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Чтение гласных букв

Гласные в английском языке читаются по-разному в зависимости от положения в слове. Если гласная буква стоит под ударением и не вступает в сочетание с другой гласной буквой, то она, чаще всего, читается в соответствии с типом слога.
Выделяют 4 типа слога.
I тип – открытый слог:

1) заканчивается на гласную – me, go;

2) после гласной стоит одна согласная, а затем гласная, чаще всего непроизносимая «e» – la-ke, no-se, vi-ne.

Гласная читается так, как она называется в алфавите.
II тип – закрытый слог:

1) после гласной стоит одна согласная, а далее нет гласной – pot;

2) после гласной стоят две или более согласных, за которыми может следовать гласная – little.

Все гласные обозначают краткие звуки.
III тип – гласная + «r»:

1) после гласной стоит «r», на которую слово заканчивается – car;

2) после группы «гласная + r» стоит согласная – girl.

Все гласные обозначают долгие звуки.
IV тип – гласная + «r» + гласная. После группы «гласная +r»:

1) всегда стоит гласная, не читаемая гласная «е» – care, here;

2) или читаемая гласная – Mary.

Гласные (кроме «о») обозначают дифтонги, «i» – трифтонг.
Определив тип слога, вы сможете прочитать большинство одиночных ударных гласных даже в незнакомых словах.

Правила чтения гласных приведены в табл. 9–14.

Таблица 9

Чтение гласных в 4 типах слога


I тип

(открытый слог)

II тип

(закр. слог)

III тип

(гласная + «r»)

IV тип (гласная + «r» + гласная)


[ei] take, skate, brave

[æ] lamp, that, hand

[a:] car, charge, march

[ɛə]/ [eə] square, care


[i:] these, Swede, cede

[e] desk, spend, text

[ə:]/[ɜ:] her, term, nerve

[iə] here, sphere


[ju:] huge, cube, dupe

[ʌ] but, bulb, bus

[ə:]/[ɜ:] purl, hurt, burn

[juə] cure, lure


[ai ] drive, wide, size

[i] sit, little, gyp

[ə:]/[ɜ:] girl, first, bird

[aiə] fire, tire, hire


[ou]/[əu]/[əʊ] stone, slope, woke

[ɒ]/ [ɔ] stop, spot, box

[ɔ:] form, storm, north

[ɔ:]more, store, core

Упражнение 1. Пользуясь табл. 9, прочтите следующие слова и обратите внимание на чтение гласной в слогах разных типов.

A: plate, flag, spark, fare. O: close, job, short, spore. E: scene, pen, serve, here. U: use, must, curve, pure. Y/ I: type, hint, Byrd, wire.
Далеко не всегда на чтение гласной влияет только тип слога. Рассмотрим основные случаи изменения чтения ударных гласных в зависимости от расположения в слове.

Таблица 10

Чтение гласной «а» в зависимости от сочетания с согласными

Расположение буквы

в слове



перед «l»+ согл.


also, fall, talk

перед нечитаемой «l» + согл. m, f, v


half, calm

перед нечитаемой «l» +

др. согл.


chalk, walk, talk, always

перед «n» + согл


answer, can't. But! hand

перед «s» + согл.


class, last, task

Перед «th»


bath, father

перед «f» + согл.


staff, craft

после «w»


want, wall

Упражнение 2. Пользуясь табл. 10, прочтите следующие слова.

Tall, plant, ask, was, call, father, all, small, fast, pass, install, shaft, warm, path, rather.

Таблица 11

Чтение гласной «a» в сочетаниях с гласными и «w»









law, saw,

auto, autumn

plain, pain

may, say

Упражнение 3. Пользуясь табл. 11, прочтите следующие слова.

Flaw, fault, audio, launch, author, main, domain, draw, mail, play, way.
Таблица 12

Чтение гласной «е» в различных сочетаниях

eа перед d, l (th)

ear перед


ei перед gh

eu, ew





















But! key [i:]

Упражнение 4. Пользуясь табл. 12, прочтите следующие слова.

Head, spread, death, earn, search, heard, grew, few, grey, news, thread, steady.

Таблица 13

Чтение гласной «i» в различных сочетаниях


igh, ign

i + ld

i + nd





brief, chief, field

light, might, sign

child, wild, mild

kind, find, mind

Упражнение 5. Пользуясь табл. 13, прочтите следующие слова.

