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Полный сборник с исправлениями. The Royal Courts of Justice Vocabulary List

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III. Draw up the plan for rendering the text and then summarise it.
IV. Discuss these issues.
1. Why do you think the number of people who have the right of audience in courts of Great Britain has been gradually increasing?

2. How can members of the public get skilled advice and representation in legal matters in your country?

Chapter X
Vocabulary List
1. counsel – участвующий в деле адвокат

QC - Queen’s Counsel – королевский адвокат

junior counsel – барристер ниже ранга королевского адвоката

2. bar – барьер; the Bar – адвокатура

3. opinion – мнение, заключение; counsel’s opinion – письменное заключение


4. barrister’s chamber – контора адвоката

5. barrister’s clerk – секретарь адвоката

6. fee – гонорар

7. in-house lawyer – штатный юрист фирмы

8. inn – маленькая гостиница

Inn – «инн», школа подготовки адвокатов

Inns of Courts – «Судебные Инны», юридические корпорации, готовящие


Inns of Chancery – «Канцелярские Инны»

9. legal circuit – судебный округ

on circuit – на выезде

chamber on circuit – контора для работы на выездном заседании суда

10. train for the Bar – учиться на адвоката

11. Call to the Bar – получение права на адвокатскую практику

12. prosecution – обвинение (сторона в уголовном процессе); судебное


13. Bencher – старейшина школы подготовки барристеров

14. advocacy – адвокатская деятельность; адвокатура

15. high treason – государственная измена

16. read for the Bar – готовиться к адвокатуре

17. vocational training / course– профессиональное обучение

18. negotiation – переговоры, ведение переговоров

19. conference skills – умение вести переговоры

20. drafting – составление проекта документа

21. fact management – обработка и представление фактов

21. legal research – поиск решения юридических проблем

22. scholarship – стипендия

23. tenant – владелец адвокатской конторы

24. pupilage – ученичество, стажировка

25. apprenticeship – ученичество

26. treasurer - казначей
Vocabulary Notes
1. Attorney-General (GB) – Генеральный Атторней (рос. Генеральный прокурор)

2. Soliсitor-General – Генеральный Солиситор

3. Director of Public Prosecutions – Генеральный прокурор (в Великобритании)

4. Crown Prosecution Service – Королевская прокуратура

5. Director of the Serious Fraud Office – Прокурор по экономическим

преступлениям; Директор департамента по экономическим преступлениям

6. Lord Chancellor – лорд-канцлер

7. Bar Council – Совет барристеров
Reading Comprehension

I. Scanning

1. Look through the whole chapter and find the origin of the term “barrister”.

2. How many Inns of Courts are there in London?

3. Is practical training necessary for barristers?
II. Skimming

1. Look through the first part of the text and decide which of the following statements is correct:

a..A growing number of barristers now specialise in just one or two aspects of law.

b.Like solicitors, barristers can work in partnership with one another.

c.There is no dress code for barristers.
2. Look through the text and say whether the following statements are correct:

a. Both barristers and solicitors have rights of audience in any court of the land.

b. Inns of Courts are situated in different circuits.

c. Each of the circuits elects a “Leader” who oversees the standards of the profession “on circuit”.

d. Two of the most important lawyers in the country are the Attorney General and the Solicitor General.
Vocabulary Work

I. Suggest Russian equivalents of the following expressions and use them in sentences on yourown based on the text.
in-house lawyer; 2. fee; 3. the Bar; 4. legal circuit; 5. barrister’s clerk; 6. counsel’s opinion; 7. advocacy; 8. Attorney General; 9. pupilage; 10. Bencher; 11. on circuit;
II. Suggest English equivalents of the following expressions and use them in sentences of your own based on the text.

1. участвующий в деле адвокат; 2. право выступать в суде; 3. обвинение (сторона в уголовном процессе); 4. Королевская прокуратура; 5. контора адвоката; 6. профессиональное обучение; 7. секретарь адвоката
III. Match the expressions on the left (A) with their proper translation on the right (B).

1. litigation a.учебные заседания

2. robe b.государственная измена

3. magistrate’s court c.адвокатура

4. partnership d.кодекс поведения

5. lawyers of distinction e.мировой суд

6. qualifying session f.судебный спор, тяжба, процесс

7. Code of Conduct g.мантия (адвоката, судьи)

8. the Bar h.выдающиеся юристы

9. high treason i.товарищество
IV. Guess the concept of the following definitions.
1. A manager who organises the work of barristers, arranging court appearances and meetings between clients, solicitors and barristers.

2. One of geographical areas into which the country is divided and around which the High Court judges travel as they try the most important cases around the country.

3. Ancient legal societies situated in central London and having the exclusive right of call to the Bar. Every barrister must belong to one of them.

4. Presenting and arguing a case in court.
V. Give definitions of these words. Use the dictionary. Suggest word combinations in which these words can be used.
1. barrister's chambers; 2. counsel's opinion; 3. conference; 4. Solicitor General
VI. Match the words on the left (A) with their definitions on the right (B) and give their Russian equivalents.

1. counsel a. A court of law that happens in a small town when a

judge visits from a larger town.

