Полный сборник с исправлениями. The Royal Courts of Justice Vocabulary List
Reading Comprehension Exercises I. Scanning.
II. Skimming. 1. Name the form of the trial in which a defendant could survive only by calling upon God to prove his innocence. a. infangthief b. trial by ordeal c. trial by battle 2. Look through the end of the chapter and decide which of the following statements renders the main idea of the given passage. a. Jury system is very expensive and should be replaced. b. Jury system has to be completely changed to satisfy the needs of people. c. Jury system has its defects, as does any system. Vocabulary Work Exercises I. Suggest Russian equivalents of the following expressions and use them in your own sentences based on the text. 1. put to death; 2. be supervised; 3. endorse the rights; 4. plot; 5. place obstacles; 6. plead not guilty; 7. conduct the case for the prosecution; 8. stand trial for murdering; 9. arise great public interest; 10. the verdict came as a shock; 11. unless the contrary be proved; 12. alter the law; 13. be selected to serve by ballot; 14. meet with fierce resistance from smb 15. drive under the influence of drink. II. Suggest English equivalents of the following expressions and use them in your own sentences based on the text. 1. расследование преступления; 2. уповая на Бога; 3. нищета и позор; 4. казнить; 5. выездные сессии суда присяжных; 5. хуже того; 6. дыба; 7. по высочайшему указу; 8. доказательство измены; 9. “отдался на милость своей страны”; 10. охваченный чумой; 11. был привлечен к суду за проповеди; 12. деспотичный монарх; 13. способ призыва к восстанию; 14. отвод присяжных; 15. ограничивать право. III. Match the expressions on the left (A) with their proper translation on the right (B). А В 1. guarantee a. виновный 2. prosecute b. жизненно важный 3. trial c. надзирать 4. guilty d. предательство, измена 5. challenge e. оправдание 6. bribe f. подкупать 7. acquittal g. гарантировать 8. vital h. делать отвод 9. supervise i. преследовать в судебном порядке 10. treason j. суд IV. Guess the concept of the following definitions. 1. A public officer appointed to decide cases in a law court. 2. A formal examination of evidence by a judge, typically before a jury, in order to decide guilt in a case of criminal or civil proceedings. 3. The available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid. 4. The state of being seriously mentally ill. 5. An individual, company, or institution sued or accused in a court of law. V. Give definitions of these words. Use the dictionary. Suggest the word-combinations in which these words can be used. 1. landowner; 2. innocent; 3. witness; 4.treason; 5. ballot. VI. Match the words on the left (A) with their definitions on the right (B) and give their Russian equivalents. A B
a) a form of trial introduced by William the Conqueror and which was the contest of physical strength b) to cause to be accepted in or familiar with a place, position, etc c) 20 persons who could decide if the person had to be tried for crime a. a form of trial introduced by William the Conqueror and which was the contest of physical strength b. to cause to be accepted in or familiar with a place, position, etc c. 20 persons who could decide if the person had to be tried for crime d. decide and state officially in a court of law that sb is guilty of a crime e. an official document that shows that permission has been given to do, own or use sth f. a decision that is made by a jury in a court of law, stating if sb is considered guilty of a crime or not g. some form of torture, which a defendant could survive only by calling upon God to prove his innocence, by working a miracle in his favour h. to say officially in a court of law that sb is to receive a particular punishment i. a number of persons who could swear an oath that the accused man was an honourable person and was telling the truth j. a member of a jury VII. Translate the sentences from English into Russian.
independent. 3. In recent time there have been strong moves to reduce the right to trial by jury. 4. We may agree that the defendant’s right to be tried by jury is a very important symbol of our democracy. 5. Those who advocate drastic change may not fully understand that our “adversarial” system of justice, where parties investigate their own cases and call their own evidence, is geared to trial by jury and not to trial by judge. VIII. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
7. In cases of treason, _____ severe laws and rules of procedure were in force. 8. They had been ____ chosen by the Sheriff as being “dependable”. 9. Raleigh’s jury reached its verdict after only a few minutes, and it was by no means unusual in State Trials for the jury not to retire at all, but to announce their guilty verdict ____. 10. Shortly ____, major constitutional freedoms were guaranteed in the Bill of Rights 1689. IX. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate prepositions from the box.
