Тест 1
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Питання №: 18Metabolic conversion of glucose to pyruvic acid (pyruvate) is called glycogenolysis glycolysis lipolysis glycogenesis gluconeogenesis Питання №: 19Point out bonds, which are destructed by proteolytic enzymes: Phosphodiether Ether N-glycoside Peptide Disulfide Питання №: 20Choose the organs where lipogenesis occurs most intensively: A Muscles and brain B Brain and kidneys C Liver, mammary glands D Kidneys and muscles E Myocardium Питання №: 21What is the net energy yield of ATP in anaerobic glycolysis? 1 2 3 4 5 Питання №: 22Which enzyme hydrolyzes carbohydrates in the mouth? Lactase alpa-Amylase Sucrase Maltase Lipase Питання №: 23Choose the correct definition of term "gluconeogenesis" Glycogen synthesis from glucose Glucose formation from glycogen Glucose synthesis from non-carbohydrate compounds Glycogen synthesis from the metabolic intermediate products Glucose synthesis from other monosaccharides Питання №: 24A 30-year-old male patient with acute pancreatitis has been found to have a disorder of cavitary protein digestion. The reason for such condition can be the hyposynthesis and hyposecretion of the following enzyme: Pepsin Dipeptidase Amylase Lipase Trypsin Питання №: 25Which of the listed proteins are simple: Albumins Hemoglobin Cazein Myoglobin Chlorophil |