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  1. Прочитайте текст и переведите его на русский язык, обращая внимание на употребление сослагательного наклонения. Деление тек- ста на абзацы необходимо для последующей работы.

    1. Computers are general-purpose machines. This means that the computer can handle many different kinds of tasks. Whether you need to write a report, edit a video clip or manage a network a computer can help you.

    2. Certainly, the computer itself – the hardware – couldn’t do any of these things. The component that enables a computer to perform particular tasks is software. The software manages the hardware. It tells the machine’s physical

components what to do. If there weren’t software a computer couldn’t do any- thing at all. In this case it would be nothing more than a smart arrangement of electrical components. The software consists of detailed electronic instructions. A special set of these instructions is called a program. The terms programand soft-wareare often used interchangeably.

    1. The instruction set, or computer program, may be written in any of over two hundred programming languages. Each has its own unique vocabulary, grammar and rules for usage. Languages are normally classified as high-level and low-level ones. The closer the programming language is to the language used by computer the lower the level of that language. The closer programming language is to English and the easier it is to use the higher its level.

    2. Therefore, it is the high-level language which programmers traditionally employ for writing their programs. However, after the program or particular in- struction has been created it must be translated into machine, or low-level lan- guage for it is the only language the computer might understand. Compilers and interpreters are used for this purpose.

    3. Although the number of available software programs is vast and varied, most software falls into two major categories: system software and application software.

    1. The system software is an organized set of supplied programs that effec- tively transform the system hardware components into usable tools. These pro- grams include operations, functions, and routines that make it possible for you to use the hardware to solve problems and obtain results.

    2. There are several type of the system software. However, the most impor- tant and indispensable types is the operating system (OS) which is intelligence of the computer system. The operating system is usually stored on the hard disk. It is the computer’s master program. Because the OS is necessary for controlling the computer’s most basic functions, it continues to run until the computer is turned off. While the OS is running the computer is able to accept commands from the programs or the user. A user’s command might, for example, list the programs stored on the computer’s disk or make the computer run one of those programs.

    3. The main functions the OS performs are listed below:

Firstly, the operating system provides managing the processing operations as well as the input, output and storage functions of the computer system.

Secondly, it supplies the instructions to display the on-screen items with which you interact. Collectively, these items are known as the user interface.

Thirdly, the OS loads application programs into the computer so that you could use them.

Finally, the OS manages the way the information is stored on storage media and retrieved from them.

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