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  • A [ei] O [ou] E [i:] I [ai] Y [wai]

  • Безударный слог

  • Unit 2. About myself and my family.

  • Упражнение 7.

  • Speech exercises Задание 1.

  • Задание 4.

  • Задание 5.

  • Задание 8.

  • Задание 11.

  • Задание 13.

  • Test . About myself and my family.

  • Unit 3. My house (flat).

  • англ. Типы чтения английских гласных букв в ударных и безударных слогах

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    Типы чтения английских гласных букв в ударных и безударных слогах.

    A [ei]

    O [ou]

    E [i:]

    I [ai]

    Y [wai]

    U [ju:]

    Ударный слог

    I тип

    Открытый слог



















    II тип

    Закрытый слог


















    III тип

    + r + согласная
















    IV тип

    + r + гласная
















    Безударный слог

    V тип




    [ə], [ou]



    [ə], [i]










    Сочетания гласных.
    [i:] ee – see, ea – sea, ie – believe, ei – receive

    [a:] a+ss – grass, a+st – last, a+sk – task, a+sp – grasp, a+lm – calm, ea+r – heart

    [o:] au – author, aw – saw, oo+r – door, aught – taught, ought – thought, a+l – wall, a+lk –talk, wa+r – warm

    [o] wa – want

    [u:] oo – too, ou – group

    [ju:] ew – new

    [u] oo – book

    [ə:] ea+r – learn, wo+r – work

    [Λ] o – son, ou – country, oo – flood

    [ei] ai – rain, ay – day, ey – they, eigh – eight

    [ai] i+gn – sign, i+ld – child, i+nd – blind, igh – night

    [oi] oi – oil, oy – toy

    [au] ou – out, ow – down

    [ou] oa – coat, ow – know, o+ll – toll, o+ld – cold

    [iə] ea+r – near, ee+r – engineer

    [εə] ai+r – chair, e+re – there, ea+r – bear

    [uə] oo+r – poor, our – tour
    Сочетания согласных.
    ck [k] – luck

    sh [∫] – ship

    ch [t∫] – chip

    tch [t∫] – catch

    th [θ] – thick

    th [ð] – this

    ph [f] – phone

    qu [kw] – quite

    kn [n] – knife

    ng [ŋ] – thing

    nk [ŋk] – sink
    wh+o [h] – who

    wh+остальные гласные [w] – what

    wr в начале слова перед гласными [r] – writer
    c [s] – перед e, i, y – nice, city, icy

    [k] – в остальных случаях – come, catch
    g [dg] – перед e, i, y – large, engine, gym

    исключения – get, begin, give

    [g] – в остальных случаях – good, go
    Задание 1. Назовите буквы в следующих словах.
    What, young, chalk, page, switch, social, bridge, mouth, knife, just, quarter, union, why, vegetable, par­ents, experiment, yesterday, pleasant, accept, resources, conquering, space.
    Задание 2. Отработайте произношение следующих гласных.

    [i:] - meal, cheese, we, be, speak, feel.

    [i] - sit, become, market, pocket, money.

    [е] - test, centre, lesson, bed, breath.

    [ə:] - her, term, first, girl, world, learn.

    [ə] - doctor, farmer, answer, sentence.

    [a:] - part, large, class, pass, plant.

    [Λ] - funny, sun, son, month, London.

    [æ] - man, bad, sand, land, than, pan.

    [о] - cot, pot, hostel, body, wash.

    [о:] - chalk, court, port, horse, raw.

    [u] - pull, full, foot, look, would.

    [u:] - pool, fool, lose, food, cool.

    [ai] - high, fine, my, type, mine, died.

    [ei] - main, paper, wait, fate, plane.

    [oi] - point, spoilt, toys, oil, joint.

    [аu] – found, round, out.

    [оu] - no, stone, home, low, lonely.

    [iə] - ear, beer, appear, dear.

    [uə] - tour, sure, poor, cruel, assure.

    [εə] - air, bear, dare, hair, pair.
    Задание 3. Отработайте произношение следующих согласных.

    [p] - pea, cup, pap, pride.

    [b] - bee, cab, but, bake, bite.

    [t] - tea, tip, set, take, time.

    [d] - dry, drew, dog, build.

    [k] - crew, sick, pick, come.

    [g] - grew, fog, big, gum.

    [f] - fame, few, leaf, knife.

    [v] - leave, very, vain, save.

    [θ] - throw, fifth, thin, teeth.

    [ð] - those, that, this, without.

    [s] - docks, said, peace, nice.

    [z] - dogs, zed, please, seize.

    [∫] - ship, shoes, finish, share.

    [з] - usual, vision, measure, decision.

