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Выделите и текста общую информацию о внешней памяти и от- ветьте на следующие вопросы.

  1. What is storage?

  2. What is the goal of storage?

  3. What is the difference in the action of storage and memory?

  1. Выделите и текста информацию об устройствах для носителей данных и ответьте на следующие вопросы.

  1. What do storage devices represent?

  2. What functions do storage devices perform?

  3. What is the example of a storage device?

  1. Выделите и текста общую информацию о носителях данных и ответьте на следующие вопросы..

    1. What do storage media represent?

    2. What tasks do storage media accomplish?

    3. What are the main categories of storage media?

    4. What are the examples of magnetic storage media?

    5. What kind of magnetic storage media is still used? Why is it so?

    6. What are the examples of optical storage media?

    7. What is the difference between CD-R and CD-RW?

    8. Which kind of optical storage media has the highest capacity?

    9. What kind of microcircuit storage medium is widely used now?

    10. Why can this type of storage medium hold data permanently?

    11. What are the advantages of flash cards?

  1. Сопоставьте объем памяти различных носителей данных, выбрав верный вариант ответа из представленных ниже.

  1. equal b)lower c)higher d)muchhigher

  1. The capacity of a diskette is … than (to) that of a CD.

  2. The capacity of a hard disk is … than (to) that of a diskette.

  3. The capacity of a DVD is … than (to) that of a CD.

  4. The capacity of a CD-R is than (to) that of a CD-RW.

  5. The capacity of a flash card is than (to) that of a compact disk.

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