2. treasurer b. One of the senior and governing members of an Inn of


3. circuit court c. The basis of the High Court calendar of court sittings.

4. Bencher d. The crime of putting one’s country in great danger

(e.g. giving military secrets to the enemy).

5. legal year e. A method of illegally getting money, often by using

clever and complicated methods.

6. high treason f. A type of lawyer who represents his or her client in court.

7. fraud g. The period of undergoing apprenticeship under the

supervision of an expert.

8. pupilage h. Someone who is in charge of the money of an

organisation, club, political party, etc.

9. applicant i. Someone who has formally asked, usually in writing, for

a job, university place, etc.

10. fee j. Studying a number of subjects in order to get a

university degree in law.

11. the Bar k. An amount of money you pay to a professional person

for their work.

12.reading for the Bar l. The group of people who are barristers.
VII. Look up in the dictionary the meanings of the following words:
learned [lз:nd] and learned [lз :nid]
Read the sentences pronouncing the words correctly and translate them into Russian.
1. I learned German when I lived in Berlin.

2. He has always learned from his mistakes.

3. I really learned my lesson when I got sunburned last year on vacation.

4. If my learned friend wishes I’ll give my arguments.

5. What do they say about it in their learned books?
VIII. Translate the sentences from English into Russian.
1. Unlike solicitors barristers have the right of audience in any court in the land.

2. Although many barristers do a variety of work, a growing number now specialise in just one

or two aspects of litigation.

3. All professional barristers are self-employed, although normally a number of barristers will as a matter of convenience share offices, which are known as barristers’ chambers, and have their work organised by the same manager, who is called a barrister’s clerk.

4. One of the finest days in the life of any law student is the day of his or her “Call to the Bar”.

5. The Bar (barrister’s profession) is governed by the Inns of Court and the Bar Council.

6. When a person is charged with high treason the case is prosecuted personally by the Attorney-General.

7. Often a year of pupilage is split into two parts, with the young barristers spending six months with one “pupil master” and six months with another, in order to gain a wider experience.
IX. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate prepositions from the box.

for (4); in (2); of (8); on; at (2); from (2); to (2)

1. _______ one time pupils had to pay their masters _______ their apprenticeship, but no longer.

2. The Attorney-General is responsible _______ appointing the Director _______ Public Prosecutions and the Director _______ the Serious Fraud Office.

3. There is one important ingredient _______ the art _______ advocacy: the fearless presentation _______ cases.

4. Today barristers usually do most _______ their work _______ their own circuits.

5. Barristers write opinions _______ the request _______ solicitors.

6. The term “barristers” derives _______ the fact that when they qualify they are “called ______ the Bar”.

7. Distinguished advocates have _______ time _______ time been asked _______ the secret _______their success; understandably, they have usually made light _______ them.

8. All students reading _______ the Bar have to join one _______ the Inns of Court.
X. Translate the sentences from Russian into English using the active vocabulary.
1. В мировых судах и в судах специальной юрисдикции барристеры, как и солиситоры, могут быть одеты в повседневные рабочие костюмы. Во всех других судах они должны носить парики и мантии.

2. Каждый судебный округ избирает «лидера», главного королевского адвоката, который надзирает за соблюдением профессиональных норм «на выезде».

3. Искусство защиты – это искусство убеждения. Подобно искусству хорошего музыканта, оно включает врождённый талант, большую и серьёзную работу (по обработке и изучению фактов) и тщательное обдумывание манеры их представления.

4. Уголовное преследование за определённые виды преступлений, включая терроризм и коррупцию, не может быть возбуждено без согласия Генерального атторнея и Генерального солиситора.

5. В течение первых шести месяцев стажировки молодому адвокату не разрешается самостоятельно присутствовать в суде. В течение следующих шести месяцев он или она может присутствовать при разбирательстве «подходящих» (имеется в виду «не слишком серьёзных») дел.
Grammar Revision

I. Find the following sentence in the text:
These days fewer and fewer bags are slung over shoulders, barristers preferring the anonymity of their holdalls.
II. Analyse and translate the sentence. What kind of grammatical construction is “barristers preferring the anonymity of their holdalls”?
III. Translate the following sentences into Russian.
1.The negotiations being over, the parties signed the contract.

2.The evidence being insufficient, the defendant was acquitted.

3.The judge having passed the sentence, the convict was taken to prison.

I. Say whether each of these statements is true or false. Correct the wrong statements if any.
1. Good advocates must be good talkers.

2. Barristers usually negotiate their fees with their clients themselves.

3. Meetings between clients, solicitors and barristers are known as ‘conferences’.

4. Advocacy is one of the types of work done by solicitors.

5. The Law Officers are now appointed by the Queen.

6. The Attorney-General is the ‘Leader of the Bar’.

7. The Bar Vocational Course is also known as ‘pupilage’.
II. Answer these questions.
1. What is the origin of the name ‘barrister’?