X. Translate the sentences from Russian into English using the active vocabulary. 1. В то время было важно умереть с честью. 2. Присяжные часто выносили вердикт на основании признания, а обвиняемые часто признавались под пытками. 3. В случае измены применялись особо жесткие законы и правила судебной процедуры. 4. Говорят, что система суда присяжных не подходит для слушания сложных и продолжительных по времени дел о мошенничестве. 5. Система суда присяжных глубоко интегрирована в нашу социальную систему и конституцию. Grammar Revision Exercises I. Translate into English Using Conditionals and Complex Subject: 1. Нам стоит понять, что на протяжении многих лет закон и религия понимались не изолированно, а в тесной связи друг с другом. 2. Думали, что закон имеет мистическое значение. 3. Если возникали разногласия между двумя людьми, то они сражались друг с другом до тех пор, пока один из них не сдавался или не был убит. 4. Объявлялось, что победитель был прав. 5. Если обвиняемый не получал телесных повреждений или быстро и полностью выздоравливал, то считалось, что Бог сотворил ради него чудо и он доказал свою невиновность. 6. Если присяжные сходились во мнении, что против обвиняемого существовали доказательства, и если последний отрицал совершение преступления, то требовалось, чтобы он предстал перед судом ордалии и доказал свою невиновность. 7. Если обвиняемый был невиновен, то вода «принимала» его (он тонул); если он плавал на поверхности, то вода отталкивала его, и он был виновен. 8. Было объявлено, что суд ордалии не мог долее считаться проявлением божьей кары. 9. Необходимо было рассмотреть некоторые другие формы судебного процесса. 10. Суд присяжных является важной и неотъемлемой частью конституции. Speaking Exercises I. Say whether the following statements are true or false. Explain why. 1. Jury system came into being between AD 1000 and AD 1500. 2. Trial by battle was a licence to kill. 3. In 1215 pope Innocent III declared that the trial by ordeal was the best way to show God's judgment. 4. Some legal historians have strong doubt that Magna Carta is really a statute. 5. In recent years there have been many attempts to minimize the right to trial by jury. II. Answer the questions about the text.
III. Draw up the plan for rendering the text and then summarise it. IV. Discuss these issues.
V. Find the information in the Internet on the following themes and make presentations in class. 1. History of trials: kings to sue. 2. Insane delusions tests: present days. 3. Jury system: merits and shortcomings. Chapter XVI Punishment Through the Ages Vocabulary List 1. acquit – оправдывать (of) освобождать 2. associated labour – обобществленный труд 3. benefit of the clergy – неподсудность духовенства светскому суду 4. bloody assizes – кровавый суд 5. confess – признаваться (в совершении преступления) 6. culprit – обвиняемый; подсудимый 7. defence of insanity –защита ссылкой на невменяемость 8. dissection – рассечение, разрезание, анатомирование, препарирование, вскрытие 9. ducking stool – позорный стул, к которому привязывали женщин дурного поведения и торговцев-мошенников 10. dungeon – подземная тюрьма, тюремная камера; темница; склеп 11. excess – нарушение закона, произвол 12. extort – вымогать ( деньги ); выпытывать ( тайну и т. п.; у кого-л. - from) 13. felon’s death – жестокая смерть 14. flogging – порка, телесное наказание 15. gag - вставлять кляп 16. gallows –а) виселица ( орудие наказания ) б) приговор к смерти через повешение 17. goal – тюрьма 18. hangman – палач 19. humiliation – унижение 20. limb (n),(v) – конечность; расчленять, разрывать на части 21. manslaughter – непредумышленное убийство 22. mutilation – расчленение; увечье 23. neglect – пренебрежение, игнорирование 24. ordeals – суровое испытание 25. penal servitude – каторжные работы 26. pillory – позорный столб 27. quartering – четвертование 28. rebel – повстанец, участник восстания, восставший; мятежник, участник мятежа 29. release of license – выдача оправдательного документа, расписки; 30. riot – бунт; восстание, мятеж 31. scaffold – эшафот; плаха; виселица; казнь 32. separate confinement –одиночное заключение 33. stocks– колодки 34. strangulation –удушение, удавление 35. thrust – колоть, пронзать, наносить колющий удар; тыкать, протыкать 36. be hanged – быть повешенным; казненным через повешение 37. be tried – находиться под судом; находиться на рассмотрении суда 38. torture – пытка 39. transportation for life – пожизненная ссылка 40. trump up – выдумать; сфабриковать Vocabulary notes Coat of arm – герб, щит герба Grave risk – большой, высокий риск 2) наиболее вероятный ( человек, ранее судимый и подозреваемый в повторном совершении преступления ) Hulk – большое неповоротливое судно Reading Comprehension Exercises
1. Read the text. It is already divided into the parts. 2. Write out the main ideas of each part in one sentence or word combination in a form of a plan for the future retelling.
