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    Ответьте на вопросы к тексту, связанные с общей информацией о программном обеспечении.

    1. Why are computers considered general-purpose machines?

    2. What component of a computer system enables a computer to perform par- ticular tasks?

    3. What is the task of the software?

    4. What does the software consist of?

    5. What languages are used for writing computer programs?

    6. How are programming languages classified?

    7. What programming languages are considered high-level languages?

    8. What programming languages are considered low-level languages?

    9. What kinds of programming languages do programmers use?

    10. What kinds of programming languages does the computer employ?

    11. Why does the computer employ the low-level languages?

    12. What are the major categories of the software?

    1. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту, связанные с информацией о сис- темном программном обеспечении.

    1. What does the system software represent?

    2. What does the system software contain?

    3. What is the most indispensable type of the system software?

    4. Where is the operating system usually stored?

    5. What does the OS represent?

    6. Why does the OS continues to run until the computer is switched off?

    7. In what case is the computer able to accept commands?

    8. What are the main functions of the OS?

    Реферирование это процесс конспективного изложения основного содержания текста или статьи.

    Реферат (Essey) – это сжатое изложение основной информации текста или статьи на любом языке.

    Способы сжатия информации

      1. Опущение избыточной информации.

    • Информации,неотражающейтемутекстаилистатьи.

    1. ый абзац: не отражает, а предваряет тему текста.

    1. ой абзац: два предложения выражают одно и то же. The software man- ages the hardware. It tells the machine’s physical components what to do.

    • Ужеизвестнойинформации.

    6-ой абзац: The system software is an organized set of supplied programs


    Выделенная курсивом информация упоминалась ранее.

    • Иллюстрационного материала, приводимого для наглядного разъясне-нияили подтвержденияинформации.

    2-ой абзац: If there weren’t software a computer couldn’t do anything at all. In this case it would be nothing more than a smart arrangement of electrical com- ponents.

    7-ой абзац: A user’s command might, for example, list the programs stored on the computer’s disk or make the computer run one of those programs.

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