2. What are the main differences between solicitors and barristers?

3. What is the origin of the name ‘Inns of Court’?

4. Who are the benchers?

5. What are the functions of the Inns?

6. What kind of ceremony is ’Call to the Bar’?

7. What is the difference between a junior counsel and a leading counsel?

8. What are legal circuits in Great Britain?

9. What is the Bar Council?

10. Is advocacy an art or a trade? Give your reasons.

11. Why is it necessary for a barrister to be fearless?

12. How is the legal profession related to politics?

13. Who are the main law officers appointed by?

14. What are the responsibilities of the Attorney-General and the Solicitor-General?

15. Describe the Bar Vocational Course.

16. Why is the period of pupilage necessary for a beginning barrister?

17. Do barrister pupils have to pay for their training? Are they paid any scholarship?

18. Who is a tenant in a set of chambers?
III. Draw up a plan for rendering the text and then summarise it.
IV. Discuss these issues.
1.Do you think the legal profession is really a good training ground for a political career? Why?

2.Do you think the division into solicitors and barristers within the legal profession fruitful for the quality of their professional advice?

Chapter XV
Criminal Trials Through the Ages
Vocabulary List

  1. crime (n) – преступление; злодеяние, нарушение, правонарушение

violent (adj)

- насильственное преступление

drunken (adj) - преступление, совершенное под влиянием опьянения

deny (v) the - отрицать участие в совершении преступления

  1. law (n) – закон ( регулирующий, предписывающий акт )

put (v) the into force – вводить закон в действие, проводить в жизнь закон

alter (v) the - вносить изменения, переделывать закон

  1. sentence (v) - выносить приговор; приговаривать

  2. sentence (n) – приговор, осуждение, обвинительное заключение

judicial (adj) - судебный приговор

  1. punishment (n) – наказание

inflict (v) - назначить наказание;

  1. adultery (n) - адюльтер, нарушение супружеской верности, прелюбодеяние

  2. put (v) to death - приговорить к смерти

  3. oath (n) – клятва; присяга

swear (v) an - дать клятву

helper – лица, подтверждающие клятву

  1. prove (v) – доказывать

guilt – доказывать вину

innocence – доказывать невиновность

  1. burden of proof – бремя доказательства

  2. bribe (v) – подкупать; давать взятку

  3. acquittal (n) – оправдание; судебное решение об оправдании; оправдательный вердикт, приговор

  4. condemn (v) – осуждать, приговаривать ( к смертной казни ); присуждать

  5. plead (v) - обращаться с просьбой, ходатайствовать

not guilty - не признавать себя виновным

guilty - признавать себя виновным

  1. convict (v) - осудить ( признать виновным ); осуждать на длительный срок тюремного заключения

  2. conviction (n) – осуждение (признание виновным); судимость

escape (v) a - избежать осуждения, наказания

  1. summon (v) – вызывать; вручать приказ о явке в суд

  2. allegation (n) – заявление; утверждение

  3. disseise (v) – незаконно лишать права владения недвижимостью

  4. outlaw (v) – объявлять вне закона

  5. banish (v) – изгонять, высылать ( из страны )

  6. justice (n) – правосудие

system (n) of in being – существующая система правосудия

provide (v) - вершить правосудие

administer (v) - отправлять правосудие

travesty (n) of - пародия на правосудие

‘adversarial’ (adj) system of - система правосудия, основанная на принципе противостояния, соперничества сторон

‘inquisitorial’ (adj) system of - система правосудия, основанная на инквизиционном принципе

  1. right (n) - право

endorse (v) the s - подтверждать, поддерживать права

  1. jury (n) – присяжные

dismiss (v) a - отпускать присяжных

trial - слушание дела в суде присяжных

grand (adj) - большое жюри; присяжные, решающие вопрос о предании суду

petit (adj) - малая коллегия присяжных

hand-picked - выбранный, подобранный, отобранный состав присяжных

serve (v) on es – выступать в роли присяжного

bailiff – бейлиф, судебный пристав

petty (adj) - 12 присяжных, выносящих приговор по гражданским и уголовным делам

  1. verdict (n) – вердикт; решение присяжных заседателей

unanimous (adj) - вердикт, вынесенный единогласно

  1. warrant (n) – ордер ( на арест, обыск и т. п. ); предписание; приказ

sign (v) a - подписать ордер

  1. treason (n) - измена ( государственная )

  2. case (n) - судебное дело; случай, прецедент

conduct (v) the for the prosecution - вести дело с позиции обвинения

petty (adj) - дело о малозначительном правонарушении

  1. liberty (n) – свобода

  2. preach (v) to an unlawful assembly – потворствовать незаконным сборищам

  3. seditious libel (n) – мятежный пасквиль, подстрекающий к мятежу пасквиль

  4. juror (n) – присяжный

challenge (v) s – вызывать присяжных

  1. usher (n) – судебный пристав

  2. intimidate (v) – запугивать

  3. advocate (v) – защищать, выступать в защиту ( в суде )

  4. trial (n) – судебное разбирательство; судебный процесс; слушание дела по существу ( судом первой инстанции )

stand (v) for murdering - отвечать перед судом за убийство

  1. prosecute (v) – преследовать в судебном порядке; поддерживать обвинение, обвинять

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