    [t∫] - match, fetch, culture, cheese.

    [dg] - jam, badge, Jane, January.

    [h] - horse, hill, hope, husband.

    [m] - farm, man, month, name.

    [n] - land, garden, night, snow.

    [ŋ] - thing, song, sleeping.

    [1] - lunch, love, light, early.

    [r] - round, risk, trouble, rough.

    [w] - well, win, wet, weather.

    [j] - yet, you, yellow, yesterday.
    Задание 4. Прочитайте слова согласно правилам чтения.

    Came, nice, close, dinner, stop, line, cable, letter, plane, meet, card, large, sheep, pair, just, soon, well, food, bathe, pump, good, dry, read, fact, jam, cup, wet, speak, wall, cheese, deer, thin, now, girl, cage, bird, name, green.
    Unit 2. About myself and my family.

    Упражнение 1. Замените выделенные существительные соответствующими личными местоимениями.

    1. Peter has got a family. __________________________________________

    2. The family is not very big. _______________________________________

    3. Todd and Fred have got a cousin. _________________________________

    4. My grandmother lives in a village. ________________________________

    5. I and my friend like football. _____________________________________

    Упражнение 2. Употребите соответствующие личные местоимения в объектном падеже.

    1. some of (we). _________________________________________

    2. with (he). ____________________________________________

    3. one of (you). __________________________________________

    4. without (she). _________________________________________

    5. many of (they). ________________________________________

    6. for (I). _______________________________________________

    7. about (it). _____________________________________________

    Упражнение 3. Употребите соответствующие притяжательные местоимения.

    1. Мой friend. __________________________________________

    2. Твои relatives. ________________________________________

    3. Его family. ___________________________________________

    4. Ваши parents. _________________________________________

    5. Их sister. _____________________________________________

    6. Ее grandparents. _______________________________________

    7. Наш brother. __________________________________________

    Упражнение 4. Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой глагола to be.

    1. They ____ fond of music.

    2. ____ you married?

    3. My brother ____ very busy during the day.

    4. We ____ students.

    5. Where ____ you from?

    6. I ____ afraid of dogs.

    7. Mary ____ not interested in political events.

    8. It ____ warm today.

    Упражнение 5. Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой глагола to have.

    1. We ____ a good time.

    2. I always ____ breakfast in the morning.

    3. Ann ____ got a brother.

    4. ____ you got any hobby?

    5. My grandparents like to _____ some rest after dinner.

    6. He ____ many friends.

    Упражнение 6. Вставьте артикль, где это необходимо.

    1. … my family is not very large. 2. We are four in … family. 3. I have … mother, … father and … brother. 4. I am not … only child in … family.
    Упражнение 7. Напишите множественную форму следующих слов.

    A toy, a potato, a box, an army, a mouse, a goose, a wolf, a knife, a man, a pen, a foot, a child.
    Упражнение 8. Переведите следующие словосочетания.

    семья Иры, телефон подруги, фото детей, ручки брата, книги моих друзей.
    Упражнение 9. Постройте вопросы.

    1. (What/your name?) ________________________________________________

    2. (How old/you?) ___________________________________________________

    3. (you/brothers or sisters?) ____________________________________________

    4. (they/older or younger/than you?) _____________________________________

    5. (you/a student?) ___________________________________________________

    6. (you/interested in/your study) ________________________________________

    7. (you/a hobby?) ____________________________________________________

    8. (What/your hobby?) ________________________________________________

    Speech exercises

    Задание 1. Посмотрите на семейное дерево Питера и ответьте на следующие вопросы (воспользуйтесь словарем, если это необходимо).

    1. Is Peter’s family large or small?

    2. Has he got a family of his own?

    3. How many children has he got?

    4. Has he got a sister?

    Задание 3. Закончите предложения, описывающие семейное дерево Питера из задания 1, используйте слова данные в рамочке.

    family; husband; wife; parents; father; mother; children; son; daughter; grandparents; grandfather; grandmother; grandchildren; grandsons; granddaughter; brother; sister; uncle; aunt; cousin.

      1. Mary is Jack and Peter’s ______________. William is their ________________. They are their _______________.

      2. Paul is Ann’s ____________ and Jack and Peter’s _______________. Ann is Paul’s ____________ and Jack and Peter’s _______________. Paul and Ann are Jack and Peter’s _______________.

      3. Derek is Ann’s ____________ and he is Jack and Peter’s _______________.

      4. Lisa is Paul’s _____________ and she is Jack and Peter’s ______________.

      5. Sandra is Jack and Peter’s _____________. She is Margaret and Harry’s ______________. Margaret and Harry have three ______________. They are their _____________.

