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Выразите основные положения текста «Storage», выбрав верное завершение каждого предложения.

  1. Storage is a part of a) computer memory.

  1. computer software.

  2. a computer system.

  1. Storage serves for a) keeping data temporarily

  1. storing data while it is being used

  2. holding data permanently

  1. Memory is used for a) holding small amount of data

  1. storing data permanently

  2. keeping data temporarily

  1. Storage devices represent a) the hardware components.

  1. the software components.

  2. the storing components of the CPU.

  1. Storage devices are used for a) keeping data and programs while they are

not employed.

  1. writing data to storage media and reading it from them.

  2. holding data while it is being processed.

  1. Storage media represent a) hardware components for writing and read-

ing data.

  1. physical components for saving data.

  2. hardware components for editing and view- ing data.

  1. The principle categories of storage media used today are the following.

  1. optical storage.

  2. optical and microcircuit storage.

  3. magnetic, optical and microcircuit storage.

  1. Magnetic storage media are represented by

  1. Because of extremely high capacity we use such magnetic storage media as

  2. Optical storage media in- clude

  1. Users can write information multiple times employing

  1. The optical storage media which has the highest capacity is

  1. magnetic tapes and disketts

  2. compact disks

  3. magnetic tapes, diskettes and hard disks.

  1. hard disks

  2. diskettes

  3. magnetic tapes

  1. different kinds of compact disks.

  2. different kinds of cards.

  3. hard disks.

  1. ROM

  2. CD-R

  3. CD-RW

  1. CD-R

  2. CD-RW

  3. DVD

  1. Flash cards are based on a) microcircuit technology.

    1. optical technology.

    1. magnetic technology.

  1. Flash cards are to a) volatile type

  1. nonvolatile type

  2. little capacity

  1. Very high capacity, small size and allowing to erase data are the advantages of

  1. optical storage media.

  2. microcircuit storage media.

  3. magnetic storage media.

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