Find in the text the information about: 1. Sir Winston Churchill’s warning; 2. witches, witchcraft and witch-finders; 3. famous executioners; what famous executioner Jack Ketch was famous for; 4. the wages of executioners; 5. children, sentenced to death; 6. what London Bridge was used as; 7. about people who were killed for their religious beliefs; 8. the fate of John Kemble; 9. benefit of the clergy; 10. Lord Byron, a great uncle of the poet; 11. the greatest escape of all time; 12. hulks; 13. dungeons;. 14. Elizabeth Fry, one of the noted reformers; 15. transportation abroad ; 16. reluctance of America to accept transported convicts; 17. penal servitude; 18. pillory; 19. ducking stool. Vocabulary Work Exercises I. Suggest Russian equivalents of the following expressions and use them in sentences of your own based on the text. 1. innocent; 2. confess; 3. ensure; 4. loss of liberty; 5. transportation; 6. grip of superstitions; 7. dispatch; 8. to be tried; 9. offend; 10. condemned; 11. Benefit of the clergy; 12. scot-free; 13. abolish; 14. dungeon; 15. plea; 16. penal servitude; 17. associated labour; 18. impose; 19. plot; II. Suggest English equivalents of the following expressions and use them in sentences of your own based on the text. 1. обвинение; 2. нести наказание; 3.смертная казнь; 4. тюремное заключение; 5. телесное наказание; 6. защита ссылкой на невменяемость; 7. убийство; 8. государственная измена; 9. заговорщик; 10. непредумышленное убийство; 11. оправдать; 12. налагать наказание; 13. отбывать наказание по приговору; 14. депортировать, высылать; 15. одиночное заключение; 16. освобождение по специальному разрешению, лицензии; 17. лжесвидетельство; III. Match the expressions on the left (A) with their proper translation on the right (B).
IV. Guess the concept of the following definitions. 1. Discharge completely (as from an obligation or an accusation). 2. The voluntary violation of an oath or vow either by swearing to what is untrue or by omission to do what has been promised under oath; false swearing. 3. Establish or apply by authority. 4. The act of killing, killing a great number of human beings. 5. Kill with quick efficiency. V. Give definitions of these words. Use the dictionary. Suggest word combinations in which these words can be used. 1. plot (n); 2. plea (n); 3. abolish (v); 4. inflict (v); 5. mistreat (v); VI. Match the words on the left (A) with their definitions on the right (B) and give their Russian equivalents.
VII. Translate the sentences from English into Russian. 1. As to the courts, in cases where the death penalty was the likely sentence juries would often acquit a defendant for whom they had some sympathy, regardless of the strength of the evidence. 2. In the late eighteenth century there was quite literally a prison fleet – of prison ships known as hulks. 3. Having survived three efforts to hand him, Lee’s sentence was commuted to life imprisonment. 4. Penal servitude consisted of three stages: separate confinement; associated labour (this took place in three gradually improving stages, with prisoners eventually being taught trades); and release on license. 5. Convicts who would previously have been transported to America were now kept in prison, working at such useless tasks as carrying heavy stones backwards and forwards across the prison yard. 6. In early times a superstitious belief in omens, ghosts, witchcraft and like was very common. 7. This method of escape from execution became known as benefit of the clergy, and the verse became known as the “neck verse”, because many people – even those who couldn’t read – learned it off by heart and in that way saved their neck. VIII. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
1. As for those who ___________or who were ________ guilty, the punishment that may be ________ must seem totally barbaric. 2. In medieval England the average life _____ was much lower. 3. Some executioners were given star status, and being an ________ was a highly ________occupation. 4. The man was tried and ________ despite his attempted _______. 5. The English devised the penalty of “______, ______, and ______” it was reserved for cases of ______. 6. He was _____ to death but later the sentence was commuted to ________. 7. The method of escape from execution became known as _________. 8. In cases where the death penalty was the likely ______ juries would often _____ a defendant for whom they had sympathy. IX. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate prepositions and adverbs from the box.