      6. Peter has got a ___________ of his own. Peter and Emily have two ____________. Paul Junior is their _________ and Amelia is their __________.

    Задание 4. Закончите предложения, описывающие родственные связи семьи Питера в задании 1, воспользовавшись тематическим словарем.

    1. Diana is Peter’s ___________________.

    2. Jack is Emily’s ___________________.

    3. John is Peter’s ____________________.

    4. Amelia is Diana’s __________________.

    5. Jack is Paul Junior and Amelia’s ______________ and Diana is their ___________.

    Задание 5. Прочитайте заголовок диалога. Как вы думаете, о чем пойдет в нем речь?
    Задание 6. Read the dialog and answer the questions!:

    1. Whose family album is this?

    2. His family is very big, isn’t it?

    3. Has he got a sister or a brother?

    4. Has he got grandparents?

    The Family Album

    A: Are these pictures of your family, Peter?

    B: Yes, we like to make photos.

    A: Could you tell me what relations you have with the people in the pictures?

    B: All right. Look at this photo. This is my father, my mother, my younger sister and me.

    A: Oh, your parents look very young. How old are they?

    B: My father is 45 and my mother is 40. She is an accountant in a big company.

    A: And your father? He wears a uniform. Is he a military man or a policeman?

    B: He is a policeman.

    A: What are their names?

    B: My mother’s name is Healy and father’s name is Edward.

    A: How old is your sister?

    B: She is 15.

    A: And what is her name?

    B: Her name is Kelly.

    A: Is this the picture of your grandparents?

    B: You are right. Here it is. This is my grandmother Bertha and my grandfather Jack.

    A: And whose photo is this?

    B: A friend of mine. Her name is Carol. She is pretty, isn't she?

    A: She is beautiful. Does she study with you?

    B: Oh, no. Carol is a student of another department.

    A: I see. And who are these people?

    B: This is my mother's elder brother, Mathew and his wife Jane.

    A: They are so young in the photo.

    B: My uncle is fifty three already. He has a grown-up son David. He is my cousin. He is married and has children of his own. They are my nephew and my niece. Look here!

    A: Oh, you have a very big family!
    Задание 7. Read the dialog once again. Agree or disagree with the next statements.

    1. Peter has got a very big family.

    2. Kelly is Peter’s friend.

    3. Bertha and Jack are Peter’s grandparents.

    4. Mathew and Jane are Peter’s parents.

    5. Peter has a family of his own.

    6. He has got a nephew and a niece.
    Задание 8. Прочитайте диалог еще раз и постройте Peter’s family tree.
    Задание 9. Прочитайте диалог еще раз и разыграйте его с партнерами.
    Задание 10. Расспросите вашего друга о его семье.
    Задание 11. Основываясь на информации, полученной из задания 10, расскажите о семье вашего друга.
    Задание 12. Translate the next sentences into English.

    1. У моего друга есть отец, мать, старший брат и младшая сестра.

    2. Отец моего друга - водитель.

    3. Его мать - врач в больнице.

    4. Его брат - менеджер небольшой компании.

    5. Его сестра - школьница.

    6. Мой друг младше своего брата на 7 лет и старше своей сестры на 3 года.

    Задание 13. Напишите о своей семье.
    Задание 14. Прочитайте текст № 1 из сборника дополнительных текстов и ответьте на вопросы:

    1. What is your name?

    2. What is your occupation?

    3. How old are you?

    4. Have you got brothers or sisters?

    5. Are they elder or younger than you?

    6. Are you a student?

    7. What is your department?

    8. Have you got a hobby?

    9. What is it?

    Задание 15. Прочитайте текст № 2 из сборника дополнительных текстов и ответьте на вопросы:

    1. Are families in Britain the same as in your country?

    2. What are the differences between Russian and British families?
    Test . About myself and my family.

    1. My family ___ not very big.

    a) have b) has c) is

    1. He _____ got a brother.

    a) is b) has c) have

    1. I am ___ student.

    a) a b) the c) -

    4. This is my sister and me and these are _____ parents.

    a) my b) his c) our

    5. One of _____ is my nephew.

    a) it b) them c) us

    Unit 3. My house (flat).

    Упражнение 1. Заполните пропуски неопределенными местоимениями some или any.

    1. Is there ____ water in the glass?

    2. I want ____ milk.

    3. There are ____ pencils in the box.

    4. I don’t want ____ ice-cream.

    5. Can I take ______flowers, please?

    6. Are there ____ chairs in the room?

    7. There are ____ chairs in the room.

    8. There is not ____ sugar in my tea.

    9. Is there ____ soap in the bathroom?

    10. There is ____ soap in the bathroom.

    11. Are there ____ children in the garden?

    12. Would you like to eat ______ sandwiches?

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