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    1. Согласны ли вы со следующими утверждениями, характеризующими работу полиции в России?

    1. The police enjoy trust and respect of citizens.

    2. People seldom turn to the police for help.

    3. Policemen always behave properly and never break laws themselves.

    4. Policemen are always ready to help people in case of emergency.

    TEXT 1

    Police of the Russian Federation

    2. Прочитайте текст и выразите согласие/несогласие со следующими утверждениями.

    1. The function and organization of the police in Russia and other countries is the same.

    2. Police personnel are not permitted to carry their weapons when they are off duty

    3. Conscripted soldiers are never assigned to carry out simple public security tasks.

    4. The aim of the reform was only to improve the image of the police.

    The organizational structure, methods and traditions of the police of the Russian Federation as well as the functions and organization of Ministry of Internal Affairs differ from the police of western

    countries. The departments in western countries are usually civil executive bodies headed by politicians and responsible for many other tasks as well as the supervision of law enforcement.

    One unique feature of policing approach in Russia is the system of territorial patronage over citizens. Cities as well as rural settlements are divided into districts and the policeman is the main and actually the real police force in these areas.

    The duty of a policeman is to maintain close relations with the residents of his district. He is also responsible for tackling minor offences like family violence, loud noise, residential area parking etc.

    Police personnel carry firearms, but are not permitted to carry their weapons when they are off duty. Although women constitute a significant proportion of police staff, they are usually not permitted to fill positions that carry risks but they are allowed to carry firearms in self-defence. Instead, they are widely represented among investigators, juvenile crime inspectors, clerks etc. However, limited attempts are being made to appoint women as traffic officers.

    Another unique feature is the use of conscripted soldiers from the Internal Troops for regular urban policing. The Internal Troops are the military force who can be assigned to carry out simple public security tasks like patrolling while being accompanied by professional policemen, or cordoning large crowds at sport events, concerts and protests.

    On 1 March 2011 Russian law enforcers were renamed from militia to police. Russian police reform is an ongoing effort to improve the efficiency of Russia’s police forces and improve the public image of law enforcement.

    1. Соотнесите английские словосочетания с их русскими вариантами перевода.

    1) to be assigned permanent partners

    a) получить административное взыскание

    2) a territorial patronage over somebody

    b) быть связанным с

    3) to forward a case to the court for trial.

    c) повышать эффективность

    4) conscripted soldiers

    d) иметь постоянного напарника по работе

    5) to improve efficiency

    e) передавать дело на рассмотрение

    6) to have links to

    f) призывники, новобранцы

    7) to receive administrative penalties

    g) осуществлять надзор за жителями данного


    1. Переведите текст 2 на русский язык. Составьте краткий план уголовного расследования.

    TEXT 2

    The Criminal Investigation in Russia

    The criminal investigation in serious cases is divided into two stages: an informal inquest performed by the police and a formal preliminary investigation usually conducted by a legally trained investigator who works for the Ministry of Internal Affairs but is subordinate to the procuracy. Less serious cases are investigated by the police and their reports are submitted in writing directly to the courts, by passing the formal preliminary investigation.

    The activity of the police during the inquest is supposed to be limited to arresting suspects, securing the crime scene, and taking initial evidence from available suspects and witnesses. The police should inform the procuracy within twenty four hours of the arrest of a suspect and the case should then be turned over to the investigator who decides whether to initiate a formal criminal investigation. All investigative acts are documented in writing and collected in an investigative dossier that follows the case into the courts and serves as a repository for vital evidence during trial and appeal. The procurator has forty-eight hours after notification to either issue an order of preventive detention or

    release the suspect. Detention is authorized if there is fear the defendant will not appear for trial, destroy evidence, commit more crimes or just because of the seriousness of the offence.

    When the investigator determines that there is sufficient evidence to bring the accused before trial he prepares an accusatory pleading and forwards it to the procurator for review. The accused and his counsel have, at this point, the right to full discovery of the entire contents of the investigative dossier. The procurator may dismiss the case, amend the pleading or forward the case to the court for trial.

    1. Заполните таблицу. Обсудите полученные данные, используя следующие речевые модели.

    Speaking of … To begin with,

    Our top priority is Above all, …

    Another consideration is In short …

    To sum up

    Говоря о … Прежде всего

    Наиважнейшим является … Главным образом, в основном,

    Следующее, что следует принять во внимание, это Короче говоря

    Подводя итог сказанному итоге …)



    Police in Russia

    Police in the UK

    Повторение грамматики. Инфинитив. Cложное дополнение (Infinitive.Complex Object).

    1. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление инфинитива в различных функциях.

    1. The purpose of the trial is to decide whether the defendant is guilty or not guilty.

    2. The objective of the criminal law is to protect the community.

    3. Usually the person making the claim wants money to compensate for what has happened.

    4. One of the important differences between civil and criminal cases is what is called the burden of proof or the standard to which the case has to be proved.

    5. One of the aims of criminal sanctions is to correct and reform criminals.

    6. In criminal law prosecution is required to identify and locate the guilty person and to provide evidence of his guilt.

    7. No rule of criminal law is of more importance than that which requires the counsel for the prosecution to give his version of evidence.

    8. An important aspect of criminal law is that in most crimes the prosecution has to prove two elements.

    9. Burglary is entering a building, inhabited vehicle or vessel to steal, to inflict bodily harm or to do unlawful damage. In English law any entry by an individual into a building with the intent to commit theft is burglary.

    10. To prove the guilt of the accused beyond reasonable doubt means not to have any doubt about his guilt.

    2. Переведите предложения, содержащие «сложное дополнение», на русский язык.

    1. We consider this decision to be unlawful.

    2. The public expected the barrister for the defence to give his closing arguments.

    3. The accused did not expect the punishment to be so severe.

    4. People saw the policeman stop and search the car.

    5. The public expected the jury to examine the evidence and give a just and reasonable verdict.

    6. To prevent unrest the police ordered the mob to leave the square.

    7. The jurors watched the prosecutor exhibit the evidence.

    8. The eye witness saw the defendant enter the house.

    9. We believe crime prevention to be one of the main functions of the police.

    10. The witness heard the offender threaten the victim.

    3. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя конструкцию «cложное дополнение».

    1. Никто не ожидал, что свидетелем обвинения выступит жена подозреваемого.

    2. Адвокат предполагал, что судья освободит обвиняемого под залог.

    3. Подсудимый слышал, как свидетель давал показания под присягой.

    4. Полицейский попросил свидетеля составить фоторобот подозреваемого.

    5. Следователь хотел, чтобы эксперт выяснил, было ли данное оружие использовано при совершении преступления.

    6. Полицейский заставил подозреваемого пройти тест на наличие наркотиков.

    7. Многие люди высказывают пожелание, чтобы правительство отменило мораторий на смертную казнь.

    8. Подсудимый хотел, чтобы его дело рассматривалось судом присяжных.

    9. Никто не заметил, как подозреваемый скрылся с места преступления.

    10. Свидетели видели, как молодой человек вынес несколько компьютеров из здания офиса и погрузил их в машину.

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