Design, believe, assign, high, piece, bright, resign, right, highlight, remind.
Таблица 14

Чтение гласной «о» в различных сочетаниях




oi, oy


boil, oil, toil, boy, joy, toy

o + ld


bold, gold, hold

оо +к


book, look, hook



moon, soon, too



door, floor. But! poor



found, pound, round

ough +t


ought, brought, fought






course, source, resource

o+m, n, th, v


some, none, mother/cover



blow, slow, below



down, cow, how

w + or


work, word, world

Упражнение 6. Пользуясь табл. 14, прочтите следующие слова.

Load, flow, grow, road, round, sound, down, about, mouse, loop, cool, worm, worse, mountain, son, show, how, company, bought, founder, tool, coin, sought, rough, tough, other, reboot.
Упражнение 7. Прочтите и переведите текст.
Steve Jobs

Steven Paul Jobs, an inventor, computer programmer and businessman, was born in California, USA, on 24 February, 1955. His biological parents were university graduate students and gave him up for adoption. The infant was adopted by Clara and Paul Jobs and named Steven Paul Jobs.

The family lived in Mountain View within California's Silicon Valley. As a boy, Jobs and his father would work on electronics in the family garage. Paul would show his son how to take apart and reconstruct electronics. When Steve Jobs was 13 he met computer club guru Steve Wozniak. Wozniak was a brilliant computer engineer, and the two developed great respect for one another.

In 1976, when Jobs was just 21, he and Wozniak started Apple Computers. Jobs and Wozniak are credited with revolutionizing the computer industry by democratizing the technology and making the machines smaller, cheaper, intuitive, and accessible to everyday consumers. 

There is a story that Steve Jobs had the idea for a home computer when he was picking apples in an orchard in Oregon. He looked at the apple in his hand and decided to call his future company Apple.

The company grew very fast. Seven years later, Jobs introduced the Macintosh computer in a brilliant demonstration that he gave himself. However the sales of the first Macs were disappointing. This led to tensions in the company, and in 1985 he resigned.

In 1986, Jobs bought Pixar Animation Studios. This corporation produced the first full-length completely computer-animated film Toy Story, in 1995. After trying a few different presidents, the Apple management realized that they needed Steve Jobs and asked him to come back. He accepted and started adding colour to the company. Until 1998, all computers were grey or beige. Steve changed all that with brightly coloured iMacs, egg-shaped computers that offered high-speed processing at a reasonable price. Then came iTunes, the iPod, the iPhone and the iPad. Apple became a popular company once again.

On October 5, 2011, Apple Inc. announced that co-founder Steve Jobs had died. He was 56 years old at the time of his death.
Упражнение 8. Ответьте на вопросы.

a) Who was Steve Jobs?

b) What did his father teach Steve?

c) What was Steve Wozniak’s occupation then?

d) When did the two men start their company?

e) Why was Steve Jobs pushed out of Apple?

f) What did Jobs do when he returned to Apple?

g) How did Jobs and Wozniak influence the computer industry?
Упражнение 9. Закончите предложения, используя слова в рамке.

held resigned put forward was honoured started

best known came became involved deeply attracted

  1. In 1933 Norbert Wiener was elected to the National Academy of Science (USA), from which he ____________________ in 1941.

  2. In 1940, Norbert Wiener ___________ to work on a research project on anti-aircraft (противовоздушная оборона) devices.

  3. The idea of cybernetics __________ to Norbert Wiener when he began to consider the ways in which machines and human minds work.

  4. Norbert Wiener was ________________ to mathematical physics.

  5. Niels Bohr is _________________for the development of the Bohr model of the atom.

  6. Just before World War II, Bohr ________________ a theory of nuclear fission.

  7. In America Niels Bohr __________________ in the Atomic Energy Project which aimed to build the first atomic bomb.

  8. Niels Bohr ___________ many important positions and ____________ by many important scientific institutions.

Упражнение 10. Скажите другими словами.

Пример: Jobs and Wozniak are credited with revolutionizing the computer industry by democratizing the technology - Jobs and Wozniak are best known for revolutionizing the computer industry by democratizing the technology.

  1. Steve Jobs had the idea for a home computer when he was picking apples in an orchard in Oregon.

  2. Jobs introduced the Macintosh computer in a brilliant demonstration that he gave himself.

  3. Norbert Wiener’s first important position was that of Instructor of Mathematics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

  4. Norbert Wiener was greatly interested in many different disciplines.

  5. Ernest Rutherford proposed the concept of a nucleus within the atom.

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