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  • Reading Comprehension Exercises

  • Skimming Look through the part of the chapter about the arrest of Dr Crippen and decide what this arrest was famous for: a.

  • I. Suggest English equivalents of the following expressions and use them in sentences of your own based on the text.

  • V. Give definitions of these words. Use the dictionary. Suggest the word-combinations in which these words can be used.

  • VII. Complete the text with the words from the box.

  • VIII. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate prepositions or adverbs where necessary.

  • IX. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English using the active vocabulary.

  • Grammar Revision Exercises

  • II. Do a written translation of the following sentences analysing the use of the Gerund.

  • III. Translate the following attributive groups

  • Полный сборник с исправлениями. The Royal Courts of Justice Vocabulary List

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    Chapter 6
    Our Chief Law Enforces – the Police
    Vocabulary List

    1. enforce (laws, judgments) – обеспечивать исполнение (законов, судебных решений)

    2. be concerned with – заниматься чем-л.

    3. acquit smb. of smth./doing smth. – оправдать (по делу), признать невиновным кого-л. в совершении преступления

    4. afflict – беспокоить, тревожить

    5. infringe – нарушать

    6. inflict – налагать (наказаниеupon)

    syn.: impose (on)

    1. fight smth. – бороться с чем-л.

    fight (against smth.) – борьба с чем-л.

    1. blame smb. for smth. – обвинять кого-либо в чем-л.

    2. search – обыскивать

    3. exceed – превышать

    4. wrong – причинить вред

    5. discipline – налагать дисциплинарное взыскание

    6. prosecute – преследовать в судебном порядке, поддерживать обвинение

    7. administer – отправлять (правосудие)

    8. prevent – предотвратить

    9. maintain – поддерживать, сохранять

    10. go out on duty – выходить на дежурство

    11. discriminate (against smb.) – дискриминировать, ставить кого-л. в худшие условия

    12. be guilty of smth. – быть виновным в чем-л.

    13. innocence – невиновность

    14. evidence – доказательство, улика, свидетельские показания против кого-л. (against smb.) / в пользу кого-л. (for smb.)

    15. harassment – беспокойство, домогательство

    16. violence –насилие

    violent – насильственный

    1. fingerprints – отпечатки пальцев

    2. shoe-prints – отпечатки следов обуви

    3. casting – снятие отпечатков

    4. be addicted to – пристраститься к чему-л.

    5. investigation – расследование, следствие

    6. abuse – злоупотребление; оскорбление, нападки

    7. be subject to – подвергаться чему-л.

    8. action – иск, судебное дело

    9. confession – признание

    10. confess – признаваться, сознаваться

    syn.: admit smth./to smth./doing smth. –

    1. complaint against smb. – жалоба на кого-л.

    2. Code of Practice – процессуальный кодекс

    3. commit a crime (an offence) – совершить преступление (правонарушение)

    4. disorder – беспорядок

    5. suspect (n) – подозреваемый

    suspect (v) smb. of smth. – подозревать кого-л. в чем-л.

    1. oppress – притеснять, угнетать

    oppression – притеснение

    1. supervise – осуществлять надзор

    Reading Comprehension


    1. Scanning

    Put the following statements in the order in which they occurred in the text.

    1. The new police force was created by the Metropolitan Police Act 1829.

    2. One of the sensational arrests was that of Dr Crippen in 1910.

    3. One of the Fielding brothers left behind a plan for the first professional police.

    4. The job of the police is to enforce the law.

    5. There were criminals who helped the police to bring other criminals to trial.

    6. Police officers are highly trained experts working for specialist branches of the force.

    7. The job of different agencies and departments is to make sure that the laws relating to their particular responsibilities are enforced.

    8. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries towns were roamed by criminals.

    9. Officers of Criminal Investigation Department specialise in detective work.

    10. The Metropolitan Police Force made a poor start.

    11. If the police officers exceed their powers, they may be disciplined and even prosecuted.

    12. Complaints against the police are carefully investigated by an independent body.

    13. Criminal Evidence Act provides numerous laws to protect people interviewed by the police.

    14. Now there are many rules relating to police interviews making sure that the interviews are conducted fairly.

    15. Special constables assisted the police in their work.

    16. Intensive training involves learning basic policing skills and studying the law relating to the police.

    1. Skimming

    1. Look through the part of the chapter about the arrest of Dr Crippen and decide what this arrest was famous for:

    a. the arrest was sensational

    b. the arrest captured the imagination

    c. the arrest in which radio was first used

    d. the arrest resulted in massive publicity

    1. Look through the part of the chapter dealing with complaints against the police and decide which of the following complaints are mentioned in the text:

