmed, and this way to model the reality, again, we have a great wall to be stepped over. Our knowledge of micro world is poor and even though Einstein himself worked at the Uniform Field Theory, it is still uncompleted. On the other hand, the molecules are so many that programming a single cell, let alone even an insect, is the work of life for hundreds of programmers. Nobody can imagine the difficulty of virtualization of a human being. To model the universe we should create another one.

    There are tasks to be solved before we can create 99% acceptable virtual reality: e.g. the speed of processing, fractal algorithms for rendering, quark mechanics and so on. But has anybody thought of connecting a computer to human’s brain and clipping the images you and your ancestors have seen to present for someone else, or maybe using the calculating and data processing capabilities of the cortex? By the way, the process of seeing, hearing, smelling, and feeling the world is just a bunch of electric signals entering the brain. May be, the answer is here, and the distance is not the unaccomplished technical achievements, but ideas, strategic decisions, some crazy projects like the Head Of Professor Dowel. Will there be the final step to create perfect virtual reality? Let’s see.

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