    a. making a false complaint

    b. catching the wrong people

    c. carrying out their duties

    d. denying civil liberties

    e. enforcing the law

    f. failing to catch criminals

    g. oppressing suspects

    h. discriminating against members of ethnic minorities

    i. protecting the mentally handicapped

    j. breaking the law

    Vocabulary Work

    I. Suggest Russian equivalents of the following expressions.

    1.criminal underworld; 2. inform on criminals; 3. take a reward for doing smth.; 4. undergo intensive training; 5. be expert in; 6. investigations into murder;7. fight against crime; 8. be subject to strict control; 9. search property for evidence; 10. exceed powers; 11. wrong smb.; 12. take action in the courts against smb.; 13. obtain confessions; 14. administer justice; 15. confess to the crime; 16. admit to offences; 17. to search property for evidence and clues; 18. inadmissible evidence

    I. Suggest English equivalents of the following expressions and use them in sentences of your own based on the text.

    1. обеспечивать исполнение законов; 2. сообщать о любых беспорядках; 3. представить доказательства в пользу кого-либо; 4. признать невиновным в совершении преступления; 5. беспокоить, тревожить общество; 6. нарушать гражданские свободы; 7. назначать преступникам суровые наказания; 8. обвинять кого-либо в краже денег; 9. признать кого-либо виновным в чем-либо; 10. заявлять о невиновности; 11. преследования по расовому признаку; 12. защита от лиц, совершающих насильственные преступления; 13. снимать отпечатки пальцев; 14. снимать отпечатки следов обуви; 15. пристраститься к наркотикам; 16. жестокое обращение с ребенком; 17. бороться с преступностью во всем мире.

    III. Match the expressions on the left (A) with their proper translation on the right (B).


    1. Value Added Taxes(VAT)

    2. acquit smb. of charge of…

    3. pride in the police

    4. turn to crime

    5. deny civil liberties

    6. discriminate against ethnic minorities

    7. make a false complaint against smb.

    8. gather information on crime from all over the country

    9. handle a case

    10. make a confession to the crime


    a. собирать информацию о преступлении по всей стране

    b. признаться в преступлении

    c. оправдать по делу о…

    d. НДС – налог на добавленную стоимость

    e. отвергать гражданские свободы

    f. рассматривать, разбирать дело

    g.гордость за полицию

    h. проводить дискриминацию этнических меньшинств

    i. встать на преступный путь

    j. подать необоснованную жалобу на кого-либо

    IV. Guess the concept of the following definitions.

    1. men and women belonging to a department of government concerned with the keeping of public order;

    2. violent outburst of lawlessness by the people in a district;

    3. punishment for wrongdoing, for failure to obey rules;

    4. breaking of a rule;

    5. people suffering from illness of the mind

    V. Give definitions of these words. Use the dictionary. Suggest the word-combinations in which these words can be used.

    1. enforce; 2. investigation; 3. crime; 4. evidence; 5. justice.

    VI. Match the words on the left (A) with their definitions on the right (B) and give their Russian equivalents.



    1. handle

    1. look carefully at, through, or into (in order to find smth. or smb.)

    1. report

    1. give a legal decision that smb. is not guilty

    1. acquit

    1. start legal proceedings against…

    1. blame

    1. deal with

    1. search

    1. fix on smb. the responsibility for smth. done (badly or wrongly) or not done

    1. punish

    1. give an account (of smth. seen, heard, done)

    1. prosecute

    1. treat differently

    1. discriminate (against)

    1. cause (smb.) suffering or discomfort for wrongdoing

    1. gather (information)

    1. do the work of a judge

    1. administer justice

    1. gain little by little

    VII. Complete the text with the words from the box.

    1. to enforce; 2. are concerned; 3. committing offences; 4. powers; 5. gathering; 6. impose; 7. suspected of; 8. to be prosecuted; 9. offence; 10. search;11. the police (3).

    The police have many functions in the legal process. Though they _____ mainly with criminal law, they may also be used _______ judgments made in civil courts. As well as _______ information for offences _______ in the courts, the police have wide _______to arrest, ______and question people _______crimes and to control the actions of members of the public during public demonstrations and assemblies. In some countries, ________have judicial functions; for example, they may make a decision as to guilt in a driving__________ and ______a fine, without the involvement of a court. In Britain, when someone is found in possession of marijuana, ________ may confiscate it and issue a formal warning rather than refer the matter to a court. The mere presence of __________is a factor in deterring people from __________.

    VIII. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate prepositions or adverbs where necessary.

    1. The Department employs inspectors who guard … pollution and other damage … the environment.

    2. They had a system … conscripting ordinary citizens to walk … the streets or to report … any disorder.

    3. A serious crime resulted … a sentence … death.

    4. He was acquitted … the charge … stealing the lace, but was found guilty … failing to give information.

    5. These cases resulted … serious injustice and had a profound effect … the whole criminal justice system.

    6. The fear inspired … those criminals afflicted … the whole society.

    7. They were criticized … discriminating … members of ethnic minorities.

    8. It is easy … a criminal who is upset … being caught and fearful … the consequences, to make a false complaint.

    9. It is worth remembering that the police receive awards … outstanding bravery and service … the community – … arresting … armed criminals, … carrying … dangerous operations.

    10. These branches of the force deal … the most serious investigations … murder and other violent crime.

    IX. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English using the active vocabulary.

    1. Одним из наиболее серьезных преступлений является покушение на гражданские права.

    2. В обязанности полиции входит обеспечение соблюдения законов.

    3. Полиция имеет право обыскивать собственность, стремясь найти доказательства.

    4. Некоторые страны слишком слабы, чтобы бороться с терроризмом.

    5. Подсудимый был признан невиновным в совершении преступления.

    6. Подсудимый был обвинен в жестоком обращении с детьми, но на суде был оправдан по этому делу, хотя общественное мнение было крайне против.

    7. Так как террористические акты будоражат все общество, наказания их исполнителям должны выноситься очень строгие.

    Grammar Revision


    1. Analyse the structure of the following complex sentences and translate them into Russian paying attention to the use of:

    1. Absolute Participle Construction:

    1. We still have special constables, one of the best known being Nigel Mansell, a member of the Cornwall Police Force.

    2. They have also resulted in very significant changes in the law, some being made on the direct recommendation of the Law Commission.

    1. Gerundial Complex:

    1. This problem of confessions being obtained by oppressions, or from weak or frightened people who are easily ‘suggestible’, has been taken very seriously.

    2. Dr Crippen could not bear the thought of his wife standing in the way of their happiness.

    3. If the police see that the law is about to be broken, they have the power to intervene to prevent that happening.

    1. Complex Subject

    1. Many officers turn out to be excellent actors, working in the drugs scene as undercover officers.

    2. There is no doubt that people questioned about even the most serious offences, have sometimes admitted to committing the crime, and yet it has later been proven that they were innocent.

    3. In some cases these criticisms have proved to be justified, and there has been a small number of extremely serious cases in which police officers, who have been paid to enforce the law, have been found to have broken it.

    4. Complaints against the police are normally carefully investigated, but few of them are found to be true; the problem is sorting out the good ones from the bad.

    5. The police perform many duties which are fundamental to the well-being of society, but which are unlikely to make them popular.

    6. He was said to be able to recognize 3,000 thieves by their voices.

    II. Do a written translation of the following sentences analysing the use of the Gerund.

    1.The Police Service has a role to play in shaping the next generation of citizens.

    2. In this country there is a large number of agencies or departments responsible for enforcing laws of one kind or another.

    3. By helping to keep children safe, aware of their rights and responsibilities and by helping them to understand and respect the law, we contribute to their development as active citizens.

    4. They are also responsible for ensuring that goods are not smuggled into this country.

    5. The police were blamed for failing to clear up crime.

    6. The Fieldings provoked much public discussion about having a force of armed men to catch criminals and bring them to trial.

    7. They opposed the Fieldings’ ideas of maintaining law and order on the grounds that it would infringe civil liberties.

    8. Scenes of Crimes Officers are expert in visiting the scenes of crimes and searching for clues.

    9. It is worth remembering that the police regularly receive awards for outstanding bravery and service to the community – from tackling and arresting armed criminals, to carrying out difficult and dangerous undercover operations; from rescuing the victims of serious crime, to saving the lives of those threatening to commit suicide.

    III. Translate the following attributive groups:

    Law enforcers; a love-hate relationship; undercover operations; police force; police work; police interviews; Police Authority; Police Complaints Authority; Deputy Commissioners; deputy chief constable; an 18-week foundation course; policing skills; career structure; police specialities; child abuse; bank accounts; motor racing champion; customs duties; surveillance aid; crime prevention; community relation; Neighbourhood Watch Committees; schools involvement programmes; crowd control; laboratory examination; Drugs Squad; Murder Squad; Investigation Department; drugs scene; drugs smugglers and dealers.
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